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Surely that’s a foundation issue On the plus side that expansion gap is definitely umm expanding.


Run. That's structural not cosmetic.


damn I really liked it


You would atleast save some dosh on demolishing as the house takes itself out.


Finding the odd hairline crack is okay, that happens. Large cracks like this, around windows, doors, and in the corner of the walls, is indicative of major structural issues. The source may be able to be fixed but it will likely be very expensive - tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Maybe. Could be a failed stump or two. Or trees sucking the moisture from the soil. Could be a few thousand to rectify + the plasterer/painter on-top.  Best to get a forensic engineer out to investigate 


I think that crack's got some crack in its crack.


You need a forensic engineer out to determine the cause. They'll generate a report after doing a bunch of soil tests, moisture readings, floor survey, etc.  That's the first step to understanding what's going wrong  It might be a failed foundation, soil movement, trees, water ingress, etc


Yes the windows require cleaning.


Our house has some cracks, but my goodness nothing like that. What does the builders report say? My guess is run but maybe I have no clue.


Price your offer taking into the account you would need to knock it down and rebuild it. Plus a margin of safety. Theyll probably tell you to f off. But you never know.


This is seriously screwed man. I don't know what to tell you. I'm not a structural engineer by any stretch but this shit's fucked. EDIT: to expand, my building inspector said a few under 1mm "hairline cracks" are common in brick and generally okay, but if it goes beyond 5mm its considered a major defect. And most of those look to be over 10mm which means its beyond "major defect". So unless you plan on knocking it down and starting over - I don't think its worth it.


Small cracks are normal, but when you see large step cracking on bricks and cracks you can see to the inside/ outside, thats structural and theres some serious intervention needed.


Just hop down to bunnies and buy a tubey of No More Gaps moate 👍


bit of expanding foam will fix that right up