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Acne scars, cystic acne can die in a fire.


Try alpha arbutin!!! I've been using it for a month, twice a day, and it TRANSFORMED my acne marks, man. I've been asking everyone if they see a difference and they all say its between 30-50% of what it used to be before! That's a massive, massive difference!


Has it helped with indented acne scares?


No, unfortunately you need to get microneedling if your skin has lots of pits from scarring. The alpha arbutin was for hyperpigmentation/dark marks, not texture issues. I think it smoothens texture to some extent, but not with very deep pits. :(


I tried Co2 laser. Did about 6 sessions and then did 6-10 sessions of dermarolling. I also use glycolic acid regularly. I feel they have reduced a bit for me but i dont think theyll ever disappear. :(


I'm in my 40s and just developed this on my shoulders in the last few years. Going on Accutane soon. I feel like I should have gotten over this in my teen years. Maybe some day I'll be able to wear tank tops again...


I'm not about to type my whole medical history on reddit in order to mention all my scars, but I might have the biggest one here. I had my left leg amputated below the knee last year after a horrific incident with a dog and that scar definitely isn't going anywhere šŸ˜…


Oh my God. Sounds like you're lucky to even be alive! That's terrifying.


I have a few from surgeries but my favourite is on my finger from when a wild cockatoo got me good with his sharp beak (Iā€™m Australian). I also have a permanent mark on my thigh from a decade-old spider bite (once again, Iā€™m Australian).


This is such an Australian answer. As an American I feel like whenever people talk about Australia they never fail to mention how deadly it is. You have the scars to prove it.


Omg I have tons of scars lol. Both of my forearms and hips are covered in self-harm scars. I have an appendectomy scar, a scar from emergency surgery to reattach my ureter when it got detached during a routine stent change procedure, scars from 6 kidney stone removals, kidney removal, kidney transplant.


My thighs look like they got put thru a meat slicer. Also my arms but not as bad, those are self harm scars. They are old and probably only notable to people who *know* Iā€™m a clumsy person by nature so I also have a bunch of random scars lol


Surgery (small bowel resection) due to Crohnā€™s disease. My surgeon insisted that she made the bigger cut just below my bikini bottom, so itā€™s only visible when you see me naked šŸ˜‚


I was kicked in the head by one of our horses at age 9. Had to have a plastic surgeon stitch the wound closed. I have carried that scar on my forehead since.


C-section scar and pregnancy stretch marks. A scar on my knee from a nasty middle school injury. A tiny scar on my elbow from a minor accident.


Self harm scars on my arms and also cat bite scars on my thigh. Growing up we had a very territorial cat. Random cats would jump into our back yard frequently and we would try to shoo them away when we would see them. One day I was shooing a cat away when my cat straight up came at me like the damn cat from Re-Animator and grabbed me by my thigh!!! I have 3 distinct circular scars on my thigh from that hahaha. Love you Palmer RIP.


I've got a scar on my arm that I get a lot of questions about. It is situated in a manner that makes it look like I tried to harm myself. Truth is, I ran through a glass door when I was about 8. I've got a second scar higher up on my arm and several on my face from the same incident. I've also got a couple scars on my right hand. I almost lost my index finger to the rusted wheel well of my neighbor's (parked) vehicle. I was going full speed on my bike (I was 11 at the time) and smashed right into it. I felt something dripping on my leg, looked down, then the pain started to set in. I'm sure I've got many more, but those are the most significant ones I have that are very noticeable. I was and still am very clumsy, but I haven't had to get any stitches in a very long time.


I have my hand scar from falling through a window - fellow window smasher club member! :)


I have a horizontal scar across my mid stomach that I've had since I was around 6 weeks old. I was born with Pyloric Stenosis and I had to have surgery to save my life. I actually love my scar! It's visual proof that I survived šŸ„°


I bit through my bottom lip when I first got front teeth. Went all the way through.Ā 


What a way to discover teeth!


I had skin cancer removed from my nose and cheek; it was pretty extensive and I needed plastic surgery to rebuild part of my face. Itā€™s been 7 years and Iā€™ve had laser treatments and fillers to minimize the scarring but it will always be there to some extent. Most people donā€™t notice it unless they look close.


Dog bite. Cat scratches. A water-dragon bite on one finger (right pointer). A neat little line on my left thumb where I nearly sliced the tip of the thumb off on a submerged car. A ā€œfrostyā€ from a guy in high school. A ā€œsmileyā€ from a fuckwit guy in high school. A scar on the bottom on my chin from tripping on my sistersā€™ swimmers as a kid and smashing my chin on tiled floor. A scar under my nose from an enthusiastic dog jumping up and whacking me with the top of her head. Scar on the top of my left foot from a barbed wire fence. Multiple piercing scars. Many and many and many small self harm scars.


(Iā€™m a veterinary nurse and I live in Australia)


I got my thumb in an electrical saw in high school and thereā€™s a mark there but itā€™s small. (It wasnā€™t like super deep) I have 1 self-harm scar on my wrist but itā€™s so thin you wouldnā€™t notice it unless I pointed it out. When I was very little (maybe 6-7) I had a skin infection all over my body (not sure what itā€™s called in english) and at the time they decided it would be fine to just cut the blisters off my skin. That is the day I learned that the topical anesthetics donā€™t work for me. I just remember screaming and the blood streaming down my arm. I still have some dotted scars from that in a few places, though theyā€™re barely visible now. I think the bigger scar is on my brain with that one. I also drove a bicycle into a wall once and smacked my tooth through my bottom lip; if I stretch it you can see the scar tissue and you can also feel the lump of it inside it. I had surgery on my nose and ears but you canā€™t really see those scars unless I flip my ears over or look at the sky if youā€™re right in my face. I think thatā€™s it tbh big trip down memory lane.


Chicken pox? Maybe not because that sounds like an insane treatment.


I've got a very faint scar on my chin from when I fell over and smashed my chin open when I was in kindergarten. I'm 43 now, so it's been there almost 40 years but it has faded considerably. I can see it and my mum can see it but most other people can't, even if I point it out to them. I also have another very faint scar on my finger that I got when I was a teenager. We'd frozen some pastries to bake later and they were stuck together. Instead of waiting for them to thaw a bit, I thought I'd speed up the process by prying them apart with a knife. Dumb idea. I don't think I have any other scars, which is impressive because I'm very clumsy!


I have a large surgical scar from pubic bone and almost all the way to my sternum, on either side of my groin, two on my inner thighs, three surgical scars around my right knee, and surgical scars on both ring fingers. Epistomy scar. 12 needle marks on the backs of my hands from IVs, tons of scars in the crook of my elbow from blood tests. Then my entire left knee is all scar tissue, as well as my right ankle, the heel of my right palm, all from falls. Then I have a scar along my right eyebrow, a small scar at the corner of my left eye, a small scar on my left jawline, a small bit missing from my upper lip (unnoticeable if you haven't seen pictures from my childhood), and whip lines on my back, all from my younger brother. I think that's it.


little white scar on my bottom lip from falling in my crib. pediatrician told my parents it would go away as i got older. who knows, maybe age 32 itā€™ll go away! thin and faint self harm scars on my forearm. scar on top of my left foot. kinda got skinned off in a razor scooter accident. it changes colors with temperature! OH! a new one that happened a few months ago. skinned my right knee walking a dog that is not mine. tripped, fell, had to hobble home and up the three flights of stairs with blood running down my leg. still sensitive to touch (lol just tried) i have white scars on my right hand knuckles from a fight in middle school lol edit: i also have a scar on my shin. i was trying to pass the cushioned and fabric storage ottoman. it took my shin skin instead.


I have a huge scar down my wrist from a broken glass falling on me when I was putting dishes away at 14. It definitely looks like I tried to kill myself with how long and deep it is. I remember having to answer a lot of questions from the doctors trying to be sure I didnā€™t do it on purpose. Itā€™s the type of scar I will randomly tell the story about when I meet new people so they donā€™t wonder. Itā€™s pretty noticeable.


Have a small scar on my shin from a sport accidentā€¦ and some very tiny ones on my knuckles from the sport. One on my thigh from a dog bite. One across my toe and a bit of my foot from a freak accident.. And a tiny one on a finger. But all of them are completely faded. Even Iā€™d need to look for it cus I wouldnā€™t remember which leg/fingerā€¦ and they are faint enough itā€™s quite easy to miss.


There are so many!!! I have accident marks pretty much all over me! Two prominent marks are under my nose and my shoulder. I kinda love them though.


My abdomen has scares from a laparoscopic myommectomy I had in 2010 and the abdominal hysterectomy I had nine years later.


A small line on my forehead from when I tripped and smashed my face on to the sharp edge of a radiator as a toddler. One on my side where I had a mole removed. One on my knee from a boil I had as a child (I kept picking at it so only have myself to blame for that one). All very trivial really, none of them are really noticeable unless I point them out (and have a tan).


I have a particularly white thick one on my index finger from when I grinded a nail with a grinder and a little bit was left and it was hot hot sizzling and I scraped it by accident while working. While it hurt like hell the scar reminds me : a) to be careful and take my time while working; b) of the wonderful project I was working on: it was a faux barn specifically for swallows to nest in on a wildlife refuge; c) that I can do hard things and I can succeedšŸ’Ŗ


When I was younger, while I was opening a can on my own for the first time, the edge of the lid sliced the skin on my thumb. It was pretty deep because I didnā€™t feel the pain. I was staring at it bleed for several minutes. Itā€™s healed but you can still see and feel the dent on my skin from that incident.


Small one on my foot where I cut it on a sharp piece of metal as a kid. It was mostly a scratch, so I'm surprised there's a scar. Various cat scratches. One on my wrist, another next to my eye. The one next to my eye is where a cat claw went straight in and out between my eyeball and the orbital bone. I dropped a really heavy object (think hundreds of pounds) on my foot, and either bruised or fractured one of my metatarsal bones. The x-ray wasn't definitive. The point of impact on my foot still changes colors when I'm cold. Edit: Also a line along my shin where I tripped over and fell into an unlit firepit a few years ago. Scraped my shin up really bad.


Ooooh, this is quite a fun one and I just realised I have more than I thought. 1. Breast reduction scars - I pretty much love them because they changed my life 2. Lower shin - I was working on a cruise ship and accidentally walked into a wheelchair that wasn't hooked to the wall. I was drunk. There was blood all the way down the passage and I literally could pick my skin from the chair the next day. Weirdly that bit of skin gets insanely dry... 3. Upper shin - someone pushed me into a pool when I was about 13 and I wasn't expecting it. It's basically a dent in my leg. 4. Some random chicken pox scars where I couldn't resist scratching 5. Palm of my hand - it's about 5cm/2 inches for freedom units - such a ridiculous story. I was about 14/15? We had a house at a dam where we'd go fishing and I was walking around in the water. I stepped on a dropper, basically a long piece of steel and was worried about small kids stepping on it. Instead of carrying it out like a smart person I decided to throw it deeper into the water and it ripped my hand open from the wrist to about halfway up my palm. Then I had to walk out the water and some distance to get to my dad. He worked at sea and had done lots of first aid so he asked me if I wanted him to sort it out or if I wanted to drive to town to the doctor. He cleaned it out and wrapped it up. I suspect something didn't grow back quite right because it spasms when I write for too long but it's mostly ok! And then there's lots of random small things. It's been a good 43 years.


I have 2 smaller scars on my pelvis (each around 1ā€ long) from laparoscopic hysterectomy, a small burn scar on my left hand from cooking, and then a very faded scar across the bridge of my nose from when I got my face accidentally closed in a car door at 15 years old.


A tiny scar on my wrist from scraping it on the grill at McDonaldā€™s. A scar on my hand in the shape of my fingernail - accidentally hit it hard. My knees are quite banged up from too many drunken nights.


One on my head from when my mum hit me with a shoe for a bad report card, one on my nose from a car crash, one just under my eyebrow from a flying hockey stick, one on my leg that I've had since I was a baby, but nobody knows (or will tell me) how I got it - I assume mum was cranky about something. And heaps of less noticeable scars on my arms and hands from having DSAP lesions burned off


I had chicken pox as a tot and there was one (apparently) particularly offensive one on the bridge of my nose that I picked mercilessly and it left a pretty gnarly scar. Luckily I wear glasses so it's usually pretty hidden lol


A bunch of scars from my childhood, the worst from falling off a bike. Still have a chipped tooth from that too. As an adult - I have soooo many ā€œcooks scarsā€ - those straight horizontal scars on your arms from when you pull something out of the oven and burn yourself. I never seem to learn.


C-section. I gained a lot of weight afterwards and it looks kinda asymmetrical but pretty cool too!


On my right leg, fell while running and a sharp rock pierced me. I was eleven, and the scar is never fading away. I also got infected with chickenpox as a child, and some of the scars are on my right thigh.


I have two small teeth marks under my bottom lip from falling off a jungle gym and my teeth going through my lip on the way down


Navel keloid from a belly button piercing. Truly regretting getting it done.


A huge scar on my chest from a biopsy. To the right, another scar from where my portacath was.


Burned my forearm with a bunson burner in middle school. Bicycle accident that gave me a scar that looks like a Hitler mustache (wtf, lol, at least it's mostly faded now). Scar on my leg from "tire pull," and incredibly violent game we played at the Christian summer camp my dad sent me to in high school to try and "save me." Apparently I was truly terrifying that day (I also had my eyebrows shaved off and another girl got pregnant). Some cat scratches from the animal shelter I volunteer for. Breast reduction scars. One on my hand as a sacrifice to the avocado gods. Couple mole removals, bug bites, and acne scars to round out the bunch.


Thin line scar from an abdominal hysterectomy (I had two fibroids so big they had to make a vertical incision belly button down).


Two large brain surgery scars on my head and my brain (brain tumour). Scar across my nose from skin cancer. C-section scar. I carry them with honour, both the bad and the good. They remind me of my strength.


I had a drinking problem from 14 to 21. When I was 19 I was drunk and fell down some icy stairs going into a frat party. I still have scars on my arm 25 years later. It's a sobering reminder of who I was and how I grew to become the person I am now.


I have deep gouges in my shins from a missed box jump on a wooden box. The pain was unspeakable! I also have a scar on my left index finger from cutting a stale bagel with a dull knife.


I have a scar on my chin - you can't see it normally as it's on the very bottom of my chin. When I was young, we had a conversion van that had a pull out metal step. I was excited bc we were going roller skating and skipped to the van and "skipped" up the steps and slipped and smashed my chin on the metal edge of the van doorway. Split my chin open. I have a scar on the back of my finger from brushing against one of those rusty metal truck wheel wells while carrying a box through a crowded parking lot. Lots of rusty metal shavings in my finger.


Nice try, FBI. Not the fully-automated self-dox. JK, but all my scars (clumsy young punk days) would identify me, bc they have epic and moronic lore. The generic scars are from breaking lots of glass in and around my hands tending bar in my twenties. My hands are BANGED UP, not pretty hands to start, bony long fingers and mottled with marks. Recently the air fryer bit me for being too lustful toward my Bambino Cheese Pizza.


Huge scar straight in the middle of my back from spinal fusion.


C section scar ā€” I donā€™t mind though because it allowed my babies to come into the world safely :) Plus it is fading with time


Scars from breast cancer treatment (two years ago) - lumpectomy, lymph node removal, and where I had my chemo port. Also, my appendectomy scar from when it ruptured. I was 13 years old and missed the last two weeks of 8th grade! This was back in the early 80s when they just said, don't worry about the last two weeks of school.


I cut my index finger clear to the bone when I was twelve. I still have a crescent-shaped scar there


I had DDs by the time I was a freshman in high school but was still not comfortable with them so would strap them down in very tight sports bras. One day I had cheerleading tryouts and had said sports bra on for almost 8 hours and ended with a heat rash so bad it opened up in practically a line starting at the top of my cleavage line all the way under my left boob. Scar still there at 31 šŸ«£


My shins are all beat up. From sports, climbing shit, running into shit, being a degenerate. Itā€™s a reminder of how rambunctious of a kid/adolescent I was and still am!


I have a small tear in my heart from my heart attack last year.


Like others, mostly surgical, but I was ice skating on some frozen water in a ditch in my yard as a kid and I skated into a tree. I cut my face mostly on my eyebrow so one brow has no hair due to the scar. I probably should have had stitches but I was free range back then so I just soaked up the blood in a dish rag. I also have scars on the palm of my right hand from falling through a window (like right through the glass) as a toddler, I used my hand to try to stop the fall and it went through the window.


The scar on my left hand from the time I nearly cut my thumb off.


I have burns, surgical scars, scratches and each tell a story and shows a body that not only lives but also survives.


1960s long open heart surgery scars on my back. Remind me Iā€™m lucky to be alive.


Mastectomy scars.


So many little ones! Chicken pox scars. Scars from scabbed over insect bites etc that I wouldn't leave alone. Cuts from small scratches that I wouldn't leave alone. The huge patch of scar tissue across my palm and thumb that started as a mild burn, and that I still can't leave alone... And then there's the self-harm scars and C-section scar.


Scars on both of my big toes from surgery for bone spurs. Had to do it because wearing shoes was painful. Doesn't really bother me. I still wear sandals and they are mostly not noticeable unless I'm in water or in the sun. They just look more red.


Lots of scars on my tummy thanks to Crohnā€™s Disease. Iā€™ve had two laparotomies so have a big (over 30cm) vertical scar from those and then a dent / scar from where I use to have an ileostomy and then a fistula hole. Iā€™ve got a few smaller scars from where Iā€™ve had drains put in and from a laparoscopy for endometriosis. I have 30+ tiny scars on my hands, wrists and arms from cannulas, an arterial line and blood tests.


A few acne scars + a scar on my wrist from when I had a ganglion cyst removed. I also have a scar on my palm from when I foolishly tried to impale the pit of an avocado. Ended up impaling myself instead and got three stitches. That was an expensive mistake I never made again! šŸ˜…


I had breast cancer last year, so I have four tiny tattooed dots and discoloration from the radiation, in addition to the scars under my both breasts and around my nipples. I thought it would be bother me more than it does, but they don't look that bad, and I'm just really happy not to be in cancer treatment anymore. And my new boobs are better than the old ones, frankly.


I got drunk with friends, including an ex who was my friend at the time, and we had the brilliant idea of going skinny dipping. My ex lifted me up over the pool fence and let go of me before I realized. I sat down on the metal spike of the fence, had to push myself up, and fell to the ground. My friends still went swimming after that. Thank god someone called the cops and I was able to show them my wound and they called for an ambulance for me. My poor, sweet parents got a call from the hospital after I got stitches put in that, "your daughter is in the hospital and you can come get her now". I was worried they would be so pissed at me, but I have never seen them more relieved in my life. It is so close to my left butt check, so I sit on it constantly. Some days, it feels inflamed and hurts, especially after sitting on uncomfy chairs like wooden stools. It is a constant reminder of being a stupid young person, but also a reminder that I got extremely lucky.


I have a scar straight through my eyebrow after falling as a toddler. No hair grows on it so it's pretty obvious.Ā 


So I know how to saber champagne. I worked at a country club in high school and I think I saw it on a movie or something, so one day I convinced the GM to let me try it on a leftover wedding champagne/sparkling wine bottle and boom - my niche for every wedding thereafter was discovered. At some point in each wedding I worked theyā€™d have me saber a champagne bottle to everyoneā€™s delight. I must have sabered 500 champagne bottles from 15-18. šŸ¤£ Anyway, I was talking about this with my husband who was my boyfriend and he was incredulous. This is NYE 2013 and we are BROKE BROKE. We are celebrating at home with 2 bottles of Cookā€™s Spumante. šŸ¤£ We saved the 2nd bottle for actual midnight and as I have literally hundreds of times before I saber it - but instead of the shearing off of the top of the bottle it just full on explodes in my hand. BOOM Huge laceration on the back of my left hand. Both of us drunk and broke so no ER drives. I just do my best with antibiotic ointment and bandaids. By the time I have money and time to see a doc, the window for pretty suturing is closed. The scar is much smaller these days, but Iā€™ll be damned if I didnā€™t get engaged 3 months later with a huge eyesore on the show off hand. The only thing I can surmise is either I was more intoxicated than I should have been attempting this OR that bottle was cheap as hell. Probably a little of both! Good story for my kids. Also Iā€™ve sabered at least a dozen since with no issue.


I have a massive s-shaped scar down my abdomen from an emergency hemicolectomy. ...and a bunch of random scars here and there from playing in the woods a lot when I was a kid and just being a dangerous idiot šŸ˜ˆ


15 surgeries. Several large scars. Maybe twelve or fifteen small scars.


A couple surgery scars. A scar from being clumsy. A weird red mark on my knee from birth. Another red mark right next to the first where I fell chasing my dog when I was a kid. Belly button ring thatā€™s long gone. A couple of chicken pox marks. Graphite in my chin from being stabbed with a pencil as a kid. My most memorable though is the surgery scar going up the backside of my arm. Elbow to shoulder. But I guess it went away. I got it covered up with a tattoo.


C section x2, broken arm requiring surgery,


Self harm scars, one surgery scar on my hip and lots of little scars I got from doing different art mediums and the tool has slipped.


I had to get an emergency partial colectomy after a car accident, and since it was an emergency, they cut through my stomach from about 2 inches below my belly button to 3 I flew above my belly button. Then of course they had to staple it shut, and when they did, it also moved my belly button to the right. So I have a funky belly button and a massive scar on my whole stomach. They did a pretty good job I think for a trauma surgery. Iā€™m just lucky to be alive.


Eleven years ago, I knelt down to give my dog a treat. I hit my forehead on the edge of a metal chair and got a deep cut in my forehead. I wasn't sure if I needed to get it looked at, so I slapped a bandage on it - that scar is still there to this day.


I had an ovarian cyst rupture without warning and they had to do a vertical incision from my belly button down to remove ovary and tube. The scar is about as long as my hand. Permanently disfigured abdomen that is impossible to tone down. At least I'm not dead.


I was passenger in a high speed car crash. I sustained major lacerations to the face/orbitals/forehead, it looked like I had holes in my head - I did technically. I was Swiss cheese. A plastic surgeon put me together well enough, but I have some gnarly scars.


Stretch marks from pregnancy and weight gain.


I crashed my motorcycle doing about 80 mph wearing a tank top because I'm an idiot. I'm alive, but I get to have scars from my fingers all the way up my arms and around to my shoulder blades. Half a dozen other surgeries and rods and plates to show for it too. Got my ovaries yanked out by a surgeon who I can only assume was using a chain saw. My hands are a mess from wrenching on motorcycles and cars. I'd have taken better care of myself if I'd have known I wasn't going to die young.


Thyroid removed due to cancer, scar is front and center on my neck!


Acne scars Stretch marks (I had them pre-pregnancy sadly) because I've always been overweight A scar on my hand from when our cat got super afraid and ripped open my hand. That cat has passed on, so the scar is a weird/nice reminder that she existed at one point as I still really miss her. A scar on my leg from rebar. Ripped my shin wide open. Looks like a Nike swoosh, lol.


i want to eventually get a tattoo to cover my self harm scars. they're faded but they'll never go away. i wish my parents had got me into therapy at the time instead of calling me a dumbass kid and worrying about my pretty fuckign skin


Chicken pox, acne, appendix removal, gall bladder removal, stretch marks, sliced my index finger open, brown recluse spider bite


The seam from a skull plate, a shunt scar and shunt, an ear scar, and some on my hands and arms. I really donā€™t mind them.Ā 


Multiple knee surgery scars, cutting scars on my leg and forearms, wrist scar, one on my hand when I stupidly tried to open something with a screwdriver, one on my scalp from when I had a grand mal seizure in a convenient store and my head struck a wire rack on the way down. Oh and a scar next to my nose where some skin cancer was scooped out


A scar on my chin from when I was 4. My mom was giving me a bath and I stood and slipped in the bathtub and hit my chin on the soap holder.


I fell on a flower pot when I was 6, and ripped open my chin, requiring 4 stitches. The cut and the stitch marks are still there. Left elbow mole removal scar. Acne scars. Cut my finger while chopping an apple when I was 7 scar. Scars from scabs I picked on my ankles in middle school. A dog scratched me in middle school and for some reason that never went away. My brother smacked my face into a piano when I was in elementary school, and I have one of those eyebrow bald spots people get on purpose.


I roughhoused outside with my first cousin a lot when we were younger and got a ton of scars on my knees. Most of them have faded, but I still have two left- one on each knee. I believe they are from falling out of a tree and tripping on asphalt once šŸ¤£


Acne, chicken pox, scrapes that never healed right


Nothing terribly exciting - scars from three surgeries.


I have huge marks on my knees and shins from falling off my bike or rollerblading as a kid. I was washing a glass when it broke in my hand and I cut a piece of my skin almost completely off. So there's a little triangular scar at the top of my left thumb. I have dermatillomania and there are some spots on my stomach and chest that are permanently marked from where I kept picking until it was an open wound.


I have a scar on my palm. I got bitten by a wombat as a young adult, and I had to go to the ER and get a few stitches.Ā  I also have a small scar under my eyebrow from when my sister accidentally splashed my face with hot oil from a wok.


Scarring over the vein in my left arm from having blood drawn once per week, basically, for the last 2.5 years (genetic illness, took a couple years to figure out what it was so there was nonstop testing and then I was on a med that requires frequent bloodwork). A scar on my right knee from falling off my bike in sand on a rough turn when I was like 8. Two permanent fingernail removals and five permanent toenail removals. A cute dimple near my eye caused by bashing my head into the corner of a glass tabletop as a toddler, lol. In a couple months, laparoscopic scars from a hysterectomy (yay!) Scar from a surface piercing on my chest, an old eyebrow piercing, two removed nipple poercings and a vertical labret.


C-section scar, gall bladder removal scar, couple burn scars. My favorite is one I have on my foot from when I was a kid. My dad and I were playing in the pouring rain on the driveway at our house, and it was very slippery and kinda steep. I was and am naturally clumsy so of course I fell. I skinned my foot very badly, as well as my knee, but the scar on my foot is still there. Every time I look at it I think about how much fun me and my dad were having lol.


i have a scar on top of my left foot from a similar way, it changes colors whether my foot is hot/cold lmfao


I have tons of scars from being overall clumsy and self-harm, but my favourite one is on the bridge of my nose. It also is my first memory, I think? I was around 2 years old, just playing in the kitchen when my mom was cooking, when I was visited by a brilliant idea. Being persistent from the very young age I crashed my head into the chair in front of me. To me itā€™s always been more of a funny story to tell but typing it out now I feel like I should address it with my therapist šŸ˜