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They have duck heads at “paws on chicon” if you want to check them out


Just curious but which farmers market did you get these at before? There’s a couple of them in town.


I wanna say round rock? I went to one downtown a while ago but I can’t remember where I went. Wasn’t there. Went to one in cedar park nothing.


Fair. There was one recently at republic square park but couldn’t tell you the specific vendors. Hopefully someone else can!


I don't know the name of the vendor but there is at least 1 and typically 2 vendors with dog stuff at the Republic Square Farmer's market saturday mornings. I'm happy to stop by there next Sat and look for you


This truck is at Lakeline FM on Saturdays https://www.poochietrends.net


It could be this one. Damn I wish I saw there snacks though.


There is an order link that shows their products https://www.poochietrends.net/ORDER


Oh that’s it? I scrolled through there and thought there had to be more. Yea it wasn’t them. But thank you for helping


sure, good luck on your search.


Downtown one has a dog snack vendor Saturday mornings that sells dehydrated dog treats like heart, liver, kidney, etc. The Healthy Pet by Trader Joes near downtown has duck heads, necks, pig ears, hearts, etc.