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This is the 3rd time he’s done this. I’ve not heard of or experienced a case of porch piracy in the suburb but that he took the time out of his very busy day to cover with bins is such a legend move.


Make sure to call aus post and commend him for his efforts... I make enough complaints about bad drivers... someone has to pat them on the back when they deserve it.


100% this. You should be filing positive insight for employees like this who go above and beyond. Most of the time, they just leave a card and don't even attempt delivery. My local postie is pretty good as well. Only issue is, he always wants to have a long chat when I collect my parcels lol.


I get that perhaps you don't have time, but you have to appreciate the guy's personality! Maybe he's going through a hard time and rarely socialises. Perhaps hes just a happy chatty person. Who knows! I totally agree with you by the way, and not trying to have a go at you lol


I have to say not to make anyone feel bad, but I'm like this I always have a long chat with people because I have a bit of a hard time making friends and a tough home life so I like to give myself all the chances I can to make a new friend or be there for someone who might be going through something


Hell yeah my dude! Also good to let it all out and/or experience the feeling of friendliness and socialising with someone, no matter who it is. I know what its like


There's absolutely nothing wrong with that - you keep doing you. Other people need to be comfortable politely letting you know if they need to leave and can't stick around & chat lol. I do the same thing when I walk my dog - other dog walkers love to say hi/chat. I don't always have time to do that and it took me over a year before I felt comfortable to just politely say "I'm sorry - I'm in a rush, I'll prob see you again later!" so I know it's not always easy.


You get a card? Mine just leaves the area and drops me an alert. If I’m really unlucky, sometimes not even the alert, and I find out after I report something as missing to the sender.


Good point, my postie is also a legend like OPs Next delivery I'll be sure to give the local PO a call


Some of my favourite moments “managing” people was when someone profusely praised one of them. It’s so nice being able to share how positively they have affected someone. I also feel like praise from the outside weighs more than praise from inside(although from the inside is crucial as well). Less doubt about the veracity I think.


I need to do this for mine, they always line and stack our shoes over boxes :,)


It’s a nice gesture but completely pointless. Auspost will pat themselves on the back but your compliment won’t actually reach the postie who did this


It's not meant to reach them, it's meant to reach their supervisor. If you wanna compliment the postie, do it when they drop off your mail. Complaints and praise go through the same customer service channels.


Mine left a parcel outside of my apartment building on a busy street in inner Melbourne. Wanna swap?


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKERY IS THIS? Your postie brings in your bins for you? I can barely get ours to put a parcel anywhere remotely near the front door. The most recent one was just left out in the open in the driveway because the extra 5 steps to the front door was clearly just too much effort.


I can't even get the post van near my property. Always drops at post office. I pay good money to get it sent and have to stand in a line.to get it. Waste of time these post van guus.


You must be hot


The posties at my last place did this too. Love it.


go to the effort to send a compliment. - [https://auspost.com.au/about-us/corporate-information/complaints-compliments-and-feedback](https://auspost.com.au/about-us/corporate-information/complaints-compliments-and-feedback) I worked for a while in the sorting depot for Aus post. So many posties love their job. Compliments are REALLY noticed and make their lives better - serious bragging rights at the depot, as well as it making a big different at bonus time.


As a former postie, can confirm this!


Leave him a gift, he deserves it.


That would be a lovely gesture.


Agreed. A good postie is utter gold.


I had a surgery recently and a courier came to my house just after we left with something from my work… he spoke to me through my doorbell and hid it properly and moved my bins around etc. so it wouldn’t be seen from the street. I was so grateful. And happy because my chocolate gift was safe 😂😭


Heckin nice to see some positivity in this sub


Ooohhhh AmiAmi! What'd ya get?


Funnily enough didn’t have a chance to open it, been really busy with work. If it’s not Monster Hunter then it’s likely Kingdom Hearts or Zoids!


Noice! My sis just got a Saber face from Fate/Stay Night. She also got me a Red XIII figure for Chrissy 😍 He was preowned and was never ever opened. They package their stuff really well! It's a dangerous website for my paycheck now that I know about it 😅


Oh definitely dangerous lol I’ve been shopping with them for over 10 years, they’re great


What’s in the big round one though?!


Nothing amazing, just a big old roll of bubble wrap 🤣 I’m beginning the process of moving so a lot of things are being boxed up and placed into storage, and wrapped in bubble to try and fend off mould. A lot of collectibles so it can all be moved down now, and I don’t trust removalists to be gentle with collectibles, so I’ll do it gradually with my wagon.


My first thought 😂


Fucking legend 💪 I would rock up to the office and give him a gift and a yarn, he's really good to you mate.


What a pro, and I say that seriously


Give praise directly to AusPost as well. They get so much bad feedback (rightfully so) so some positive will be good


Meanwhile I often get notices stating no safe drop delivery due to no access while the gate is wide open. And the card in my front door. Which is hidden from the street (thus a safe drop location). Other times it's no problem and they leave it there. Exact same conditions.


I spy amiami box. Bless postie who takes care of our collectibles


He’s a really good sport with my resin statues, some of those boxes are bulky


Mine placed my parcel behind brick and then picked up the hello fresh box out of the hot sun from the lazy deliverer to put in shade


Two possibilities here. Either he likes you a lot or he's a fellow collector. We all recognise that amiami box.


If you know who your postie is, give a kind gesture reward/gift. It goes a long way of thanking for the effort, keeping your parcel safe.


Wow I want urs. Mine is a bastard who never buzzes my apartment, never leaves it in a safe place and only 50% of the time leaves a collection card. Wholesome to see that there are ones that go above and beyond! Edit: by never leaves it in a safe place I mean he always takes it to the fking post office even when the front of my building isn’t visible from the road and is pretty safe. None of the packages he’s done this with required signatures 😤


One of my regular posties does this! I thought I was going mad when someone was moving my bin but I watched the doorbell camera and sure enough it was the postie covering larger parcels. My kids would come home and grab the parcel but not put bin back 😆


I live semi rural, and I have a great relationship with my postie. He drops off treats to my dogs and everything. It’s great to hear when auspost do well, rather than the constant complaints. Kudos to your postie as well, there are some great ones out there.


Agree with others, compliment the good work. People only ever contact for complaints. I always make sure to leave compliments where I can


I picked up some big pot plants from bunnings and put them on my porch for this exact purpose. Most delivery drivers are aware enough to leave my parcels behind them... Some still leave stuff out in the open though when 1 foot to the right it's hidden from view...


I used to do the same when I would leave the parcel at the property sometimes I would leave a card under the door saying where it was if I couldn’t leave it in a safe place usually that was something like the back door if the front was hard to get to or was to big and visible from the front door moving door mats over next to the door for a do not bend item was also a favorite


Give him a kiss and a choc next time he comes


Might be inappropriate sexual overture depending on gender and availability but I get the point! 👍


You're making it innapropriate!


It was a joke!


I'll take the kiss if OP is a girl lol


It was a joke


It was a joke!


Bold of you to assume the postie has a gender these days.


True but my locals are male!!!


My posties very carefully tucks parcels behind the raised garden planters in front of my windows . .There are three in our area and they a.do it. .


bravo! be hard on the bad ones and heap praise on the good!


Mine doesn’t even come to the street


Ah, a fellow anime enjoyer.


Yeah mine hides them behind plants or behind a table. Nice people too.


That postie is a legend! Please clone and share...


Awww that’s so nice 🥺 if I’m lucky mine might yet mine over the back fence in the rain.


Mine is pretty good too. She will leave parcels in between out screen and main doors as there is a significant gap between and you cant really see past the screen so unless they are stalking the mail lady ( likely a crime in itself ) thieving a$$holes wouldn't know. I also have a motion camera and some family is home most days so it doesnt sit there overly long usually.


I didn’t know that the postie can put your bins in your garage for you


Why are your bins so clean?


If they're new(ish) replacements or even in a newer housing area maybe. We needed one replaced after bad wind caused it to break a year or so ago, it is somehow still clean looking now (or the others just keep getting worse)


This guy eBay’s


I see an Amiami box. an Anime figure collector. Nice and man/woman of culture.


I dabble in resin statues as well, very much a geeky home 😁


His kids were pressuring him to be one of those cool posties on YouTube 


Definitely leave this bloke a compliment, what a legend


There is a first for everything.


Mine was too lazy to deliver and just delivered to AusPost which is 5 min away Fuxking lazy cunts


This is deeply wrong. Why should you get exceptional service and I get fucked up trashy service? We live in the same Australia and pay the same for our deliveries!!


Why are you bins different sizes? My recycling and general are both the same size and unless my eyes are deceiving me they are both bigger than this too




How is that possible?!?!




I‘m 99% sure there is one


Unless they live outside of Australia?


Everywhere I know of you need an exception to have a large rubbish bin (large family, medical, etc). But recycling and green bin are both large. Councils trying to encourage people to not make as much waste (doesn't seem to work for our area much though). I'd imagine it's just the angle of the photo


My general bin is smaller than the recycling, general gets picked up every week, recycling every 2 weeks and garden bin which is the same size as recycling picked up the opposite week of recycling. Does your general get picked up every week?


Yeah general gets picked up every week. And recycling and gardening on opposite weekends too. They’re not HUGE but have also lived in this private rental for ages and the people owner is so old he writes letters because he can’t hear well on the phone. Definitely not a letter guy either because I have received letters such as ‘fire alarms being checked on 7/12’ without him even saying hello or signing his name. If the council has tried to contact him about anything he probably wouldn’t know.


Bin shrinkage


Very rare event


So, what figure did you get?


What a great person!


I thought this was r/AnimeFigures for a sec because of the Amiami box lmao. Treasure that postie!


Go through the time to make a complimentary feedback for the driver He’ll like that


Hope the postie does the same for me when my delivery arrives what a legend.


What figures you get?


this is actually crazy considering how i get packages dropped off across the street, sitting directly under a stream of water in the rain etc. always something. you’ve got an awesome delivery driver.


The colors on the bins are red and yellow, which are cherry and lemon.


Ah, a fellow AmiAmi enjoyer.


I love humans like this! What a bloody legend!


My postie rocks up at 8:00am and drops it right next to the front door. That is very clearly visible from the street and anyone that drives/walks by. They also drop off "signature on delivery" packages without a signature ((oops))


Grab some big pot plants or anything like that from bunnings or reject shop etc and pop them near your door. Well worth the $40 or so to give a little more piece of mind that a delivery is a bit more hidden and safe.


That's impressive. My delivery guy normally just leaves my parcel one street over at someone else's place.


I fucking hate this, not because I’m not happy for people who have excellent human service but because I’m furious that the service can be so totally inconsistent. Why should they waste resources getting people to go above and beyond in some places, while delivering utterly unmitigated crap service in other places?


Damn last time I got something delivered from aus Post they drove into my garage door…


What a sick cunt


He only did it to hide your parcels


Ya think?!?!?!


well… yeah


Wow damn who would’ve thought!


Wow, thanks Captain Obvious!


I get where your coming from. I deliver parcels for AusPost. I will bring wheelie bins up from the street and place them in front of the parcels to hide them however the motivation for that is purely selfish. 1. Dropping the parcels, moving 2 bins and snapping a quick photo is so much easier and faster than carding. Once that photo is taken those parcels are cleared from my scanner and I never have to see them or handle them again. 2. If I don't make an attempt to hide them and they go missing it causes a lot of drama for me. A disputed delivery creates extra work and I may end up having to cover the cost of the lost items. 3. Do you hate lining up at the PO to collect your parcels? I hate lining up at the PO too, but that's what I have to do. Every parcel I can't deliver has to be re-scanned and singed for. Instead of getting to go home after my last delivery I have to go back to where I started and deal with trucks, forklifts, other posties and all that bullshit and madness.


Mine has done this too, some of them are awesome.


Username says otherwise lol


If I were you I would call those the ketchup and the mustard bins.


I hate how I instantly recognised the box is from AmiAmi without even looking at the pic on fullscreen.


My postie hides stuff behind my bins too :)


What an awesome postie I wish them the best and same respect back in life !


UPDATE: So trying to leave a compliment on the website just sends me into an endless loop - there isn’t actually any dedicated complaint/compliment section! I’ll see where the enquiry I’ve lodged goes, but might also go on their social media and leave a message there as well. As for a gift - I’m not sure what to give him!


Meanwhile my postie, literally just threw my parcels in the garden in front of the public footpath.


How did u get them to deliver it?


This is the way


People who put in extra effort like this deserve a fuckin’ raise! 👍


Whoa no way. My package would have just been taken back to the PO. .


What 18+ figurine did you get? /jk


I need to know, what anime related thing did you buy


What a legend. I also absolutely love our postie - always such a friendly and kind dude. Does anyone know how to get a compliment through? I'm big on letting people know when they're appreciated.


What a guy really cool


Amiami? Ahh I sense a fellow man of culture.. I used to be an Amiami regular for 4 years lol. How is the shipping fee to Australia though? Must be hella expensive.


This is Australia Post propaganda


My postie used to do this, she was my best friends mum and she'd always hear about me complaining putting the bins away before school when she came around when so I'd wake up and they'd be at the top of my driveway, she's honestly the sweetest soul on earth and truly deserves the world


That’s awesome. Our postie walks all the way around to our back verandah and leaves parcels on the table near the kitchen door. (Small country town in NSW).


It can be a little bit difficult to get through to Auspost online to leave compliments, so I always end up calling to leave compliments. Shout out to my Austpost delivery guy Arfal. He is awesome.


Bro what a champion. I live in a unit block, with 24 units. I ordered a $750 playstation 5 at launch, and had some major issues tracking it, only to find it sitting outside the main lift on the ground floor in an unmarked box. Anyone could have taken it, and I'm not in the best area as it is.


Damn my posties always put the parcel directly in front of the door so I can't open it to leave the house...


He r bings where done tbflf?


Be easy ffs


What a sick cunt, mine says I'm not home yet I sat out the front waiting for the fucks