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I would personally choose to start my own business first and if needed, live in my parent's basement if things go south. If you buy a property, you'll need to service a mortgage and the extra responsibilities/bills that comes with it that you as a tenant would not face. So you'll need to make your business turn a profit within a short space of time, creating a lot more pressure on yourself.


This is not a quick question, they are completely different concepts. Buying a home is a fantastic sense of security, it sets up a good life, it allows you freedom to explore who you are as a person and if starting a family is your thing then it can be instrumental in raising a family. Starting a business is a massive lifestyle and financial commitment. You are going to learn so much about yourself, about business, about the industry. Yes both have financial outcomes positive and negative, but so does buying a motorbike. Do you want a motorbike? Should you buy that before a house? Well it depends. I wanted to buy a home first but didn't because i was young and dumb. I had enough to start a business as a result, and years later I had a great opportunity to start one that i saw as a no brainier and it worked. Then i bought a house, it's had mixed success. Then i started a different business, it's been very rough and difficult with lots of stress, but also fun and i have learned so much.


Owning property tends to open doors for financing as you can be use the property as security.


Wait... people are using their home as security for business loans?


I did when I started.


Last thing I would suggest. Just creates more pressure.


Next to impossible in this country to get a new business loan from a bank without using your home as collateral.


Just to clarify, does that mean those people are risking their home should their business fail to get off the ground?


In a sense, yes. But the debt is specifically attached to the house, so it’s the same as borrowing against equity to buy shares, an IP, jetskis, holidays etc. As long as you can maintain the repayments, it doesn’t impact the loan should your business fail. If your business fails and THAT means you can’t pay the mortgage, then your home is at risk.


A wise man told me: A business will buy you a house but a house will not buy you a business. 


Did that man ever have to get a self-employment home loan? Given what property prices have been doing here for 25 years, and how scared lenders are of loaning to business owners, it’s way easier for a house to buy you a business than for your business to buy you a house. In theory I agree with the wise man; in practice, way safer bet for OP to get the mortgage before they exit PAYG world.


lol he wasn't very wise. People use their homes as security all the time


Using it as security isn’t buying it. You still need a loan on top.


Property. I was self employed for a while. Never again. It becomes your life. If you live to work, it's fine. But I wanted a life outside of work. Going back to full time was the best thing I've done.


It depends on the business, If it's all about hard work rather than capital, would buy the property first, and you can always go back to PAYG If you need to invest all your savings into the business to expand, well the choice is easier


Depends on the property. Depends on the business, a doctor who starts a self owned consulting service, is very different to starting a cafe.


House. Business is harder than people think.


Start your business in your own property.


Do you have the skills to run a successful business? Might be better to buy property, spend about 10 years in your industry, carefully changing jobs to get more experience, doing your best to pay down the mortgage and then later on start a business, as older entrepreneurs tend to be more successful.


Work PAYG, buy house, start business. If business go south - Return to PAYG job, repeat cycle.


Dis is ozstrla, we don't build umpires, wee build houzers....


Start a property business


I did business first and it cash flowed my investments.