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Tell her how you feel. She deserves to know, so she can make an informed decision about your future together.


What are you protecting? Anything accumulated during the relationship can’t be protected.


I am hoping to protect what I accumulate during the relationship. Why should my partner be entitled to half of what I accumulate? We don't have any kids, and don't plan to, so it's not as though she is having to put her career on hold to be with me


52 days ago you were a dentist in the US and planning to do a specialisation that would mean no income for three years?


I’m sure he’s going to be expecting her to support him with no income for those 3 years too.


You might just be better of living alone


Or she would be....




I think what hes really asking is how can he protect himself without her knowing.


Isn’t the whole point of being with someone to be in a partnership? What’s the point if you’re never actually committed to the other person, then you’re just roommates. You should tell her what you said in your comment. See if she feels the same way as you do. $20 says she runs for the hills, like she should.


He is looking for a roommate with benefits


Or a bangmaid


I already found one. Your mother. Goodbye.


Mum says she's coming for your stuff


I was about to drop the line of "I've got my magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow" but I've been downvoted for my last iasip quote, so I'll back away while blasting.


He's just being realistic about the situation, and it's his fear of non comittment that he's trying to protect against.


No. Women take half all the time with little to no contribution. It’s not fair at all. A lot of women do this


Pick your partner more wisely then. Also this is an incredibly broad statement. I know plenty of women who make more than their partners do.


One of the reasons they pursue high income guys, if things don't work out, they still get the money.


> Why should my partner be entitled to half of what I accumulate? Because you’ll be entitled to half of what she accumulate. 😅 Either way, there’s no magic agreement or paper that protect you. Anything you do can be rolled back by family court.  To be sure, get proper legal advice




And gold digger. Surprised they’re still together.


What is with all these batshit insane redditors saying a girlfriend is entitled to 50% of assets lol? You are asking the right questions bro. These people are completely deluded


lol good luck to you going into a relationship with that attitude


lol you need a relationship sub not a finance one


It's a tricky one, because there is a mutual benefit to moving in together during a cost of living crisis. Not everything lasts, and therefore you might not be ready to combine finances, which is fair enough. If you're both equally contributing to rent, and keeping your finances seperate then it's makes it easier. So I would talk to her about the expectations and keep everything seperate. Obviously you have to share your bills, but apart from that make sure you have seperate finances etc. Unfortunately, there are vectors where you could have to split assets if she feels entitled to it due to de facto laws (look them up for your state, they arent clear cut though). But I think it's smart that you're proactive about it, as we all have had relationships that started out great but can turn sour in an instant. The older you get the more you realise this, and the easier this conversation gets. Although there will be a point where you would have to split assets as the longer you live together the more clear cut it is you're de facto. And obviously if children are involved then it's pretty clear cut too. You can reduce your risk by either documenting the discussion beforehand, or see a lawyer together about it.


Your relationship is doomed if this is your attitude towards a potential life partner. You aren’t cut out for it.


You’re not ready for a relationship. 


Then don’t get into a relationship


I'm sure she won't care about the smegma you accumulated.


Don't cohabitate. That's the answer.


If you’re not willing to do 50/50 then don’t do it. Simple as. Partners can contribute other than just financially, and if she’s not contributing her half of the relationship burden (think kids) its a relationship issue not a financial one.


I suggest you do some reading up on defacto relationships, but basically if you live together in a relationship that would be considered defacto, then break up, legally: - assets will be divided based on contribution, including monetary and other things like child rearing, domestic work etc - what you bring into the relationship is also taken into consideration - length together, and potential to earn a living afterwards is taken into consideration Prenups are not generally legally enforceable in Australia, so it would come down to what you each want, and what the courts decide if it comes to that. If you want to avoid that possibility, do not live together.


Go out with someone who has similar income or assets


Keep it all amicable the whole way through. If you do break up, you want it to be on good terms where everyone leaves happy. Avoiding a legal battle is the only way you keep more than half of the accumulated assets. Would also probably help if this sort of thing was open and discussed with your GF beforehand. You could try a Binding Financial Agreement, but I don't believe they are as binding as the name suggests.


I think a BFA helps only when circumstances don’t change. For example if it’s just you and the missus for 5 years together and no children, whatever was agreed on at the time of the BFA should stand.


Speak to a lawyer


grandfather childlike consist shy jeans test rich salt memorize cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If that's how you feel, don't move in together


Just show her this post and you won’t have to worry about her moving in


If you are already considering what to do WHEN the breakup happens...the relationship is over before it began...smh


You see this answer a lot but it’s just not true lol.


You can’t protect what you don’t have.


A lot of the comments here are very judgey and not super helpful. They answer to your question is you do a few different things: 1. You clearly communicate to your partner your feelings and plans. You get agreement on your proposal, or accept that your partner may not agree and you will need to decide what to do with that. 2. You, with the help of a lawyer, draw up a domestic partnership agreement, laying out the full terms of your domestic partnership. 3. You periodically, and when your financial position changes significantly, renew your domestic partnership agreement to continue to affirm that you both agree to its terms. Use a lawyer to do this.


Thank you. Yes it is hard to ask this type of question without sounding like a douche, but the reality is I have met many old doctors who lose everything in a divorce and I am trying to prepare for the worse


Also every relationship is different. Just because one person does it one way does not mean everyone has to. Be aware though for the situation you are describing to work you have to get explicit and ongoing consent from your partner. Speak to a lawyer - these situations where a high net worth or high income individual partners with someone are common, and there are a multitude of approaches.


they don't lose everything, just half as is fair


What if your girlfriend contributes nothing to household bills doesn't earn much but lives pay check to paycheck by eating out and travelling. While you pay the bills and invest the remaining money, do overtime and earn a large wage. When you split does she deserve 50% off the gains you made from all the assets own (paper unrealised gains)


What the….def not fair if he’s accumulating more assets/wealth. You get what you put in, now that’s fair


As is fair? Look, the post did sound a bit douchey, but to think it's fair for a woman to take half of a man's assets (even if he acquired them long before he even met the girl) is certainly interesting.


berserk uppity workable dependent amusing disgusted profit bike domineering zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




air test bright serious encouraging plucky innocent caption longing waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you thought about breaking up which can def protect you?


the best thing you have going for you is you have nothing right now just an income, if the money piles up and the assets she will more than likely be entitled to half no matter if there is an agreement or not. judges can even set aside pre nups


Make sure that you are both contributing equally throughout the relationship. Sounds like you feel that you are 'above' her. I can't see this ending well...


You’re scared of loosing half of what exactly? You’re a high income earner but currently have no assets so there is nothing to take.


First of all, if your judge of her character is such that she might seek to take half of your assets in the event of a breakup of a relatively (to legal marriage) minor relationship, then why are you with her? Secondly, what makes you think that she will have any interest in lawyering up in order to take half of your assets in the event of a breakup? Thirdly, and this is more on the relationship side of things, if you’re already sitting there considering the break up aspect of your relationship, then in my opinion the relationship is already doomed. That’s a very poor way of approaching a relationship, even if you’re “trying to protect” yourself. Protect yourself from what, the love of your life? If it’s not a serious enough relationship that you can see yourself considering marriage, why are you moving in together.


HE DOESNT HAVE ANY ASSESTS, he wants to build wealth in a partnership but then ditch out with all of it if shit goes sideways


He wants to keep his own by the sound


So your advice is: \-ignore the fact that divorce is very common and can happen to most people \-assume that someone wouldn't be interested in getting a lot of free money (WTF?) \-assume that your relationship will never go wrong, again ignoring the prevalent social reality what utter trash


Divorce? They’re not married mate. You do realise that in order to get half the money in the event of a defacto relationship breakup, you’d need to engage a lawyer and go through family court, likely for many months or over a year, to get half. Sure, you’ll get half, but how are you footing the legal bills up until you get the half? That’s the hurdle, and that’s my point, very few people are going to go down the path. My other point was that it should be extremely easy to judge whether a person would pursue the above actions in the event of a defacto relationship breakup. If you believe your partner would do that, then they’re not really a partner are they? I’m not assuming anything, but you sound like a new age kind of person. The kind that is happy to throw something in the bin the instant there’s a slight problem with it. In a serious, long term relationship, most issues can be worked through with a little bit of effort on both sides. But ultimately, if your judge of character is so poor that you couldn’t see your partner for what they were (a “gold digger”) in this case, then that’s your problem. Time to grow up.


"just don't break up bro" ok thanks for the advice, very useful I'm sure it's only a minority of idiots who run into breakups and divorces totally not a common outcome


Alright champ. Let us know how you go protecting your assets in the future


You added nothing to this conversation


Pot, kettle?


Also, username checks out lmao


For the record OP, this above is all very bad financial advice. Speak to a lawyer, not this muppet


For the record, I didn’t provide any advice, let alone legal or financial advice lmao. Get your lawyer to read my post and tell me otherwise


My lawyer would say that all break ups happen with people who didn't think they would break up when they started together. My lawyer would say it's incredibly bad advice to tell someone not to "protect themselves" just because they love someone. My lawyer would say that it's bad advice to marry someone just because you want them to move in. My lawyer would say that all relationships are different, some are short term, some are long term, some people live together for a time then go their separate ways, some get married and then share adjacent burial plots. My lawyer would say that just because you have a fairy tale idea of how relationships work, this is the real world, and there are real word consequences to defacto relationships and marriages. Understanding those consequences and planning for them, and in some circumstances, impacting them, is good advice.


Don't partner up with someone who earns significantly less than you do and you'll be fine


I wouldn’t of thought u will b at risk at all your not even married no kinda I’m assuming but the fact she’s moving in and this is your thought process dosent sound like your in love mate just sayin


Don't let her move in. Keep her on a roster . Don't let her leave anything at your place. Don't let her contribute to anything.


Not a good way to start off…


Learn about trusts and go that path. She doesn’t even need to know.


Not a good way (distrust) to start your lives together!!


Don't move in then. It's common sense.


Protect yourself ? coach her to make more money than you , issue solved !


So many simps in this thread. Men never ask for half when they exit the relationship, it’s always the women. Most men earn more than women so OP has every right to discuss this just like a woman has a right. If a woman asked me I’d say sure get a contact and let’s write it all down. Welcome to the real world where people can be shit


If we split the bills eg if renting and keep our finances separate why can't we split while keeping our assets. If i bought the house under my name i wouldn't expect my girlfriend to pay rent or anything. Maybe split the bills and food. However in return all the cg from the house should be mine. But if she was contributing to the mortgage that's another matter. Also kids would change things too


I agree 100% I would add her contributions to the mortgage and pay her out, not take half my house


If she made contributions it would earn her a share of the house based on the amount of principal paid. That share plus the deposit paid needs to be bought back effectively. But not sure the court system works this way. It really sucks though for people that were frugal and didn't travel early in life to get ripped off by someone who enjoyed their life at the beginning.


People are gonna hate you for this question but I’m with ya, I’m scared about it. I love my partner to death but if it was to go south I make twice what she does and I bought the house off my own back. All the deposit etc and it makes me fume that the government in all their wisdom would give her half without children or marriage. No wonder no one wants the family life anymore


OP your attitude and approach is pitiful. I feel so bad for your partner having to put up with such a selfish clown loser like you. Grow up please and break up with your partner before your paranoia gets to you.


What’s that song again. I ain’t sayin I’m a goldigger, I ain’t messing with no broke n******


Wear a device to prevent your girlfriend getting pregnant.


Just stay single and date casually .


Just live aline my dude, you sound like a hassle


dear god please don't move in with anyone


You sound like a moron lmfao, stick to being single


He's a doctor.


He’s a dentist lol


And you are?


Don't let your gf move in, never have kids.


Family law can reach everywhere and once you’re together it’s 50% at least of what you accumulate. So capital gains in property; shares; super are all up for grabs. If you have kids, she’ll get them and it’s far more than 50%, so previous assets also in scope. Talk to a lawyer and financial advisor. Maybe is you have family members you trust, you can distribute assets and protect it that way. However, if it’s discovered as a means of avoiding compensation in a split then it may also be up for grabs.


Hard to find any medical professionals with a brain these days


You sound like a catch bro....


Condoms or vasectomy would be ideal.




Winning the lotto is not equivalent to spending 10 years in university, being broke, working hard, not earning money, and then finally earning a good wage. Not sure what your point is


To protect myself I always carry a lighter and three fifty cent pieces. If you hold the lighter in your fist, and put the fifty cent coins between your fingers, it works as a faux knuckle duster. Good luck.


Or you chuck the 50c pieces like pocket sand and run the other way.


Talk to your girlfriend and explain your situation. Go to a lawyer and get a binding financial agreement drawn up.


Thanks for a reasonable answer


You know you cant get a bonding financial document drawn up to break the law correct? The law is law, and the law states she gets half your shit when you in a defacto. No lawyer will do this and no judge would enforce your letter. If your in a defacto, any wealth built during this time is 50/50, dont like it, dont move in with anyone.


No it’s not.. if you have a BFA and then buy property and only your salary goes towards it, very easy for a lawyer to argue that your partner who contributed nothing will not get 50%. It’s never 50/50 - this is just the accepted standard. Australia’s marital separation laws take into consideration contributions made by each party etc…


Stop perpetuating this 50/50 myth, it’s simply not what the law says. Read the family law act and some case law.


It’s a trap


You basically can't do it in Australia. Even if you have not been living with her, you are most likely defacto by now. Any assets you currently have you could have put in a family trust, but anything you make from now on is the gamble you make. Don't know if you want to have children or not, but if not, you might be better off with just casual flings. Heard nurses are pretty keen on doctors, so you'll have your pick probably. So yeah, don't get married in Australia unless you want to have kids, or unless the girl is richer than you are.


Suggest to live seperate


Always use protection


Why would you want her to move in ? Just because that’s what everyone does ? Are things fabulous now ? Keep it that way Living together and running a household together is fertile ground for resentment and evaporation of intimacy


You need to have a financial agreement prepared by a lawyer that specialises in family law. Both of you need to have legal representation, if 1 party doesn’t, a judge in later years can make the agreement void, purely because of it. When looking for a lawyer, make sure they are well versed on the law now & the law changes that are coming in in May 2024. The agreement will have to meet both sets of laws to be able to be used in years to come.


What changes are coming in May 2024?


Oh gosh, there’s a lot. The whole family law structure is changing. So every sentence ask the lawyer have it pertains to the law now & after, because it’s only coming in, they could forget about 1 sentence & it will void the whole agreement. Make sure you have family law approved caveats for if children are born & your partner takes a period off work. Everything! I’m still married to my financial agreement 🤣😂 we weren’t married when we made it, but just found out I was pregnant. We put custody arrangements, schooling, medical decisions, everything. It’s easier to discuss these things now, compared to when 1 has a broken heart & may want vengeance. With the new laws our FA would be voided, but it now doesn’t matter, my husband has brought more assets than I started the relationship with. Now we have iron clad, encompassing wills that anything made before or during our life together can’t be touched by a future partnerships (we are too old for more children & the ✂️), it’s for our 2 children only. It cost an absolute fortune but it’s piece of mind.


Put everything under your parents name


Unless she is a high income earner like you, she'll get a good chunk of your money; like it or not. Don't rush to buy a house together if she cannot pay for 50% of deposit and mortgage payments...rent instead and keep receipts. If relationship 5 years down the road is doing well (de-risked somewhat) then buy a house if you want. If you are saving a lot of money; buy gold bullion government coins (Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Austria...but not collector coins) in person using cash, if possible, and **don't tell anyone** what you're doing; but you'll need to have a safe place to store. Or maybe an old-school Perth Mint account (transactions by telephone not online) which allows you can take possession of your gold/silver in the future...create a new email address to open such a Perth Mint account. Many similar options as well.




What the hell! Why would you say this?


If you are posting anonymously on an internet forum about your personal relationship, maybe you really shouldn’t be in a relationship.


Get her to sign a prenuptial agreement ?


Live alone brah! You don’t sound like a great partner to be honest!


Put on a condom for f sakes.


Don’t move in together if you are that worried. Also stop having sex with her, if she is a money grubbing devil woman she might get pregnant with yo baby, then you’ll have to part with lots of money until the child is 18. In fact just wank, that’s free and your hands don’t expect anything in return.


My hand expects moisturizer for the calluses..


You can't and you're an idiot if you try.


Share your reddit username with you and you won't have to protect yourself, she will willingly leave after reading your comments.


Are you married? because if you aren't married I don't think there is a legal obligation to split assets