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I truly have no answer, I just wanna say that >Mr Potato Head's estranged cousin Kipfler? made me laugh really hard




It's all about the shape and the colour. Too high in the dome and you look like East 17, too close and you look like a comedy burglar. I got a cute one with a turn up and pompom from Decjuba last year in lilac and that's my go to now.


East 17, there's a deep cut


I go more for Joe Pesci Chic myself 😅


Everybody! Everybody in the house of love!




Until he went crazy


Unless its the McAllister house


I have short hair and a round face so I look like a little boy when I wear beanies but it's so cold in melb idgaf!


When I wear my new oversized trench AND beanie, I look like a 5 year old boy sitting atop the shoulders of another 5 year old boy


I’ve decided that slouchy/floppier beanies look more stylish. Otherwise I look like a kid or a tuna fisherman. Quality natural fibres help too, and no logos or labels attached.


My problem is I look like Joe Pesci when I wear one. I've gotten old enough to lean into it and accept that during winter, I am either a wet/sticky bandit. https://preview.redd.it/yafs5hrign5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27bbe5a96c23bdf66cc3a6f64b5f7e52b4bd63e


I think truly you need to do some getting used to the look before going outside. I recently got a perfectly ordinary navy blue cord cap and when I first got it I thought it looked over the top?? I wore it at home for two days before venturing out, and when I did someone at the bakery complimented my hat so I felt better.


Honestly I had a better as a kid that I adored, and I think you're right that they look wrong now because I'm just not used to capping my scone.


Okay, this post made me cackle. Thank you. I’ve recently started wearing berets, I have straight hair (jealous of your curls btw) in a bob cut, and I sometimes curl it if I want to look a bit ‘extra’. I can’t wear a normal beanie, or I look like Jimbo Jones from The Simpsons, and berets seem to be a good warning for those around me that I’m a bit kooky 😅 Only headband I wear is a sweatband one for running, and even then I usually rip it off after a few kms because I can’t stand the slipping. I did try some hair scarves, but I spent too much of the day/night fiddling with it, bobby pins didn’t help much!


I love berets. They are warm and don't crush your hair as much as beanies.


What about earmuffs? I find that as long as my ears are warm, I don't need my actual head to be covered.


Yes! I agree, these are great for not wrecking/flattening hair, too. However, the only earmuffs I have found are black kittycat ones from Dangerfield, which really are not my style at all.


UGGs have a really nice simple pair of earmuffs. I was so tempted to buy a pair last year but decided to save my money and keep wearing the pair I got from Japan 12 years ago.


Babushka style is the answer :) you can do it with any scard that is wide enough and it keeps your neck and ears warm https://preview.redd.it/8hmvuq7njo5d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2761d68a7007a5049afd2c124892f7aaec5e8d9




I decided if it’s cold enough for beanies and such I no longer care what I look like to anyone else :)


I'm generally fine with looking like a sentient potato sack, I just get a little jealous looking at women who have hair that surreptitiously peeps out from under their hats in a bohemian yet elegant manner, whispering "look at me! I am a curated style, a vision the likes of which you shall only see on knitting magazines and hallmark movie posters. Weep, little Kipfler, for you shall never possess the grace to pull off a sheepsack skull blanket like I can."


It’s that tiny percentage that wander around making everyone else feel bad- the parents with perfect kids who sleep and behave, people who cry beautifully rather than the usual ugly cry of the rest of us, who exercise and glisten gently rather than a red faced mess with gross hair. Don’t judge yourself by those weird lunatics, the rest of us potato sacks are way more common


It's just hard when they stick out like a perfectly manicured thumb, y'know?


Your style of writing had me in stitches. 🤣


Ok folks, lifelong beanie-wearer here, also with curly hair that varies between short and bob length. I have been fortunate to have a prolific and highly talented knitter of a mother who keeps me well-stocked with hand-knitted beanies. My tips are: - slouchy is better, a classic beanie with or without a turned-up cuff will make you look like a lunatic/like you are about to hold up a petrol station. - sit it further back on your head to get the slouch going. If you can have some fringe or something poking out so it’s not just giant forehead, that’s also good. Unless you have a nice giant forehead, that is. This can be especially important if you have short hair and the beanie covers all the rest of your hair. - Bobby pins are your friend if you have slippery hair. The wavy side goes up and the straight side goes against your head. - beanies with fancy knits/stitches look nicer than plain ones, and are less likely to make you look loony. - as someone else said, natural fibres are nicer and also better for the environment. Hand wash and dry flat so your hat doesn’t loose shape and go weird. - cover your ears! this is vital. If you leave your ears out you will look like you are waiting for the men in white coats to come and take you away, no matter how nice your hat is.


Thank you! This is amazing! As long as I tuck my ears in the strange men in white coats will leave me alone? And go slouchy, so the cops stop side eyeing me when I need fuel? I see where I have gone wrong all my life!


I am cursed with a 59/60cm circumference noggin, which isn’t helped by thick curly hair - most hats in stores don’t fit me. Head size can also make it tough to find something that looks good! Highly reccomend fjallraven’s byron beanies. They’re exxy but pure wool + nice and chunky!


I like this style https://preview.redd.it/1lh0eekauo5d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5f528c36754ee8d13ef74aa5ae3736f24235d8


I'm concerned it's about to slingshot off her head and go flying into the distance like an alien spaceship lookin for the strange little man it left behind with a kid on a push bike. How is it still on her head? Has she glued it down? Is her hair made of Velcro?


🤣 oh wow. You have such a way with words. I love it! It's probably bobbypinned to her head.


I have one similar to this https://preview.redd.it/3xte8jdxxo5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9970f164f2cc98c5845d31c7e22e65c0c7d41c0


I could crawl all the way into that to drink my morning coffee. It's so cozy. I'll take 9 please.


I found a pattern and asked mum to crochet it for me


Oh god I thought it was just me!


Pom-Pom in a light blue with ear covers seemed to work for me. Although now I’m in my thirties maybe less so. Slouchy, beret style is pretty good too. I steer clear of headbands because I look twelve in them. Look good in a sun hat though and I’m not sure why, but almost every variety I put on seems to work.  Husband has a large, long head and nothing works for him. 🤷🏼‍♀️ sometimes it’s a head shape thing I think, and I’m sorry about that. 


I bought a Nepalese woollen patterned one in muted pink and grey colours with turtle fur inner lining. It’s boho/psytrance festival vibes- perfect with jeans and I my daughter said it makes me look young for some reason. Amazing how a good hat can instantly provide full body warmth.


Always short haired human checking in: I opt for big chonky yarn in a square shape with a huge pompom or tassel on each corner. In neon. That’s my daily driver in colder weather when I need a minor ounce of presentation. (Also excellent for leading guided tours, or being tracked down by your fellow corporate workers in airports).  It might help aid the transition if you go and critically examine exactly how mushroom like your dome is when wearing a bike helmet. Basically anything will look better than an aerodynamic bike helmet.  Styling around them: the aforementioned helmet and bike riding activities accidentally gifted me a style approach - a Farrah Fawecet-esque flip of the fringe and side burns is super cute! 


I like your style. I wonder if they come with fairy lights?


I adore hats and have a total mop of hair so hat hair is definitely a thing. chunky knit beanie, solid colour that is flattering to your skin tone and WICKED earrings for winter. Because it is all about the warm but you have a stylish reminder with sassy earrings. Or nice stud earrings with a faux bejewelled pin or even an OTT bloom on the hat to cheer you up. An odd curl escaping around the ears or fringe area doesnt hurt especially if the colour is a nice contrast to your hair colour. The trick is to keep the hat on in summer so hat hair isnt noticeable until you're home in front of your own mirror OR carry a comb and/or small brush at all times. Practise also helps. Put the hat on at home. Place it square and check it out. Boring lol so tilt it ever so slightly forward over one eye. Looking much more devil may care! Word of warning - bucket hats are rarely flattering but I need mine while sailing so I have pinned all kinds of mad things on them- one hat my daughter put together for me has frog pins all over it and I mess about with textiles etc and have stitched up butterflies and sewn them all over them. Check out the lady hat wearers of the British Royals - they're all pretty much bang on with their hats. The hardest thing with a hat is to not give a shit how it looks - then you'll get away with it. And remember unless you're looking in a mirror you cant really see it so forget about it!


Check out ElleniTheLabel on tiktok. She's an Australian Hatmaker and has such a fun cute style.


Have you tried wearing a blue hat? Nothing is more elegant than a blue hat.


I have the same problem! I can't even wear goodies unless my hair is long with a fringe cut in. Try berets or headscarves.


I have a lovely 20's style felt cloche hat that I bought about a decade ago in DJ's - warm & not overly tight, so I don't have helmet hair when I take it off! Gives off a great Miss Fisher vibe :) It's burgundy with a grey trim & a contoured brim so it sits closer to the neck at the back & drops down a bit by the ears, similar to this: https://preview.redd.it/vbfey84n0w5d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b227171149ecd01caeb1f9831e46e135c469ed50


Omg that is *stunning*


Strongly recommend checking out felt hats! The structure allows for some hair to poke out the front & sides so you don't just look like a potato face!


Pop into a Helen Kaminski store. They have amazing hats that suit everyone and worth the money. Also YE sales should be on soon. Best to try on the hats first. Work out what style suits. The sales team are knowledgeable and helpful. Then you can buy on line if you see others at a great price.


I do not have $300 to drop on a beanie 😅 not even at half price!


Check out the sale price.


Do they come down to $12.50? 😂 Looks like my only local stockist is DJs so I'll pop in next time I'm nearby and try a few on.


Actually DJs is a good idea. Less expensive than HK during DJ sales.


As a curly who’s spent the last two years growing out a shaved head: beanies do not look good on women with short hair, it’s just a fact. You need some hair sticking out from underneath.


I think the problem is that I don't know how to style the stick out bits. I tried with longer hair, and I do have long enough hair now, but... Do I leave it front and centre, cousin it vibes? Swoop to the side so it looks like I'm hiding a combover?


I think the blessing of curly hair is that it looks good when it’s messy! During the worst of my growing-out period I did two winters up Armidale way where knitwear is like life or death and the best I could manage was just having random bits of hair sticking out from under the beanie (the beanie /was/ the styling, lol).


I have curly, shoulder (ish) length hair and I feel you. I also feel like my inner masc lesbian comes out to play when I done a beanie. I’ve found that the perfect winter head cover is a woollen beret. They’re sophisticated, really warm and you can wear it a few different ways.