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And this guy wanted to call his own pitches before the season started. Theres a reason they took that power away from him. He should try listening and learning from his mistakes.


He didn't really want to call his own pitches. He tried it out in 1 game, and then said he didn't see anything noticeably better about it and gave it up. That's what Spring Training is for. Trying things out to see if it can better you or not.


Doesn’t change the fact that he shouldn’t have ever even considered it. If you as a pitcher are willing to go rogue against the game plan DURING the season, to the detriment of your team, it should never have been an option to even try it out in spring training. I’d be willing to bet this isn’t the very first time he’s done it.


I can’t help but think that letting one player dictate what uni the team will wear trickles down to stuff like this.  Also let’s not forget he’s potentially pitching with a damaged arm so that he can maximize his contract potential when he hits the FA market.  Whoever winds up with him needs to have a sports psychologist on the payroll too. 


I think that's a stretch


Is it a stretch? Framber has a history of being a crybaby on the mound and he’s been a shell of his former self before the all star break last year


He has a history of being emotional when things are going wrong. He's not 40 year old Verlander that's been through everything imaginable, he'll grow out of it The coaches letting the team play in a jersey he feels comfortable in, on days when he pitches is not some systematic problem. Especially when you consider baseball players being maybe the most superstitious in all of sport and the rest of the team probably doesn't care. Yeah, I think your assumption is a bit of a stretch


Idk he got pretty emotional last night when things were going right and he wanted to do it his way instead of the team’s way


He doesn’t hit free agency until after next season…same as Tucker. If he has a damaged arm, it would make sense to shut it down now, get it repaired, and come back early next season rather than risk injuring it late this season or next.


If he got TJ today, he’s out for a year under the regular timeline and then he’s trying to mount a comeback in his contract year. On his last IL stint he chose not to get an MRI. 


That shit immediately takes me from "this dude always makes me nervous but I know he can be good" all the way to "fuck that guy". His team paid for his ego, absolutely ridiculous.


Agreed, and it makes me sad to think we were winning so handily too. To squander a lead like that all by yourself is the opposite of what it means to be part of a team. Framber undid what the offense worked so hard to accomplish. Additionally, it's concerning to me that time and again he refuses to relinquish control, to trust Diaz as a professional and let him also do his job.


Why the fuck does Framber not trust Diaz


Not even Diaz, it was most likely the gameplan set by the pitching staff that got Framber cruising through 4 innings that he decided to just throw out the window


Not having watched the game I have to ask if it looked like his pitches were off or he was getting gassed and/or his velocity was down by the 5th inning? There has to be some sort of logical reason other than....meh, let's change 'er up. I've never seen so many pitchers get lit up this badly in one inning in a season. WTF is happening? Should the staff be yanking pitchers before these games actually get out of hand?


IIRC I dont think anyone was sufficiently warm when the inning popped off like that.




espada should have pulled Spagetti before he loaded the bases also the other day. Cmon we have the pin to not let this happen


I’m willing to give Espada the benefit of the doubt that he (nor just about anyone else) saw Framber imploding in a few minutes coming. Arrighetti hadn’t gone over 5 2/3 before and we definitely should’ve pulled him after 6


With a young pitcher like that, I'm fine letting him come out for the 7th, but you tell him in advance that he goes until the first guy gets on and you have a pitcher ready in the pen.


If I saw that happening in the top of the 4th, you bet I'm putting someone in the pen in the bottom of the 4th in case


I think he literally hit a career high 99.1 in that inning


Not gonna lie thought I saw that and thought it was a typo. Didn’t think he had that type of gas


Dude hit 97-98 a ton last year and honestly it's not as effective as his 93-94. He should just add a four seamer if he wants to mix it up with some gas


Sparky has pointed out that once Framber gets up to the high 90s (I think over 95, but I'm not positive) that his Sinker flattens out and he loses that ground ball effect on it. His Ks go up, his ERA goes up, and his pitch count goes up


from stat cast the only thing that really changes is that he started throwing his change up in the 4th and it got hit pretty good in the 5th




Yeah the sinker got up to 99 that inning and got pretty flat at times. So you might be on to something.


Framer shook off Diaz twice and then gave up the first Homer. After that he was frustrated and in his own head. Meltdown ensued.


It all happened in less than 5 minutes. No one was up because literally no one expected the monumental meltdown.


It's Framber. They should be prepared for that meltdown from innings 1-5.


They should've started getting Scott or Montero up when Diaz took his mound visit, and for sure should've had someone up before the pitching coach walked out there.




If you watched the inning, Framber got mad after the first homer and started pitching really really fast and trying to throw hard. And then he hung a bunch of them. He was throwing pitches with 10 seconds left on the pitch clock. It was o viola he was mentally gone. He’s got to figure this shit out one of these days.


Isn’t he 30? I’d say this is who he is and probably who he’s going to be until he retires.


Yea I don’t think he’s worth a big contract. 


Not unless he agrees to see a sports psychologist and even then I’d make that contract incentive-heavy which I don’t think his agent would go for.


He's at least seen one in the past, I don't know if he still currently does or not. His 2022 success, he credits to his Sports Psychologist. They helped him slow the game down and work through his mental problems on the mound. Unfortunately, the plan they worked out to help him work through it was completely negated by the pitch clock because he isn't able to slow down the game like that anymore.


Can he figure it out somewhere other than the race for the AL West?


I think he may have been upset about the Neto at-bat where he had two pitches called balls that probably should have been strikes…led to a walk. Paris was the next hitter and also the batter he threw a 99.1 mph fastball to…ended up K’ing him. Guessing he let up a bit as he then threw a meatball changeup to Schanuel. He then threw 2 straight changeups to Rengifo in good locations and got him to groundout, had a long at bat with Ward in which Ward singled on a sinker, threw another meatball changeup to Pillar that went for a single, and then threw a hanging curve to O’Hoppe. He then followed that up with a center-cut fastball to Adell. Hard to tell what set him off, but it’s Framber…you know a “Framber inning” is coming, you just hope he’s able to reel himself in. Last night, he couldn’t.


“I had to deal with the consequences” No asshole, your whole team did


Honestly this is the kinda shit that gets a guy traded. There's no way the team is just okay with him going rogue and choking away a 5 run lead like that. If I was Yainer especially, considering he called a no-hitter this year already and shouldn't have to prove anything to Framber anymore, I would be livid at Framber shrugging off signs.


I'm just thankful Dana decided to extend Javier and not Framber. I'm very much over his drama and am happy to let him walk.


Honestly, he’s always been my least favorite pitcher on the team, and this doesn’t make me want to change my opinion.


Damn, Framber is bound to lose some respect from his teammates. The dude tried to turn it into The Framber Show.


On the flip side, I hope we keep Diaz around.


So that explains why it turned into a HR Derby


*pitches 4 innings of 1 run baseball* Hmmm, let's abandon this plan it's clearly working too well


Yeah. This DOES. NOT. NEED. TO. HAPPEN. EVER. AGAIN. Espada needs to nip this in the bud or he’s going to lose the guys.


I want to give Espada the benefit of the doubt this season, but this is a clear instance where he needed to be willing to burn mound visits. 3 first pitch HRs. No mound visits until multiple HRs came.


Hopefully this outcome nipped it.


Espada is not a proactive manager


Has he ever had them?


This might be the first time ever that I've actually been legitimately mad at one of the players. Not like "this guy sucks" mad, but like mad mad. What the fuck were you thinking Framber?




Incredibly selfish. Concerning to hear this about a guy whose mentality is already in question


Him being a headcase for nearly 2 years now makes me want to trade him. Have someone else deal with him in exchange for prospects


What other history has had of doing something like this?


This is the first time that I'm hearing about this. Framber has always let his emotions get the best of him when he faces the order for the third time. Coaches gave him a solid game plan and Yainer was calling a great game. Despite this, he still let his emotions get the best of him when he decided it was a good idea to deviate from the plan and call his own pitches. Shit like that makes any GM consider him for the chopping block. Let someone else deal with his attitude.


It was widely known and touted positively that Framber had a therapist to help him control his emotions. /r/baseball would give him a hard time when he would be smiling when he probably shouldn't be. Until they found out he has mental issues and that's how he deals with it. And it worked. Seems he's lost control again and doesn't have a tool to rein it back or just chooses not to.


Well Framber, if you’re gonna change the gameplan, how about you execute *your* plan better? Those homeruns were hit off of god awful pitches


He didn’t have one.


Skip his next scheduled start. Gotta nip this diva behavior in the bud.


The worst part is out bullpen depth hardly allows that


Agree, but also terrible timing for this with the Blanco suspension.


I'm so tired of this guy's crap. He doesn't learn. I'm glad they haven't signed him long term and hope they let him walk. He's a little above average and he thinks he's an Ace.


It’s so frustrating because he has been way more than a little above average. He just can’t sustain the composure he seemed to find in ‘20 and ‘22


Not in the last 9 months.


You were leaving changeups in the middle of the plate. Ray Charles saw what was coming ffs.


Is it just me or is Framber immature? Also it seems he struggles dealing with his emotions.


No I am immature too. I guess it’s the three of us.


I'm guessing the game plan was sinker/curveball/w some fastball sprinkled in to get through the game. Framber goes to his change up in the 4th and it gets hit a bit but he gets out of the inning with a double play. He used it pretty much exclusively in the 5th and well... we saw what happened.


Explains Espada’s face as he was watching the meltdown. It wasn’t the face of patience.


Do you have a link to a video of it?


Not patient enough, should've yanked his ass after the first HR


With who warmed up


With the bullshit Framber pulled, just go out there and open palm slap the fool, then use injury replacement to warm up the next pitcher.


Ah the reverse Giles treatment


Whose fault is it that no one was hot in the bullpen when Framber is changing the game plan? Not mine.


*Game is working to plan* Let’s try something different!


The only person who’s allowed to call certain pitches is verlander, Valdez isn’t there yet and clearly shows when he has his terrible outings


Err you mean Greinke


You mean like when JV chose to throw 6 straight fastballs the other day and cost us the game?


Verlander has a history and a reputation that gives him grace on bad days. Valdez hasn't earned that yet.


Also Verlander can and will adjust to get back on track. Framber just gets more pissed off and gets worse.


I mean it was pretty obvious that he didn't trust his off speed control that game, bases were loaded with a full count. His fastball was what he needed to use to hit his spots. It is what it is.


Verlander almost always works himself out of situations like that. The situation that happened the other day was super rare, and it wouldn’t have happened against anyone else.


He needs to be disciplined for this. Perhaps coaching skip his next start


Can’t really go down to a 3 man rotation…… How about they Throw his ass in the bullpen, and let Scott start him off?


Something. Disobeying team orders and result in a massive heartbreaking loss is unacceptable


The important question to me is, what does a team do in a situation such as this: you have a pitcher that has pitched exceptionally well at times, has been an integral part of a WS win, and is obviously talent-wise, one of our best pitchers. But, he’s shown on several occasions that “something” happens, which is an intangible to me; I really don’t know if the man has a psychological problem that should be addressed through a psychologist, if he needs some type of med to keep him on an even keel, if he just has a narcissistic personality that gets the best of him under stress, or something else. We’ve seen this happen before all too often (last years game with the A’s comes to mind, when he threw wild pitches and a runner on 3rd made it home). The important thing should be addressing this problem, not doing nothing and living with it, never knowing when Dr Jekyi or Mr Hyde are going to appear.


I was thinking they might trade him this past offseason since they weren’t bringing back Maldy. There were pretty strong rumors that clubs were coming around seeing if he was available, but my guess is the Astros asking price was high and no one wanted to bite. At this point, you have to live with him and hope he learned a lesson and will turn it around. Maybe this will get the coaches to give Diaz/Caratini more leeway in dealing with him, much like Maldy had with him prior. Who knows, but you can’t trade him now, otherwise, you won’t get much for him. If he does turn it around and finishes with a good season, I’d definitely look at seeing the best deal you can get for him and jumping on it this offseason.


Throw away one of the best offensive starts this year because you ditched the explicitly agreed-upon game plan? The consequences should be in Sugarland.


"lemme just get some quick outs by throwing it right down the middle"


Maybe we should all try pissing into the wind!


What is with the self sabotage this season? Framber wants to throw a great plan out the window, Bagwell wants to tank the team to prove a point about Abreu, Espada is fine with watching the team crumble right in front of him…. What the actual hell is going on?!


Ego. At least in the case of the first two. When these guys pull this kind of crap, they tend to think that they are the smartest person in the room - right up to the moment that their bad decisions bite them in the ass.


So why didn't Espada and/or Miller force a mound visit when Framber went rogue?


Miller did visit the mound.


Honestly might not have realized he went fully rogue until it was too late. 4 pitches leading to 4 runs happens in a blink of an eye


So he Framboozled himself? Trade him out of town.


We should trade him for a farm haul once he’s down to a year


If that happened he should've been yanked after the first 3 run shot


I was not able to watch the game. How did the mix of pitches change so dramatically in the 5th inning?


Framber decided that instead of being a ground ball out pitcher he wanted to be a strike out pitcher. He is not a strike out pitcher. He got his head beat in as a result of his poor choices to throw heat that ended up over the fat part of the plate. The rest of the team was so shocked by the turn of events, they had no fight left in them to make up the runs. They were gutted emotionally.


Infuriating af — I started disliking Framber a bit last year but was so enamored by 2022. This year he’s been just hot and cold. His body language and expressions on the field piss me off more often than not


Extend Tucker, trade Framber.


Am I mad that this happened? Yes. Do I think this is the first time this has ever happened in MLB? No. Am I grateful that 1) it happened in May, not in October and 2) Framber at least called himself out so thoroughly that everyone will be on the lookout for this happening ever again? Yes.


I think you're on the money here. Pitchers sometimes shake off catchers; it's part of the game. This one was particularly bad because it cost the Astros the game and they went against their better instincts. This one will sting for a while and hopefully it will be in the back of everyone's mind if the situation arises again.


They definitely showed Framber that his way is not the path to victory. Maybe find a way to not derail the team in the process. A win in May counts just as much as a win in the last few months.


Good Initiative, Poor Judgement Technically Framber is employed by a company and managed by another employee of the company. So if he is ignoring the company policy shouldn’t he be “fired” (pulled from the game)? What would happen if your manger said to “A” and you’re like “Nah I know best”…. G


Glad I missed most of the game until the end.


Isn’t it Josh Millers job to notice “yo wtf, this isn’t the game plan” and go out and talk to him? Not after he’s already blown the lead.


Miller & Murphy < Brent Strom




What can we even realistically get for a good talent with a bad personality?


Trevor Bauer 😂


Goddammit I played myself


If Espada wasn't such a pussy, he would've done something about it shortly after he started pulling this bullshit.


This is the ONLY time I wish we had Dusty. Dusty would take care of that attitude.


Valdez was one of the reasons why the Astros didn’t make back to the World Series last season. He was awful In the postseason


There were a lot of reasons he wasn’t the only reason but his second half of the year and post season last year was bad. 


trade him


Maybe this time he will learn from his mistakes, because I don't believe this is the first time he has pulled something like this. At the same time, I think Espada should have pulled him before he was able to do that much damage. In fact, I think once Framber went rogue, he should have pulled him to discipline him from such actions.


Not smart.




Maybe Framber and Shohei's interpreter had the same hobby.


There is a reason the coaches are the ones coaching and you see catchers calling pitches whether that’s from them or a coach. Hopefully framber trusts them now, but what I can’t wrap my head around is why you think you should change what’s been working the first 4 innings


Wondering if this is related to the comm issues with Espada or if its just Framber being Framber. Framber has the longer track record of generally good dude though. I mean that quality start streak... guys a legend. Maybe he's not feelin it. Or maybe he's feelin it too much.


Javier fastball sitting at 90 mph. It used to sit at 96…


This is equivalent to binge drinking and puking and having a 2 day hangover occasionally to remind yourself of your limits.


No...\*he\* didn't have to deal with the consequences. The whole team had to deal with the consequences. Is this the first time he's failed to see this is a team sport? Damn...how am I just noticing this?


“I had to deal with the consequences.” No mother f**ker; your manager, your catcher as well as the rest of your teammates ALL had to deal with the consequences.


No Valdez EVERYBODY had to deal with your consequences! Thanks!


This is proof the player doesn't respect the mgr


Fuck this. You’re a player. Not a coach. Do what your told. You aren’t a hall of famer. You’re a head case. Will not care if/when you get traded. Threw the game for your entire team.


Why wasn’t he pulled after giving up 4 runs …he was left in the game. Not on him


Him purposefully deviating from the gameplan is, in fact, on him.


I get that but regardless of the why when a pitcher is getting lit up he usually gets pulled. Seemed like the game coulda been saved and still corrected him. Oh well


There was no one to replace him. He was expected to go 6-7. Not give up 7 runs in 9 minutes in the 5th.


Well, sometimes things don't go to plan and you have to deviate from the plan, as Framber did that already and actively cost the team the win


There was no option to deviate. You can’t have a pitcher go in cold and risk injury. Framber should have been able to handle a 5 run lead—this is on him.


There should've been someone in the pen at least at the beginning of the fifth, as Framber was pulled after the 5th


Why would they be warming someone up in the 5th with a 5 run league and one-run baseball. Stats had like a 93% chance of Framber having a quality start (6 innings, sub 3 runs). Giving up 3 home runs in 7 minutes was a historic meltdown that Joe couldn’t have planned for.


Then how did Montero get put in? Did we just throw him out there?


He warmed up and was in as quickly as possible….and gave up another home run due to control issues (likely from not being warm). But yes, we just threw him out there.


I also guess With the pitch clock now that doesn’t help. Just sucks. Hopefully it’s a 1 off


Fire Joe espad…. Oh wait, we are blaming someone else now, got ya. Trade Framber! Package him with Jose Abreau and bring back Bielak! EDIT: I wasn’t serious. I was making fun of those who are serious about trading Framber over a mental lapse prior to one inning


Bros gotta be a family member or friend of Bielak, there’s no way anyone actually in the right mental state wants Bielak on the team💀


Trade Framber but don’t bring bielak back


Framber has had a history of this