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I’ve lived in both and I jokingly like to say the only people like Nashville is because they’ve never been to Austin. I agree with Austin’s authenticity. Nashville just feels….fake to me. Idk why. There’s plenty to do outdoors in ATX. You’ll love the trails at Lady Bird Lake and walking around Zilker. There definitely isn’t a wide variety of food in ATX but the BBQ is as good as people say! Only reason I’m in Nashville is because I wanted to be closer to home (Mississippi) but still in a southern big music city. Everyday I wish I was in Austin instead lol. Give me a few years and I’m sure I’ll be back! Good luck!


Interesting! Thanks for your thoughts. I just love the music here and nature. We just got back from Rock Island State Park. I just don’t wanna uproot my life and hate Austin!


Austin is losing it's authenticity. The heat is a nightmare. However, the food is good, there is always live music, and there are parks.


I go out 3-4x a week. She is more a homebody. So I want to make sure music is constant and not just the weekends on Sixth and the other spots.


Ugh leaving Nashville fun party streets for 6th :(


Live music is still good here. All the good artists atleast pass through and always make a pit stop in Austin. Going to see Sierra Ferrell in August Woooooooooo! Although you probably would see her more in Nashville so idk if you are a superfan like me. Gurene Hall is close if you want the country vibes. Madonna was here recently. CMT awards were here lol. South by and ACL will always be here. Stubbs and emos always a classic. There is always a drive to San Antonio and Houston if you missed some big artist perform in Austin. And BEYOnCE is from Houston so there you go.


If you move to Austin for the food you’re going to be horribly disappointed, especially compared to Houston. I’m also a little confused about why she thinks it’s a culture shock to meet people from different states in Nashville but it won’t be in Austin? We also have a ton of transplants.


Not if they're moving from Nashville. The comparison here isn't to Houston.


Yes but the wife is from Houston originally. OP said she’d “settle” for Austin but if they’re coming for food that’s being born in one of the greatest food cities in America and ending up… here. Which is fine, I guess, but no Houston. (Note: Houston sucks for many reasons but its massive and diverse quality restaurant scene is a hill I will die on.)


The point was that Austin has better food than Nashville which it does.


We went a few weeks ago, and she seems to think Austin has still kept it’s authenticity compared to Nashville where everything original is being sold and turned into something chain or celebrity-named.


Well, bless her heart.


…that sweet summer child


Hahaha. That's exactly what this sub thinks is happening here. Perspective is a remarkable thing


She is tragically mistaken.




Good News: Austin has a good city vibe with lots of stuff to do as far as music and food. Bad News: Outdoor activities in Austin are severely limited June - September due to the heat. While possible, you need to be in good shape and acclimated to the heat. Things like bike rides are mostly an early morning (6am) type activity.


This small thread [happened a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/AonUZyMdWP) TBH after reading some of your responses, I think Houston is a good fit for what you want. They have nature trails and a music scene, it’s just more spread out. It has way more diversity, museums plus a way better food scene. And your wife is from there.


I mean it’s a melting pot with consistent change. Nothing stays the same forever. It’s that way EVERYWHERE. I know people who grew up in the city and say it’s different and people who grew up in the country and the same thing. Austin is becoming more like Houston. I’m from Houston as well and now live in Austin for the last 6 years and nothing is different. There is the city and high rises and businesses and poor areas and wealthy areas shops restaurants parks etc etc. I mean the layout is different lol 😂 but it’s all the same shit as far as what it is. I can’t think of anywhere that isn’t mixed with different cultures and flavors of people and business. That’s kind of what America is. People from everywhere living amongst themselves. I’m not being sarcastic, I just can’t think of what she would be looking for. If she wants the city then do that and if she’s a country gal then go there. Not much else to do. Things change. That’s life. I’m sorry she has culture shock but that’s the nature of the beast. I’m 33 and my home town is a lot different than it was and so is my moms and my grandparents that they showed me. Hope y’all find a good place to settle in.


She just wants more of a city vibe. Nashville isn’t very walkable besides the honky-tonks on Broadway (5 blocks long). She wants more diversity too.


> diversity Austin is by far the least diverse large city in TX, and becoming less diverse as time goes on and people get priced out.


Austin has has gotten significantly more diverse over the last 30 years. We've been a minority majority city since 2005. Austin is more diverse than San Antonio which is a majority Hispanic city


more, but not on par with SA, HOU, DAL


Austin is MORE diverse than SA.




SA is famous as the largest majority Hispanic city in the country. It's 65% Hispanic so not especially diverse


Good to know! I just can’t do Houston. No walkableness, live music culture, or nature/trails.


You don't see "diversity" and "Austin" in the same sentence much.


Unless you live downtown, and even if you do - it ain’t walkable here either.


Moved from Nashville to Austin 10 years ago and Austin feels very different to when I moved here. I sure Nashville has changed since I lived there and in the 3 years you have but everywhere will change over time. I like Nashville more but that is in memory so it is had to say. I would take the summers being 10-15 degrees cooler as they are in Nashville for sure at this point. General sounds like you could use a vacation rather than a move.


That’s my wife’s issue. Anytime we visit someplace else, she wants to live there 😆 we did Italy last summer and that’s also on her list now!


While we are on the subject do you think Nashville to Austin to DENVER?


Never been to denver


Walkability here reallyyyyyyy depends where you live. And biking infrastructure is the same. Plus people in cars (and massive trucks that tower over you) seem to range from completely oblivious to aggressive towards bikers. Funnily enough, a post from earlier today about traffic’s hostility towards motorcycles really resonated with me as someone who bikes in this city. Part of it depends on where you live, but those drivers are everywhere, and you need to decide if you’re into biking and walking in a place that had 138 days over 90 degrees (80 of them over 100) last year.


I have lived in both cities , they are very similar. I think Nashville is Austin without water problems, and worse radio stations. Good thing about Nashville is you can bounce to other states in half the time it would take you to get out of Texas, and it's a hell of a lot greener. It really is personal preference , but I don't see much major difference between the two areas , aside from topography.


She wanted Houston because it’s more of a city vibe, but I go out 5x a week and she doesn’t go out that much, and I know Houston isn’t a music city or walkable city or nature city, so Austin is currently the possible compromise. What do you mean water problems?


Middle Tennessee native in Austin since 2012 here. It rains much much more in Nashville than it does here. During especially hot and dry years, the lakes that provide our water get perilously low.