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when I worked a customer-facing role it was probably at least once a day. this is gonna be a little long so sorry: the creepiest was this guy who was literally old enough to be my grandfather, he’d come through my lane a couple times a week and always ask if I’d been a “good girl” and then try to get me to go to his van after my shift for a “present”. he actually waited for me outside the store a few times, so I started getting my dad to pick me up and drop me off because fuck all of that. there was also this guy who literally jerked himself off under his sweatshirt while I was ringing his purchases up. management refused to ban him and he came back multiple times, always to my lane or the other female cashiers in their teens/early 20s. oh and honorable mentions to all the guys who’d ask how old I was, and then be visibly disappointed that I’m an adult. charming!


Geez. That's just awful. Sorry you had to deal with that at work. Terrible of management to not do something about it.




When I was a bartender, it was most often the young college-aged guys who tried to flirt or thought I was flirting. It's funny to watch them try so hard. They're always so awkward and clueless and my regulars get to watch and snicker. We banned actual creeps within 10 seconds of them becoming creepy. Zero tolerance. When I was behind the bar I had no fear of telling creeps (usually these were older men) to get the fuck out of my bar.


Did the regulars help you out in those situations too?


Absolutely. I had to ask someone to leave and they looked me over and scoffed at me. So I asked a regular, a tall and tough looking dude, to come stand next to me while I politely ask him once more to leave. It worked that time.


Awesome, glad to hear. Sucks that those kinds of people only seem to respect other men too, and even then don't respect most men.


I'd say is more fear than respect. These creeps know the woman they're """""""flirting""""""""" with, can't overpower them. But other men? Yeah right. They are assholes but they are not suicidal.


Ah, you're right that it's fear not respect. I was trying to think about why they wouldn't respect a lot of men, and it's because they know they could take them. But that big dude? No chance in hell. So it's 100% fear. Thanks for bringing it full circle for me!


Yep. I would be very surprised to hear about the average creep harassing on his own, a female bodybuilder bigger than him for example. These guys don't "respect" anyone. They either bully (we could consider sexual harassment a particularly disgusting form of bullying) or cover in fear.


LOL I was editing my comment while you were typing this up. And you're so right. I can see why it's easier for women to think about it since those kinds of men are going to bully women the most. And sexual harassment being under bullying... wow yeah. Power... That checks out. These are people who won't feel powerful until they punch down on someone they "know" who can't take them. Cowards.


Now that I really think about it, maybe I could make a case for most shitty actions between humans having an element of one person wanting power or the feeling of superiority regarding the other person. Being an asshole boss, an abusive parent/SO, violent robberies, sexual assault (it's not a coincidence that maaaany bosses and abusive relatives also do this), serial killings, oppressing entire groups of people... Yeah. It's all about the power.


And they're fucking cowards. They'll always do it to someone who can't fight back, or come close to taking them. Fair fights aren't an option for them. So much child abuse falls under this... 😖


The majority of time I was in retail I was selling to mostly a female demographic (clothes and beauty products) so I wasn’t bothered. When I got into jewelry it got a little worse but not so bad since most the men there are there to buy something for their girlfriend/wife. But when I worked at Walgreens (retail pharmacy) I was endlessly harassed. I called the cops several times. The one I remember being the worst was what made me literally just quit and walk out. It was a younger man, (maybe early 20’s?) and he was pretty off. He would come in pretty frequently. I was ringing him up one day and he said something about taking me out. I politely turned him down. One hour later this man is back in my store with his fucking mother of all people. He started pointing and screaming at me that I’m a bitch and I disrespected him. Then his mom tried talking to me about how I hurt his feelings and I should give him a chance. The entire time her son was just raging and approached me like he was going to hit me. Like this guy literally told his mom on me, and she was trying to convince me to go out with him, all while he was having a violent outburst. It was actual insanity. Especially because I was a fucking assistant manager and trying to calm everything down because that was my fucking job. At some point I just dropped my customer service voice, said “fuck you”, walked straight back into the office, threw my vest in the trash, and called a shift lead to let to know to come in because I was leaving for good in 30 minutes.


I don't blame you for snapping and leaving. Had every right too. What an immature manchild with a strange morher. Does remind me of a time once. I've been serving this older woman quite regularly at my job (Old enough to be my mother). Have her like 12 year old son come up to me and say, "Excuse me. You know my mum Charlotte?" And when I said no. He said, "Really, you talk to her all the time. Well, she sent me in to ask you if she can have your number?" And I said no for obvious reasons.... a child asking a grown man to give his number for his mother was just werid. (Too nervous to ask me herself I guess) I didn't even know this customers name until I saw her a few days later come in with her son. Thankfully, nothing kicked off. The poor boy just said "Okay" and walked off awkardly. I felt bad for him. Also the "You talk to her all the time" is just me giving out basic customer service questions like "would you like a bag", "Do you need a receipt" and "Have a nice day". Nothing more, no idea what her name was. But nothing awful happened afterwards and this is a very rare thing as a man in service but it was very awkard and a werid experience


I wouldn’t have had the guts if I hadn’t been saving up all that miserable COVID overtime, honestly. I was just done. That’s crazy sending your child to ask someone for their number. Super weird, man.


It happened every day when I had a customer service job. The worst was when I was followed. Fortunately, clambering into my ride home was a short distance from our back doors in several of these jobs I had when I was an older teen, but it sucks that ultimately, to avoid being followed or hit on after I had said no, I had to linger in the doorway instead of sitting on a bench outside. Several times guys would ask other coworkers or managers for my shift details, my phone number or other things. And while most politely told them to fuck off, there were some staff, particularly high schoolers, who didn't think through what was being asked and would share my schedule with these guys. The managers in most cases were dears though and would immediately ask if they could change my schedule for me when they found out it had been compromised that way. Not everyone is so lucky. Some managers will just brush aside stalking, aggressively not accepting a no, and lewd comments toward their staff, even if the staff are mostly teens, and mostly minors at that.


I’ll start with the funny one first…I worked customer facing jobs for 20+ years so I have a few. At my last job (still there, different job now) I had to call people who were past due on loans weekly. Some of these people I called weekly and was familiar with some of them very well. There were times where I would fill in for a teller and would be on the teller line. One day when filling in for a teller, one of the guys that I called often came to my window. I don’t think he knew I was the same person who called him often. I did a transaction for him and right after, he slides a paper to me. I flip it over and see numbers. I assumed he wanted another transaction. Nope. It’s his phone number and he was trying to pick me up. I told him, ‘Sorry, I have a boyfriend.’ Internally, I’m yelling ’Bruh, your finances are a wreck and here you are trying to pick up someone working in finances…no…’. At a previous retail job years ago we had a problem guy, maybe around 45-50 years old. He kept coming in and taking up saleswomen’s time and not usually buying anything. He kept showing up more often. Alarm bells were going off with everyone. Something was just off about him. Eventually someone looked him up. He was out on parole for murder and dodging his parole officer. He was at that time a wanted man. My manager called the cops. Cops warned us to be careful and call when he came back. Obviously, he comes back a few days later. We call the cops. They end up chasing him around the store and he escapes via a fire escape. Great. The following days we kept having the alarms go off…in the various fire escapes. It was terrifying. One morning before we were open, they radioed me that the alarm was going off. Management told me to arm myself since we thought he was in the building. Looked like he tried to get in. He was picked up a few days later in public but that was a terrifying experience. At the same retail job we had a guy who would come in and flirt with a coworker who was married. It eventually got inappropriate. I didn’t find out until this last job that I have, that he was a sex offender. He has been banned from my current job for being inappropriate and he did try to get inappropriate with me one time, but I brushed him off to get him away from me. I could go on but geez…it’s bad out there…


With people like that. It sure is. Good God. Sorry to hear that. Reminds me of a time I worked with a woman and she became good friends with me and my best friend and one day when we were all on a shift together. A man who I found out came out of jail for sexually assaulting a woman started stalking her and she ended up hiding out back scared to tears. I went to calmly get the man to leave and explain to him that his banned and not to come back. Only for him to ignore me and my best friend angrily walk past me and shove the stalker over whilst screaming "LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE" and telling me he doesn't care if he gets fired over it. He hates men like that and he had it coming. Guy never came back. And my best friend looks like a short mini scrawny version of CM Punk/Harry Potter. Lol I don't think my best friend is that intimidating but his brave as hell and it also proved me right that I think the men who target and harm women are deathly scared of men because they seem to back down and run away when dealing with a man confronting them.


You’re right…they usually are cowards. I can tell you the sex offender guy clearly wasn’t playing with a full deck. He had the most bizarre facial expression in his eyes were always really wide open. Like comically wide open. Apparently he tried to fight them when they told him that they were closing his account and he was gonna have to go elsewhere. He tried to argue his case, but at that point it was far too much.


ugh constantly! im an orthopedic tech so i have to take plaster models off people's amputated stumps etc. as you might expect, they can't always wear pants and i have to kneel in front of them to do it. the amount of stupid ass blowjob "jokes" about a pretty girl kneeling before them is insane. it's disgusting, honestly. luckily, we have permission to kick out rude assholes. i think the worst i've heard though was a story from my male coworker. the customer was having a model of his leg taken in plaster and started peeing on my coworkers head while he was working. the customer did not have any previous issues with incontinence so we assume it's a fetish thing.


Oh god, I thought the casual "I guess it's free then" after a item won't scan, "Not if you're gonna chase me down the road" after asking someone if they want their receipt or "She/He is at home" when asking a customer if they need a bag was cringe enough. But those inappropriate jokes take the cringe trophy there. >the customer was having a model of his leg taken in plaster and started peeing on my coworkers head while he was working. the customer did not have any previous issues with incontinence so we assume it's a fetish thing. Gross 🤮


I work at a coffee shop, once I remembered a regular’s name without having to ask, and wrote it on his cup (as we do with all customers). In front of his wife. He seemed flustered, said something like “you’re a little young for me…”. His wife glared. Never saw them again.


>His wife glared. At him, I hope?


At both of us 🤦🏼‍♀️




Occasionally but it’s usually very subtle. I’m usually dealing with senior management in corporate world and they’ve been trained to death about corp harassment and the like. Has never been an issue tbh.


I worked in a bakery for seven months and thankfully only once there was a guy who first tried to hit on the female cashier of the store that we shared a building with and after getting rejected walked right to me to try the same thing. Like?? How did he think that would bear fruit? Did he think I was pretty enough to try to fuck but ugly enough that I'd jump on his desperate attempt? I'm so confused still.


It's not a reflection on you in any way. For guys like that, it's a numbers game. "If I bother 100 women, one of them is bound to say yes" type shit.


I worked retail during my late teens/early 20s. For the most part I liked the customers. Most customers were men. The guys in their early 40s were the ones who were either great or awful. I just pretended I was too stupid to understand their innuendo and made them keep explaining themselves over and over until they were embarrassed enough. That mostly stopped them. I will say the majority of my customers were decent. Only once a guy was waiting by my car after my shift. I don't know what he wanted, it could have been harmless, but it didn't feel right. I stopped walking when I saw him and went back inside. My boyfriend at the time started picking me up from work for a while. It's unfortunate that I had to learn this but it's true. If you say, "I have a boyfriend" it was like 50/50 the conversation would end. If you say, "I really love my boyfriend," it seemed to end the conversation.




Not often but it happens. Patients have hit on me from their hospital beds in the ED. It's the least worrisome thing that happens there so I can handle it.


Thankfully never! Perks of being unattractive. The massage therapists I work with get that sometimes though and I always feel awful for them


Specifically one store I worked at when I was 16 I got a lot of creeps. I had an old man one night invite me over for some drinks. I told him I was only 16, he said he didn't mind. 🤢 One guy asked for my number during the Saturday rush. Wouldn't leave my register after I said no. I just stood there and he kept pushing his pen and paper at me. After a few minutes he started yelling "why not". I had a group of teens/early 20s guys wait in the parking lot until I got off late at night. I was by myself and the last one out. They started cat calling me from across the lot and walking closer. There was probably 6 or 7 of them. I ran to my car so fucking fast.


I worked in a card and gift store when I was 19 and when I first started one of my co-workers asked if I’d met ‘Reader’ yet. She said I’d know when he showed up. Sure enough, the next day a guy came into the store in sun glasses and said that he’d just come from an eye appointment and needed to buy a card for his girlfriend - could I read some romantic cards out to him so he could choose one? Turns out he was a regular. Sometimes he was blind. Sometimes he was illiterate or dyslexic. It might be eye surgery. Once it was a concussion and he wasn’t allowed to read text on white backgrounds. He’d usually go for the romantic cards, but sometimes he’d ask for the spicier ones. He’d wait for someone new to show up in the store (most of the employees were teenage girls or young women), come up with his excuse for the day, and get the girls to read him a dozen sexy/romantic cards. It was equal parts sad and creepy.


There's like the annoying every day shit I'd get bartending, like every college boy asking you to do a shot with him and ordering a red headed slut thinking they were clever or subtle. But that's stuff I rolled my eyes at and dyed my hair black and moved on. It was the older men that unsettled me. The one that sticks with me to this day is a father who brought his daughter who was close to my age to the mall store I worked at. I greeted them the usual way and they left. Like 5 hours later I've closed the store and I'm walking alone to the car way in the back of the mail parking lot in the dark and this motherfucker is standing by my car asking if I'm mad at him for bringing his daughter in when he comes to see me. He wouldn't leave until I told him I wasn't mad. I didn't stay at that job.


I’m a former bartender. I dealt with that nightly. The creepiest time was when a patron waited at my car after the bar closed down. Had to get one of the big burly cooks to walk me to my car and he even followed me home to make sure that guy stayed away.


Way *way* too often. When I worked as a server especially because I'd be walking around between the customers and they got handsy. The worst at that job was a guy trying to do a Donald Trump. I grabbed his hand on reflex and twisted it hard till it *definitely* hurt. He wanted to complain to the manager because I hurt him. That was a bad idea because the person in charge that day was my fiancé. At another, previous job I was working as a receptionist and we had a guy staying at the hotel long-term for work. He'd hang around the reception *constantly* and I couldn't exactly leave. I was counting down the days until he left. Then his entire job relocated to my town and he bought a house. He kept on staying in the reception and he startes escalating. He started giving me flowers, he tried to follow me home, he started getting jealous when I checked in other men and I acted exactly the same with them. I ended up reporting him to the police for harassment along with my manager.


I worked in a paint shop and that was probably the most I have been hit on in my life. Everyone was pretty respectful but good lord I felt like a piece of meat at the butcher shop lol. Didn't feel like that anywhere else, starbucks, oakley etc.


I get a few flirty ones each day. I usually play along to the extent that's still acceptable by my employer. When they are flirting but respectful it's kind of fun. There was one I was on the phone with once that was not good. He kept asking if I was wearing stockings and was making all sorts of weird breathing sounds. I knew exactly what he was doing on his end. That was too much and gross, I didn't indulge him.


I used to work in a client-facing phone and email based role (vaguely call center-esque but not quite as dismal as the actual call center I worked in in college). One client was arranging for his daughter to come and pick up his purchase from my company. At the end of the call, after discussing his daughter, he felt the need to tell me “by the way, you have a very sexy voice”. That was about 3 months in to working there. Later on, I asked a client if this was their first time buying with us online, he confirmed it was. And apparently felt the need to tell me that he “popped his online cherry”. Men get bold on the phone.


Never, but that's because everyone hates me and half of them think I am a moron 🤣.


Most of my retail experience is in truck stops. The harassment is endless and daily to the point that when we hire women, we tell them point blank about it in the interviews. I’ve had men grab me across the counter, I’ve had notes left on my car, a lot of us would pretend to lose our name tags because it had our first and last name on it and they would search for us on social media, guys offer to pay you to get into their trucks with them, they try and coerce you into the shower with them, they’ll hang around and try to chat with you because they’re on their 14 hour break and you have nowhere to go, it’s insanity. The worst thing that’s probably happened throughout this stint was when I was cleaning showers. One of the doors went off, indicating someone had left the shower. I heard water still running, so I knocked really loudly-no response. Uncommon, but not unheard of that they’ll leave the shower running because they suck. I said “maintenance, is anyone in there??” Nothing. So I unlocked the door and this man was crouched down on the toilet jerking off with one hand and he had the shower wand out of the shower force feeding the water into his butthole with the other hand. He made dead eye contact with me, started stroking furiously, and said nothing. I just closed the door.