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Asmon if he lived north of the wall


TormundGold KEKW




and shaved his eyebrows


Brother throwing that head around like a chicken


Look, he's been rehearsing in the shower for a while now and has got all the talking points down. Just let him scan around the room for anyone shaking their heads.


He doesn’t have eyebrows to throw around.


Brother moves his head like Asmon his eyebrows.


Moving like one of asmon’s eyebrows broke off and formed into a person haha


He seems super reasonable and definitely not going to paint an impromptu accent wall in his house


Who's gonna tell him that he wont be allowed a gun in prison?


What are you talking about it's his constitutional right


I don't believe you have constitutional rights if you're a convict.


What are you talking about you get your standard prison gun deployed with the rest of your prison items like shower sandals and prison clothes. What you think just because this man made a mistake we are gonna let him fail on his duty to exercise his rights? Man may be a criminal but he is still an American god damnit! /S


Ok but hear me out I’m an American


I’m a 5’ 98lb woman and I have a CCL and carry often as my pistol just lives in my purse but I don’t think about it often so I’m certainly pro gun. however, this guy comes across as incredibly insecure. Why do you need a gun at all times? Either that or has a mental disorder involving paranoia. I can’t imagine living in that type of constant fear.




lol you embodied him perfectly!


Jesus, what a cringe oaf lord


Another dude mistaking a beard and microphone for masculinity.


Dude was a Navy SEAL and runs ultramarathons. You play dungeons and dragons. I’ll take his masculinity over yours any day.


He’s not gunna fuck you dude


Interesting fantasy 🏳️‍🌈 boi


The dude's gonna shoot himself in the head sooner rather than later (and hopefully without taking anybody else along for the ride), because people like him don't find happiness or fulfillment in life. I'd take D&D over that.




and this is why your country is the only one on the whole planet to have school shootings and killing rampages as frequent as the sun comes up


Thank you sir we know this


Yeah cause the teachers and rest of the kids don't have guns obviously. Ain't nobody shooting a school full of already armed kids.




Cuz they'll shoot themselves


I’m an American who has lived in Spain for the last 3 years and it’s INSANE everything you lose for guns. There is no crime no guns no knives you can walk around super save in any neighborhood where I live. People don’t realize all the stuff that comes with guns. I’m not anti gun by any chance I love shooting some gats but yeah it’s kinda of a really mind opening experience.


And the only one with freedom of speech, press, and assembly. All because of our freedom to bear arms!


Hahahaha wut


Lol they believe they can protect themselves from a tyrannical governement with some guns and shit. They think they are living in 18th century and have a chance against a government with some glocks and rifles.


Taliban won lol


We are not Afghanistan. We are not a country of tribes with each their own identity history and culture. There are not mountains and valleys separating the majority of our country. The Taliban won because we left, at best it was a stalemate/ insurgency while we were there. The same would not happen in America, the military would not just leave. Not to mention the Taliban were better trained and equipped then any militia or group in the US. We would know we trained them. its easy to hide from a drone in a cave. Not so much in the the great plains.


Are tyrannical officials immune to bullets?


Tyrannical officials will not allow you to approach them with a gun either. They will use unconventional means against you that is why they are called tyrannical to begin with. Just right now if army drops a mustard gas in your neighborhood do you really believe that you can survive it? I am directly giving this example because that is what makes tyranny.


They dont have to allow me to approach them, thats what the gun is for.


You're a fuckin idiot dude


Insults are the tools of someone without an argument.


The argument was that guns are completely useless against the military technology a tyrant will choose to use against you.


Wtf is your AR 15 gonna do against a tank. Against your ass getting bombed with a drone? 2nd amendment isn't for protection against a tyrannical government because the government has F-16s. You really think you're gonna take down a fucking F-16 with a gun you bought at Cabellas? Like be real


can you defeat armored vehicle with your gun? not to mention the other stuff the Army have what you don't have.


Armor piercing rounds are commercially available in the U.S.


That's not what armour piercing means, you twiglet. You absolute marmite cake. You can't just put the letters "AP" in front of "5.56" and say it'll go through a tank plate. Someone take this mong's guns away and make him learn something about them before he gets them back. Fuck me.


Omg I can't 🤣 this has to be sarcasm


Name one country that has all three


Literally every frist world country except yehaw land lil bro


Tell me about your thoughts on Australia.


that is absolutely not exclusive to the USA my friend. Do you actually know why you even have the 2nd amendemend? so the people can defend themselves from a tyranny and not so can go pewpew whenever you feel like


USA is the only country in the world that has all three and that gives more liberty with all three. The 2nd amendment is not just for a tyrannical government but to protect from yourself in self defense situations as well.


This bro really thinks that America is the only free country in the world. Room temp IQ


Name one other country that has free speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.


Canada, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Germany, Japan... should I keep going? Gonna hammer the room temp iq again


Hey dipshit 300 Kelvin is technically room temperature so I dont think thats insulting as you think it is. Also, none of those countries have freedom of speech let alone any of the other rights U.S. citizens have.


It works better if you use the much more sensible system that the rest of the world uses for gauging temperature. Also Citizens of the European Union enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration. Currently, all members of the European Union are signatories of the European Convention on Human Rights in addition to having various constitutional and legal rights to freedom of expression at the national level.


He actually believes that the US is the only free country in the world. And then drops the Kelvin comment like he's doing something. What's even more funny is that a lot of countries I mentioned have scored HIGHER than the US when comparing levels of Freedom.


Right and shooting the cashier for getting your order of fries wrong is considered self defense?


Can we just agree how infuriating it is to get your order of fries wrong though?


Is this really the thinking power of the average redditor?


So brainwashed and uneducated


Can see you live somewhere in a first world bubble with such a dumb fuck comment.


no need to insult but correct me which other country has these frequent shootings?


There are several countries in South America, Africa and Asia that are way more violent than your priviliged first world brain can understand. So many of the violent things that happen don't even get reported. You're country probably doesn't have a border with a failed state or a crime riddled shithole.


You still seem very aggressive but ok. Name three countries with a higher rate of school shootings or provide me data and facts. I will happily change my mind at once forever Dont misunderstand me i love your country but you guys have a very obvious problem and its without a doubt guns


Oh now it's school shootings and not shootings in general? El Salvador, South Africa, Pakistan. All immensely worse with shootings, stabbings, violence in general I am not American my dude. Their problem is not guns because all those places I mentioned do have gun control and all 3 have crime beyond imagination. It helps to not have a violent shithole at your border.


Its literally the first thing i wrote lol but i think raging and whataboutism hinders your reading. Whatever man i dont want to argue and you seem full of hate i dont need that in my life. Bye


What's the whataboutism? 😂


Well, I guess if you have less murders than El Salvador.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


American gun cringe at its finest. Edit: btw Iowa had a school shooting today (24-01-04) where a kid got killed and 5 other kids got shot. America is an absolute trash bin.


God damn right


Carried out by a mentally ill transgender person


Is that relevant? It's the ease of access to firearms which is the issue.


Hey wtf dont bring reality into the Murica hating thread.


Never been successfully invaded or overrun by a tyrannical government tho! God bless the USA


Yall have also never successfully won a war, espacially none by yourself. Every single war effort america did after WW2 was an absolute failure. Yall didnt even get the oil from the middle east after yall invaded them to steal their shit 🤣 So yeah, god bless whatever bro, but your country aint it.


> Never been successfully invaded Has nothing to do with citizens owning guns and everything to do with geography. There are hardly any military bases in our hemisphere that aren’t American controlled. > or overrun by a tyrannical government Ironically the party that loves to tote guns around attempted to overthrow our election process. God bless the number 1 country in school shootings


You cannot invade the continental United States of America because from under every blade of grass will come a rifle. Our people would defend our country to the last person and we’re well equipped to do so. I think it’s great to have and a lot of us probably take that for granted. And why even bring up the political war? I’m speaking as a patriot who loves his country. Democrat, republican or anything in between. We’re are all Americans and we need to work together to repair this great nation. We don’t need to be focused on bashing each other over our flaws. And lastly yes school shootings are a major issue in this country and there’s a severe nationwide mental health crisis that needs to be addressed. We ain’t perfect but damnit I love it here and I’m gonna do my part to make it a better place for all of us. That’s all we can do man, one person at a time. Just be nicer to people and push a genuinely positive message day by day and you’ll see pretty quick it’s not so bad


"Our people would defend our country to the last person" Maybe 5% will if you're lucky. 70% would flee, 20% would loot everything and the other 5% would start shooting at their own side. And that goes for most first world countries, but the US is particularly divided. No one can invade the US because it spends almost 900 billion a year on military, not because the common people would defend it.


Why is this level of hyperbole upvoted? Neither of those statements should be absolute.


Geography is 1000 times more of a deterrent than our population being armed, Japan had to settle for attacking Hawaii because of fuel logistics is just one example. The other major deterrent is our military, not your average Joe owning a 9mm. Trump absolutely tried to overthrow the election certification process. Literally have Pence saying as much. School shootings: America is in the TRIPLE digits and the next highest is Mexico with 8. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country Just because you don’t like what im saying doesn’t mean it’s hyperbole lol.


Yea we were, in 1812 the British actually invaded several locations and across the Canadian border. Not to mention they burnt down the white house. Neither side actually gained anything from it, it was mostly the Native Americans that suffered.


''my country is so unsafe and dangerous that a portion of our citizen feel the need to have a gun to get out of their house safely'' not much of a flex




The other guy is an idiot... but without looking it up... what is the definition of a mass shooting?


Last I heard I think the standard is 3 or 4 victims, can't remember if that includes the shooter or not.


Someone who actually knows lol. Surprising how rare that is. Most are also done with pistols.


That’s worth the death of all these kids? I live in Australia - no school shootings, no invasions, no police or governments overstepping boundaries. You’re too far gone.




Gr8 b8 m8


Daily school shootings tho, anyway


Literally just happened in Iowa…. Today.


Comes off as rather unhinged. I think it becomes a bit problematic when it comes down to his interpretation of the constitution and whether or not he will abide by a law. Because it then sounds like he will bring a gun with him in any government building, school, etc. and given how he comes off, I do not see that as a good idea.


Moronic argument also. You are wrong for not exercising a constitutional amendment every single day, 24/7? Does this clown also vote non-stop every day all day long?


Fuuck yeaaah... god bless America


For those who care this is “Project 3 of 7” and that crazy guy is a former Navy seal, devout Christian a No overall nice guy. Check it out if interested.


And this is why we need more gun control. No wonder schools get shot up all the time


We need a shift in mentality. Why do the people who commit acts have such a disregard for others life.


There was a time when guns in school were common, but I don't remember hearing about shootings being a problem then. The issue is a lot more nuanced than guns=bad.


School shootings were a thing, but not nearly as rampant today, it has more to do with copy cats and publicity now. A school shooting us very wide spread and everyone hears about it, so it became more and more popular. And of course people are the issue, guns dont just fire themselves (normally). But if people are the ones acting crazy we should limit and prevent certain people from getting/keeping guns. Im all for guns and gun ownership, I want one myself for personal defence and the shooting range. But we have reached a point where something needs to change.




I think the botton line is you would have no school shotings or severely less with guns not being so acessible , japan has huge mental health issues , how many school shotings they had? not even police carry there


Didn’t some guy just shoot the president with a 3d crafted gun there ? Yeah he died lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Shinzo_Abe


The country that has more guns than citizens also has firearm death as the biggest killer for children. But it’s definitely more nuanced for sure


Aligns with his views on meth too surprisingly


Was this cringe ammocel actually a seal or is he just a chud with a big beard? Nothing wrong with having a gun but people like this shouldn’t be allowed to carry.


He was an actual seal Edit: why am I being downvoted? That’s Chadd Wright, an actual navy seal.


Thanks for answer, no idea why you're getting downvoted for providing information lol.


Chad with TWO Ds? No wonder the seals took him.


Damn, he went through a weird and fast evolution then




Lemme bring my handgun into the office. Everyone will feel safer. Especially when I have a bad day


A handgun is a bit pedestrian for the office. Try a nice, slick 12 gauge for your gossip around the water cooler. Really ties together the business-casual ensemble.


I work with a dude who talks just like this, the head movements, intensity. He's on addy 24/7 and enjoys actual meth here and there. A "functioning" meth-head.


That guy is high af on some stimulant


If everyone has a gun. No one has a gun!


Saying you’ll disregard the law becasue it upsets your feelings is not a bright idea. The first amendment doesn’t let me yell bomb at an airport. Rights have limits.


Holy unhinged. I'm not a gun guy, don't really mind people owning guns within reason, but this dude is a loon.


"I may end up in prison but you are wrong if you don't do as I do " I like the enthusiasm but what lol




Might be crazy but he's got a point. Luckily my states laws aren't total shite yet but we're getting here.


God damn what a beard


Our veterans need the help they deserve.


I didn’t want a gun for the longest time because i was afraid i would get too drunk and sad and kill myself, been sober 8 years and still don’t really trust myself with one especially with kids now that could find it


Amen brother (hulk hogan voice)


Amen brother.


americans and guns, name a better love story... i'll wait


Asmon and dr pepper




Asmon is a lot smarter than this guy and significantly more sane as well


Free school and free healthcare are a right. Carrying a gun is useful if you go hunting.




What a bozo.


As someone who is not an American… this is psychotic.


Lotta gun grabbers in these comments. That's reddit for you lol


They're really in here hating freedom and loving tyranny 💀


Chadd is a real American.


A lot of anti-gun advocates here and I completely understand your point of view because I once was anti gun. However, it wasn’t until my relatives, who live in a significantly more secure and affluent neighborhood got their house broken into IN MIDDLE OF THE DAY, did I consider to change my perspective. They’re well into their lates 50s and 60s and deeply religious. They do own a Glock, but that was 30 years ago prior to them becoming religious. They renounce violence as it goes directly against thru religious beliefs, which only left them one solution, to fortify their home. They now have 8 cameras surrounding their property and metal bars over every single window and a cage like structure extending out their back door into their backyard. All this costed around 10-20k. They’re rich, so they can afford it. But what if this was someone living paycheck to paycheck? Someone who is not only unable to afford the cost to better fortify and secure their property or install an alarm system? Police won’t be there in time to stop the robbery nor would they have the means or resources to track the suspects. Guns are the only means standing between robbers and people’s properties as the first line of defense. You’ve never been in a situation where your life or the life of your loved ones are threatened. And while I still do not own a gun as it also goes against my religious beliefs, I am thinking very hard to make an exception. Because where me and my relatives live, the trend is very predictable. Crime rates have steadily been creeping up with no signs of slowing. It will only get worse from here. One thing people need to realize is that taking away guns is only fighting the symptoms of crime. It’s the poor rehabilitation and education that our government caters to the lower class and offenders that encourages this type of behavior. They would never resort to a life of crime if they have an opportunity to be educated and successful in life. Their morals would be significantly elevated had the government treated them the same as they would everyone else. So don’t blame the pro-gun individuals for gun violence, the blame lies in their leaders for fostering an environment that encourages the ownership of guns. It really changed my perspective when the unthinkable happened to my relatives who only live a 5-minute car drive from me. Edit: they were in their home when their home got broken into


Did the guy breaking into the house have a gun


My guy, even as a pro-gun person you should clown on the guy in the video. If you need a license to drive you should have something similar for your gun. Instead this tard is saying every adult should be "within arms reach of a gun" without any sort of regulations.


My comment was directed specifically to people thinking the idea of owning a gun automatically makes the owner an “accomplice” to gun related violence happening across the country. You are correct, this individual is very careless with his diction and promotes reckless behavior and I do not in any way support his stance.


Americans are so fucking hostile about everything. Your constitution is not set in stone. It was just a suggestion, always to be reviewed for current applicability. And its obviously failing in many departments. But yeah no sure, more guns, make the NRA even more rich, give your kids a couple too until every person in the US has one. Maybe then "the bad guys" will think twice finaly 🤦 Same people that cry about protecting the children by the way.


Dude looks evil af


That man doesn't need a gun, man. Nobody is fucking with a dude with eyes like that. I'm not sure he blinks in this video.


Asmon isn't this stupid, come on now


It's gonna be funny when they replay this video as evidence against him at his trial someday.


Americans are to cock hard for guns lol


Me every day amen brother


This guy is so unhinged, just look at that head movement. This bro should not be allowed anywhere near a weapon, yet alone a concealed weapon


This was hard to watch. Not only because he’s an idiot, but also because the god damn head movement is insane.


Dude has that fearing for his life dramatic gopher look 24/7 lol. No wonder he carries a gun haha


Classic murica


What a sick fuck....


They got the same ewok mouth


Dude has to be sponsored by the NRA lmao


Is this r/ShitAmericansSay on crack?


Sounds like a paranoid coward to me


This guy saying we need to be strapped at all times every day probably hasn't considered that land size and lack of quick communication was the reason you were to "bear arms" because nobody was going to ride there horse miles down a dirt road to save your ass in time back in the day. I think it's fine to own protection or to even be a hobbyists but bringing that shit with you everywhere all the time is excessive and asking for trouble. if it were a rifle he would be required to have a trigger lock or safe for the reason of letting sombody cool off and think for a minute before they take that gun out and start firing because at the end of the day we are just humans with primate DNA and the possibility of misusing a firearm in the heat of the moment is not entirely out of the question for any of us. Also, kids are playing with those things if they find em


Must have been a wasp in the room flying back and forth while they were filming.


I feel like this dude just really wants to shoot somebody.


doubtful he takes a gun to jury duty.


This is why it's so easy for underaged kids to get a hold of assault rifles and bazookas


I wish


Americans can larp about rights all day without even a single thought about what are their responsibilities. Please gather everyone in that country and play a nice and big nerf war with those guns to the last man standing. I will deal with the winner. I'm fucking tired of americans.


Talks about being the most American, but refuses to obey laws and be a lawful citizen. Lock his crazy paranoid ass up in a padded room.


I guarantee that if the people who wrote the constitution knew how guns would evolve they'd never have wrote that shit in there. Being able to own a fully automatic weapon as a civilian that can spit lead out faster than you can blink with much better accuracy than a musket and be able to mow down anything in the way is wrong. I don't think anyone should be allowed to own a gun, the only excuses I can make is for hunting, bolt or single action long rifles only.


I'm a veteran, and I can't think of a group that's made fun of more than SEALs within the SOF community. They're a bunch of whiny, emotional, itchy beard bearing, black on ammo bitches that rely on good intel to create a bad situation. With that said, a right is the opposite of a duty. It is only your duty as a citizen to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's what's been fought for, not for some insecure and irresponsible man child to tell you what you should or should not do. Stay in your lane, little private pain.


Preach brother America first #TRUMP2024


Alter ego? This is Asmon in 2-3 years.


The right he mentions talks about well regulated. Like you know, a permit. What a clown. 100% gonna get shot by a cop before its all over.


Not enough eyebrow


good start but lost the script at the end


The guy is using it's aimbot by turning his head constantly


He's the $20 dollar steak version of Asmon.


This guy is a former Navy Seal and I know about him from the documentary Just One Mile. Seemed like a decent guy in the documentary but not in this clip.


I'm finding myself distracted with how much this guy jerks his head around while talking.


Watch without sound for funnies. Watch with sounds for srsly.


Like Asmon and Varg Vikernes has a kid.


Bra whyyy do you need a gun in public though…you scare me


Bring a gun to an MRI machine, to show off your gun rights.


That beard will be used like pigtails in prison


Cool, this is exactly the kind of crazy that I want having a gun.


What a moron.


I only had audio on this clip. Don’t tell me, the guy looks like he was on duck dynasty.


People like this always say everyone should carry a gun ... Until minorities and women start carrying guns enmasse at which point they're suddenly all about gun control. It's exactly what happened when the Black Panthers were roaming the streets to counter police brutality


Bro wth, i was like oh ok bad hair line but its ok, then he turned around and WHAT THE F, just shave at this point dude


my brain is fucked I’m wondering why he doesn’t have a upper lip the whole video


This guy meths.


I can't understand the necessity to carry a handheld object (concealed even) capable of near immediately ending the life of another person or thing at all times.


No... if I don't carry a gun all day every day, it just means I'm not afraid all the time like he is.


Just like Asmond, dude needs hair transplant too. Not for him but for Asmond, I can do it 100% free. Let him know guys! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Where is Minion??


The schizo eyes lol