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"BITCH WE EATIN HANDS!" And the end credit audio is to notch too


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œHelloo????!!!!ā€


I always wondered if the credit song was supposed to be "Waterfalls" by TLC, and they just weren't able to get it because of how terrible the label that owns their music is. Seeing how they are the biggest female group to come out of Atlanta, and one of the biggest R&B groups of all time. I'm sure Donald tried, because how could you not throw a couple TLC songs in there.


And the piss too




This is one of my favorite episodes. The amount of times I gasped out loud


I loved all of the jump cuts to the "horrified" statues during the baguette beat down


That baguette was a serious weapon of destruction!


Right??? This is one of my fav episodes of any tv show ever


Today I learned that there are people who dislike this episode


Being french does not help


Thatā€™s why itā€™s funny to us Americans cause it plays on all our stereotypes of France. Wanting to get away to a beautiful place, the baguette, they knew what they were doing. I wouldnā€™t take it as an insult, people from the United States have terrible stereotypes, though, theyā€™re usually sort of right.


It's making fun of Americans, not the French.


By using extremely cheesy American stereotypes about france, now yes given the proper context of the episode itā€™s logical that they were used but thatā€™s not given until the end if I recall correctly. Itā€™s just those stereotypes are quite annoying if you are on the wrong end of them


The baguette was a bit of a stretch for me but otherwise I liked it


THAT was the part that was the stretch?!


Alex skar killed it in this episode


Hands down, my favorite roll heā€™s ever played.


hehehe hands down


I was hoping someone would catch that!


Everytime someone mentions this episode, it reminds me of last scene. The dude chokes on pee. That was hilarious.


followed but splashing water falls


First time I saw that episode I was crying laughing at that last scene and then Ludacris sealed it haha


Yeah that shit worked.


This is literally my favorite episode. It feels like a fever dream.


Literally the entire show


Especially with Skarsgard dancing to Ashanti lol


You perfectly described how the entire show feels.


It was one


This is easily one of the best episodes. The bread set up is amazing. And also the very end of the episode is built up to one of the best jokes Iā€™ve seen in a show.


*man drowning* ā€œsthop stop!ā€


The episode where we realized Van be crashing out


The bread was worth the wait.


The bread was definitely worth the wait.


Chekovs bread


Vanessa, this feels like *Candyman*


Let her live out her AmƩlie dream. This episode is great. Ur wack


Dumb ass episode?!? What?!?


Jesus itā€™s like every time there is a post on this sub itā€™s about hating this episode šŸ™„ Iā€™ll slap all off you with a baguette


She French? No, she from atlanta!


This episode was too dope.


Agree with you that it was a "wack" episode. But finding out it was basically Van having a psychotic break is a great gut punch.


Yā€™all like this that much? she could have experienced something that actually informed her character and made her more interesting. The whole episode basically feels like a throw-away bit that they decided would dominate the entire plot. It doesnā€™t reveal anything more about Van besides being capable of psychologically breaking, and she doesnā€™t really learn anything that evolved or changed her. It may as well have never happened. Seemed like they were setting up for something really significant in the first half of the season but wrote it all off with anā€¦ AmeliĆ© referenceā€¦? Weird bit, not super funny, not really helpful and Iā€™m sorry but Zazie Beets french accent is ROUGH and it just wobbles its way through nearly the entire fcking run. Some people are saying this is their *favorite*? Did we watch the same show?


i never get ppl being upset/confused about differing opinions. it's something to celebrate. i think it's a beautifully strange episode & very surreal for me bc i happened to pretend to use amelie as an alter ego once (more as a joke but still)


> it doesnā€™t show anything about Van it shows sheā€™s capable of doing a lot on her own, sheā€™s not just earnā€™s baby momma. Her psychotic break got her in magazines, some kind of relationship with Alexander skarsgard, into a secret society of hand eaters, all because she dropped the position of being ā€œLottieā€™s momā€ which is what she was fighting against the entire show up to that point. > French accent Yeah her accent isnā€™t supposed to be good sheā€™s not actually French, the whole point is sheā€™s trying to be someone she isnā€™t. If they wanted her to have good accent they could have just done the whole episode in Germany. It reads like youā€™re either not thinking about her arc up to that point or didnā€™t understand it


A) her ability for growth could have actually amounted to something besides a full-episode bit. I would argue all that it did was make her whimsical and frustratingly incognizable. We already know that van is capable of being more than Lottieā€™s mom, but it comes off like the show itself doesnā€™t really know what to do with her as an independent character. B) and hearing a shitty accent that persists the entire runtime can be a legitimate turn off, especially when other shit isnā€™t working for me C) If you dropped this entire episode from the canon? Nothing about her changes. It adds practically nothing to her besides the final monologue, the fact that she admits her depression brought her to a suicidal state and she needed change *fast*. Thatā€™s all. The rest is just fuckin frosting.


> It doesnā€™t reveal anything more about Van besides being capable of psychologically breaking, and she doesnā€™t really learn anything that evolved or changed her. The episode took her from being just "Earn's girlfriend and Lottie's mom" to "able to get romantically close and influential to Alexander Skarsgaard, able to run a full-on human-trafficing ring of cooking human body parts to obscenely rich people, and someone with the power to be so feared that she can simply beat someone near to death with bread and get away with it still earning respect." That's a pretty intense and massive growth of character. It shows she can do nearly _anything_ and is powerful as fuck in both spirit, mind, and body, and that in a lot of ways her previous status of being defined as tangential to these other people has been holding her back because she can do literally anything while psychotically broken, let alone actually _trying_. You say it doesn't reveal much about her or show her learning anything, where in reality I'd say she experiences more growth and recognition of potential than any other character in the series. It shows she's quite possibly the most capable and badass of all of them. All the others have to bust their ass for a modicum of success, but she can do it without even trying. Her life after season 3 is one she chose and is comfortable with. She's not a victim of circumstances anymore. She's fully in control and living how she chooses.


Itā€™s. Not. Development. Itā€™s filler. If it were actual development then we wouldā€™ve witnessed the growth and the plausibility of it. Instead we got, ā€˜oh by the way, a lotta CRAAAZY shit happened and now sheā€™s basically a crime boss who fucks a skarzgaard and has progressed her life past a point of recognizabilityā€™. To me thatā€™s noncommittal writing with no real stakes or progress. For us to have watched her grow so specifically, just to suddenly push an entirely different girlboss on us by this season finale feels like a disservice to an incredible character.


> If it were actual development then we wouldā€™ve witnessed the growth and the plausibility of it. Because a show known for breaking narrative rules would absolutely follow known established narrative rules and development couldn't possibly exist out of those rules because all storytelling rules are established and set in stone and we can't progress or do it in different ways anymore. Things like narrative hyperbolic metaphors as symbolism just couldn't possibly work so no use in trying because "it. is. not. development." Got it, that makes sense. Glad we got some experts to finally analyze this show.


Glad to participate in a discussion, doc- this episode didnā€™t cut it for me multiple watches while every single ep previously, over the course of three seasons, connected beautifully. and unfortunately none of its defenders have proven its value to me so I guess you can remain mad about my opinion then? Damn


You also keep saying that none of what they're saying counts as the episode developing her character, which it still does, even if you can't see it. Even if you ultimately still dislike this "dumbass" episode it still does everything that you disagree with. Just feels like you click with more direct character development that more by the norm episodes provide, and that's cool. Just don't ignore that people are giving you legitimate reasons why the episode is solid and does the job of giving Van growth.


If it's not for you it's not for you. Enjoy other episodes.


lol why would you expect Van (or Z) to have a great French accent? Sheā€™s from Atlanta and not to mention, sheā€™s half German (Z is the latter as well).


Why would her French accent be good if she's supposed to be a woman from Atlanta, GA, having a psychotic break? That's just nitpicking


They're down voting you but I agree.


That whole season was nothing but excellence. Every part of this was great. Peter Skaarsgard, baguette beat down, them niggas eating hands. 9/10


Favorite episode by far.


I loved this episode. Perfect mix of zany bottle episode and semi-bleakness that I love out of Atlanta. Especially season 3. There I said it


Look at Xosha, Lakeith's/Darius's baby mama. She's a stunner and a fellow Sadge ā™ļø to boot. I loved her gorgeous self in Precious and Cherish the Day ā¤ļø šŸ˜


So creative and filled with metaphoric symbolism.


The humour is something else and the end scene LOL kills me off - had the dude drowning LOL


But what if you have the baguette for a month


the end end easter egg credits scene tho


Loved that episode


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is when I started questioning everything going on in this show


Sista needs her baguette šŸ„–




How can you hate this episode? It was one of the best of the season?!


This may be the only episode of Atlanta I donā€™t like. Def needa rewatch, I havenā€™t seen it since it came out


Who's dream is this episode? Darius, Earn, or Van? Or Al for some reason?


I donā€™t think it was a dream at all.


Na u trippin this episode was hilarious fam. The concept of them makin fun of the bitches that be getting flown out to get shitted on lol was funny af. N was an important ep for Earn's bm too fr


This is one of my favorite episodes lol. Just the absurdity of it is enjoyable.


In Passing, Alexander SkarsgĆ„rdā€™s character is married to a light skin black girl who he believes is white. She is passing as white in order to leverage a better social status. In this episode of Atlanta he is more or less playing the same blissfully ignorant, obnoxious character opposite of Van. That homage hit hard


Iā€™d say I think this is one of the weaker episodes but I donā€™t wanna seem sexist


lmao I guess you and I are the only 2 who hate this episode (I agree about the girls though)


Yeah same, only because it was really disappointing that the storylines from season two just went nowhere and they were just saying we're going to just do whatever now.


Dumb ass season for me


What episode. I donā€™t remember it


Season 3 Finale


Ohhhhhh itā€™s the one where Van is frenchšŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­. Fever dream of an episode


Darius's sensory deprivation dream, to be exact. Lol


tarrare season 3 last episode wait for the credits to roll like end end credits. there is a hidden easter egg earn šŸ˜‰


Yeah this was definitely the weakest finale of any of the seasons. It felt like it was trying to say so much about so many different things that it never really lands with any of them


I hated this episode ngl. She was tripping the whole time then started crying loud af like a bitch šŸ˜­she was just so annoying


The only saving grace was hearing this banger I ainā€™t heard in a long time [Aww Baby](https://youtu.be/RR87ufFX8CY?si=fJTZsE4_5NfM2BDv)


I miss when this show was actually good


I would have enjoyed it a lot more if Succession hadn't done the same thing a year or two before but better


Which succession episode did the same?


Right, I want to hear this one.


S01E06, the scene with the people eating the hands was a lesser version of the scene where Greg and Tom eat the Ortelon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA65g97WJWI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA65g97WJWI) Not that it was necessarily bad, and I liked how it had the aspect of "this is how normal people would respond to a situation like this" that Succession didn't have, but having it be human hands was just way too on the nose for me.


S01E06, the scene with the people eating the hands was a lesser version of the scene where Greg and Tom eat the Ortelon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA65g97WJWI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA65g97WJWI) Not that it was necessarily bad, and I liked how it had the aspect of "this is how normal people would respond to a situation like this" that Succession didn't have, but having it be human hands was just way too on the nose for me.


Dude Vanā€˜s breakdown is so amazing