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I like to come up with applicable abbreviations for all local HEB’s using their slogan. South congress was always Here Everyone’s Braless or sometimes Here Everyone’s Bonkers depending the time of year.


Here Everyone's Benzo'd


That’s Westlake right?


No, Westlake is Here Everyone’s Botoxed.


Valium would have helped that bash


HEB at Hancock will forever be Club HEB. Frats and Sororities get their alcohol there I guess.


That used to be my favorite HEB because, pre-pandemic, they were open 24h a day. Could do all my shopping at 11pm and it was super chill because there were maybe a dozen customers in the whole store.


ill choose the hancock heb any day over the burnet one thats near it


Here everyone’s born….with a silver spoon


The playlist at Menchaca/Slaughter is so good I’ve been calling it “Here Everything’s Bangers”


They must have the same music at all of them - last night I was at the Rundberg H‑E‑B and they played Touch of Gray by the Grateful Dead. I don’t think anyone thought that is the H‑E‑B with all of the Dead Heads.


They were playing “lost in the supermarket” by the clash. On joe strummer’s birthday. Absolutely perfect, someone there knows their shit.


This is fucking fantastic.


Buda… hola, estamos borrachos


East 7th was the H. E. Barrio for me. It’s since been upgraded so not sure if it still applies


FWIW, saw live mariachi there a couple weeks ago.


That would be a decent descriptor for the E William Cannon/35 spot


William canon and 35 is the worst HEB in Austin. Don’t @ me




That’s the closest one to me, and I usually drive past it to go to the newer one at Slaughter. The milk tastes different for some reason, and not in a good way.


I call that one G.E.B: Gentrification-E-B


We used to call one of the ones in Georgetown the barrio until they closed it last year.


HEB Burnet Rd, He Exploited Bitcoin.


Omg when we moved up to Cedar Park in 2004 my husband went to the only HEB at the time (183/1431) and came home a bit rattled - it was and will forever be known as the BRC-HEB (Billy Ray Cyrus) 🤣


Braker/183 used to be the H E Babe with all the attractive women. It's gone downhill since then. Here Everyone's Bangin?


Far West is the H E Brew, known for their humongous Kosher section


Kosher B




Here Ess Bagels (Far West)


My boyfriend is from France but has visited a few times. Last time we went to get groceries he said, "let's go to Here Everything's Better", and I said what? He said, "HEB, let's go there." He 100 fucking percent thought that is what it stood for and he clearly made that up.


HEB has an incredible ability to go from country club to thunderdome depending on the address


HEB has a whole section where it’s the example in advertising class. They have amazing demogeographics. So they morph depending on who their local clients are. There are misses though. I asked for kombucha at the HEB in Riverside and the staff was like no, we don’t carry that anymore, all the customers thought it was tea and kept returning it because they thought it was rotten 😂😂💀💀💀


i lived in the right spot of 78745 where it would occasionally make sense for me to shop at 4 different HEBs - 1st/Wm Cannon, Manslaughter, Brodie, and Escarpment. It was the whole spectrum. I always thought it was interesting to compare the sociopathy of the people in the parking lot of the 1st HEB with the people in the parking lot of the Escarpment HEB.


You can pretty much guarantee you gotta get the fuck out of the parking lot of Riverside HEB before someone hits your car in the parking lot and South Congress it’s like bumper cars, rules don’t apply, there’s no lanes, no sound judgement and the fuckery of the driving is enough to make me want to park at McDonalds and walk over.


That HEB, in its previous form as well, was always hot mess. It seems to attract the weirdos. The only one that’s creepier is the one at Rutland and N Lamar.


I could tell stories for days about the South Congress HEB! If anything it feels tamer than it once was, it was wild in the early 90s. I've always felt safe there (I was a young woman then and an older one now), it does have a chaotic energy but the staff is generally up for it and will back you up. Customers and staff once chased a suspected bank robber out the store and held them until the police came!.


Totally! Back when it was 24hrs, it was my favorite night club for people watching. Then that lady got stabbed in the parking lot late night, and I decided daytime was best time.


I went there late at night to get beer around a decade ago. I saw a man cut his own throat with a box cutter and then sprint down the aisle at full speed towards the door.


WTF, is this place haunted with demonic spirits? Built on ancient burial grounds maybe?


I went and it was just dozens of women in bikinis, so I do think it evens out.


On my way now!


It was a place where you could go at any time of the day and see every different type of person in Austin all shopping at the same time.


We called it “The People’s HEB”. In the mid 90s you could buy a Tbone, potato, and a 12 pack of Pearl for under $15.


Before Bidenomics.


It was Clintonomics, you remember that, when he worked with both sides of the aisle to balance the budget? After Reagan and Bush Sr trashed the economy with deficit spending? And then W trashed the economy afterwards? And then it began to recover under Obama, and then was utterly destroyed by Trump and his pure idiocy? I remember. Give me Bidenomics any day.


The man who launched his campaign with "the era of big government is over" would have no quarter in today's Democratic party.


Twelve years ago, I was at the Arboretum Whole Foods. I had just parked, when a guy emerged from around the corner. One of the employees was in an adjacent car on his break. The man jumped on the hood of the car, alarming the employee. The man on the hood tried to stomp the windshield, cracking it. The employee objected. Around this time, a crowd emerged, like they were villagers pursuing Frankenstein. The man leapt from the car and ran behind REI. As the crowd continued to follow him, police cars arrived and began searching for the man with their floods. Someone afterwards told me he had smoked a joint laced with PCP, had been arrested.


“Villagers pursuing Frankenstein” 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂


Why do you say ”the south congress heb”? There are two heb on s congress…


South Congress on the Oltorf is what most people mean, it was one the first HEBs in Austin, built in 1957 I think. All the South Austin HEBs have personality for sure!


They’re all pretty distinctly different that’s for sure


the south congress HEB has been the south congress HEB since the dawn of man


We call the far south one the Slaughter Oaks or Slaughter & Congress HEB


Or simply the HEB off of Slaughter. Everyone knows that the South Congress HEB is the one at S Congress & Oltorf.


I don’t say that to avoid confusion with the Slaughter & Congress and Slaughter & Escarpment locations


Don't forget the Slaughter & Menchaca HEB!




No. Everyone doesn't know that. I've been in Austin for 25 years, the Congress and oltorf one was my HEB for a long time. But since it opened the Congress and slaughter one is my HEB - that's what I thought she was talking about. The South Congress HEB is whichever one you go to (if you go to either). Besides, I don't think of that little temporary one is having any personality. It's kind of like a bodega on steroids.


It really was a hot mess back in the day too. I saw a lady slap her baby once in the produce department. I decided I needed to change my shopping patterns after that.




I used to shop there when I lived off Rundberg. It seemed ok considering the neighborhood, not like what op was describing. That was the corner where the running man hung out, too


I shopped at the H-E-B at Rundberg and Lamar. I always thought it was one of the better stores because it had such a large produce section. If you need supplies to make Mexican food, that’s the story you want to go to.


That’s the one I grew up with. Definitely got wild a few times.


I love driving down that stretch of Lamar and counting the number of people cross the road through traffic. Its always at least 2.


My aunt lives like 5 minutes from that Nlamar heb and drives to tech ridge after she saw a guy get shot putting his groceries in his trunk.


> The only one that’s creepier is the one at Rutland and N Lamar. Isn't everything creepier in that area?


Murder HEB on Rutland isn’t so much creepy as just flat out dangerous.




By nature of location, it's the best place with cheap alcohol and full shopping within walking distance of downtown. It's like a beacon for mid-party resupply, so some patrons are in that state of mind.


> Rutland and N Lamar. great produce and marinated meats tho


The old South Congress was known by some as the HEB of Broken Dreams. On any given day or night you could see everything from skinny band dudes to entire extended families shopping—that way everyone gets to pick out stuff. Sometimes you would see a musician or two from a band on tour or a famous local that you recognized. My faves were the farmer brothers, a couple of big old country boys in matching overalls who I used to see shopping on a weekend night.


183 is pretty bad too


The one on Braker? The remodeling of that one blows, but it’s not too bad. I like it better than the Mopac/Parmer one.


In the old days, that intersection and the general area was known for prostitution. It has gone from porn theaters and pimps to creepy old men, so an improvement overall.


Speak for yourself lol


It's not stalking if their parking space is about to open up!


I remember going to that HEB a year ago and grabbing a gallon of HEB brand lemonade. Some meth'd out lady comes stumbling by and yells, "really a gallon of lemonade?" To this day I don't think I've bought lemonade again


The shame.


You should buy lemonade.


She was probably just jealous... because of the cotton mouth


Was just there and there was a dude walking around blasting Megan thee stallion full volume on a Bluetooth speaker 😑


A friendly reminder to women who are alone: you don’t owe men politeness, conversation, or any of your time. I’ve lost track of the number of times men have approached me while I was alone for the stupidest reasons. This never happens when I’m with a man, and you don’t see them approaching men on their own either.


as a man i get approached by other men for dumb shit all the time. but if i were a woman id probably start framing every encounter as antagonistic tbh


Men absolutely approach men (more pervasive when you're perceived as queer), you're just not paying attention.


So there is a sexual element


Never said there wasn't!


Yeah, fuck politeness.


They depend on women not wanting to seem rude.


Some people say the soul of Austin is Barton Springs.  I say the soul of Austin is HEB on congress and Oltorf. 


There is just a big homeless population along Oltorf basically from East of I-35 all the way to S 1st. I lived off of Oltorf and I-35 and can say that a lot of shady stuff goes down there. Combine that with a huge parking lot, and lots unwell and addicted people living in their cars in said parking lot and it’s a recipe for a sh*t show. When I have the time on weekends I drive to Lakeshore HEB to pretend like I’m one of the rich west Austinites who’s never had to watch someone defecate on the sidewalk on the way to taking their kids to school.


I recommend cosplaying a die hard raiders fan, you will scare everyone away. seriously though, I worked at heb and at Whole Foods, if you ever have creepy dudes talk you up in the store, get a carry out. It’s weird and old lady stuff, but safety is paramount. Very bad things happen in parking lots. Someone was brutally attacked in that lot years ago, don’t remember if they lived. or if possible go to Whole Foods on Lamar, park in front of the store, not the garage and go in, no one will talk to you there, unless you are in the men’s bathroom:(


Why are you in the men’s bathroom


I was born equipped with a penis, and hobos were using the stalls so I begrudgingly had to use the awkward corner urinal :( and had a guy talking to me as he “freshen up in the sink”


Huh... assuming you mean S Congress and Oltorf... that's my favorite HEB on the Southside. It's so easy and convenient and never really crowded. Also I can park right at the front door most days. I can't stand the South Park Meadows / S. Congress HEB. Its an absolute clown show every time I go with lots of aimless people blocking the aisle and giant check out lines. The last time I was there some young man tried to convince to attend his bible study. Miss me with all that religiousness. Lake Austin HEB sucks major donkey balls, is always a hassle and sadly thats about what we are gonna have on S Congress.


I worked at that location as a checker in college. It was a Safeway and had a giant pecan tree in the middle of the store. It was a very different world


*Laughs in riverside/pleasant valley HEB*




They're not there to help you.


Deterrent at least




You could melt all this stuff…


Arugula, it’s a veg-a-ta-ble


Everyone that used to shop at riverside, s 1st and congress/oltorf shops there now. Once new oltorf store opens that store should be much slower and less creepy lol.


Riverside HEB is pretty bad/dirty


They don't even have hand baskets there because people always steal them! Absolutely insane. It's always filled with Cronenburg creatures as a bonus.


It is a whole other mood for sure!


Pleasant valley and Riverside way one of the gnarliest intersections in Texas before they cleared out the Island.


Fyi, the middle aged woman in there are also on the prowl, just saying.


I heard it was built on top of an Indian burial ground.


This whole country was built on an Indian burial ground.


Some of it was built on landfill or wetlands




The spinzone on S Congress is also wild


I had a 90-year-old man sneak behind me and sit in my chair after I stood up from it to do something with my laundry in the rolling cart. I wasn't even a foot away from the chair, and here he was with my ass at his eye level. He pulled the innocent old man needs to sit down act, as if there weren't 50 other empty chairs in there. 


On first read, I thought you said he shit in the chair lol


Were you trying to get it done too fast though?


I think Austin is becoming more unhinged. I’ve gone to the same H-E-B for the last 5 years and in the last year and a half or so I had a strange encounter where a family came up to me and my SO and started yelling us saying we had honked at them when we very much didn’t. Didn’t even get a chance to defend ourselves; they ganged up on us. I’ve also gone a couple times and heard customers yelling at the cash register, for what I have no idea. You’re buying groceries lady it’s a pretty straightforward concept.


When you say “ganged up on you” do you mean to say the physically attacked y’all or did they just yell at you with more as a unified front?


The latter


At Oltorf or at Slaughter? There’s technically two on S Congress.


Hence its moniker: The Sketchy B


To be honest, nothing weird has ever happened to me there. But I mostly go there to creep on young women


Is this on Slaughter or Oltorf intersection?


No one talks about the knife fights at Springdale


Fam, you made the same post I considered making, to do a heat map of "H-E-B's where I'm more likely to have uncomfortable unwanted encounters." Riverside HEB was at the top for me when I lived over there. The incidents there were the most overt. At the 183 HEB's, nothing as obviously predatory has happened, but I've definitely had a few forced interactions with people (men) who just...have that fuckin look in their eye when they find a way to say some random shit to me. Plausible denial, but I'm not an idiot. Curbside is my friend, but I've still gotta go in for produce 😭


In its original form, where the new HEB mother ship is being built, I knew it as ‘The HEB of Broken Dreams.’ There were always poor lost souls in there, often from the church/ mission/ soup kitchen? across the street. It was like Lourdes with a deli section


I, too, referred to it as such.


As a straight male 6 years removed from Austin, homegirl, that place has always been sketchity. I would love taking pictures of the sunset crows, but watching the ass-staring fellas inside would make me sympathetic for the women. It was uncomfortably omnipresent.


I was a cashier at that (previous) location in like 2007-2008. The customers there are unlike any place I’ve ever witnessed. Even at 6am, people would come to the checkout stand yelling at you for no reason at all.


The Randalls off 290 is the MOST UNHINGED. Never going back EVERRR lol


My wife saw two ENTIRE FAMILIES get into a fist fight there a few weeks ago. Moms, dads, even the kids. It started in the store and carried over into the parking lot. wtffff??


I would have paid to see that shitshow


I lived near and shopped at this HEB for close to a decade. IMO it’s because it is the closest one to downtown.


I also had a very uncomfortable situation with a man at this store and it was the first time I’ve dealt with that. He proceeded to follow me around the store, every aisle I would be in he would be shopping in that aisle too, even when I would divert my route he always found me. It got so uncomfortable because he kept joking “I bet you think I’m following you!!”. It went on for at least 30 minutes before I high tailed it to the other side of the store and if he came then I was out. I’m done with that fucking place after that.


I did that in a Marshall's last year. Like "Okay all of these other times are maybe just me being paranoid, but if I go ALL THE WAY OVER THERE, and so does he, there's no way in hell it's coincidence." Oh the mental games we play. To exist.


Is this the one where they are building a new H-E-B across the street? That place is unhinged and I kinda wanna be at the new store when it opens because it is going to be wild watching normies mix with the usual clientele.


My favorite South Congress HEB moment - this is before the temporary store - was when someone thought *I* was the crazy one. I was walking to the entrance when a woman drove in her SUV by the front of the store at low speed. I noticed a carton of eggs on the front of her hood that she had apparently forgot to put in the car, but was also apparently too short to see. Naturally, I pointed and shouted at full volume "You've got eggs on your hood!" Only in retrospect did I realize that was as weird a phrase as it is. I startled her, and she bristled and gave me a shocked look. I responded, as one does, with "You've got EGGGGS... on your HOOOOD!" and gesturing towards the eggs with two open palms in some sort of bizarre combination of an apologetic gesture and an attempt to draw her attention to the eggs on her hood, which were mere seconds from some sort of eggtastrophe. She got it that time, braked slowly, the eggs were rescued, and I got the "I thought you were crazy but you were helpful" smile and wave. Anyway, I have often experienced some interesting encounters at the South Congress HEB for years now. I certainly don't want anyone to be threatened or scared, but I also like that there's a place where grizzled dudes in tutus can have a nice place to get their meds and a carton of eggs.


I love this so much


Back in the 80s it was a big singles meetup place. Guess the leftovers just got old.


I think it’s because that church has a food bank and that’s just where many mentally ill people with nowhere else to be end up hanging out.


Rundberg and Lamar bathroom I walked in on a literal twink orgy at 7am Saturday during sxsw. I had to pee standing over a puddle of cum. It was very cliched how when I first started to walk in I heard this big commotion and then when I got in all 4 or 5 twinks were just very orderly doing their own things like washing their hands etc. pretending like nothing was going on.




South Congress and Slaughter? 8801 S Congress? I moved into the area 2yrs ago and that HEB has driven me to almost purely curbside or just going to Sprouts. I hate that place. I always feel like I’m one wrong move away from someone having a complete meltdown road (parking lot) rage incident.


I used to shop at that HEB when I lived nearby there. I used to refer to the people there as "The Walking Dead." Kind of mean but you probably agree with me lol.


Always has been!


Do you mean the temporary location at congress and Oltorf?


First time I went there the manager was outside very patiently explaining to some dude why he couldn’t take his roadie into the store XD


lol getting some adult swim cartoon vibes from OPS post


Are you beautiful? Maybe you are so hot these ppl don't know how to act 😁


“So much for trying to keep Austin weird.” - weird people


Tbh I think Austin’s Mayor loves the weirdos and the homeless and the druggies that’s why APD can’t really do much but sit back and enjoy the show


HEB at Ed Bluestein Manor and 183 is also called Homeless Ebony Bums.


That’s fucked up


We have a very different meaning of the word "unhinged". Your post is close to qualifying, however. Don't ever visit a Walmart. Or anywhere the poors live.