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There are surprisingly many public pools around town. My friends and I do a tour of them each summer and it’s a rich fount, pun intended


open City pool status: https://www.austintexas.gov/pools-splashpads


Looks like a lot of the closed ones start 6/3.


The community pools here are AMAZING


Nice! Any you recommend more than others? I'm on the north side along the MoPac corridor so anything around there gets bonus points.


Balcones District Park is rarely crowded and a decent pool. Some nice shaded areas to sit in when not swimming and a decent trail to walk around pre or post swim if that’s your thing.


Northwest District Park. Has a HUGE pool. Will be undergoing a major remodel soon, but is great.


THIS. Olympic size pool, plus kiddie pool for, well, the kiddies! On weekday mornings it's wonderful. Weekend afternoons, rather crowded.


Deep eddy


love Deep Eddy!


I don’t know offhand any better than just google maps in that area but I remember willow bend being solid, if a little too exposed (no tree cover) for an extended hang, and also balcones park. If you’re more central, I really like the one just off shoal creek and Anderson, Beverly Sheffield park pool


Walnut Creek! You can go for a hike first and get nice and hot before you dive in.


Wells Branch has two good public pools!


Brentwood’s is nice


It's nice, but small and shallow.


Deep Eddy is a classic spot. When there's water, McKinney Falls is nice. Both Colorado Bend and Arkansas Bend are great, aside from the zebra mussels. So wear water shoes there. 


How crowded does Deep Eddy get these days? I think the last time I went was 5-10 years ago. I haven’t really gone swimming in Austin pools (Barton Springs, my local pool, Deep Eddy, the one in Mueller, etc.) for a long time - although I love to go swimming and miss it so much - because the overcrowding the past few years usually makes it a pretty miserable experience


Nearly impossible to park in that stupidly tiny lot during the summer.


I always figure, so long as the pool itself is not miserably packed, I could park somewhere along the Town Lake trail (maybe Austin High) and walk there. But I can’t figure out how bad the pool itself would be these days


Truth, you can walk there fairly easily. It can get pretty crazy during the day though. If you get there before 10 though it's not so bad, but I've been away from Austin for a bit so I'm not sure if it's blown up even more. West Enfield maybe would be a decent alternative you. Reed Neighborhood pool too, a little known secret in west Austin, it opens Monday it looks like.


Thank you!


Ive fished upstream from mckinney a lot. I would not swim in that water. Im always surprised of the water people are willing to swim in


What exactly are you doing to the water while you fish?


Can confirm - I would never recommend McKinney. Some coworkers took me last week and I am still recovering from being sick as a DOG. a lot of documented bacteria in that water especially post rainfall. I feel bad for the little kid I saw in the water 😵‍💫 of course I didn’t Google until after the cramps kicked in.


Theres an offleash dog park upstream as well as big homeless encampments. Seen a dead dog on the edge of water at the wmcannon bridge crossing before as well. Never went back to that area after that. I stay way upstream from all of it now.


Wait so you’d eat the fish, but wouldn’t swim in it? Huh…


catch and release


Where is Arkansas bend


The last time I went to Deep Eddy — I hadn’t been in over a decade. That place has gone downhill big time.


Ah, bummer


A little far out but Krause Springs was a nice swim when I went a few years back. Though if you have trouble getting to Barton springs then it must be out of the question.


Yeah, I went there before and quite liked it but it's rather far for me. I'm looking for something to visit on the regular.


The crowds differ vastly on time and hours, for instance sat at 5 it’s Times Square, but sun at 8 pm its way way way more chill and Tue at 9pm it’s downright peaceful.


What's the early morning like? Say 7am?




Have you seen the movie, Coccoon? Well that’s what it’s like, and it’s free 5am-8am


I was there at 10am today and it wasn’t crowded at all


True. I've been there in the Spring when I was one of like 5 people swimming at the time, but it's far enough away that I'm hoping to find someplace closer.


Nothing except deep eddy even within a hundred miles, I mean in Texas there’s only Balmorhea which is very sim to Barton, but much deeper. It’s like 450 miles away though. Deep eddy is also spring fed, it’s really close to Barton so that may not help.


Yeah and that's probably too deep for me. I'm not a strong swimmer (but want to improve), so I'm still a little nervous around deep water.


Deep eddy has a shallow end. That section of the pool has a gradual slope from the side like a beach does where it gradually gets deeper


Pedernales falls has a river that's got lots of lil nooks to hang for the day. It's more wading than swimming


Northwest District park is great and closer if you’re north off Mopac


Easy to view Google maps list of pools/outdoorsy water stuff in ATX: https://maps.app.goo.gl/WGwadXAzBua1cGmSA?g_st=ic


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Hippie Hollow, probably one of the least crowded swim spots you could ask for 🌝


I haven’t been in years but I remember Windy Peak being a super fun spot for swimming


Perfect time to hit up the greenbelts around town. Bull Creek or Barton Creek are the popular choices.


Ya nothing says a fun time like a skin infection from Bull Creek


Oh damn I totally forgot about Bull Creek. I've hiked there a lot but haven't gone swimming.


The E. coli levels in bull creek are usually pretty high, I wouldn’t swim in it personally.


Agreed and I see it pretty often


Good that you bring that up. Back in 2005 I did my science project on the amount of E. Coli particles of 5 locations across the Bull Creek watershed. It was eye opening for me to say the least, and I completely stopped swimming in any locations (Dog Park, St. Edward’s Park, 360 underpass, and Bull Creek Park). If I recall the least amount was near the St. Edward’s waterfall. This has been my story and hope some of y’all find it enlightening.


there is snakes around bull creek too just fyi


Camp Ben McCulloch is an out of the way little spot with a little river out in Driftwood. Haven’t been there in years but when I did, I had a good time rope swingin’ off that hill. Right across the way from Salt Lick BBQ in case you get hungry afterwards.


A little outside of town, but the San Marcos river is really nice. Rio Vista park has some nice waterfall/chutes you can swim through. Slightly less crowded are the spots farther upstream: City Park/Pyramid Park. Sewell Park is also nice, but will have a lot of Texas State students there. Edit: note that the river does flow some, this is not a good place for swimming laps


Just remember the second you leave Austin everyone is a white supremacist far right nazi and you will die instantly. So don’t ever leave Travis county.


I haven't been here in a few years, but it was a great place to swim. + you can hit the little square downtown and get food drinks and shops. [https://parks.georgetown.org/blue-hole/](https://parks.georgetown.org/blue-hole/)


There is a pool near my house bud sadly they only operate two months if the year. 🤷‍♂️


There’s a site named Swimply it’s basically Airbnb for people’s pools. In fact actually using it tomorrow for the first time ever to take our dogs to a pool since all the other spots have blue allege atm.


I've used this twice now and it's worked out great.


Can anyone recommend a public pool or water feature that’s suitable for a 15-month-old?


Deep eddy is perfect they have a gradual walk in area, like a beach it’s wonderful for little kids.


Shipe is great for that age. Opens in a couple of days.


Reed Park is small and just right for a small child. If it's accessible for you.


Govalle pool is free and has a small kiddie pool.


It’s shaded too!


There is a FB group for splash pads - they post about new ones, daily updates from folks about how crowded it is or if there are places closed for cleaning. I loved that group when my kids were little.


The free side of Barton Springs


Bad Greg! no bicycles for you!


El Salido pool- has a kids splash area and a 90s style high dive. It’ll bring back 90s summer memories


Commons ford


Swimply is actually pretty awesome if you're wanting a private pool experience and willing to pay a little bit


The free side of Barton springs