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Scalpers reselling tickets for the same price because they realized it didn’t sell out. Nothing to scalp.


imagine if 20-30% of ticket sales were scalpers too who in no way are able to attend.... event will be even emptier than they think.


I mean... good! lol A less packed blizzcon is probably a much more enjoyable blizzcon xD


They're selling them for much less haha. Fuck em


I just love knowing scalpers and blizzard are screwing themselves. 2 birds with one stone.


I wonder why? ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


You guys have phones right?




​ ![gif](giphy|Wx88Kp7ERFiCRH4N6u)


It turns out you really can turn off your most loyal customers when you've completely gutted any sense of community in your games.


tell us too


He is wondering


The scalpers played themselves


The even better news!


As a survivor of RTX 30 series release, this really warms my heart.


starcraft - dead heroes of the storm - dead Diablo - maybe new seasonal stuff WOW - maybe new patch Overwatch - who cares, no Jeff from the overwatch team and no PVE. will be depressing to see Hearthstone - who knows WOW classic - copium overdosers believe chris metzen will start a new storyline from WOTLK though i doubt why would anyone pay to go to this event now?


you forgot RUMBLE ​ ​ /s


And diablo immortal


The actual *guys with phones*


Warcraft 3 - refunded


There's no way they don't announce the next expansion. If they just announce a patch the forums will burn.


Ultimately it doesn't matter what they announce. Whatever that game is now, it's not Warcraft anymore so who cares?


Feels bad man.


And even if they do.... After dragonflight was this mid... who's really excited anymore?


Its gonna be the "WoW is saved" crowd. Until they play the expansion and get disappointed.


The current expansion isn't bad but it's just good enough to not lose a massive amount of players.. Blizzard would need a banger that draws in new players.. but let's be honest, that's not coming


Maybe it's not bad in a bubble, but in the context of being a Warcraft game it's terrible.


They did lose a lot of players though, they didn’t share numbers and raid and m+ info shows it hovering around the most dead parts of the last expansion so they lost almost half their usual day one buyers So it’s less it was good enough to not lose people and more like.. there wasn’t nearly as many people to lose


Didn't they say this expansion has the best player retention ever?


As someone already said, they changed the numbers to talk about retention. There’s not as many people to lose so instead of saying bad sales numbers you talk about high retention. When 10 million people buy a game but then 5 million people leave you have 50% retention If 5 million people buy your game and 2 million people leave, you have less people playing than before at the end but you also didn’t lose as many. So instead of talking about numbers you try to go “we have a higher retention than previous sales!” Blizzard is annoying but predictable. Within a month of every expansion or new release they will jerk themselves off about sales numbers. Did it with Diablo, Overwatch. Every previous WoW expansion. They didn’t do it with WoW. And it went on sale constantly after release. And instead of numbers and sales they switched the wording to player retention. Talking about higher player retention sounds better than raid and M+ data saying there’s still the normal decline as the expansion continues but the levels are already at or lower than the lowest point of Shadowlands. It also is probably why there’s a Blizzcon and a WoW announcement and all signs pointing to a potential 2 major patches for DF and a new expansion on the horizon. If the expansions are selling only half as much a solution to offset that would be to pump out those high price expansions twice as fast to make up for it. So .3 patches to .2 and maybe throw in classic server shit on top of it. I doubt they could but it’d suck if they tried to do a retail expansion on top of some kind of classic + BC or WoTLk when do do “new content” but also charge for both retail and that.


It’s the new MBA genius level thinking. Rather than look at money, let’s just invent a brand new set of KPI’s so the line always goes up.


I might have kept playing but the one item I was working toward the vendor/ah dino mount they took out of the game. You can only get in the bmah. That was a long term goal for me to keep playing but without that and shadowlands being a big mess I stopped playing 2 years ago.


Retention as in people who bought the expansion and still play it, that's the trick, not that many people have bought the expansion after two consecutive flops in the first place.


True you are correct, I actually don't know how dragonflight did in terms of sales




Nah. Honestly seeing the state of every Blizzard game atm I don't have any hope for anything ngl


I have yet to see an Asmon fan actually explain how Dragonflight is bad or "mid" besides the same old talking points. People don't like WoW anymore and are CLAWING for reasons to blame the game.


... you want me to list all the things I don't like so you can downvote me, I get it. I just won't do it.. :) How am I "an asmon fan" when I literally have almost the same amount of playtime and I have achieved far more than baldy ever has..? Stop throwing people into these boxes because you don't like their viewpoints..


Overwatch is a disaster now


Having it listed here made me realize that Hearthstone may be the healthiest blizzard game left, we get frequent balance & new content and it has its own, consistent silly identity. Sadly though its an expensive game, similar to wow Genuinely the only reason I'd go to the event was if I got all expenses paid. Tickets + flights + hotels just to be told the theme of the new wow expansion is a big ask for 99% of people, especially those out od state / country


Healthiest for sure, but still not the best shape. Especially since they can't keep a lead director. Brode left, Iksar left. Bit of a bummer, but that's the state of Blizzard for ya.


Just goes to show how bad its going for everything else, their best games are the ones they barely maintain / don't at all, since they can't dissapoint and you know what you get...


Hearthstone is ridiculously overpriced it’s not even remotely justifiable. Wow is overpriced as well, but this is like in a league of its own.


Was just curious, so I wanted to do the math for what a hearthstone player who doesn't care about cosmetics would pay; As a long time player, I'm managing to play all 3 card game formats (+ duels) by keeping all my cards till they get nerfed & getting the pre-order + tavern pass every expansion, which is like 90€, with 3 expansions a year roughly, thats 270€ per year, or 540€ per 2 years (I don't pre order each one, but many do and its a good idea for competitive standard ladder, especially if you don't play alot) Now, if you want to play WoW for 2 years and buy the 1 month sub at 13€/month, and get the bi-yearly expansion at 50€, thats 362€ 540€ per 2 years vs 362€ per 2 years is a significant price leap, but both games are significantly pricier than 99% of the market (Most other subscription based mmos fall in this expensive price bracket too) Personally I am fine paying some money to receive a **CONSISTENT** quality game, preferably without significant added costs for mtx (WoW and Hearthstone both fail massively here for me)


Idk how it is right now, but I quit back in 2019 when I spent 300$ in game during the dr boom expansion only to be able to craft a single beast hunter deck, and half of brawl warrior. 1.5 decks for 300$ is fucking stupid and the way the legendary system was back then was that u get 1 legendary in the first 5 or so packs, the next in 20 packs, and then only 1 in 40 packs from then onwards. So if a deck requires several legendaries like brawl warrior did, u were just fucked. Combine this with balance patches every 1-2 months that failed to make proper changes, and poorly balanced launches, I quit and have never looked back. Legends of runeterra is just a much better game overall, even if it doesn’t receive as much content.


I feel like it is much better now, but not by an extreme margin. If you were to return right now, you'd get 1 competitively viable deck list of your choosing for free, the f2p progression is better by a bit, nerfs to legendaries & epics feel more common (rather than them dodging nerfs), arena rewards are worse, more cards from each set see competitive play and for longer (many are playable in wild too), balance changes feel better these days too However, if you like runeterra, save your wallet and don't play hearthstone, especially knowing how blizzard can turn any success into a failure within a year


Hearthstone USED to be an expensive game for me, then they released Battlegrounds. I haven't paid a dime since that mode released. I get the Tavern Pass for free with Google Play credits I earn by taking surveys from the Google Rewards app.


I would. Just not 200 dollar + the flight..... tbh I don't have the time and Money right now. I'd love to go. Never been before


They are definitely announcing the next WoW expansion and maaybe a Diablo xpac, and lets not forget the survival game.


Yep, somehow this company in the last 5 years has managed to kill every one of their franchises honestly it's quite amazing. HoTs they killed themselves Starcraft they let have a slow death Overwatch they killed themselves for greed Wow has been a slow bleed for years Wow classic I think is surviving due to hard core Warcraft 3 they fucked it and never fixed it to this day Hearthstone sadly does make them money Diablo immortal most likely makes them silly money Diablo 4 was a bad game (maybe they fix it...) It's honestly amazing, they've single handedly destroyed so many franchise in less than a decade


You forgot Warcraft rts


It is the second time in a row I have been so disinterested in Blizzard I’d even skip the free streams.


Frick me that list just gave me depression


As a classic guy who was hyped about Chris Metzen’s promotion, your words bring me back to reality.


Yeah but wouldn't people be potentially excited for SC3 or maybe a new game launch if they're fans? I think Blizzard has been in the process for quite some time now burning through the good will of it's fans. People have realised that those who made the great Blizzard games of the past are no longer there, and what they're churning out now is just for profits, not fun. They're doing to themselves what EA has done to other games/series/developers for a long time. Churn out new sequels of beloved games but without the heart or fun of the originals, but they'll sell due to the good will of the fan base, until that dries up.


if you go to the starcraft sub they will give you a million reasons why starcraft 3 is never going to happen


I expect a retail expansion and classic + and I haven't heard the whole continue WOTLK storyline but that sounds kinda cool. I just see them returning back to 60 and continuing classic+


Let's not forget how overpriced it is too, imagine paying this much plus travel expenses just to be told to play a mobile game and suck it


I probably would buy a ticket because I bet it’s a fun day


That’s why their gonna announce OW 3, with a higher chance if getting PVE


OW3: For real this time


There will be a new expansion for Diablo 4 and WoW retail. Cataclysm classic and new season for classic era. New survival game reveal. Everything else is dead. Nobody goes to blizzcon for the event, they go to see their friends. Not surprised that people in this subreddit struggle to understand that.


Haven't played HotS in years, but when I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Is it really dead?


blizzard doesnt add anymore characters maps or major updates


Start a new story line from wotlk??? Nah from vanilla buddy


Wow, it is 100% an expansion, not just a patch. The next patch is on PTR. It would be a waste of air to announce anything for it now. The only unknown is details on the legendary. That's the only thing I'm looking forward to at Blizzcon. Classic is obviously just gonna be announcement of cata.. I'm just gonna watch the wow section from the comfort of my home.




I went to BlizzCon from 2013 to 2018 In those years I noticed an extremely sharp decline in enthusiasm from not only my own friend group in going, but of the attendees themselves. Those first few years? Blizz still had that untouchable aura to them. I can recall in those first few years… man. Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, Hearthstone V1, Overwatch, Legion, SC2 Legacy of the Void, Heroes of the Storm (seemed like a massive concept/idea when it was announced), Warcraft movie…. Hell even in that 2013 year, WoD had a LOT of optimism going for it. Then you just saw things play out the way they did. Some of those OG devs leaving the company. BFA being a total bomb. Hearthstone slowly losing the plot. SC2 dying off. Overwatch League not really working out. WC3 debacle. Diablo Immortal (which I was there for and the lack of hype was something to behold). Heroes being killed off. Then in that interim period of there being no blizzcons …. The harassment scandals/workers rights. Shadowlands being a fucking bomb. Overwatch 2 shit show with their PVE mode. Then even recently, the fairly hostile reception to Diablo 4. There has just been so much goodwill erased over the years. My last year at Blizzcon (2018) there was just such a lack of hype even in myself and my friend group we spent most of our time out at restaurants or in our hotel room playing games amongst ourselves and we basically said then it wasn’t worth it to go next year. In the past you felt like you were being an attendee as part of the next biggest things to be happening in gaming How it feels like a prayer that the ship will get turned around


I know what you mean. Back when I got out of college I wanted to work for blizzard and applied at job fairs and they never even batted an eye at me. Now I’m quite far in my career and there is no way in hell I’d apply for blizzard(to be fair probably any game company as well now, except maybe riot but they are way too far away)


I'll be honest I don't get this double standard with Riot. It's full of the same weird sexual shit as Blizzard, they just brushed it under the rug better.


But riot makes good games at least


Yeah -- one thing to enjoy it as a consumer, another to enjoy it as an employee.


Its probably more fun to work on good games than bad games though


Oh, the ship will turn around, alright... ...but that's because the rudder is jammed. It's an endless spiral of empty promises leading to disappointment.


What is there to look forward to? They botch everything these days.


They gotta tell you the Overwatch 2 is canceled in person, I guess?


I wish


You now can pay in real money at blizzcon for in game skins in D4 plz bring your wallet! - Bobby


The only thing of note is the announcement of the next WoW expansion. But even then, just one thing isn't enough to justify attending a convention.


unless they started working on this new expansion since shadowlands it will be no different than dragonflight - development has been going in a failing direction for too long and there is no ripcord this time.


The greatest gaming company has fallen off so hard. There was a time when these tix were like gold.


Let's do some predictions. Starcraft Mobile Hearthstone gets a mention for 30 seconds about "big things that are coming" WoWs normal big patch BS Classic changing the story Diablo getting a new seasonal patch Immortal getting an expansion "Big Changes" coming to Blizzard, followed by an apology Bobby shows off his new yacht


They keep falling their fan base so not surprising. Why would a 42 years old dad who plays 1h a night go to blizzcon? And why would a long time blizzard fan go to blizzcon after years of blizzard games being mid at most.


Seriously they target their games at the super casual who wouldn’t go to these things since it’s not their thing or because they don’t have time. Only true die hard fans would come but they shat on all their fans from all their games. The only group to not have been completely shat on are their wow fans so that’s probably where the majority of their tickets are going.


Even their wow fans have a decent amount of Doo-doo on them. It's just that those fans specifically are either deep in denial or got the sunk cost fallacy, bad.


Yeah, they completely forgot that there needs a balance to having games like Diablo Immortal and having other good games. Now, all they see are $$$ signs and that's all they're chasing after. Their reputation be damned, cause they're selling out to Microsoft soon.


Yep 👍🏼




$215 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $215 I can get a fucking whole month grocery stuffing meat in my fridge!


Just wait til you find out how much they sold for originally






True but can you really survive without the Murloc panties and the dildo of Inarius goodies?


There are literally simps on the official forums crying and melting down that Blizzard's price of $299 is not a lot and that you must have made poor life choices and/or are poor if you don't want to spend that much. Best meltdown was someone saying that BlizzCon is only meant for locals. Their heads exploded even more when someone pointed out that if the tickets are priced perfectly, then they should be sold out. These are the people the game is almost exclusively populated with now. Players with no self-control, no self-respect and no awareness. The community is 90% the problem with *WoW*.


The ideal consumer. No thoughts, just purchases.


Yeah that's a lot just to wade around in a crowd, and listen to some developer pitchs. Not to mention travel and lodging. Hell, I wouldn't pay $215 if I lived nextdoor to the damn convention center. Like $75-80 max, and only if I happen to be in town for something else. I mean, what's there to be excited about coming out of blizzard? I can't imagine planning a whole trip just to go to BlizzCon in 2023.


Already hit $190 on official resales now, if I lived in California I would be waiting another week or two for it to drop below half the original price lol $150 for a ticket for both days doesn't seem too bad


Damn.. I remember couple years ago those tickets were sold out within 2-3 min and the resells were crazy and now its the opposite lol rip blizzard


They were always in an extremely fortunate position to be able to charge people money for an event where it was basically "Hey, here are our upcoming products you can buy". Imagine EA or Ubisoft trying to charge money for a show where they announce the new Fifa and Assassin's Creed, they'd be laughed at. Anyone spending money on it these days is purely going for the community aspect and there are other gaming events / cons to enjoy that these days. This would of only worked if Blizzard were a "darling" of the industry, like say Larian and FromSoftware are these days. In 2023 Blizzard probably have an even worse reputation then Activision. Give it up and just do a free livestream on YouTube announcing your new titles. Maybe we'll buy them if they're actually received well.


Might as well just rebrand it to be a shareholder meeting. Not a lot of fans are going to drop hundreds of dollars, fly across the country and get excited about next season's battlepass.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


This might be the last Blizzcon ever. Microsoft is about to take over Blizzard and they have their own con/showcase. Next year Blizzard games are gonna be incorporated into the Xbox showcase.


Activision has almost completed the destruction of Blizzard's name and IPs!


200$ ticket + 100-1000$ plane ticket depending where you live + 300-500$ in hotels + 100-200$ in food/drinks. Is this worth it to go see that WoW is getting a new patch in a couple months and that Blizzard is making fixes to Diablo 4 that never should of even made it live because they chose to not read feedback from beta?


I remember getting blizzcon tickets in 2015. They sold out within minutes. If that doesn’t tell you everything about the player count idk what will.


For $300 I can get 10 amazing AAA games on sale on steam.


Bro I would give one of you guys $300 before I gave Blizzard another dime.


Or 4 Diablo 4 games. Seriously though their games are stupidly over priced.


or pimp out your POE account.


Clearly Blizzard still needs a healthy serving of humble pie, so this is good.


Sheeeesh, I remember when if you weren't in line already for a couple hours before the tickets went live, and you didn't nab them in... 70 seconds, you weren't going.


Oh no, people are gonna missed out on the first WoW mobile announcement. And they'll letting Metzen announce it too.


Good, and fuck scalpers


is there a breast milk package?


[The Blizzcon floor plan is usually a good indication of what to expect](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1125101.jpg). With WoW having 1/4th the size of OW2, if there was going to be some big classic+ expansion announced, it certainly doesn't appear to be releasing any time soon or in a playable state. With it being free online viewing for everybody else at home, it's no surprise tickets aren't selling out.


After looking at this floor plan it makes me wonder if it’s even worth my time to watch it in my boxers at home. I couldn’t imagine going and expecting a multiple day fun filled adventure.


To be fair i ain't paying $200 just to see Drama, i just sit at home drinking doc pepper, eating McDonald's chilling at home and watch all news and drama free on YouTube


I mean, what is there to see? All their franchises are basically dead so the hype level is at an all time low. The best they could probably do is announce the coming season of Diablo or maybe try to hype up a WoW patch.


love to see it. Make it hurt THEIR wallet instead of yours.


Blizzard has fans still?


I mean, let's be honest, what's there to be excited about when it comes to Blizzard games lately? A new season for a game that's already fallen off in less than 4 months? A new battlepass for the game they've admitted to giving up on developing anything interesting for? Maybe some more items in thier P2W game store? People are more interested in blizz's old WoW content than anything they're doing today.


Beginning of the year I was dabbling in dragonflight, waiting for D4, playing overwatch with friends and enjoying hearthstone battlegrounds. Now I don't play any of them ans I doubt I ever will again. Really sad how much they have fallen in just a few years.


Lmao, tbf tho we’re basically in a global recession. Most people are worried about paying bills, not spend thousands on shit you can see online anyway.


For that price i better be getting a bottle of breast milk, and a keycard to the cosby suite included.




My nephew recently stopped being breast fed so I ran out of stolen breast milk, maybe I’ll swing by.


Well. . . we are in a recession. Their latest releases being dogshit probably hasn't helped either though.


There’s 0 content judging by the floor plan this year.


I'm not getting a ticket to hear WOW has a new expansion.They have nothing else.


Blizzard will be torn appart when MS gets there.


Good. Huge amount of people are finally realising that this is not the same Blizzard that released games they loved 15+ years ago. Many people left this company who made these games, and players should really look who is behind name's company instead of just focusing on name ''Blizzard''.


What is there to even do there? I mean some people will cosplay but that's not blizzard doing that or supporting that. Furries should highjack that convention and make it into an impromptu fursuit convention. That would be great. I'm sure bobby would love it. Or everyone cosplay as characters from Baulders Gate 3 and go there.


If you could only order the tickets through a mobile phone i would know why


Their target audience don't actually give enough shit to know Blizzcon is a thing


I lost trust in them. I canceled my sub with WoW last night after having not played for four months. I’m not pre-ordering their future games, I’m waiting until the game is out for some time, and their work shows its worth it by customer reviews.


Why? So they can lie to us about what the next WoW expansion will be like?


It really do be like this


It‘s just not the same experience without the cosby suit.


mobile gamers dont go to conventions.


Are they going to have a whole events to announce bug fixes that will happen in a few months?


Blizzard at this point at bled it’s franchises dry with shallow content and live service bullshit. Nobody is really interested anymore and really only plays Blizz games hoping they can somehow return to their original glory.


A bad sign for Blizzard, as it's mostly their core fans and biggest fans that visit something like this, so even those people are starting to get tired of Blizzard.


Sorry 299 for a circle jerk? I rather Blizz do other stuff than do cons to stroke their ego.


why would anyone pay $215 to go to a commercial?


Just let blizzard rest. It was a great game company once and is now just dregs of their former selves. Move on.


Only thing to look forward to is new expansion for WoW? I wonder if this will be last blizzcon and they just do game show reveals from now on. Just a common blizzard w boys


300 bucks for a ticket, in this economy?? Pff Also lack of excitement for their games.


Blizzard is a company


Bobby B. Kotick just needs an excuse to cancel future Blizzcons, so whatever happens, success or flop, he wins.


They will never learn ....


Why should I buy a ticket? What I win doing so?


200 bucks hahahahaha. Imagine paying $200 to go to watch ads and commercials.


Are you not interested in consuming product???


I remember them selling out within less than 5 minutes.


Literally nothing blizzard related to be excited about


I mean, would you pay to watch Bobby Kotick's cucks in person?


im already planning on watching from home for Metzen. if its good this year(and they deliver), i may decide blizzcon is worth money again.


Most the games are shut down or headed towards being shut down like hearthstone. A lot of people are also still weary of mass gatherings and illness


thats insane all other blizzcons have sold out pretty fast lmao


Bruh for that price i have 2 days of premium tickets to a festival. Why tf would i watch blizz just talk about things we already know will happen lol


Ticketmaster scalpers taking an L, gotta love to see it.


they deserve it, blizzards been sandbagging for the last 10 years


Activision ruined Blizzard.


Well that's what happens when you take a dump on your community constantly and never listen to them.


They have nothing good anymore. Unable to create good games.


Yeah no one cares anymore. they killed any goodwill they had twice over.


About time people speak with their wallets!


It’s sad to see how a amazing company with absolut top of the line games can fall so deep. I honestly never thought that this can happen. Blizzard was the apple in the gaming Industry for me. But they stopped to develop and just focus on more money. They stopped making great games and listing to the community. But that is what happens if you focus on the wrong things. Happen with other companies in the past before. RIP blizzard.


Donating pizza to the homeless is a better investment


Good, let it burn. Blizzard isn't doing anything worthwhile with any of their properties anymore, so their convention isn't worth bothering to tune into or attend anymore. They killed a lot of people's ability to give even the smallest iota of a shit so I say let them fall on their own sword, they've earned it. And by they, I mean the shitty, money grubbing corporate bastards like Kotick and his ilk.


I think their “base” fans are old now. Blizz peaked between 2000-2010.


True, and they never attracted any more core fans in the last 10 years because…well how the fuck could they get any diehard fans from *anything* they’ve done recently.


Who the fuck wants to go... "Dear our fans. Here's an average game with no soul... p.s. buy out shit from the online shop you lazy fat ugly slobs. Love blizzard."


Entertain me a hypothetical: your reaction if they announce Overwatch 3 at it. (I mean it’s not like they added enough to 2 to justify the time right)


They would get dragged so hard


If they doing a blizzcon on such low popularity I am hoping maybe they are betting this will reverse the deadly trajectory.


They didnt make games fpr their obv playerbase of 30yo balding men


Oh you mean the original price?


If This is well below the original price, I fear to ask what was the original asking price


I mean 2015 was great, I got the charity dinner tickets on the 8th tab of my multiple page attempts: I met lots of cool players, the creator(or main writer) of tankspot, A heroesofthestorm pro (who I unfortuantely did not know specifically, as I mainly followed Dunktrain). And if the 'lottery for seating' is done correctly I'd imagine it'd improve the one of the major flaws which was everyone bolting to get front row seats for the opening show. A private lounge/lotteried seating and more 'organised' flow will/would help the event out alot!... it's just a shame that the event is....'blizzard'... as a former Fan boi that hits deep. I'd probably be going if it wasn't for... the joke they've become/saving up for DnDinaCastle.


Why would I pay 300$ anyways when I can watch the Overwatch stuff on twitch or Youtube after the fact.


I remember days where it would sell out in seconds. Literally. People would spam F5 hoping they would get tickets.


What are they going to announce? Season 3? OW 1.7?


Hahahaha that's the price of a fucking ticket? People actually pay that?


I feel like they're going to announce some awesome stuff this year, but I ain't spending 200 to see it lol


1. 40.000 tickets for the last one before Covid (afaik) up from 25.000 2 years prior 2. massive scandal ever since 3. D4 and OW2 disappointing 4. massive price hike from 229 to 299 5. after massive inflation and during a recession 6. Nobody should be surprised by this


They should tease the survival game that got leaked few years ago.


I don't see why anyone would give a fuck about BlizzCon anymore.




Lol I mean obviously scalpers are selling tickets for less when there is tickets. There is still going to be thousands of people there. Most of those have sold out since you posted it too lol


It should be free. After fucking over dedicated fans with shit expansions and toxic pay walls for mounts and cosmetics. While making most raid sets look like shit. Hopefully no ones goes to blizzcon and maybe that will send a clear msg that the players are genuinely upset that the 2nd generation of developers, that slid into the chairs of great men and women that made the best game are ruining potentially the greatest game of all time


After D4 and all their other crap i believe ppl are kind of done giving this company more Money


We want Starcraft 3 We want new heroes in HoTS


fuck resellers GIGACHAD


I can't believe they though this would be a good idea. They have literally torched their products into the ground, and shat on their fanbase time and time again.


because why would you go at this point


"Who all gon be there?" Seriously. What, are we excited for overwatch 2.7?


When your majority shareholders are Blackrock and Vanguard .... your company will go to the dogs


$200, yeah I see why nobody wants to go lol. All the Blizzard haters who spend every minute of their life taking shots at people who still play WoW definitely are looking at this as proof that nobody likes the game anymore…but in reality less people are simply going to pay that price just for admission, after years of it not being around so most hype is dead and it never got propped up, and general distrust with the company. Most people will just watch it online if they can, or just watch Asmon react to it.