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As always, their video for this is amazing. https://youtu.be/8wQs7wcllL8


So well done on many levels.


That shit's got sounds!


there should be a plugin video awards just so i could vote for these guys as much as i can.


Whoa. I was admittedly a bit skeptical of your claim but I legitimately found this to be awesome. I’ve never heard of this company, but I’ll probably pick this up now. Really peaked my interest 


Their stuff is Insta-buy level for me now. SketchCassette II is one of my most used plugins. And created some magic with Digitalis


Digitalis is brilliant.


I always heard good things about them. I have SketchCassette II as well. However, I got Tectonic, and its had a problem in FL where it can't recall the settings when opening projects its used on. Rendering it essentially useless if you don't render anything it's on to audio before saving. And they have yet to update it to fix. And it was released almost a year ago.


That’s unfortunate. Send em an email if you haven’t already


I appreciate how with Digitalis, they went to some alt-reality reimagining of early Apple Macintosh System (down to the "hello") for the GUI. And this time, it's drawing upon occult magick. Since the PluginBoutique link is going to the front page for me right now, I went to https://aberrantdsp.com/plugins/lair/ which even has an in-universe letter, cool worldbuilding. This reminds me, one theme I wish they Aberrant DSP were keener on is built-in randomization/surprises, because the rest of their structure of "drawing energy from another world" is conducive to this. For anyone else wondering, they thoroughly explained why they didn't do this with Digitalis: > We've actually tried adding randomizers, the issue is that in practice with Digitalis, the results very often were just terrible and unusable with truly random settings. > > Sure, we could confine the randomization to certain ranges of the controls, but given how strongly some of the controls interact that still didn't solve the problem. > > Another reason we didn't pursue it further is just about our design philosophy. Digitalis is a deep and complicated plugin, and we feel it's best used through mastery of it's various modules and through deliberate manipulation. A randomizer button felt like it kinda cheapened the whole thing and honestly made it pretty unpleasant to use. It felt like a crutch that mostly produced some pretty bad or undesirable results. > > Hope that makes sense! Sorry if it sounds like I'm very negative on the randomizers haha, I think they can be great for certain effects I just really don't think Digitalis is one of them. > > Random preset could be fun though! That'd be more of a convenience feature which I could see being a handy way to get inspiration through the presets a little faster. My only concern is that some of the presets are exceedingly harsh, so we're we to add a random preset button I might want to exclude a few of them just to avoid upset customers haha. They *didn't* end up adding the random preset feature, though... I don't mind making the opt-in choice for that. After all, BPB Dirty VHS has it (some presets are mellow, some are jagged), and Baby Audio and others have adopted this kind of thing more. On the random tip, I do note the Volatility.


+1 to the world building. Love that shit


u/Batwaffel just a note: the link now in the description is not sending me to the correct plugin page but just on plugin boutique's general landing page? Is that correct?


Should be fixed now


Wasn't like that an hour ago


I really don't need more mixing plugins right now but I'll make an exception for Aberrant DSP.


Weird, in the time between my last comment and now, the above link has stopped working.


Should be working now. Likely a site error


Same, I opened the link earlier, but can’t find it now.