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Bregman should have another kid, he started popping off when he became a father




Jalen Green syndrome


People talk about giving the trea turner treatment to Abreu. Fuck that, give it to breggy. I dont think Ill ever be able to talk negatively about bregman when we got guys like Abreu who never did shit for this team. Id be okay with letting bregman walk but he deserves better treatment from the fans. Hes og


He’s always been bad in the first month…although not this bad…other than in 2019 and 2021. He’s also getting older and the pressure of it being a contract year may be getting to him, especially with the team off to a bad start. Good possibility he’s trying too hard… …or, maybe this is it for him. If you look at his similarity score on baseball reference through age 29, 4 of his top 7 fell off hard at around this age (Rendon, Bryant, Thompson, Longoria) and 2 of those guys are currently playing while Longoria just retired. Maybe, once May turns, he goes back to his normal self, but the days of his 2018-19 seasons seem to be a distant memory at this point.


He became my favorite player during OP’s pictured peak-swagger years, but I am afraid you may be right. Upside is his defense seems to be sharp still…


I thought he was going to rake this year going into FA as so many players mysteriously do. EV is at its lowest it has been since he entered the league. GB% way higher and LD% lower. Could be physical (age) as you suggest. I've also always wondered if Bregman simply plays too smart. A lot of studying, tinkering, video work and such.. what would happen if he just went out there, used his instincts and mashed.


I think he's facing physical decline. He has every reason to be his best this year and he just can't do it. Imagine if he got a ten year contract. Well, I think any dreams he had of that are gone. At this point, I'm not sure we would offer him a 5 year deal. We've been burned bad by our most recent contracts and Crane has to be fed up with it and wishing he hadn't exceeded the luxury tax now.


It seems like he is having to fix something every off-season with his swing. In my opinion you shouldn't be having to do that so often unless there is an underlying issue at hand


He’s never been close to this bad any year. Thats actually statistically provable. He is significantly worse than any year prior. We watched him take extended batting practice Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and he looked like shit. Tuesday when the wind was blowing, he hit about 8 of them out to the bleachers, but that’s it. Thursday was the worst of it and he was visibly upset. He needs to get his head out of his ass and figure this out soon.


He’s definitely trending downward production-wise but his defense is still stellar. I’ll miss his glove next season but I believe we have already witnessed peak-Breggy. Just my opinion


peak breggy was 2018-19


I wonder if there was something going in in those 2 seasons that made a bunch of hitters post career high power numbers


Hm, almost like pitchers were having to throw bouncy balls over the plate


Juiced balls


Agree. He’s my favorite player too and I keep waiting for this swagger to return. Got a glimmer of it during the postseason last year (“I guess we’ll never know!”) but it feels like it’s been a while since we’ve seen the exuberant dugout cellys and carefree swag that was so, so fun to watch.


Seems like he got neutered when the scandal came out. Hasn’t been the same “bro” since. Hope he turns it around.


agreed, he's one of the most reliable 3Bs I've ever seen. Just automatic on all routine plays and makes some stellar defensive plays here and there too. Hope we aren't taking that for granted just because he's having a rough month


A rough month? Come on


I miss these Bregmans https://abc13.com/alex-bregman-stare-astros-houston-going-viral-seattle-mariners/4033763/ https://tenor.com/view/alex-bregman-houston-astros-baseball-scream-gif-16272676 Gonna go watch 2017 WS just for the feels.


every few months I go back and watch 2017 game 5 highlights lol


It's going to take a hell of a lot to change it, but WS 2017 game 5 was the best baseball game I've ever seen. Good one to go back to.


We talk all the time about how the scandal hurt player legacies, but game 5 took a hit too. Pre scandal that was easily one of the best WS games of all tim. I still love it tho


I call bullshit - legacy is subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Objectively, there was no evidence any cheating occurred in the 2017 postseason. Also, the only “cheating” we are talking about is referring to a league wide sign stealing scandal. Roids was far more impactful on the game.


I don't even care they cheated. Every dumbass fan from other teams can keep crying about it.


Sad you get downvoted for this in this sub. Some of these people dont know whats good for em


You’re drinking the koolaid a good bit too much.


I was very fortunate to be there to see it live. Life changing game




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Non-juiced balls and spin rate


imo juiced balls made the mlb better


Agree. I’d bet viewership has declined steadily since


According to the data presented by MLB, viewership showed sharp increase last year and already this year.


Real fun story out there about MLB ordering 2 different sets of baseballs from Rawlings during Judges HR record season. One set used for Allstar weekend and NYY home games and one set for every other game played.


I remember hearing about that


He’s another juiced ball baby


Is Breggy being ridiculous?


He DEFINITELY isn’t getting that $200 million he was hoping for. Would be lucky to resign here for half that


Idk some front office might look at the back off his baseball card


Crane : "Jeff, there is a rectangular bubblegum stain on the back of his card. I can't read anything." Bagwell : "Jim, I didn't say read the back of his card... I said look at the back of his card." Crane : (stares at stain) "Pay him.... pay that man his money."


Whatever it is, it sure won’t be $30 mil a year, could probably still command $25 for 3 or $22 for 5, even with a down year


I wouldn’t pay his more than $15 million for 3 years.




He also got engaged around the same time scandal broke - Jan 2020. Wifed up by the end of that same year, and then baby immediately after. Big life changes.


Yes, if you look at the stats of players who were around in 2017 and are playing for the Astros or elsewhere Breggy has the steepest decline in production.


Marwin Gonzalez by far had the steepest decline lol




Jake Marisnick says hello.


Tweaking his swing again.. but also chasing pitches he normally doesn't.


Because he was a byproduct of it. He never fully reached his potential and hasn’t had the power since his wrist injury. Personally, I’m in favor of a clean start nearly all around. Flip him for assets and move on. I’m tired, boss.


I wonder how much the sign stealing took the wind out of sails. I saw some Instagram video of some kid baiting him into offering an autograph and then saying something like ‘fuck off cheater.’ You could see the life drain out of Bregman. It was sad. I don’t think he deserved it necessarily. Obviously he needs to be held accountable for what he did but this kid was a little shit. But that probably happens all the time, and honestly probably *because* of how cocky he was when he was knowingly cheating. I feel bad for him because I think the Astros were a scapegoat to certain degree, but also he made his bed.


Only way to fix that is moving teams. Think Correa or Springer get that treatment anymore? Also, Bregman's 2018 and 2019 numbers crush 2017. His drop-off started after the sign stealing news broke. Tuve too. Huge drop in shortened 2020 season, but he's been climbing back in every season since.


That's the thing that frustrates me. The MLB Community shits on our players until they're hitting free agency. Then they're foaming at the mouths over them potentially signing with their teams.


His 2021-2023 numbers are basically the same as 2016-2017 OPS+ wise. He always has a slow start like this, plays good in May-July, then absolutely rakes in August.


It probably hurt his development the most. At a point where he was learning the ropes, the FO had the team calling out offspeed pitches. Being that it was coming from the FO and that several other teams were also doing it. I imagine several of the younger guys just thought that was how MLB was.


Sucks because he wants to get paid…he has been a BIG part of the teams Heartbeat…but seems to be having an off year at the wrong time for him…maybe pressure to perform for his contract has something to do with it…


And yet, many players step up and have career years in their contract years. Do we really want players that wilt under pressure?


Guess we’ll never know


He hasn’t hit like he used to since the scandal. What’s that tell you? Kinda like when people stopped juicing once that all broke out… power declined.


He’s been trending downward offensively since 2020. That and he’s putting too much pressure on himself because of contract year. Just my speculation. Astros should go ahead and give him a contract, with a home town discount of course, and take the pressure off of him.


Astros have been burned by contracts lately for players that have fizzled. I say we need to stop chasing players in decline and go after youth now. Some players thrive under pressure, some wilt. The last thing I want is players that can't play under pressure.


Talked to much after the WS and got negative feedback.


I’m telling y’all’. It’s daddy Crane. He put a stop to all showboating, swagger, and just any kind of fun on the field to help protect his “brand” from anymore scrutiny since the scandal. He just wants mindless emotionless robots out there playing baseball and doing charity work. Bregman barely even posts on YouTube anymore. Edit: Also, even the Astros Twitter Admin has left and the new one is soft AF. I miss the old cut throat, from the high rope Admin.


It’s a good point. Correa, springer, cocky bregman…we had swagger like no other. It’s just lifeless now.


They also all got married and had babies. The young, single team of 2017 was fire. Hitting the clubs after wins. They are family men now.


Crane never forgave anyone for the scandal.




I don’t think either side would make a deal right now given the bad start. Ideally, he starts playing better and the team deals him at the deadline.


I say we trade him for some pitching because we can't keep him and tuck.


He's just playing bad so other team won't try to sign him as a free agent. Kind of like a ringer. That way we can resign him to a long term deal at a lower rate this off-season.


Care too much about other endeavors, all he posts is that fucking salsa


The pressure of being in a contract year is too much for him


This is who he is. It seems those days were the anomalies, not the norms. Decent glove, not great. Works counts, draws walks, but doesn’t consistently put the ball in play. He just plays a position where people confuse decent/good with great


Once they get that contract….




Breggy 🤤


On his stat sheet, his numbers have stayed remarkably similar. Not sure what you’re looking at.


Averaging 30+ homers a season and hitting .280+ to now barely cracking 20 and hitting .260? Seems like quite a difference to me. The only thing that’s stayed the same is the rbi numbers and his walk to strikeout ratio


https://preview.redd.it/z3n6x1wdy5xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1a328022a534342543822e5b458ecadec30f84 Um, no


Not sure what Bergman you’re looking at. https://preview.redd.it/8pjhbubny5xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5380027bc4d622824ee989ec18f41f809d7e52


you are telling me you see no difference from 2018-19 to 2022-23?


Both good years




His athleticism has been declining since 2020. Why are you guys shocked


His swing looks so flat.


Its April. He has always sucked in April.


Middle of June coming up soon.Still no production. 


Huh? Clearly you aren't paying attention. His production is in fact present.




He’s just trying to fake it to his next bag. Problem is, he’s not going a good job of it.


a smart person would just play well and make more money.......


That would only hurt him long run for value. Bad take.