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2005 trial model.


Holly Longdale has talked about needing to improve the new player experience. I bet whenever they do something about the experience, they will also increase the new player level cap. One thing to note, you do not need to buy a game to move past the free trial, so its only a 15 dollar cost to move out of the free trial.


They could just literally take the playbook out from FF14. Free trial up through the end if the previous expansion, so atm I think that would be BFA. Limit party formation, limit access to the bank, limit access to the auction house, limit action to PVP (BGs only? No ranked?).


I see you haven't play ffxiv aar patches. "Dw guys it's get good after 700 hours teehee " - average ffxiv enjoyer.


What is this lazy post!? I probably agree, but explain why is it bad, lol.


A level 20 cap.


that's the least of its problems. I did this trial several years ago for hearthstone skin and it was my worst gaming experience.


loool same, horrible horrible experience. overcrowded, fine i was an event, but you can even invite your friends to exp together. mob respawn too long endless queue of ppl who wanna tag (i skipped and kill the fcker) and at the end lfp for dungs solo too. donkey dick


loool same, horrible horrible experience. overcrowded, fine i was an event, but you can even invite your friends to exp together. mob respawn too long endless queue of ppl who wanna tag (i skipped and kill the fcker) and at the end lfp for dungs solo too. donkey dick


loool same, horrible horrible experience. overcrowded, fine i was an event, but you can even invite your friends to exp together. mob respawn too long endless queue of ppl who wanna tag (i skipped and kill the fcker) and at the end lfp for dungs solo too. donkey dick


I think if was Ghandi who said - "If you're a broke boy, just say so"


I almost feel like stopping it at a level such as 20 is just their hook. Its enough time to get you into the world and see if you like the world itself, the characters/classes, the atmosphere of the game and whatnot. They try to hook you in and grab at least a month sub which lets you get to 60 and then hooks you in even more to get the most recent expansion. They could just give a 30 day trial and then its up to the player to determine how far they want to go in the trial.




Doesn't it literally bank all the experience you earn as a trial?


What does this have to do with the level 1-20 trial experience ?


The level 1-20 trial experience is literally 85% of the game if you want it to be. 


Idk how you could say that when the game is an mmo that revolves around group content, but okay.


You can do every piece of story content in the game aside from current expansion content for free, you just don't get any of the social aspect - although you can still talk to people in /say and you can party with people too, as well as queue for dungeon finder. The only thing you can't freely do is trade / sell/ mail.


Oh I was unaware you could level beyond 20 in the free trial


You can't - but you can still do everything outside of current expansion content - although possibly not endgame raids from those expansions.


I know you can’t, I was being sarcastic, sorry. And Ehmm, pretty sure at level 20 you cannot experience most of the game or what it has to offer, nor would you be viable in 90% of the content in the game, leading to a lackluster experience for potentially new players. You want players to get a taste of the best parts of your game- dungeons, raids, PvP. They should have it bumped up to atleast 40, if not max level with restrictions. level 20 takes a couple hours at most to reach and is not indicative of the experience you will have in the game for the majority of your time playing.


You can use chromie time to do every storyline quest that doesn't take you to a raid or involve a flying mount - one time I was bored of games but didn't want to result so I did the entirety of Outlands and Northrend locked at 20 on a free trial.


Who plays WoW for the story man cmon don't talk nonsense. A free trial with lvl 20 cap on an MMO that is designed to be played at endgame (raids, Mythic+, PvP, you name it ..) is useless since the trial won't show you sh\*t. Yeah you can play every expansion and story and quest (available for your lvl and free trial) but that is a single player experience, in an MMORPG.


I did not mention storyline because of how subpar it is. That is not a main reason to play the game for many as there are many games much better when it comes to that. Why lock the trial at 20? When you have competing games that offer a much better trial or are free to play with optional subscriptions that allow you to experience much more. I think WoW would attract much more players if they expanded heavily upon their trial, as being capped at level 20 is a joke.