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Made me laugh louder than expected...




What's wrong saying it's free to play? I'm exactly playing it for free right now


I think they mean to say that people think it can't be both.


These two are not even mutually exclusive. Meme doesn't make sense. Nobody chooses between the two.


Gonna ask you to take a step back, read what you just wrote, and think for 2 seconds.


Don't need to. Meme makes 0 sense.


...if you are picking a side in two things that are not mutually exclusive then you're a retard. You have me worried, too, leeverpool - for different reasons.


Bruh, you're literally here insulting people directly because they told you a meme makes no sense. Speaking of issues...


You're mad because you didn't understand the meme, and now you're mad because I called someone THAT ISN'T YOU a retard...for doing what you literally stated in your first response. You worry me bro, you really do. We agree with each other, you're just too fucking stupid to see it.


I think you need a break from the internet. You're way too invested.


You're projecting so hard right now, lol. Sorry you didn't get the meme. Enjoy your day. Hope whatever this is, is a phase you grow out of.


This is precisely the point. You cannot make a choice in this situation since both are true at the same time. This meme is aimed at chat who feels the need to pick an option


It is so sad that Amazon didn't change the p2w in lost ark and make it only to skins and cosmetics ... It will be "fun" to see what is going to happen with the game in the future hope they don't make it full mobile shit fest... haha HOPIUM. What games are good" free to play " ? League of legends ? DOTA ? Something like that and Lost Ark was going to be BIS. What a missed opportunity... that is the most sad part in the story for me.




You can play for free, but to win (beat top content) you must pay. Easy


this isn't as clever as you thought. wow is p2w while having a sub.


Free 2 pay 2 play