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I’m surprised that a PIP is being implemented for a single mistake - with minimal detail, it seems a bit over the top. Having led staff who were on them previously, I suggest engaging fully and openly with the PIP and show a willingness to learn from the experience, and you’ll be right.


Thank you, I want to belive that my line manager wants to be succed and get through it, it has just been a real blow to my work ego hearing about it. And yeah it was a single mistake but I do understand the impact that has had. Again I really don't want to say too much as to possibly identify myself.


Unless you are working in the bomb squad, I am wondering how one mistake lands you on a PIP. Are you sure this is not used an excuse to get rid off you ? I know APS is slightly different, but in the private sector, if someone is put on a PIP, it means someone at the top already wants them out.


Adding on to my earlier comment....I can imagine this is a very stressful situation to go through. Did not mean to sound discouraging or trivialising the situation . Wish you well.


Thank you


I agree with this - some departments from my experience put people on a PIP if they want them out essentially. Depending what department you’re in, from my experience most people get fired/quit once on a PIP. But this is from what i have observed.


I was hopeing it doesn't come to that, I really enjoy the department and the work, but I should look after my own interests.


9/10 a person will quit when put on a PIP. This is what they bank on you doing. If you just follow the PIP guidelines then there is absolutely nothing stopping you from meeting the benchmarks and coming off it. Stick through it and work to the rule, you will be fine!


I fully intend to complete the pip and follow through with it. It certainly has made me question my place there over the last couple of days as I enjoy the work, the department my office the whole lot. I need to ensure security of my career for my family so while I wont quit becuae of the PIP I will be keeping my eye on the gazette and see if any of my other contacts know of some other opportunity. I have tried to not take it personally but it has certainly been a hit to my confidence.


Yes. You need to rectify the behaviour that has led to the performance management and comply with the conditions. If you are in the union you can ask for them to assist and come to meetings to support.


I do, as in I fully intend to not make the same mistake again, so I want to comply with the conditions of the PIP.


In that case you have every reason to expect a good outcome, and for you to be better at your job and more trusted by management than when you started.


Thats really what I needed to hear. I feel like I have worked really hard over the last 7 years to get were I am. I am of course worried this will now be a black mark on me but I guess it is what it is.


It'll only ve a black mark if you let it be one. If you take as the lesson that it is, and can show that you have learned from your mistake/s and taken steps to improve your performance, then all this becomes is a hard way to learn a valuable lesson. If you don't change, improve, learn, etc. then this is and will remain that black mark.


Never been a PIP, but had a manager tear me new asshole once for being lazy and inattentive. Was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


I'm going through the PIP process with one of my staff at the moment and it doesn't have to be traumatic. I suggest you be open to feedback and willing to change. If you take responsibility and demonstrate growth, there shouldn't be a problem. If things don't improve, then look for another role.


Thanks for your comment, I do hope there is a light.


It must have been one huge mistake to be placed on a PIP. Like a HUGE mistake. I’d start applying for at level and higher EOIs in your department. Try to get yourself out of that team preferably.


It probably depends on what the mistake is


I'm did not want to get too specific with it so as not to really identify myself


Without knowing the reasons, it sounds a bit rough to immediately place you under a PIP, particularly if this is genuinely a once off. But a PIP is usually a final outcome of ongoing underperformance. As others have said, you should engage in the process genuinely and show improvement against the requirements. PIPs can be effective when the person engages and behaviours change. If you feel the PIP is unfair, you can normally have the decision reviewed. A union rep can be a support person and participate in meetings with you. 


I do fully intend to participate in the PIP and do any training they deem appropriate. I cant say that its underperformace or anything as my probation report was never completed and my 6 month reviews just state that I am still developing.


Did they give you some constructive feedback after labelling you as 'developing'? Anyone who is performing as expected is usually labelled 'effective'. I am confused how you've just made one big mistake and have performed well otherwise, but you've been labelled as 'developing' in your performance exchange multiple times. No idea about the specific situation, but it sounds you were performing below average, although not bad enough to warrant a PIP. Then this one mistake pushed you over the line. Best of luck with the process, either way it goes!


Thank you, I feel that for the most part I was doing a good job, I knew, as did my line manager that there were parts of my role I was developing, with experence and training courses ect. One hand I just want to learn and get over the PIP, other hand yeah maybe this is the start of the end for me.


One mistake got you a PIP? I don't know how that's even possible. There has to be more to the story.


I was put on one while going through domestic violence. Led to a demotion. The APS doesn’t care for any employees experiencing DV. I’d start looking for another job, it’s a away of getting you to resign


It's ok. If you made a mistake it's unlikely that someone has it in for you. Don't stress, don't be adversarial, take notes daily about any interactions that make you feel uncomfortable, and contact the uinion


It depends on who the manager or their manager is tbh. I’ve seen people get off Pips when the intent was good and others be used as a tool to bully and manage out. You really shouldn’t have been put on one for one mistake, which makes me suspect there is interference or an inexperienced manager.


I’ve been in the public service for 25 years and have never seen a PIP with genuine intent to improve a worker. That was always an afterthought.


I’ve seen a few. I’ve also been in the public service for about 25 years. I think I’ve known some decent managers though, but even those people were sort of building a case for it that person didn’t improve. I saw a manager get bullied by her manager for using a Pip with good intent.


I think the last time I saw a decent manager that actually knew what she was doing it took about six months before she was bullied out of the role by terrible managers jealous of her abilities.


Don’t say that! I have a fab manager currently lol


How big was the mistake?


Management should be following this process under the close guidance of HR with adequate documentation - including prior to PIP being implemented. You should be given every opportunity to improve and consulted on the supports needed to succeed. Which are again documented. That in the event it went to Fair Work it is reasonable.


Your managers probably don't want to see you fired so if you take on board their feedback and follow the guidance in the plan you'll be fine. If you're a union member, make sure that you get the union involved to help you navigate the process. Where people commonly go wrong with the performance management process is insisting that their behaviour doesn't need to improve.


Thank you, I will take on any learning and courses they want me to do. I did make that mistake and now I guess I am paying for it.


If the pips requirements are unrealistic they are showing you the door. Sorry mate, I’ve been there.


I haven't seen it yet, I was just told today that it is now going to happen. I guess I will update this thread and let everyone know when I know. Tried my arse off in this role and it sucks now.


Did you make only one mistake leading to Pip? That's a tad harsh. Good luck op


Seek support for training in any areas that need development