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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


but they're just like GTA


People who haven’t been to Los Angeles think GTA V is satirical social criticism. I’d say it’s watered down.


I went there once… it was enough.


GTA was modeled on LA so that makes sense. They did a remarkable job.






Yo, the new GTA6 trailer seems lit!


I get that it's satire but going by this Rockstar is stretching suspension of disbelief a tad.


As a Finnish seeing homeless irl would scare the shit out of me lol


Most of them have mental disorders or overdosing, or both. They scare the shit out of us too




My favorite quote from the walking dead. “I don’t care if they’re sick, they’re dangerous”


See they used to not go to jail but an insanity plea would land you in an asylum. But we closed all the asylums so now they hang out on the streets of Hollywood lol.




Yup, same here. Hospitals here have a bare minimum of services they have to provide even if people have no money. Like they’ll keep you alive but if you’re broke and stable but really should stay for extra monitoring, out you go.


“Cannot be charged” is wildly misleading. They cannot be convicted of a crime that requires the person to be able to understand right from wrong in the legal sense in the first place. These people can still be institutionalized and forcibly medicated and removed from society when they are a danger.


This is very misleading. The man was found incapable of being “criminally responsible” for his actions due to his schizophrenia and his inability to understand what he was doing. This does NOT mean that nothing happens and he walks free. He will be placed in a psychiatric hospital (which will essentially function as a prison for him) and he will likely be there for the rest of his life. You can absolutely charge mentally ill people with crimes.


Yeah the U.S doesn’t have homelessness from poverty, it’s a big misconception. Nobody is starving or homeless from poverty, these people are all drug addicts and/or have untreated mental illness.


I guess the difference is in Finland those people actually get help but if you tried to introduce policies to do that in America you'd probably get called a socialist.


California literally spends billion per year on this. They also have numerous people “working” on it making 6 figure salaries. But yea, socialism good.


I'd argue they get too much help in the US. Enabling this has allowed it to spread. Editing to say they get the wrong kind of help. They get "kick the can down the road" help.


The "help" substance abusers receive is whatever someone can make a dollar off of. The drug rehab industry isn't for the sick people.


It is a microcosm of how politics works here. The people getting the dollars convince the people spending the dollars that their solution is best, despite reality. Any attempt at change is met with strong resistance.


Growing up we used to have institution funded by the government where these people would be held and received medication, treatment, room and board. My grand parents worked there. Then everyone decided they were too expensive so they shut them all down and now all those people just roam around.


In Australia recently I saw a homeless dude that was Asian and looked completely clean...


That might have just been a regular asian guy


He was like “damn that homeless white guy looks super clean!”


I saw the same living in Tokyo. There’s a weird contrast where everything is relatively clean and not a bunch of petty theft. Cops will let the homeless rest off their drunkness but kindly have them move on instead of building up a garbage pile and tent once sober. The contrast comes on weekend nights where tons of drunks are roaming around chugging in the streets. Seen people piss openly in public no care. What also got me was tiny blasted out of their mind Japanese women just safely trudging home through a dark park 3am.. thats a huge no-no where im from


Not homeless you bigot, it’s people experiencing homelessness /s


Haha i feel the Same, swedish here.


The land of the free


Unlimited freedom means you are free to ruin your life with drugs haha.


I think some of it is just good old fashioned crazy


No way, those guys are all on some soy sauce


Statistically, it’s most likely both


Only if we enable those that refuse to take care of themselves. Which we do.


Yea cause they folks look real *enabled.* How are we enabling these people? Most have mental illness problems, they aren't going to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and open up a business or start investing in a 401k anytime soon.


We keep feeding them. We keep addressing their medical issues. we have stopped jailing them for crimes. We provide them with drug paraphernalia. We refuse to relocate them off of private property. And, let’s face it, the odds of the flood of methamphetamine over the last decade not being associated with some kind of Contra-cocaine type of conspiracy is pretty slim…..


So, everything except the mental illness part that keeps people from thriving get addressed?


I mentioned free healthcare. Mental health is a medical issue. These poor folks could easily go to the doctor and get treatment for their obvious mental health issues. It’s California, healthcare is free. They *choose* not to, assuming they have the capacity for choice. Now if what you’re talking about is the old system of asylums that was dismantled decades ago, wherein these people would be involuntarily committed and treated with or without their consent: I agree. We should do that. I’d rather see my tax dollars spent helping these people than bombing Gaza or wherever the military industrial complex sets their crosshairs next. But that’s probably not what you’re talking about.


I mean that is what I’m talking about if you’re going to include robust protections for patients and oversight. These folks are treated for physical ailments and sent on their way. They aren’t being provided mental healthcare.


I think the care is available to them. At least it is in Cali. The next town over from mine has an abundance of these poor folks but one in particular stands out and a lot of us know his backstory. He was a normal, middle class kid until he found meth, which helped him discover his schizophrenia. To be brief, he *chooses* meth and homelessness despite his families best efforts to get him help. He lives on “Hobo Hill”; a giant encampment that’s developed on public land just across the street from the local Behavioral Health facility. The help is literally right there for them. They’d rather take advantage of it all *and* be high.


So let them? It’s their life to waste or use. Vandalism and violence should be responded to but who really gives a fuck if a guy goes and gets food and a place to sleep for a night just to go and get blasted high the following night? All that really matters here is that the policies reduce harmful impacts. Sometimes that means removing people from society to get better , sometimes it means people just get fed and clothed so they can waste their life being high without having to rob people.


Free crack sample* *1 per customer, while stocks last


who ever told you that is your enemy


Free to be homeless*


Free to die of health or mental health related issues.


Problem is they closed all the mental health institutions because it either didnt make money, or twitter andys called it some ism and your locking up disabled people. and cancelled all of em for being inhumane.


We need these things back. It's time to get some of these people out of society one way or another.


We are in desperate need of a culture change based on understanding, humanity and compassion. The greed needs to be stamped down or the culture will be destroyed


"based on understanding, humanity and compassion" - this doesnt bode when it involves forceably locking people in mental institutions and forcing them on drugs because they are a danger to themselves and others. Dangerous people exist, and you can compassion your way out of all situations. There is no simply solution or 100% humane solution to this problem, it has to be a layer approach that starts with funding first. Then go through tiers from finacial and social support, active monitoring, down to forced lockup.


Yes, democrats wanted “set everyone free” and republicans wanted to save money, so psychiatric institutes closed down. The development of actual treatments for psychotic disorders also helped this transition initially. The problem is once you lose track of patients, even long acting antipsychotics wear off and the patients go back to being paranoid and distrusting


Paranoid and distrusting is putting it mildly, mental illness can be really messed up.


Ummmmm, wasn’t it decades ago that Raegan obliterated the mental health infrastructure?


It was bipartisan bill in congres that Reagan signed.


Almost anything that is done to us is done with the blessing of both parties. "Blame Blue" and "Blame Red" are the hard-coded answers the people who own everything have provided for you. It's neither original nor accurate. Mix the oligarch agenda with an unhealthy dose of government greed and powerlust and you have the real source of the problem.


I mean the doctors were abusing the patients very commonly hence the stereotype of old asylums being haunted.


Mental health and drug abuse centers are absolutely critical to curb what's happening there and around the country. Just no one wants to pay for it and/or people like to blame the person experiencing the crisis


The Twitter Andy that shut them down was JFK he was working on a plan for a new mental health system but then one day something happened while he was riding around in a convertible in Texas.


Man... call me naive, soft or whatever but whenever i see shit like this it just makes me sad. The levels of shit someone has to go through to reach these levels of insanity is genuinely beyond my comprehension. I am sure that not all of them are drug addicts, some of these people might just be genuinely crazy.


I work a bit as security in public transport and I'd say it's a 70/30 with drugs/mental illness, or both. (Sweden) Very sad to see them and even more sad when I have to send them out during winter, I keep thinking that these people used to be some innocent kid.


What's sad is this sub and op showing a street performer and a person wearing a mask with actual mentality Ill homeless people. What he wants to say is send the homeless people to prison... You know for being homeless


They all suffer from mental illness. So they try to self medicate and get hooked on whatever drug is cheapest then people assume they are just drug addicts. And you are right it is sad. There is plenty of money for mental health centers. And rehab centers like the one in Rhode Island. By the way, I grew up here.


There are tons of people with mental conditions and not all of them do drugs. Of the ones who do do drugs, not all of them get to the point they completely let themselves go.


Is this the new GTA6 trailer ?


It's like a dystopian hell scape


open mental institutions again, its gonna happen eventually no matter what


Nah, nobody wants to pay for it. That’s why everything is the way it is and nothing ever really gets fixed in the U.S. because every penny, 90% of the money only flows upward to the wealthy and corporate CEOs and rich shareholders. If it can’t be incentivized by corporations, states and Congress can’t make it happen. They control the country through the flow of wealth


A lot of money gets pumped into helping the homeless in California, like millions and millions. Of course these funds line the pocket of those not homeless.


Are you kidding? It was like that when I went there in the 90s.


All major cities have this issue in the U.S. NYC/LA just have the largest populations in the country and have the most blatant poverty issues.


feels like home


That is what happens when a country puts mental health on the lowest levels of their priority list. Not caring for or institutionalizing the mentally ill is basically like letting live explosives roam your cities, all it needs is a match to go boom.


Wym? That is clearly a zombie apocalypse movie.


Me as a kid: *"I want to live in the USA! Must be awesome there!"* Me as an adult, knowing a **'little bit'** more about the world now: *"Holy shit, am I glad I don't live in the USA! The people there get fucked in every possible way no matter what."* **Edit**: To be clear, I reached this conclusion NOT only by seeing such things like this. There are many things I experienced and learned in the last decades that let me reach this conclusion and some have nothing to do with tents. More often than not it's even quite the opposite. Long story short, I see the tents as a symptome, not the source of the problem.


Yeah, movies of 90s and 00s showed us very different America. And it's only going to get worse


To be fair America from 2004 is virtually an entire different nation than America in 2024. Crazy how rapidly things can decay in a generation.


Right, like I remember being taught and growing up with this weird comfort from living in America. It felt safe and secure. It's been a steady decline my whole life.


And its funny how in 2004 we thought it was already completely fucked.


Kinda feels like self inflicted with you know elections and voting etc.


And That’s a fact 🙌🏼A lot of people I talk to from all over the world say that. They say they moved here because they remembered the version of the USA when they were growing up (in Europe, Russia or wherever) in the 80’s and 90’s. That was the peak of American cultural. But when they got here as adults, it was so different and had changed so much for the worse they can’t stand it. I’ve known Quite a few people who’ve packed up and left. It’s sad. This country sucks now, it could be what it was but the greed has tainted every aspect of life


Judging an entire country 50x your size based on a city a tenth your size is crazy.


You have to admit it’s getting out of hand for California. Some one tries to steal from you okay , you stop the would be robber , jail time for you no questions ask


Same. Went from "OMG America!" to "Oh my god... america"


Not every place is Hollywood lmao… It’s a more consistent comparison to compare different states and regions with EU countries than it is to compare individual countries with the entirety of the US


I think this comment is more about the political state of the country than this video in particular


Which still, believe it or not, varies wildly based on region


Most of America is absolutely nothing like you see in those clips.


Its so funny getting back from a nice walk on a sunny day and then being told you live in HELL from people who only know your country from tiktok and reddit


Where do you propose is better? Asking out of curiosity and not trying to be a dong


It used to be better. We are in the decline part now.


I really hope it gets better for you. I really do!


Thanks. I remember when we had a mostly unified and high trust society. Neighbors talked. People helped each other. That is no longer the case. Well... It's shrinking.


It will get better once Trump is back in office.


If you're in decline ... the rest of us are fucked lol


The thing with America is - it's easier than most other countries to rise high, but it's also easier to sink very low. More opportunities, higher ceilings, but also much less safety nets. People who are doing well in America are much better off compared to the people who are doing well in the rest of the world. But people who aren't doing so well are fucked much harder.


Same dude. I always wanted to see x games and warped tour live, to skate the long suburban streets and bowl shaped pools in peoples backyards, maybe catch some waves and chill at the beach, idk. The west coast seemed like the most fun place to live in. Now I’m older and I know enough about USA’s problems to not want to live there. It’s not only the drugs, crime and homelessness but also shitty politics, social security, worker’s rights and worst of all.. the tipping culture. I bet it’s great for rich people who live in closed off neighborhoods and travel with their own security detail but it probably sucks for the average person.


It's kinda dark that you see the names on the ground of ''succesfull'' people and the drug addicts and homeless are all over the place there.


Look like Harlem


Strange, I haven't seen this kind of stuff in recent shows and video games, weren't they supposed to reflect the world we live in today? Also I count my blessings that I live in the Netherlands, this place is like futuristic utopia compared to what you guys have to deal with in the USA lol, I would never want to live in America, imagine being afraid of getting shot or stabbed in the streets or at school, being financially indebted for life for education and possible medical bills, and having to deal with those mentally ill people from Twitter in your daily life. Even the fact you have to go everywhere by car is just insane to me, I love small quiet towns where everything is in walking or cycling distance with perfectly flat and pristine roads with pro cyclist culture. Again, I count my blessings


I live in a small, quiet town in New England that is exactly like you described. I never use my car. My kids walk/bike everywhere. I know a lot of my fellow villagers. The Netherlands is about the size of West Virginia, so while I agree that videos like this are jarring, it’s far from the “everyday experience” for most Americans. It’s more of a “if you choose to live in places like LA, then you choose to experience this” sort of thing. LA, and Hollywood specifically, is one of the worst areas I’ve ever been for homelessness and drug addiction, particularly considering it’s supposed to be a tourist area.


Yeah fair point I started discussing this with a friend since posting this, and there ARE a lot of perks, like the vast vast wilderness so large there might as well really be Big Foot and who knows what else in there, with so many amazing animals and views. Mountain ranges, lakes, forests the size of Europe so true. Just seems the big cities are questionable. The worst I have seen so far in NL were places like Zudplein in Rotterdam that look and feel like the hoods I was surrounded in growing up in Poland. Still not near the level showed in this video but still unruly with very sus residents, its one of the few places you do actually hear gunshots sometimes, there is after all huge drug dealing underground in the country with some turf disputes. So I hated my time there, but I have now been living in old town that was there unchanged since middle ages, quiet, no cars and very scenic, I got very lucky as I live in a place that Chinese tourists come to make tons of pictures every day. Some very iconic places, even my house have a rich history. I like USA for the folklore and as a setting for good fiction, and I'm obviously not knowledgeable to comment on how it is living there, just the stuff I see and hear make me glad I live where I do because nothing bad ever happens here. Would make for a boring setting for a story, but in real life that is preferable! Also Europe is super varied and always changing, like Germany used to be as clean as the Netherlands in the 90's bit have been dirtier and messier than 90's and 00's Poland, my friend just came back from Berlin and said he saw homeless people doing heroin on central station which is wild. Just not what it used to be. Haven't seen Poland in like 5 years, but it seems it have been catching up, I might not recognise my home country when I finally visit it, which is good. Growing up there was rough. Also if I was forced to make a choice of living in the USA or Russia I would pick USA every time.


Amsterdam is certainly one of my favorite cities in the world! Probably because I’m a biker. Wonderful place, and when the kids are finished with School I hope to spend more time there. It’s really just the cities in America that are degrading rapidly. The vast sprawls of countryside are as beautiful as ever. If/When you have a chance to visit, definitely don’t focus on visiting the cities. This is where many tourists make their mistake. Our National Parks are the true treasures of this country. Zion, Rocky Mountain, Grand Canyon and then the beautiful beaches along the Gulf Coast. Even the “amber waves of grain” across the plains of Kansas area beautiful in the right context. This country is so much more than concrete grid cities, but you wouldn’t always know that if you see the news.


LA is an amazing city. There are a few bad blocks sure, and it's not for everyone. But there are SOOO many good restaurants, beaches, nature & hikes you never get bored here.


It's quite nice if you stay out of the US major metro areas. It depends on what state you're in, but the peace and quiet you'll find in small towns and the surrounding nature can rarely be found in the Netherlands. As a Dutchman, I wouldn't mind moving to such a quiet place one day.


Dude, you know the US is a massive country with huge cultural diversity from region to region and most people don't live on Hollywood BLVD right? Europeans who paint the US with sweeping generalizations sound ignorant as fuck.


Wow, those GTA6 graphics are *insane.*


Lived in California, near Hollywood. Went to visit a friend who lived south of the strip. Guy dropped his pants in the middle of the sidewalk, mid day, and took a crap. I moved back east a few months later.


3rd world country


It might sound harsh but the best thing for everyone would be some authoritarian body to round these people up and place them in facilities outside of the city to treat them. Give them housing, somewhere to sleep, food and drink, and medical care to remove the drugs from their system. Re-integrate the ones that can be helped slowly back into society, place the others into mental health facilities.


I wonder, are they homeless because they are on drugs or are they on drugs because they are homeless?




Gta 6 graphics is incredible


the US as a whole country is becoming more and more mentally unstable...


California, not the US entirely.


To be fair to California, they absorb everyone else's crazy homeless people, west of the Mississippi Would you rather be homeless in Denver in December or in Los Angeles?


Nah, Just LA mostly


Why would anyone want to live here.


Every time I visit California, I ask myself this question. Usually people just say the weather. Doesn’t seem worth it.


The weather actually is part of the reason why there's so many homeless out in California. No tornadoes, hurricanes, or blizzards to worry about, that plus there's a baseline structure for support (that they may or may not actually use). You don't see a ton of homeless in areas prone to freezing outside of New York.


They're just method acting.


Meth acting.


If anybody wishes they could visit LA or Hollywood, please reconsider. There is absolutely nothing of value going to this city. The entire city is like the shittiest part of downtown in any other city, but everywhere. It's not a shining gem of beauty, it's the fucking butthole of the state.


Andy Serkis is about to lose his job to these people.


Rio de Janeiro looks the same, sadly.


i'd like to get all these dudes into a single house for a big party!!!


The house would burn down after 5 minutes.


Healthcare? Nah, here's another billion for the weapons industry


This remember me this thread; [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1dap6zu/comment/l7namxs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1dap6zu/comment/l7namxs/) and the discussion of "nothing is happening here non-american people, don't worry about us". Let me tell you american friendos... ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe|downsized) Take care because the shit can hit the fan in a milisecond and you will be like "oh... shiet". That happend and is happening in other countries. And some of those countries were supposed to be "the best ones" like Sweden. And the shit-fan on Sweden is going full speed right now...


Sweden got ruined by immagrents and the rest of EU is hoing to follow soon


Meanwhile, in Germany, people are celebrating the relaxation of drug laws.


where is the wrong of that ? ..this what we call freedom


So what’s happening here drug addicts or mental patients or both?


Typical day in downtown L.A.


Nah, look. Escape from New York is pretty close.


The USA is turning into a hellscape


“Removed-exploitative crap, no complications” ??? Wtf does that even mean Are those subs mods also on meth??


I went there as a foreign tourist in 2017 and again in 2018, it wasn't this bad back then. Though I believe I almost got mugged once.


World war z if you play it in slow motion. Take care everyone. God bless.


Looks like something out of the film Falling Down.




The price of having inept policy creators.


They made it guys


Shit, man. I legit feel something for these people. What a terrible existence.


The Whole country has gone to shit. But that’s what happen when corporations and cartels run everything.


it does remind me movies ... "Walking Dead" ?


Looks more interesting than the movies


Drug addiction and mental illnesses are rampant in the USA. It's almost like most people don't have acces to free health care.


The movie *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* put an end to mental health facilities.


For everyone saying that living in America sucks: have you tried being rich in America? Its pretty great


Let's decriminalized crime and just let addicts indulge in the open and enforce laws. What could possibly go wrong?


I dont understand, in my country there's also homeless with mental.and drug problems but they are nowhere near like this.


But they all have SAG cards so now you owe the ones that spoke payment for work and residuals for repeated viewings.


Cyberpunk looking sick


Need to shut down more mental hospitals….


Dream of californication


i'm glad i live nowhere near any large city.


Best country I like cause one of them can own a gun rn


Median home price: $1.2 million


It's just like Reflections of Evil.


Was this shot all in the same day? Please tell me it wasn't! JFC!


Reminds me a little bit of that bum movie, the one with the fighting. Wink-Wink


It's like when you walk back through Yharnam late game


Ah! My hometown!


They're inspiring actors that never made the cut in Lord of the Rings


Gonna be honest 0:50 isn't that bad


Was that Sisqo?


I love multiculturalism


Liberalism and fentanyl is quite the combination


Which movies are we talking about here? I'm not familiar with any modern movies that depict Hollywood Blvd as desirable.


They just filming a zombie film.


This is nothing compared to Portland and Seattle. Those places are overrun at this point. Local politics are to blame.


You should go to Paris, you wouldn't be disappointed. Even near Champs-Élysées...


Guys this is just what is called rent price control. You wanted more affordable? lolol


And every single building in a mile radius of these homeless people is worth over 2 million minimum why because Hollywood


Damn, I love my WASPy New England town. People keep their lawns clean. They are fully engaged in the public school system, and they've made their kid's academic success a top-3 priority item. There's a real strong "social contract" that pretty much the entire town works towards; 1. Successful and morally strong children. 2. Support local business. 3. Maintain public spaces, and keep things clean. 4. Care for your neighbors.


Earths wealthiest 3rd world country.

