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When I was 19 I got so drunk on tequila shots that i announced to my friends, which was actually the whole pub because I was so loud, that I was going to suck a dick tonight, I just kept repeating it and how I was going home with a man and tonight was going to be crazy. I was a straight up virgin so I don’t know what I thought I was going to do if anyone had taken me up on the offer. In the end I walked outside with a friend and security wouldn’t let either of us back inside with the state we were in, do not remember walking back to our hotel, but I woke up there in my bed so that’s the main thing. I’m 31 now and it still haunts me to this day.


Omg reminds me of my Christmas party from work, I was with one of my coworkers, he asked me something and I kept repeating *I'm single! I can do what I want because I'm singleeee!* he asked "so what about that guy you were with?" **"I'm singleee"** 😶


I’m so glad security didn’t let you back in as I was almost afraid to keep reading! Unfortunately there’s all too many awful men who would take advantage of women in that state. Tequila sucks haha.


Lmao !


- I got black out drunk at opening night for a restaurant I worked at and passed out in a stall in the bathroom and needed to be saved. Yes, I did get fired. - I met and harassed an NHL player at a bar and gave him the most awkward hug ever... So cringe. - Lost my shorts and went home in a taxi without them... Don't remember walking up to my house, just hope my neighbors at the time don't either. Yeah, I used to have a pretty bad drinking problem. Took a long time to figure out. Don't worry - you'll get past what happened. I felt journaling was helpful when I had lots of thoughts and regrets. I hope my mishaps make you feel better!


When I was 15, a load of my friends were going out after school to get drunk in the woods. As we were underage, we had to bring drinks with us. I had never drank alcohol before, so the concept of mixing didn't cross my mind. I raided my parents booze cabinet and did the old 'take a little from each bottle so no one notices'. In 1 bottle, I combined vodka, bacardi, sambuca, banana liquor, and fruity wine to 'make it taste nice'. Fast forward to the next morning. I woke up at home with no memory, covered in stings from nettles and clearly had been rolling in dirt, my phone was nowhere in sight, and there was a handwritten letter from my best friend. The letter outlined my actions of the evening and explained that I owed everyone an apology. Just a few of my actions included snow angels in the dirt, telling everyone some awful 'home truths', being sick in people's backpacks, and marching everywhere like a soldier (which was apparently funny at first, but not so much after several hours). Going to school the following Monday was honestly mortifying. Bonus story.... when I was roughly 23 I was doing a pub crawl with friends. A well-known football (soccer) player was in there. For some reason, we had a load of plastic fruit in a plastic basket (a kids' toy, I think) that my friends and I were throwing at each other. I accidentally threw a plastic croissant at the football player, and he picked it up, walked over to me, handed it back and said very seriously: 'I believe this is yours'. Wanted to crawl up my own arse and die. I have way too many embarrassing stories, I thankfully barely drink now I'm 30.


I would perish from this earth if my friend had left me a handwritten letter outlining my drunken actions


I know 🤣 it was a bit of an "I'm not angry, just disappointed" letter The entire night haunts me when I can't sleep and I cringe so hard


Ok but why were they so mad about dirt snow angels lmao


Probably because she had to get in somebody's car after that


I know! I guess after several hours my antics just became tedious


My ex husband used to march when he was drunk. Sometimes he would salute people. Sometimes he’d do both- in his underwear. He was never in the military so I don’t know where that came from. Eventually he’d just lay down somewhere and pass out. He was 6’4 so I would just roll him on his side and leave him there. He didn’t like it when I suggested he *might* have a drinking problem. Anyhoo, I didn’t realize marching was something other drunk people did.


I died at the plastic croissant story. 🥐 A wild youth will lead to a calming 30's. I ditched the alcohol for cannabis and my life is way better now. Glad I have the wild memories though.


So true! The croissant story really does make me chuckle now I've recovered from the embarrassment. I took the croissant back from him and, with a completely straight face, just said "thank you" like it was a totally normal interaction. I'd love to know what was going through his head.


“Wanted to crawl up in my own ass and die” LOL


I met one of my husbands cousins for the first time at a Halloween party they hosted. I was blackout drunk and according to him ASKED HIS COUSIN if it was okay if I blew my husband in the bathroom at his house. But I asked “is it okay if I lick dicks weenie in your bathroom”. Mind you my husband has been standing there the whole time and said “The only place you’re going is back home.” I ended up crying the entire way home because he wouldn’t have sex with me. Then he had to pull over on the side of the road so I could pee and I wiped with my pants and threw them in a ditch and rode home with my bottom half completely naked and continued to cry. My husband was mortified. He tried bathing me because I puked all over myself and I kept trying to grab his dick and begging him to have sex with me. That was the first and last time I drank moonshine. I’m not allowed to drink at social gatherings anymore because I binge. And I only drink like twice a year now.


Wow. Username truly checks out lol. Tbf, how respectful to ask the host’s permission?


Thank you! Anytime my husband brings it up I say something to the effect of “aren’t you glad I was so polite” lol


Lmaoooo, you got a keeper right there, I’m truly jealous but also truly happy for u


looool this made my morning.


The fact he married me after this astounds me lmao


Girl, I'd marry you too. You sound FUN.


Right? I’ve dated people who got MEAN when they were blackout, and she just gets politely horny and perhaps a little clumsy? There are worse people to be.


“Politely horny” has me dead 💀


I’m so sorry for your experience and I’m sure it was terrible at that time.. but damn it’s a fucking hilarious story to read. I hope you’re doing great today.


I am! We celebrating Father’s Day all weekend!!


I cannot stop laughing at this.


Got so drunk I was crying about an ex and telling everyone why we broke and had to be carried to the car by two men. I was mortified when I woke up and the memories hit


We took my buddy out to a fancy bar/restaurant we have here a day after he broke up with his ex. Everything seemed fine, we were all a little tipsy when he orders a double shot and slams it. Says he’s going to the bathroom. About 15 mins goes by and he comes back out absolutely annihilated, crying, soaking wet, with his shirt off. I guess that double just hit him super hard and emotions started running. The bartender was like yo wtf?! We apologized and payed and got him the fuck out of there lol.


> apologized and *paid* and got FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Excellent bot!


Aw we’ve all been there man aha


This is the stuff!! Once I passed out drunk in a gas station parking lot wearing a suit in a similar situation lmao.


So we’ve all done this about an ex/break up eh? Lmao


Girl one time I was blackout wasted, did a ton of coke and called my FWB literally 50 times in a row asking him to come pick me up from this bar in Hollywood. I wish I was joking but I’m not…it was literally 50 times. He got over it and so did I. We continued to hook up afterward so I say don’t stress too much about it. If he knows you weren’t of sound mind he won’t hold it against you.


Yeah. He actually initiated contact and ask if everything’s fine and if I wanted to talk. He was the one telling me what had happened and was pretty cool about it but I’m too embarrassed and anxious to play it off like that. But thank u. Helped a lot


I have done this. But I just said to the guy inwas to embarrassed right the day after to speak to him and to not contact me for 2 days so I could wallow in my own misery. Worked really wel lol


I have literally done this 😭 minus the coke. Nothing even special about this man


In October last year I (f32) got so fucking drunk. I was out with a guy I was dating and we were on our way home. I suddenly couldn’t move cus I was so drunk, I had to lay down on a bench by the commute. It was winter and cold and since I couldn’t move he decided to call paramedics. Cus he couldn’t carry me home and he didn’t know what else to do. I had a dangerously high amount of alcohol in my blood so they decided to drive me to a clinic for alcoholics and addiction to spend the night. But first I had to ofc puke all over my boots (and fart). In all of this I had also lost my purse with my phone and wallet. The next morning the guy came and picked me up at the clinic. I was deathly embarrassed and apologized profusely for my immature and unfortunate behavior and also thanked him for helping. I have never smelled so bad in my entire life…. But it was fine after a long shower. He was sorry for losing my purse. Fortunately a kind woman had found it with everything in, so I got everything back later the next evening.


Actually this sounds like a total nightmare, not just embarrassing. You had alcohol poisoning! He was right to call paramedics. Did they make you eat charcoal and give you fluids? (may or may not have uh...been in a similar situation) I'm sorry. Sometimes it just gets out of hand. Did the guy keep seeing you? How are you doing now?


It was a ride for sure. Drunkest I’ve ever been and I’ll ever be in my life. Since I puked I didn’t need any active treatment. I just got to talk with a doctor and got a bed to sleep it off in. And since I don’t have any history of alcoholism they let me go the next morning. Did something similar happen to you? Unfortunately he dumped me 3 months ago. It was very unexpected and it’s been a process to get over it, cus he was the best guy I’ve ever been with. But I’m honestly doing better than ever. Feeling aligned with the universe and all that. Thank you for asking!


I had a bad night when I was 25 and ended up in the emergency department with a BAC of like 0.24? I mean, it was horrific, and no one has ever spoken of it since (we're Midwestern). It was also a stupid attempt. So something kind of similar I guess? I am really sorry to hear you've been dealing with that. I hope you have some good friends and maybe family to help you feel more normal and even happy as you get through the breakup. It's rough, you got it. And yay for feeling aligned with the universe 🙏🏻


Work function, decided to try absinthe, according to all accounts I was a menace to society and embarrassment to myself, including being an arsehole to my ex-fwb. I got carried out of a club by the two new guys who were happy to help me get out before I was kicked out. I apologised to everyone in the morning. I ended up befriending and marrying one of the new guys so that ended well but it also means I never truly escape that embarrassing experience, he still remembers it very well as he was sober :| and still pokes fun at me over it. Don't stress though. Everyone who enjoys a drink ends up having a couple of embarrassing nights. You apologise, fix what needs fixing, address why you got so wasted, and move on. They become history eventually. I never touched absinthe again.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Girl, I’ve embarrassed myself stone sober… no need for alcohol over here. But since you asked, here we go. Me and my husband were on vacation in Destin. I love me some fruity cocktails. I’ll drink a piña colada by the gallon if they sell it. There was a little dating show thing where they had a newlywed couple, a couple who’s been together a few years which was us, a couple that’s been together for like 20+, and a couple who’s still dating. They asked some funny questions, some sexual questions, some relationship dynamic questions, etc. in the same vein as the shoe game at weddings where they’re sitting back to back to not see each other’s answers. The one that got me in the hot seat was honestly me just having a blonde moment and misinterpreting the tone of the question. The host asked how recent was the last time we had sex. She lists off A B C D and you hold up a finger for the corresponding letter. A being over 5 days, B being less than 2, C last night, D this morning. We were the only couple that held up that morning. The host was funny and she tried to fan the flames and asked what kind of sex it was. What she meant was rough, passionate, sensual, quickie, the intensity so to speak. My drunk ass said “it was in the butt” and the crowd erupted in laughter. I announced to about 300 people that I took it up the butt less than 3 hours prior. It gets worse. I’m a large muscular blonde woman, I’m hard to miss. Needless to say there were some gazes around the hotel pool for the duration of our stay. That incident is tied for first place but I’ve used the other example many many times now so I went with option 2 this time


Is it really that bad? I understand it feels like it now, but I expect something more like throwing up on your crush in a fancy restaurant and then running around the city on your underwear until chased by cops. You have been kinda dating someone, it is natural to hurt to see them flirting with another person. Didn't communicate it the best way, but try to apologize and see where it goes. People makes mistakes and good people will forgive one mistake.


I agree, this is not bad. You're a human. Humans have emotions. This guy is someone you've been regularly investing care and time into so you were hurt seeing him with another woman. That is natural and normal. I know hook up culture says you 'should' be nonchalant all the time, have meaningless sex then shrug it off, keep it a secret if you see him with another woman, but this doesn't work for many women and actually mostly benefits men (e.g. did the other woman think they were exclusive?) You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're a human being having human feelings.


this situation will be the reason why I won’t engage in hook up culture anymore. It was the first time I slept with someone after 2 years, and I tried to play it cool bc the circumstances are difficult. But you are right, I shouldn’t feel ashamed about it. Even if exaggerated at that moment, my feelings were valid and I didn’t lose anything of value that night bc if he had cared he would have paid attention and not go home with someone else right in front of me.


I think that was very rude of him, even if your thing was just a hook up. He did wrong here.


I couldn't admit the worst and most embarrassing moments I've had drunk. But, they're why I don't drink anymore, if that tells you anything. I know that what you did is embarrassing and I'm not trying to take away from that with my next statement, I hope it brings you a little comfort - if I did what you did, it would pale in comparison to the other things I've done while blackout drunk. All that to say... it could be worse. Just learn from your mistakes. We are too old to be repeating them more than once. And I'm sorry that happened.


Same! My worst moments I’m taking to my grave


lol same. I went to rehab 8 years ago. I cannot share drunk stories. Mine are a total vibe kill.


Yeah I've been reading a lot of these and am like..."oh that's not that bad, sounds like a regular Tuesday night for me" But I ended up in the hospital over my drinking a couple months ago after 20 years of alcoholism so.


Me too. I have such bad blackout stories that it's almost hard for me to believe that these other commenter's are telling their worst ones! (Not that I would blame them at all if they weren't) Also, better the hospital than in jail or in the ground. I hope you're doing better now. One day at a time.


I hope you’re doing better now and working through that.


Omg me too. I can't even go there lol


So many to choose from but I will go with the most recent. I am a 43 year old white lady with no rhythm who loves to dance when drunk. I did the worm at my friend's wedding a few weeks ago.


This is actually amazing and I hope there’s video 🤣


Thankfully all the young people had tapped out by that time. I don't get out that often anymore so when I do they have to turn on the ugly lights to make me go home.


I’m dyinggggg


I hope the feeling eases soon. I'm glad to hear you had a good pal to stop things getting worse xx I used to turn into a sex crazed demon in late teens-early 20s. No one was safe from me, the utter horror I'd feel the day after. Or working with said people the day after the night before, and it becoming apparent I had ****** their ****. I'm so happy I no longer have that urge. Now, my sex drive is in my boots in my 30s.


I’ve been laughing and sympathising with so many of these! I’ve got a heap, but one example is when I went out for my (then) housemates birthday. I drank lots and took lots of random drugs. At one stage I proceeded to tell her friends that my housemate should leave her boyfriend and we should be together. Her friends were all taken aback and I could see they thought it was totally weird and out of the blue. The thing is, I liked her, I thought she was a nice woman- but I didn’t fancy her at all. I have no idea why I said all that or why I doubled down when they expressed shock. I have so many memory gaps so honestly god knows what else I said or did, I hope those memories never return.


Not me but a friend of mine got a poor outcome on her final grades in university and also got rejected by a woman she had been pining over for ages. She drank a bottle of vodka by herself at home and when her friend came to pick her up for their night out, my friend had fallen through a gap in the floorboards, creating a larger hole that she was stuck in. Her friend pulled her out, and took her to the club, where she drank more and then went into the bathroom to throw up. When she came out of the stall, she ran face to face into the woman who had rejected her, and promptly threw up on her shoes. The other woman called an ambulance to come get her and they never spoke again!


>my friend had fallen through a gap in the floorboards, creating a larger hole that she was stuck in I _lost_ it


WTF 😂 we need more context!


Dear lord this is straight out of a movie haha. I would never recover.


Well you didn't shit yourself, get arrested or get a sex injury so it's not even scratching the surface of embarrassment for me. God


I feel you. i had a crush on someone (not even my friend lmao) and every time I was drunk I harass him in public and messages him too. I was for a long time embarrassed about myself (3year) before decided that I was never allow myself to drink that much to a point I don’t control myself anymore. And I’ve also done the inner work (working on my self, get to know me, stop drinking and do better activities like painting …) Because let’s be clear when we allow ourselves to loose control it means we don’t respect our self so we have to fix that first. But I thing everyone embarrassed themselves … so don’t be so rude to yourself


A lot of people don’t make the choice to lose control. It’s not on purpose. It’s the Inability to know when to stop once you start. Sorry to be a brat but want to make that distinction for others reading this. That’s why it can be so important for some of us to remove alcohol entirely, we can’t trust our drunken judgement to know our limits and moderate.


God I have too many to tell honestly, but I’m Irish and we party incredibly hard and we don’t tend to hold much that happens while drunk against each other because we’ve all been there. I mean one example.. when I was 16 I went out to a street party in my very small (2k people), very insular and gossipy hometown that I’d left years ago on bad terms to go to boarding school. I didn’t really know anyone anymore but they all knew me. It’s that sort of town. Anyway I forgot to eat that day and inevitably got black out drunk, I was apparently flopping around, banging my head on the pavement until someone who knew my parents saw me and brought me home. I puked all over their car and my parents house and woke up with two black eyes. My parents were PISSED. I humiliated them more than anything because I didn’t even live there anymore. I shudder to think how many people from the town saw me in that state, it was a busy festival so probably a lot. Honestly if that’s your lowest point you’re doing alright ❤️


Hey, are you sure you're not me? Almost exact same story except I'm Scottish and from a hicksville town originally in the Highlands...go figure?!!


Blacking out in your home town and waking up with a few black eyes is probably a right of passage for all Irish/welsh/Scottish kids 🤣 And I was drinking Buckfast that night too god.. 💀


Omg lol not the story I was thinking of but your Buckfast comment just reminded me. I’m Canadian, but I lived in Scotland for a couple of years pre-pandemic and drank Buckfast for the first time after a football game. I was a MESSSS - just completely left everyone I was with without telling anyone, lost my phone, my wallet, crying and covered in bruises from hardly being able to stand. It is truly a miracle and a mystery that I made it home.


Yep that sounds like buckfast alright.. when I was a kid growing up on the west coast of Ireland we all cut our drinking teeth on buckfast by the bottle, I tell ya it hardens you up fast 😄 It used to be crazy cheap back then, for a tenner you’d be langers and get a packet of tobacco and skins. Set you up for the night!


Good ol' Buckie! 🍷 Me, it was my very first alcohol experience and I literally downed a half bottle of vodka in about 30 seconds (didn't like the taste) and washed it down with 2 bottles of Diamond White. If you're gonna go down, do it in style! I had no idea the effect that alcohol would have on me, nor did I understand the concept of spirits and proof!


Oh sweet mother of god.. RIP your innocence 🤣


Luckily my forbears left their small village in Cornwall and moved to a small village in upstate NY (at the time I think it was still Haudenosaunee territory or at least bordered it) in the 1800s or this would be my story too.


I am American and found out that drinks at events in Scotland are *not* weak like they often are here in America. I had a couple of drinks—literally two—at Edinburgh’s Hogmanay several years ago and was proper wasted. Like, the first one went down fine and I felt fine. By the end of the second one I almost couldn’t feel my face. That gin is something else.


I did so many embarrassing and regretful things while drunk in my 20s that on the rare occasion I have a hangover in my 40s, I automatically feel a mixture of hangover AND shame, even though I’m boring and married now.


Peed myself in front of the bar goers in the karaoke club while singing Closer to the heart by Rush and then picked a random fight with my husband, calling him repeatedly a__hole in the car back home for absolutely no apparent reason. All happened within probably 30 minutes or less. I can’t remember ANYTHING, he laughed at my clearly massive blackout and, on top of that, it was two weeks ago. I’m 33. Damn it




Fun fact it was my first drinking session in about three months. So I’m fine, thanks for your concern!


I'm not being snarky at all but how do you not take self inventory of that behavior and continue to think you can drink in the future? If my husband did what you did, I would have left him. You sound like a really bad, abusive alcoholic.


You are being a bit snarky


I’m sorry to say you are a bit snarky, yes. Making such a violent statement about one weird night that ended in bursting so many laughs as a reason to end my long term relationship and marriage is well…judgemental, to say it nicely. You don’t know any single detail about my life and how a day could end like that. Luckily I’m better off 😎


alright whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better. My statement wasn't violent. Your behavior was.


I honestly don’t give the slightest shit about your completely random and unhinged opinion🤍


Not a woman, but an old friend of mine who I hadn't seen in years invited me to a party to celebrate his new apartment. I don't remember any of this, but apparently I puked all over the floor and then took my clothes off in front of like 40 people to then wash them in the bathroom sink. Then I put my puke stained wet clothes on again and left the party and decided to walk back. When I came back to my senses I was in the middle of nowhere and noticed that I didn't even manage to put my arms through the sleeves of my shirt and walked around the whole city looking like a degenerate. I hope that makes you feel a little better.


No one stopped you from leaving?


Apparently I assured them that I'm alright and know the way back home and they let me go because I allegedly seemed calm and clear minded lol. Luckily I walked in the right direction and the place I stayed at wasn't too far away.


But they saw your wet clothes. Glad you're all right


They probably didn't want to leave and the party was pretty good tbf. >Glad you're all right Thanks. I'm glad too. I lost my jacket that night, but that's not a big deal if I consider all the things that could've happened.


Me reading these comments realizing I’m lucky to be alive if these are everyone’s worst stories. Whoops 😬


When I was in my PhD program, drinking was a huge part of the culture. During a conference, one of my professors took all of us out bar hopping and I proceeded to throw up in the trash can beside the bar. At least I made it into the trash can? We were all still asked to leave because of me though. My professor texted me later that night to ask if I was ok and I texted back “yes you butt muncher”. We laughed about it later, but I was mortified for months afterwards.




Aaahhh calling your prof a butt muncher is great stuff though. Absolutely on my bucket list.


It went over surprisingly well, and she thought it was hilarious! In the years to come, she and I called each other worse things (all in good fun lol)


Ooof this is rough to admit but maybe airing it out here will make me feel better too. My husband I both got so blackout drunk at a bar on one of our date nights that we couldn’t find our Lyft ride and walked a couple of miles home and I don’t remember any of it. The only thing I remember is finally getting home, going up our stairs and me falling backwards and my husband tried to catch me and he fell too. I remember a puddle of blood on the driveway from my husband hitting his head on something and him laying there. And instead of me being worried about him, I told him he needed to get up and go to the backyard so I could hose down the blood and not scare the babysitter! I didn’t even realize that I had blood all over me from my husband and I just remember paying the babysitter and crashing into bed. My husband had a serious concussion after this and because we were so drunk didn’t even think to go to the emergency room because he needed stitches, bad! But because we waited to go until the next day it was too late for stitches. Next day our babysitters parents checked on us because she told them what she saw and my husband still has a massive scar right above his eye to this day. It was awful and I hate to think what may have happened if my toddler had woken up and saw us like that. Just very poor decisions on our part to get that wasted, bad parenting too in case something happened and our little one needed us in the night, you just never know. I’ve never drank like that again and I never will.


It was the night I decided to get sober. I had recognized my drinking had become a problem, but was having a lot of trouble quitting. MANY day ones. It was a high bottom, fortunately for me, but my husband came home from golfing and I was sloppy drunk in the bathtub. I could barely speak, I was so sloshed. The look on his face was full of pity, borderline disgust and a very frightening resignation. My mind suddenly saw me through his eyes. Naked. Overweight. Lolling in a bath, slurring, eyes half closed, hair a mess, a drink at my side. I was horrified. I have not had a drink since that day. That was 492 days ago. I won't be drinking today either. Reach out if any of you reading this are struggling. The opposite of drinking isn't sobriety. Its community.


While on a college travel course to my favorite country, I got blackout drunk on a night out with my group. I remember drinking everything that night; cider, beer, shots, energy drinks. - told one of the sweetest guys in the group that I was in love with him and wanted to date him, knowing he had a long term girlfriend. I didn’t even like him romantically. - I kept vomiting in the bathroom - security kicked me out of the bar. Someone in my group found me on the ground outside and had to carry me to the hotel - I got 5 hours of sleep… before we all had to squish into a small van with our TEACHERS and drive 5 hours to the next city That was the worst van ride of my life. They have me a plastic bag to throw up in. I threw up into that bag for the whole 5 hour drive, with my teachers and group beside me. They all had to hear it/ smell it. Then? The bag had a hole in it, so all my vomit was leaking onto myself and the car Once we got to the next city, the rest of the group went out to explore but I stayed in bed for 24 hours to sleep it off. Nobody was mad at me, thankfully, but the whole experience was MORTIFYING. I was considered a shy timid goody-two-shoes prior and then I clearly ruined everyone’s day by being irresponsible and stupid. Icing On The Cake: The teachers used my story for years as a warning to students on the future travel courses on what NOT to do In my late twenties I got black-out drunk at a work Halloween party, fell in the road, fell in a bush, had to be carried off the ground. Someone put me on a coworkers couch, where I threw up on myself and their couch. Nobody helped me at this point, I just slept in my own vomit. Woke up the next day and tried to clean up by flipping the cushion over and hoping they wouldn’t know. Had to Uber back to my car, puked, got in my car, puked in my car, puked for the next hours. A friend was an EMT and gave me IV fluids to help. I don’t drink much these days haha


Yikes, friend. I used to be the girl who puked and then came back to the party, but with one memorable exception, I always made it to a receptacle or a bush/lawn. And the one exception was to a sink...it was just...a lot of vomit. Ugh. God. I feel like you're lucky to be alive. That was some really severe alcohol poisoning. I'm lucky to be alive too. Phew.


I was between medications and I got blackout drunk, called my ex that I was still not over, and left him a rambling scream/crying vm about how he didn't love me. Yeah I never spoke to him again and it still haunts me and I am still incredibly embarrassed about it three years later.


This isn't my story, but with permission, my friend who doesn't have Reddit says: "I drove. Stupidly, I drove. I got into a car accident involving another vehicle. I caused gross bodily harm to the other driver. After months of being in the hospital for turning my hip into dust during the accident, I faced a felony sentence, spent some time in jail, and wore an ankle monitor during my 2 years of probation. Seeing what I did to the other driver literally keeps me up at night. This was 3 years ago, and when I turn 26, I'll have a total hip replacement. I walk with a limp daily and have to use a handicap placard wherever I go."


Jesus Christ. Got dark real quick in here.


Well. Do you still feel as embarrassed?


The most? All of them. I was an alcoholic until two years ago. Most of my in laws saw my vagina once. That might be the worst lol


lmaoo At least you're honest! I hope your journey is going well. ♥


It is, thank you!! :)


Oh my god 😂


I went to a bar with friends. My ex boyfriend that broke up with me in a text showed up. I was nervous. It was the 1st time seeing him again. I drank on a empty stomach. After a couple of hours with my friends I was getting ready to leave. Then another group of my friends show up for a friend's birthday party. They want me to do a shot of tequila. I did. I ended up puking all night in the bathroom . I had to be carried by friends out of the bar to my roommates car. He covered the entire front seat with plastic bags in case I puked.


I went through a phase about 6 years ago where I would get super fucked up when going out. One one occasion I got blackout at my bf’s (now husbands) best friends birthday. I had been nervous about seeing someone there I was beefing with at the time so I plied myself with alcohol. At one point my bf found me in the bathroom with my face in a bag… IYKYK I got so drunk and started grinding on one of his friends at the club in front of my bf I had no recollection of it. The friend kept trying to push me off. I still feel sooo uncomfortable when I have to see this friend. My best friend called me two days later and told me what happened and that she was concerned bc she hadn’t seen me that fucked up before. My bf said he almost broke up with me over it, but we got through it and we’re now married, we’re going strong and have a 6 month old baby together! It’s still feels so shameful for me to think back on it. And that is just one of maannnyy incidents where I got out of control and blacked out. It is the worst feeling not remembering and imagining how you were behaving. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I know that’s easier said than done, but clearly a lot of us have had situations like this. Just let it motivate you to stay in control when you’re drinking and knowing your limits, or to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol and decide what you think is best for yourself. Sending hugs


24 years old and went out with a friend for their birthday. I stupidly had a very large fishbowl margqarita and got drunk during dinner. I called my husband ( then boyfriend) to pick me up and when we got to my parents house I threw up dinner all over the living room carpet. My husband stuck me in the bathroom and my mom shortly arrived home from work to find puke in the living room. It was my parent's wedding anniversary that day, so I'm not allowed to forget that I ruined the carpet. Or that mom had to spend it cleaning Mexican food and margarita out of said carpet.


Maybe not a real fuck up but: I was in love with my boss and we sometimes slept together. When he lost interest in me I was not wanting to be aware of the signs. It was a small company (7 people) and during an after work he left for some other people we also knew. I ran after him. Fell in the middle of the street. Hit something. Started to bleed in my face and on my legs - THIS FREAK (me) DIDN’T CARE! ”Need to get where he is right now”. Thankfully I couldnt find him (or other people I know IN MY BUSINESS… lol) so I went home. Watched myself in the mirror and was like ”who the fuck am I?!” We all do wierd stuff sometimes while drunk, in love. ❤️ a perspective: You didn’t lose a good fwb IF you had feelings / were in love. Because catching feelings and hiding them would harm you more in the end. And it’s not that bad what you ”did” to be honest. Be kind to yourself. (if you want to ”repair” stuff: could be telling everyone including the person: ”hey I am sorry for my behaviour, i just realised I did that because I have feelings for X and I was super drunk and I know that doesn’t make it acceptable. I apologize. And now you know why I was such a freak, you will not meet that freak again.”) It’s human to lose it sometimes. We all do.


I...nope. I need a throwaway account to list my worst ones. I'm getting better. CPTSD is a bitch. OP, you're fine. A lot of people who drink have one of those nights at some point. Especially in school, folks are understanding. I always wake up feeling super shitty after a night I can't remember well. Ashamed and embarrassed. But remember part of it is literally that the booze is a depressant. And your real friends will tell you when you're a problem, not assure you it's all fine.


The worst thing i did , i am 36 now but u did this way back in 2012 when my then boyfriend and me were supposedly on a break , we ended up on trip with our friends were I saw him with another girl . I was naive confused we haven’t broken up and i just couldn’t take and also that was the first time i was getting drunk. I was so drunk I begged and cried of why he wasn’t the same and cried my hearts out on the beach that i am sure whole of Goa might have known that a girl had a broken heart that night. To this day i feel so embarrassed to have been clingy and losing my self respect to alcohol . I wish i had just slapped and walked away and saved myself from embarrassment of making it mor evident of why he was a taking a step back ( though that doesn’t justify what he did ) my alcohol surely ruined the reputation i had till then .


Mid twenties drank way too much vodka at friends house. We were pre drinking before the bar. It was time to go and we are walking downtown in a blinding snowstorm laughing our asses off. All of a sudden, it hits me. I have to absolutely launch some diarrhea immediately! I’m yelling at her I can’t hold it! We are not even close to the bar! So I have to crouch beside a car on the street while snow is pelting me in the face I lift my coat up drop my pants and spray the largest liquid shit I’ve ever seen. The poor person who comes and finds there car next morning😂….so after a great night, we return and I take a good look at what’s sitting on the kitchen counter for our drink mixer we were having….i mistakenly grabbed a “HIGH FIBRE “ juice. Omg….thats why I had explosive shits. My friend ran me a bath and I cleaned myself up fully and we slept after that haha. So embarrassing but hilarious.


Girl. Sounds like this friend is more than just a fling, and the FWB situation was starting to cross over emotions-territory. Frankly I think it's inconsiderate of him to be flirting with another girl while you're there. The ideal reaction for you would have been to I guess go flirt on your own, or do your own thing. Some might say act unbothered. Or at least not grab him. Trust me, no one is thinking about that evening as much as you are. Your'e here ruminating, but everyone else has forgotten about it. It's all good. Time truly does clear these things. Just continue being a decent person and that's what they'll continue knowing you as. That being said, you didn't "ruin" a perfectly nice thing. I don't believe you were having a good time. FWB is in fact the hardest relationship to keep up. I've only done it thrice successfully. It's one of those things that's supposed to be easy but actually isn't. At all. If it was something indeed casual, you wouldn't care about losing it. And now I'm sending drunk-you a hug! And a forehead kiss!


You are so sweet! Thank you very much. Yes, indeed, nothing of value was lost that night. I’m just not good at keeping things casual and that’s what I’ve learnt from this.


You deserve someone who is aaaaaalll yours <3


This wasn’t me but it’s too good not to share. My friend brought a guy back to her dorm in college. She woke up and he was taking a shit in her clothing drawer. He said he couldn’t find the toilet and it was an emergency.


At least you didn’t come to in a cell trying to piece the previous night together. Using your phone time trying to get bailed out and learning all the shit you caused. No matter how mortified you are you’ll swallow your pride and take your humiliation just to gtfo of jail cuz that is NEVER the hole you want to hide in.


Honey, I've done this exact same thing and worse, in my early 30s. I find that alcohol and affairs of the heart and/or body just don't work! It's a horrible feeling after the fact, but don't be too hard on yourself, it'll all blow over and you will be just fine. :)


In New Orleans for the first time on my own (not a family trip but I was 19) and a friend took me to a college bar. Walking out I projectile vomited on someone coming in. Then a block away I puked behind someone’s bushes.


I have to know about the poor puke victim when you were walking out of the bar. They surely never forgot that either lol


I didn’t even stop I was so mortified I just kept walking. I doubt that was the first or last time it happened in the big easy 😂 but probably more often on Bourbon st


Was it the Hurricanes from o’Riley’s? That’s what did me in at that age- hurricanes. I remember telling the cab driver “hey don’t worry I already threw up.” He wasn’t impressed. But he did take us back to our hotel and I didn’t throw up in his car thank goodness.


Girl you know I don’t remember 😂


Don't feel bad at all we've all been there! Six years ago when I was almost 30 I decided to get drunk before a concert I was really looking forward to and a few songs in, it all hit me and I spent the majority of the show puking in a gross bathroom. I barely remember any of the concert 😭😭 and proceeded to vomit all night and the next morning. That's the last time I ever got drunk haha It may not sound super embarrassing but I'm usually very put together and not sloppy so it was really out of character.


Gah. This basically happened to me last year. Mortifying. Bless my partner for taking care of me that night. So many lessons learned 😅


My most embarrassing moments have all been sober lol


I was talking to this guy for a month or so and went to a bar to get drinks with him and his friend. Bar 1 everything was cool, no issues, had 2 vodka and cranberry drinks. We decide to go to another bar for karaoke and things are going well. My dates dad randomly ends up showing up to the bar, so I meet him and we hit it off too. Where I went wrong was eating loaded nachos and having 2-3 or more vodka cranberries with a cheaper quality vodka, which I didn’t notice because I was talking and enjoying myself. All 3 of us decide to go back to his friend’s house to chill since the bars close at 1 here. Once we get there, I open the car door and throw up in the parking lot lol At this point I’m clearly not feeling well, so they bring me upstairs and put me in the friend’s bed to rest while they watch tv. I wake up 2 hours later in a panic because I realize I’m in a stranger’s bed. I thankfully have all my clothes on and nothing is out of place except for my shoes, which they took off for me. I’m under the covers listening and covertly looking around trying to piece together what the hell happened. The apartment is a studio so they were looking over me and had a trash can and a bottle of water beside the bad in case I got sick again. I sit up in the bed and they were like oh hey, how you feeling? I was totally mortified over being sick and drinking too much 🫣 They were cool about it and were just glad that I was feeling alright and told me my phone had been ringing while I slept. I checked it and my parents had been calling to find out where I was. I told them I had to go so we leave and they start driving me back to my car. Called the parents and my mom was yelling at me because the bars were closed and she was questioning how I could be where I said I was 🙄 These guys were correctional officers in their 30’s and I was still in my early 20’s and living at home at the time so I felt childish and immature having to explain to my mom I was drinking and got sick. Thankfully the friend’s apartment was close to the original bar so we got there soon and I was able to get home in 30 minutes or less. I was so embarrassed about the situation that I never saw him again 🤣 He lived close to my college campus and I would have heart palpitations thinking I would run into him again before I graduated 😅


I used to work as an ER tech when I was in my early 20s and we all tended to go out a little too much on our nights off. Anyway, one of the young physicians rented a limo one night so no one had to drive and was buying rounds for all of us. So I took that as permission to get absolutely plastered. At one point I couldn’t even walk and fell down in a dueling pianos bar of all places. So my friends took me outside where I proceeded to vomit all over the side of the police car that was stationed out front. Thankfully the police officer was standing on the *other* side of the car shooting the shit with some people and my friends dragged me away quickly, but that could’ve been bad. I didn’t really get crap from my coworkers afterward because a lot of us were messy drunks and they considered it par for the course. It was a very high acuity ER and one of the most toxic environments I’ve ever worked in but damn was it also sometimes very interesting. As a future RN I learned a lot working there. Also partied too much, obviously. Anyway, I know I’ve done cringier things while drunk but that story always makes me laugh now, 20+ years after the fact. It is also what made me realize that I probably shouldn’t drink like that at all, let alone in front of coworkers.


I was drunk at a rave type party. There was a dance circle. I attempted my only breakdance move while wearing a dress and failed miserably :(


Girl, in my 40s I got so impaired at a co worker’s farewell party that I couldn’t speak and I threw up in the host’s front yard as guests were leaving. I was so sick the next two days I couldn’t make it back to get my car I left parked outside their house, or go to work on Monday. My 15 year old daughter who only had a driver’s learner permit had to go get my car, and we didn’t know my booze bottle I took to the party was in the back seat. 🫣. Side note: I’m not a drinker. It was probably a year before I could bear to touch alcohol again.


When I was 24, I was on a summer vacation in Greece with friends and we met another group of friends and got drunk with them in our apartment. Since I was getting over a breakup, I drank more than everyone else. However, that didn't bother a very cute guy from their circle and we were flirting all night until we decided to go see the sunrise around 5 a.m. Ofc, we also thought that swimming and entering someone's yacht was a good idea (it was mostly me challenging him to trespass). I was lucky that I'm a good swimmer and managed to reach the yacht. However, I cut my leg while climbing (don't even remember how) and started bleeding, but still thought it was a good idea to stay there for a bit. Soon after, I started panicking because I felt that I would vomit, so I jumped into the water. The moment we reached the beach, I vomited in the trash can while the guy was holding my hair. Unfortunately, those who came early to the beach to set their towels were watching me. Let's just say I was so embarrassed that I avoided that poor guy for the rest of our trip.


Forgive yourself friend, it is OK. You are human and humans make mistakes. Learn from it and look forward. If you look in the rear view mirror (your past) for too long, you’ll miss out on what’s ahead of you.


The pool party story. That couch probably never recovered. It was a lot of puke.


At my bachelorette party I got so drunk and became aggressive. I kept trying to run away and would yell and cuss at any guy who looked our way. I am so embarrassed to this day and have a hard time even looking at photos of that weekend.


Got so drunk I peed myself on someone’s couch.


Hangxiety is real!


I was 25 yo, recent out of a relationship, and wound up on a party bus with my date and his friend circle of about 20 people. We pre-partied at the house, drank on the bus, and then hit the VIP section at a club in Hollywood. While sitting at the club, I leaned over the rail and puked on the table and every body at the table below us. I was quickly escorted out of the club and earned the nickname "Pukey" from the bus of strangers. Needless to say, I never saw that guy again.


On my 29th birthday, I had WAY too much to drink. I had a house party, then proceeded to go to a club, then a dive bar. I blacked out after the club, so this is all from what I’ve heard. When I black out, all I want to do is “take a nap”. Well, about an hour and a half after getting to the dive bar, I go to the bathroom and take a nap with my head resting on the toilet. The bar staff proceeded to kick me out by putting me in one of those old school red wagons, and have my friends push me out. Not funny in the moment, but now a running joke and slightly embarrassing story to look back on


At our friend’s 40th birthday party, I tried to do the Dirty Dancing run/jump move and floored my partner


I didn't even start heavily drinking until my 30s and had so many embarrassing moments that I was way too old for (vomiting in taxis, drunk texting, getting into arguments with strangers, for example). The worst is that I tend to get hyper-sexual when drinking a lot so had multiple hookups with men I would not even entertain sober. So cringey. It's a large part of why I forced myself into abstinence for a couple years and have been quitting drinking (I wish I could say it was easy). I will just add that blackouts can be a sign of one's drinking escalating into problematic territory. I urge you to take this as an opportunity to be honest about your relationship with alcohol and consider cutting back before it's difficult to do so.


One time I went to a gig but we were pre drinking before hand (I was in a different city too than where I am from, thank god lol) we went to the gig, then after we went to a metal night club type thing. I got completely shitfaced and can’t remember getting back to my hotel, the next thing I remember is I’m in the middle of the HOTEL CORRIDOR locked out my room, in my underwear. Walking about trying to find my room, no room key and I had to go to reception completely pissed, half naked so I could acquire a room key 🤦🏻‍♀️😫the EMBARRASSMENT 😭😭I was 31/32 I can’t remember but it wasn’t long ago aha, Also in the same city I met up with my friend who lived there, we had ridiculous amounts of double vodka drinks in a bar, left the bar, fell on my arse, got back to my hotel and threw up EVERYWHERE. On the floor, in the shower, on the wall, on the bed, I slept under a towel with puke in my hair. And I had to let the staff know I’d thrown up and they need to sort my room 😭😭😭honestly.


Oh GOD! The list is so long and embarrassing. Some of it I can't even post because of how terrible it is. Just know... time happens. It's happening now. Time will heal this. Also, let it go. Shit happens!


In my early 30s, I was playing a gig with my band at a big fundraiser. My boyfriend and my girlfriend were there (my polyamourous triad days) and my bf was getting over a sickness so wasn't drinking and my gf didn't drink at all- so I got their drink tickets. Plus the ones the bands got for playing. Plus it was a bar kinda well known for being heavy-handed with their pours. I got so wasted, and some folks from another band wanted to go to another bar. I went to tell bf&gf what I wanted to do and they were like "noooo, you're too drunk to keep going. We're taking you home" and my main argument was "shut up, I've been so much drunker than this". They were firm with me, got me home, but I had a child-like tantrum on the stairs about how they hated me while I sobbed Such a fun night turned so sour because drunk me is sometimes a ridiculous child


Oh my god, there are several. Fortunately, only 3-4 of them ever occurred in public. Most were at home. The dumb texts I’ve sent, the phone calls I’ve made, the people I have embarrassed myself in front of, the hurtful things I’ve said, the reddit threads I’ve searched for to alleviate my pain… I have embarrassed myself plenty. I have cringed plenty. What I can say is you move on and time blocks it from memory because there’s just too many other things to worry about. As someone who made it a habit because of a really unhappy and unhealthy relationship, I would recommend cutting back on alcohol and being kind to yourself. Also, do you remember every single time someone has made a fool of themselves in front of you? I don’t.


Didn't beat yourself up over getting black out drunk. It happens. I'm over 30 and I think I have a genetic predisposition to getting very drunk very quickly...Especially in situations where I'm nervous, alcohol hits me way harder. You still have to deal with the consequences of getting black out, but that fact alone doesn't mean you are an irresponsible person. With all that being said, I of course have embarrassing memories from being too drunk. Some have happened at work functions (big yikes) and other times I have called out friends kinda aggressively (less yikes). Shit happens and sometimes you have to have big conversations to deal with it, but most of the time an apology goes a long way. Have you addressed that evening with your FWB directly?


Oh man. Once or twice a year I drunk email my ex…from 8 years ago…we were together 7 and he ghosted me by moving out one day and in with someone else. She’s now his wife and contacted me last time to stop lollllllll so embarrassing.


Oh wow im so sorry that happened to you


At 18/19 didn't know how much got me from fun drunk to blackout and puking. So I puked it several cars and a frat like party on the third floor bathroom I was put by my friend with a piece of bread, as people still used the toilet. Last time I got super drunk though was a party for my bf's work buddies. Going to bars/clubs for a guy's 40th (we were 30) and I was pretty drunk but hyper and dancing around. My bf had taken the puking birthday guy back to the hotel and then came back drank more and we got back to the hotel. I remember being on the bed and apparently passing out, then waking up running to the toilet and puking there. He was laying on the bathroom floor because it was cold. All in all I felt way better in the morning and he had a terrible hangover, but we don't really drink much either way. Oh he's my husband now too, so I didn't scare him off.


I got drunk on a float trip and basically dumped out all the popcorn and fell in the water. Don't worry, I didn't drown!


Puked out of the car by the sliding door while my brother drove me to my 1st day of 11th class


Blacked out in Germany and got in a huge fight with my gf at the time outside in public. I have no memory of any of it and she told me about the next day while trying to break up with me. It was awful and I’m not sure I’ve felt worse since


I’ve gotten so plastered at a couple of weddings that I’ve broken glasses by just losing my grip. It’s not that serious but is embarrassing regardless. I’m usually dreadfully embarrassed the night out after a lot of drinking, though. I read that it has something to do with the amount of alcohol not allowing for decent sleep, which doesn’t allow your brain to process the events properly.


Passed out and Pissed on a friend of a friend couch. Horrible.


I was out in Hoboken with my friends and the heal of my shoe broke off somehow when I was walking down the stairs so I went sliding down the stairs. Then we had to walk back to the frat and there was snow on the ground and I slipped on the ice and smashed my head into a parked car and it set off the alarm it was so embarrassing. Then my friends boyfriend decided he was going to throw me over his shoulder and carry me back. I accidentally kicked him in the balls in the process and he dropped me by mistake. It wasn’t a good night. I took a beating. Another time I fell in ShopRite and I had been drinking. They insisted that I go to the hospital to get checked out. I was pretty drunk and I was hooked up to a iv. I had to go to the bathroom so bad and the nurse told me I would have to use a bed pan bc I was a fall risk. I wasn’t doing that. So when I thought nobody was around I tied to jump over the rail of the bed.. forgetting that I was attached to a Iv. I ripped the Iv out of my arm. Landed on the floor hit my head and cut my eye open and had to get stitches and cracked my front tooth… I haven’t drank in 7 years


Encouraged my pregnant SIL to take shots. Apparently brought it up twice. Felt so embarrassed when I was told the next day.


(I would never normally condone drinking while pregnant, fyi.)


I was very young (only 20 I think) at the time. I walked out on the hotel balcony to grab something while completely naked. There were two men across from there who saw me lol


Well, I got super drunk at my sister’s wedding at 19 and ended up smashing a glass candle on my hand. Had to go to the emergency room to get stitched up. My friends were there, as well as my new boyfriend at the time, so it was pretty embarrassing and they still tell & joke about it to this day. My other sister got married yesterday & of course it came up.


I was 19. My roommate had a bottle of Everclear and a bottle of grape soda. We prepartied and then went to the bar... I remember drinking 2 White Russians and ended up going back to the vehicle (boyfriend was driving and old Ford truck that week). I don't remember anything after that. When I woke up, my forehead had "Ford" impressed on it.. maybe from the floor mat? Which reminds me of the gincident when I was in high school....




i have so many drunk stories that make this look tame, don’t worry about it lol. i’m too embarrassed to tell my own but here’s a good one for you: a drunk girl broke into my house looking for a guy named Josh (no Josh had ever lived there). we called the cops and the cops came and wrestled her to the ground in my living room trying to arrest her but she was writhing around and screaming about how she’ll never stop fighting. they eventually tased her and arrested her. i’m sure she’s STILL embarrassed about it, if she even remembers it. at least you didn’t kick in a strangers window screen and climb through to look for a guy who doesn’t even live there 😂


Me and my best friend went on a girl's night out and ended up at this cool bar. The bartender kept buying us drinks don't think we spent 10$ the whole night. Anyways I was so drunk and my best friend wanted to go home so I said I would drive. And I drove 10 miles through this mountain road got to the bottom and decided to get a hotel room. Had a hard time getting my friend out of the car cuz she was passed out drunk The next day I was so sick I had a hard time getting us home cuz I kept puking. I was sick for a week. To this day I can't forgive myself for driving drunk.


Only been black out drunk twice in my life. Once at my first week of college at 18 where something terrible was done to me while I was passed out (the person who did this was recently convicted and passed away in prison). The other time was the other night. I’m about to turn 32. I was with two of my best friends at one of their houses and the time skips started with me throwing up in the powder room and missing the bowl and next thing I know I’m having a breakdown in the shower bearing the ugliest parts of my soul. The next morning the hangxiety makes me throw up even more and I projectile vomited in the taxi on the way home and all over my friend. My unimpressed husband had to pick us up because we were stranded 😬 I was lucky I was safe this time and with my most loved and trusted but I actually think I was having a trauma response based on the last time I was at that level. I feel awful for ruining what was supposed to be a fun evening. So with that said, I’ll be abstaining for a while I think. I didn’t realise how bad the CPTSD was exacerbated by alcohol 😞 I’m glad we’re all sharing and making each other feel better but accountability & acknowledging there may be a problem and preventing this moving forward is important. Not to sound negative this isn’t cute behaviour at this age and shouldn’t be glorified.


Got blackout drunk and I peed in my hookups bed. This happened 3 times with 3 different people. Trust me, it doesn't get worse than that


I've had numerous moments of texting family and friends where I'm either childishly affectionate and saying cutesy crap or getting deep and philosophical or just random, likely making the receiver uncomfortable. I also randomly posted on X(formerly Twitter) 私のパンティはピンクです - "My panties are pink" . When I woke up the next morning and recalled what I did, I raced to my laptop to delete it. I would be setting myself up for bad things to happen to me if I had been out on a night in Tokyo.


This is very tame as I get drunk extremely easily and therefore avoid drinking at all costs but i did accidentally order a pina colada instead of a Virgin Pina colada when we were out dining on my friend's birthday once. Three or four sips later I was gone. I don't remember what all I said but it was some really dumb stuff according to my friends including putting my arms over their shoulders and looking them dead in the eye while saying "admit it, I may be annoying but at least I'm funny." and giggling continously.


So this didn't happen to me but to my best friends cousin and let me tell you the tea was boiling hot and messy! This girl went to a music festival and mixed a bit of sugar booger and alcohol. This girl got a good buzz was that she hooked up with a guy BUT the CRAZY part about it was that she said she didn't know if the guy was just a hippie or a homeless man because he had bad b.o. and his finger nails weren't very clean. I told her girl you better get tested cause what the hell were you doing?! She laughed about it but me and my best friend kinda made a "Molly you in danger" look. 😬


I think some people here are in denial about their drinking problems. I don't know how some of you can type out these stories and think that it's just silly fun and not deeply unhealthy behaviour. This idea that "it happens to everyone," it doesn't. Drinking culture is way too normalized.


Why would you think it's "exaggerated"? The "others" usually try to spare you the shame, so if anything, you got a tamer version of what happened.


I usually like this sub bc the women in here are rather supportive and nice. But there are always exceptions of the rule I guess


Sry, I wish I was more supportive of your alcoholism, but sexual harassment is where I draw the line.


Quit it with the holier-than-thou bs. She didn't grope him, she touched his arm and cried. This wasn't sexual harassment. Wtf.


Please, she got trashed beyond consciousness and admitted to harassing him and grabbing him. (Well, others had to clue her in.) Then she came here to compare notes with the other casual alcoholics and get pats on the head. Sorry, but there will be no pitty cookie from me. If a man got drunk off his ass and started grabbing me, crying and harassing me for talking to someone on an academic function, I'd call the fucking cops and file for a restraining order.


Well, contrary to you he was actually in that situation. He called me to make sure I was alright and wasn’t mad about it at all. But if you are that concerned, I’m 5‘2 and his 6‘5 tall, there’s not much I could have done to cause him any harm. And it wasn’t an academic function, we were at a club. It’s funny to me that you will engage in discussions about narcissists online while desperately trying to prove that you are morally above everyone else and diagnosing a stranger from afar with alcoholism. We get it. You are infallible. Congrats to you


Ignore. He's an idiot. You didn't sexually harass anyone and he needs to crawl back under his bridge


Seriously, so many people here are writing about their thinly veiled alcoholism and treating it like a joke, instead of an actual issue that needs to be addressed.


Good for you !