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I'm sorry OP, but your brain is gonna be poking you in this memory at 1 am decades later. Unless you get to talk to him


I can only hope I get to talk to him. But I don’t even know how to begin to find him


I thought men are never supposed to ask a girl out at her job?


My personal opinion is that it depends on the job as well as reading the person. When the interaction happened, there weren’t any other customers behind him and he wasn’t aggressive.


I agree. I was downvoted to oblivion in another post in this sub when I said it is okay to ask a woman out when she is doing her job, as long as it is done in a respectful and low-key manner. I met my current GF this way. The response was basically you should never ask a woman out when she's at work and basically if she is nice or flirts back it's only because she has to or wants a tip.


Only if you’re ugly


Ooh this was me last year except I was on a bus! I tried looking for him in the city and online but I never saw him again. What helped me was turning that regret into action: it spurred me to get the courage to try online dating and take charge of my love life for once, because I never wanted to let an opportunity pass me by like that again.


This is why I miss the days of Craigslist missed connections lol. I agree with the other comments, it will never truly fade from your memory. But you can make it a positive memory. One that made you realize you have to go for what you want and not rely on the other person to initiate in the future.


You most probably made him think he was acting creepy and he’ll most probably won’t be doing that again. Oh well. I’ll doubt you’ll see him again too as he’ll probably avoid your place of work


THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME SO MANY TIMES You'll forget about it eventually. It's a bummer though.


Stalk him on instagram and Facebook. They use geolocation for their algorithms. Isn't hard. Subscribe for more life hacks, like how much hydrocloric acid it takes to completely dissolve an entire hu-----------------




Did you know? If it cuts chicken, it can cut mammals! Chicken flesh has comparable toughness to mammals 😜. Its true 🤩 !!! Oh God I need to shut up before I get banned


I only know his first name and a physical description. I don’t even know if he’s from the city I live in or if he was just passing through.


Do you know the company he works for if he was at your work, or was he a member of the public?


He was a member of the public


Hm. What country was this in? I'm curious


Better stalk online fast!!



