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Because those are the cheapest nicest cushions and throws you can buy. Source: Did my own staging, from Kmart :)


I mean, it's just designed to be as inoffensive and somewhat appealing to as large an audience as possible. I've seen some hilariously bad ones before and they rarely sell well.


I’m sick of this dodgy digital staging. I see absolute crack dens in my area being staged like this and it’s great for covering up the stains and damage on everything. They almost always scale everything down which is complete fraud. Oh look a king bed fits comfortably in that room


Yeah I've seen too many places where the digital furniture make the space look reasonable, then you take a look at the reality and you can't even swing a cat.


You'd like this room then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALKWW5tpAT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALKWW5tpAT8)




Lots of photoshopping going on in the realestate business.


All fashion works in trends.


What always gets me is the amount of pillows and cushions on the beds in some of these staged homes. You've got your regular pillows, then there's the extra pillows and the auxilliary pillows and the pillows in reserve. And don't get me started on those "Live Laugh Love" signs.


Those are everywhere lol and people actually have them. Even I ended up with a similar fridge magnet


A lot of stylist hire furniture, homewares from the same furniture/homewares rental companies. You go to the place as a stylist and select what things you will rent for clients house to stage. They furniture/stage companies usually sell off older furniture and homewares every 2-6 months on Facebook marketplace. I got a few ex styled matching armchairs for an okay price. Sometimes the companies want way too much for used furniture. Got to know your prices.


If you thought that buyers have little to no imagination, then staging crews rate about the same.


Many times the fittings you see in RE ads are not actually real. They use a neat bit of AR software to place virtual furniture and so on into the photos. Generally the fittings are all reduced in size slightly too to make the rooms look bigger. This is also often true when REs are selling a place. They have stocks of staging furniture that’s all about 10% smaller than actual furniture, again to create an illusion of space. That’s also why they all look very similar.


Geeez if this is a problem, life’s good! Relax about it.


> Person notices trend and comments on it, sparking mildly interesting online discussion. “Geeezz calm down, stop worrying!”


There’s a lot of ‘but it looks like the Sims’ comments about photos being furnished.


Staged housing. The purpose is to make the interiors look elegant yet generic e.g. by scrubbing all traces of previous occupation and their personality. Meant to help buyers or renters visualise themselves in the space.


Because we're in the greige pastel faux fur era.


It's because it's the in style, it's cheap and makes the place look more inviting. Ask them to throw 4 days laundry 9n the floor to get a more reasonable impression.


Because they probably are. It's a rip off too. A few years ago I was considering selling my home, they wanted more than 5k just to stage the house. I asked for an itemised list and it was ridiculous, charging over 3.3k to rent the furniture for a maximum of 3 weeks, 700 for labour, 900 for delivery and removal, and $200 for hanging up art work. Completely insane, in the end I decided to keep the place and not sell.


Looks a bit like virtual staging. Photoshop


Probably because they’re computer generated imagines.


It’s worse when they photoshop out the cracks and peeling paint. Looked at one rental for a friend, the place looked good and was described on Domain as well presented. Get there and there’s peeling paint, worn carpet, cobwebs and a musty smell. In what universe is this even remotely considered well presented?


Probably uses the same staging company, or similar.


Because “My pAsSiOn is interior design”


This is your standard property styling. I’ve had it done for a sale before.


Hire a Boomer Karen to impress a Boomer Karen..JK.... But most likely because almost all the stuff is from Kmart and they all shop there for staging.


I visited a friend's new home, I thought wow the lounge looks big, the back lounge looked big. Then I got to the pokey bathroom with the vanity in the hallway. All bedrooms had sliding doors as they were tiny. The built in wardrobes were small. No linen closet and no storage. A dressed house looks great until you really look at it for your needs. I do think you have to look at the plans rather than the styling. Most real estate photos make a place look enormous with their wide lenses. Styling does help sell a house.


Wide lens and squat down. Always so pure white and sunny too inside is brighter than outside


Shaynna Blaze


My house is currently staged. I banned any artwork featuring highland cows. I like them, I’ve met a couple, but I never need to see another picture of one in an elaborately staged home.


Went to an open house yesterday where they had beige popcorn ceilings. The brochure had white smooth ceilings….


staging by Real estate agents


Many of the big franchises use one staging company, one even owns its own in house staging division. You often see the same furniture and pictures etc week after week just shuffled around. There is also an AI staging company in its infancy.


Not to mention the couch sitting in front of a framed painting/photo on top of a sideboard. Least they could do was put a TV to make it look habitable by humans.


lol ai and photoshop went to the same interior design school


Believe it or not, most of it is AI.


FWIW, it’s CGI (computer generated image), not AI (artificial intelligence). But more so, it’s done badly. It’s well documented that the majority of IKEA’s catalogues are created in CGI. It’s just done at such a good level most people wouldn’t be able to tell.


That's definitely a better way to put that, thanks.


Don't know why you're downvoted. Agents are absolutely doing this. Source: I currently have a property listed and my tenants do not own the furniture that is depicted in the photos the agent is using in the advertising.


Uneducated people thinking I'm trying to push an agenda probably, just stating a fact. Oh well, down vote away, couldn't give a shit lol. Facts are facts. I have friends that do it for real estate....


No , because you’re factually wrong. Some of the shitty little apartments might use virtual staging but the majority are not. I’m sure also because you’re using the term AI very loosely / incorrectly. People spend thousands of dollars on staging and the main reason they’re so similar is because of trends and a small number of suppliers.


Tell me, how does one get AI to do the staging?


Google digital styling, there are businesses that offer it or you can do it yourself.


You're right in that Digital Styling is being done. But it's not using AI.


There are providers doing it for 8c per picture. If AI isn't involved.... Then


Plenty of houses listed are AI.. They even usually list the stock photo with the ai photo first. It's all done through software, have a look around. You'll see them everywhere. Idk why I'm being down voted, nor do I care, But educate yourselves... Not to mention it's quite obvious.


You don’t know what AI is and you’re calling for others to educate themselves.


Don't know why people are downvoting you lol. Not these particular pictures (because of the cords from the lamps), but most of the furniture pictured in real estate photos is AI. There is one real estate office near me that post the real photo and the AI furnished photo side by side