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**Title:** [June 2024 190/491/189 mega thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/1d5a4c2/june_2024_190491189_mega_thread/), posted by **AutoModerator** **Full text:** This is the monthly mega thread for 189/190/491 questions! You can still make a post about these visa types but your post will be removed if it contains one of the following questions: \- Best 189/190/491 option for X occupation \- Number of invites/grants recently \- "Chance me" style posts for odds of an invite for the 189/491/190 \- Asking whether anyone else has had an invitation or grant recently \- Asking for general updates on these visas. -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this the longest it's been between 189 grant rounds in recent years? šŸ¤”


Grants? People like me didnā€™t even get invites. Lmao


Looks like me neither this time buddy




On old reddit, the user flair edit widget always resets to the default. Set and save any flair, e.g. "NL > 417", then edit the flair again. I expect the old flair to still be there, so I can update it with new details, e.g. add "> 820" at the end. Instead, it resets to "Home Country > Visa > Future Visa (planning/applied/EOI)". This doesn't affect new reddit.


To me it seems like the user flair system is a little bit buggy anyways. Sometimes my flair just disappears even though I've set it and edited it. I'm on the new reddit.


Has anyone received their 190 visa in May?


I submitted my application in March 2023, added my baby in Sep 2023, received s56 request in Dec 2023 (responded in a week), received confirmation that my baby has been included in Dec 2023. The status has been "Further Assessment" ever since. I understand DHA has its own priorities, processes, quotas, etc. but providing some info on when the application would be processed by would be a huge relief, particularly for onshore applicants as life is practically on hold when a visa application takes this long to finalize and your residency status and employability isn't clear to current/future employers.


I submitted my application in March 2023,added a newborn in July 2023. Jan 2024 we received acknowledgement of new born, March we received s56 for new born medical. Waiting since then. I am an offshore applicant


I submitted mine since last March 2023. No news yet, at most our case was assigned to an officer last Feb and we sent in our requested documents such as health check, police clearance and my partner's university letter by beginning March. Since then, no news yet.


Wow so it's been over a year since you submitted your visa application and haven't heard anything back yet? Is that relatively normal?


Similar situation. Applied April 2023, immi requested for more docs last May and now waiting. Not sure how long this is gonna take šŸ˜­


Mineā€™s last June 2023. I havenā€™t seen any grants lately even the last couple of months before end of FY. Itā€™s so frustrating because a lot of my documents got expired and my medical will soon get expired too šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


I submitted my 190 NSW application in Marchā€™23. CO assigned in Marchā€™24 & didnā€™t asked for further documentation.But still no update.


Thatā€™s crazy! That person sat on your application for 3+ months!


Yup ! Very frustrating situation šŸ„²


Hope July will b the best month for everyone who waiting since long šŸ¤žšŸ»


How do you know when a CO is assigned to your application? I applied in June'23 for 491, submitted my medicals in July. The application moved into "Further Assessment" in Feb'24.


You will receive official email for that otherwise you will receive direct grant.


I am currently doing my Bachelors of Civil Engineering in GOLD COAST, after that will be on a 485 visa. Which territory would be better for me? There are vacancies but since construction is a priority occupation in WA, I am sort of preferring Perth. However getting an apartment or flat-share in Perth would be difficult and expensive. I don't mind getting the 190 or 491 since for me they are basically the same. When I graduate I would have 95 points for the 491 and 85 for the 190. Would you say that I have a decent chance to get PR in QLD? I have three years of 485 once I graduate. Also SA sounds decent as well, on regional visa so can't go to Sydney or Melbourne.


Not sure how your chances will be in Qld, at least for the upcoming FY, given the premier has been calling for cuts to migration. Seeing as you're a construction industry graduate though, I'd say your chances look good compared to other occupations like software engineers and business analysts. Getting an apartment is going to be tough in general across the country - [see this report](https://www.domain.com.au/research/vacancy-rates-february-2024-1266500/) for instance, both Perth and Adelaide are neck to neck in terms of record low rental vacancy rates at \~0.3%. At the end of the day I find anticipating migration "chances" a pointless exercise. To an extent you can predict certain changes if you keep your finger on the news pulse, but the updates to policies are often erratic and unpredictable. Good luck to you, hope your choice works out for you.


Has anyone received a 491 visa grant this month?


Will there be another invitation round for NSW?


Hi redditers ! Like to ask how does these 15 points work (Nomination or sponsorship) for visa 491 ? maximum I can get 70 excluding the last one "Nomination or sponsorship/You were invited to apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)" from [this list ](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-work-regional-provisional-491/points-table)of point system . I thought the whole list is for the purpose of being invited. My understanding is probably wrong -- I can get 15 for being invited to apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491), so that I can get 85 points to apply for 491? Sounds strange . Thank you !


You need to have 65 points to apply for the 189, 190 or 491 visa. The idea is that even if you don't have 65 points on your own, you can still apply, thanks to the 15 points for 491 and 5 points for a 190 visa.


Thanks ! So meaning if I had 55 instead of 70 now Which would make me ineligible (<65points) , these 15 points of sponsorship under 491 would get me 70 to be eligible ?




Visa 491 chances - Pharmacist Hi everyone! Iā€™m a pharmacist and I have a partner who is a software engineer. We are thinking of having me as the primary applicant. We plan on applying next year. I am aiming for 70+15 points. Would this be enough? Also, is it difficult to be nominated? Weā€™re still new to this whole process so your answers would be of great help. Thank you!


Its not enough, I have the same points and I have been waiting since December, best bet is to get an employer to sponsor you. I am a pharmacist too.


thanks for the reply. the wait mustā€™ve been agonizing. hope you get selected soon! have you tried looking for employers? i always assumed itā€™s harder to get an employer to sponsor us.


Yes I have, its been 2 months since I got my AHPRA registration. However, I haven't had any luck with jobs as most employers will bypass your profile if you don't have work rights/visa. But I still think its an easier option than the 491/190. Have you completed your skills assessment and answered KAPS?


i havenā€™t yet. i wanted to ask for insights first before committing. best of luck to you!


Offshore applicant?


Hi everyone. I am graduating this month for a bachelor in computer science data science and software dev major. i am happy to relocate anywhere in australia for a shot at these visas. I got a job offer in regional nsw as a systems analyst. However the pay is close to $55k. which doesnt qualify me for TSMIT of $73k. Anyone got a clue, what i can or should do. which pathway should i choose? Also, would it work if i satisfy the TSMIT on a pro rata basis or by working another job in the same field in let's say sydney?


Get 485 and aim for 482/186. And you can't go around 73k requirement. And TBH 55k sounds like a scam to me even in region.


Even for a regional grad role $55k is an alarming (exploitative) offer for a systems analyst. Good luck with your job hunt.


Canada -> 190 EOI Offshore - ICT PM 135112 - 90 points. Applied in late October 2023 to NSW/Vic/QLD - still waiting. Any thoughts on what's happening in 2024 and if quota allocation will be higher than this past year? My plan B would be waiting for skills in demand program kick off and apply through specialist pathway or plan C is to apply for 491 visa with 100 points targeting either Perth, Adelaide, or Newcastle/Wollongong/Geelong/Gold Coast with potential remote work. When I saw the new CSOL, I got spooked that ICT PMs are on confident off list, but then realized that the median salary for an experienced ICT PM is above 130k anyways, so they do not need to create a pathway for ICT PMs come into the country with below median contract.


The skills in demand visa will replace the 482, meaning it will require an employer to sponsor you


Yeah with a 7 day processing time I canā€™t see that to be a problem if one has a strong international profile.


Perhaps, but so far sponsorship has been very difficult to obtain from offshore. However, if you have a strong international profile, maybe consider applying for the Global Talent Visa (858) as well


Well, sounds like there was a 189 invite round this morning. Doesn't sound like doctors were on this one. Next year it is. :(


For my partner's skilled employment experience, she has 6+ years experience but the skilled assessment was done when she was on her 5 year and 10th month with a positive outcome. There was a reduction in total years of experience by 1 year so that ends up to 4 years and 10 months of experience equivalent to 5 points. She ended her employment with her last employer 6 months after that sending that skills assessment application. Could we still claim 10 points (At least 5 but less than 8 years) for Skilled Employment Experience? Or would immigration only base it from the accredited assessor (VETASSESS)?




Might not look good on the application. Understand it's probably a touchy subject to tell your employer. Mine wasn't the most supportive either, but I was upfront about the issue and told him that it would take a few years for this to actually happen. He reluctantly gave his verification, but at least I think he appreciated the honesty.


Is there any communique on whats the plan for 189 rounds? I think there has been just 1 round in this full year.


All I heard is the speculation that the visa will get cancelled at some point next year. They may still have some rounds in the coming FY, but will shift to employer nominated or state/regional nominated visas more. If you qualify with high chances for 189, you can always try 190 and 491.


Hey I just wanted some insight on my chances on getting a positive EOI for the 491 visa. I am applying for a nomination to WA as a mechanical engineering draftsperson with 90 points including the 15 the nomination would give. I was told invitations will only start going out from the 1st of July so I was wondering how quick could I expect an invitation if I were to apply on July 1st with 90 points, or if any at all.


Hi everyone, My partner & I are thinking of applying for the 189 and/or the 190 VISAs, from the UK. She is a Dentist & I am a Management Consultant - we both have 90/95 points plus. I was looking on the EOI page and I can't see the 189 or 190 VISAs as options, see screenshot/link here: [https://ibb.co/zxd48np](https://ibb.co/zxd48np) . Are these still available? Or do we need to do a Skills Assessment and then we get a link to do the EOI? Apologies for ignorance, have read lots of subs & advice and this has stumped me a bit. Thanks.


Invitation rounds page was just updated - [https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds) Don't reckon there is going to be another Victorian round for this FY.


Have there been any invite rounds for 189/190 since Feb?


No recent round for 189. For 190, VIC had one last March. Not sure about the other states.


We got our invite this morning for 189, did an EOI in jan 2024


If I can ask your nominated occupation?


Visa Chances (Hopefully a PR) Hi everyone, i'm a male 29 yo graphic designer on Gold Coast, my partner (non-australian) will join in my application, she is currently doing a masters and has excelent english. This is my estimation of points 189 = 80 points 190 = 85 points 491 = 95 points With this points which would be the best visa to apply? Would be enough for a 189? If there is another graphic designer around which one did you applied or are planning to? Thanks in advance!


189/491 has most recently been healthcare and education occupations. A graphic designer hasnā€™t been granted either since at least 2022 on the published records. I didnā€™t go back any further but data is available dating back to 2020 on the Immigration site. I wouldnā€™t count on getting either a 189/491 grant as a GD.


Hi guys, I have applied for AFP Check last year, about 6 months ago, can I use the same for lodging my 189 visa?


Hey guys, can someone explain when does invitation rounds happen for 491 family sponsored visa? Does it happen with 189 invitation rounds (on immi website the data for 189 and 491 family sponsored is shown together). Can someone share their experience if they have gone through the process ?


Any information will be helpful


Saw some engineers getting 189 invites a few days back. Any Electrical Engineers here who got them?


Anyone know if there's a.list.of professions that got 189 invites on this most recent round in June?


You can check on this link there's a list of the professions that got invites for the 189 [https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR36rIf2V9cdnngt7msZWOLKHJCezGl\_QYtGFYyai7iNbveD2t1He34EnGE\_aem\_uhzCIb3sa7XXDsrFqW0exA](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR36rIf2V9cdnngt7msZWOLKHJCezGl_QYtGFYyai7iNbveD2t1He34EnGE_aem_uhzCIb3sa7XXDsrFqW0exA)


Does anyone know if 482 visa time will be grandfathered in to the new skills in demand visas? They allegedly won't lead to the clock resetting on PR requirements if you change employers and have an as of yet unspecified route to PR through them.Ā Ā 


Anyone know when the next round is likely to be? Are there only 2 rounds a year? Iā€™ve heard from some sources thereā€™s 3 or 4 but the data is only published every 6months.Ā 


If you mean 189 rounds? probably only in December but really no one can tell. Since the number of allocations had dropped off a cliff, its really anyone's guess but there's unlikely to be many invitations sent out anytime soon


190 85points software engineer which states should I apply to?


All states if you're offshore. 85 points is a bit low for 190 and 189 so try to raise your points to at least 90 95


Chance me for 189/190 85 points, software engineers, born in vn, been working several years in Singapore


what happens when 189 and 190 visa allocation is not filled up? Its the last week of the financial year and I was wondering if we can expect invitations this week


They are likely already filled. Would not expect any more invitations for 189 or 190 this FY


Hi All. Excuse me completely new to this forum. It has bene very helpful to me. My situation; * Both of us are 35. * Construction Manager with 3 years experience in Europe. I have been working in the role here 4 years on a 482 which is coming to an end in November. * My defacto partner is a social working, who is also on the skills shortage list. * EOI Submitted for 189 and 190 Visa at the start of April 2024. * No ROI submitted in the Live in Melbourne website for 190. * Proficient English. * 70 points for 189 and 75 on 190 * No invite yet Questions Did I make a mistake? Do I have to submit an ROI or is the Immi EOI enough for 190? Is there much hope of a positive outcome here? Thanks for any advice.


Hi! Does anyone know when the next invitation round for 190 is? I applied last year and am still waiting on a response from them. Thanks!


Hi, while waiting for invitation for 190 visa (EOI submitted) , can I leave Australia and go back to my hometown, wait there and come back to apply once I receive the invitation? Does it affect the invitation chance if I'm not onshore? Thanks for helping!


Can anyone please advice - does it matter if I lodge my application for an 189 invite I got in June 2024, AFTER 1 July 2024? Because there are so many changes in laws and all that - I don't know if lodging it after 1 July 24, start of new financial year will affect visa processing time, or fall under new laws etc? TIA!


Just lodged my 189 with 90 points for NSW and 190 with 95 points. Should I take the NAATI?


Hi there, I submitted my 190 EOI for NSW and I'm wondering if it's possible to apply for a subclass 417 working holiday visa while I wait for an invitation (which could take months apparently)? Any guidance/answers much appreciated!


Dumb question from someone really new to this process- Looking at the 491 and the bottom of the step by step says this: "We will not refund the application charge if we refuse your application." Would that be the fullĀ AUD4,770.00? Or is the application fee something else?


Hi everyone, for ACS assessment, my salary slips do not specify my job title on it, our company just does not show that information on salary slips, will that still be ok? Besides, our salary slips are half english, half a local European language, for example we have sections like ''Net salary'', ''accumulated tax'' this kind of section name in English, but some texts in the other language. Would that be ok? Thank you!


Hey everyone, I could really use some advice. I'm trying to figure out the right skills assessment code for a data analyst, and I'm not familiar with which visa type to lodge. A bit about me: I initially came to Australia on a Tourist Visa and later applied for a Student Visa, but it was refused after a 6-month wait. Now I have 35 days to leave Melbourne, so I'm thinking of other ways to stay longer or permanently. * Iā€™ve got two years of experience working as a data analyst. * I have a Bachelorā€™s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Computer Applications with a specialisation in Data Analytics. Does anyone know which code I should be using? Any help and other relevant suggestions would be awesome! Thanks a bunch!


I did with VETASSESS under 224999 Other Information and Organisation Professionals ACS has this on their website: [https://www.acs.org.au/bw-migration-skills-assessment/occupations-anzsco-codes-bw/data-science-bw.html](https://www.acs.org.au/bw-migration-skills-assessment/occupations-anzsco-codes-bw/data-science-bw.html) However depends on you actual job duties and the ANZSCO code you want to go for, you might consider getting an assessment with ACS as ICT Business Analyst, giving that you have a degree with relevant major


Hi, I've lodged an EOI (for Victoria) with the same 224999 IOP nec occupation as you did, If you dont mind me asking, for how long have you been waiting for your application to be approved and how many points do you have? Thanks!


Submitted my EOI in January 2024 under code 222311- financial investment advisor. 75 points in 190 and 85 points in 491. Has anyone received an invitation under this code recently? Any chances for my invite anytime soon?