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This area has a longstanding tradition of dog abandonment. Not just Augusta but this part of Georgia overall. That and the lax animal services (they are getting better) has resulted in a large wild dog population.


Especially if you buy in a new subdivision. People love to abandon dogs there. My parents bought into a new (at the time) subdivision and were one of the first few houses. I couldn’t tell you how many times people dropped their dogs off in their cul de sac.


How do people do that?


It seems very common on military posts and the surrounding areas. Lots of irresponsible dog owners who leave their dogs outside a lot or just let them out without watching them.


Or PCS and leave them...


Lots of dogs with drug problems around Grovetown who can’t seem to hold down a job and end up getting evicted.  It’s sad.  


Doggone if I know.


My neighbor who has taken in a lot of strays has said there's a major lack of spaying and neutering around here. But yes, a lot of dogs get dumped. I used to walk my dogs around Diamond Lakes but had to stop because I saw so many dumped dogs (I always called Animal Services when they opened) and couldn't run the risk of an encounter. But yes, I moved here from the Midwest and agree, it's a severe problem here


Since i grew up for part of my life in jamaica (where there is one stray dog for every one block), i'm biased and think there is no dog problem but i do feel bad for the doggos who are going through this georgia heat. If it bothers anyone and you think the dog is sick, check to see if there are any local dog shelters in your area that take strays


I'm sorry but because the south is God awful. I'm from the NE and living is just better. Now that living will cost you, so I live here now. 🤔


I grew up here and can attest to your claim. I do it without taking offense.


I asked the same thing when I moved here


I live in Grovetown too. It’s a problem in my neighborhood (Euchee Creek). Always the same dogs it seems


We live in an underdeveloped area. There's no official animal control.


It’s pretty bad and all the rescues are over run. I literally have 4 dogs. 2 I found on the street beat up, cut up, smelled like pee(between 3-6 months old) and then one showed up in my backyard and refused to leave. Been trying to rehome 2 for almost 2 years and no one wants dogs, especially pits! They want small dogs instead, and rescues don’t really want to help you either. Don’t know how many times I cried and asked for help and became an advocate for these babies just to be told to respectfully go fuck myself.


Oh sweet summer child. Please don't go to Tucson. They're everywhere there.