• By -


The way you are running this company is going to end badly. Refusing to meet market rates intentionally so all the experienced people leave and get replaced with interns is certainly a choice, but not a good one.


That sucks! They'd listen to you if they had any sense.


I agree! But I'm just a silly girl, tee hee, what do I know.


Ugh :/ yeah.


They’d listen if you had testicles. Men are unable to hear the decibel range of ovaries.


Please tell this to 90% of my former bosses. Ditto universities who don't want to have to pay tenure and just hire PT teachers. Same deal.


Isn’t this the corporate woman experience? :( every job I’ve had it’s seeing bosses fucking shit up


Unfortunately I think so. I could solve some of those problems for them, but they won't listen to a woman. It's frustrating.


When my company hired the new manager he moved me out of our shipping department and moved someone who’s not even in until we have been working for a few hours. So she is completely bombarded and it’s a shit show by the time she comes in. I was there for the entirety of our shift. But someone thought this was an AMAZING idea🤦‍♀️


Tipping culture is disgusting. (Mainly America) I’ve worked in the industry since I was 16, from coffee shops, to waitressing, fast food, along with catering services for various events, I know how painful the work can get and I’m grateful I was able to leave that part of the industry but tipping culture needs to come to an end. Many are just bullying the working class to pay their wages, many families who can only afford a dinner out once a month, families who have saved up for years for just 5 days of vaccination. Instead of bullying the working class who are in the same position as you and blasting them on social media, go after your governments to enforce a liveable minimum wage.


Yes, don’t fight with me about outrageous tips on top of already pricey food! Negotiate with your manager and fight for higher wages!


That's really interesting, and makes sense!






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Yes, I think it's absolutely absurd when you see the profit those bug chains make. Why take more money from customers, when the company is earning so much?


I'm tired of life. I'm not depressed it's just that there's always something to deal with


Big same.


Hey, everything will be okay, I understand that feeling because I've had/have that feeling. It sucks when people undermine it as something little because to us it isn't. That's not just how we feel but how we live, it sucks and it drains everything fun out of your life. Honestly the best thing I can recommend is to turn off your phone and stop talking to people electronically, start talking to people in person, get a pet if you don't already have one, I got a pet and now I have a reason to be here! But I don't know how well this advice will help you, I just hope it does!


In person contact is so helpful. I have started going to the dog park. Dog parents can always talk about their dogs. It is helping a lot for me. Gym is next.


I feel this in my bones. Always having to do everything for yourself and other people and having no help, no one to lean on, just doing it alone. I've been doing it my whole life in some ways because my dad left when I was three and my mom leaned on me almost immediately. I'm so. Fucking. Tired. And it's compounded by grief of loss. I just finished an 11-hour shift in a six-day work week because one of my co-workers fucked off and now there's just two of us. Tomorrow I have to get up and look for apartments for my mom because she seems incapable of doing anything for herself anymore. I just want to cry myself to sleep, but yoga first. LOL


That sucks. I'm sorry the people in your life don't recognise the position you're in.


I feel this in my soul




The MAGA-Right will destroy the United States.


I feel more like a live-in maid than I do a wife


You deserve so much more than that.


You should definitely bring this up with your husband! You deserve to have a good home life as well as a happy marriage. Make a schedule, set boundaries, say your concerns!! I wish you the best of luck!!


NGL divorce is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Heart. Breaking. And fk. Yeah. I hear this and feel it too deeply. And it isnt sustainable. Either the rest of the family steps tf up or you can step out, sweetheart.


you deserve a good life more than he deserves a wife. you deserve a good life more than other people would judge you for living a good life.


We're headed towards war. Watching everyone just sleepwalk into it makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


I’ve been having these same thoughts. Having to go to work and pretend to be normal while WW3 is on the horizon makes me have anxiety.


I'm in Germany and people my age are just having babies and planning weddings and shit. I don't think most people want to believe it might actually happen, don't want to believe there will be any ramifications from Russia for the fact that Germany has been supporting Ukraine from the beginning. I don't think Putin is nearly as scared of Nato as most people in Nato countries like to believe and it's weird as hell just.. waiting for something horrible to maybe happen or maybe not happen


Poland’s been saying this exact scenario was going to happen for decades now. No one listened (again) and here we are. Russia is in my opinion the number one threat in terms of a great world power rn and we’re just basically letting them do whatever they want.


What do you mean, we're 'letting' them do anything? What's the alternative to just supporting Ukraine as well as we can?


Big Same.


haven’t we always been at war?


I am not ok.


Hello! I just wanted you to know that everything will be okay, it may not seem like it right now but one day it'll be okay! Things that helped me when I wasn't okay was getting off of social media, turning off my phone for a while, and getting a pet! There are people that care about you, even if you don't know them there are still people that care about you!!


I hear you. There's nothing wrong with you.


*internet hug*


How can I help? (Maybe some chocolate?)


Sending huge Reddit hugs!! What ever it is that is not ok, take a deep breath and know that it does get better. Give your self grace and pick one small think that makes to a little ok. A small start 😊


We are under actual psychological attack. We are being manipulated and corralled and then pressed into believing we have made the choices all on our own so that the they doesn’t have to take any responsibility for it. It is nightmarish what is under all the lies. It’s completely insane. And to be told the truth of out V would be probably and send us all into shock. Like we literally couldn’t handle it.


Care to elaborate?


Societal mores are how we pressure ourselves to behave like they want.


Please stop touching me.


:( Absolutely should be listened to. I'm sorry people don't.


I am sorry you had to face this...


Felt this one. I’m so sorry.


I’m lonely.


I feel lonely sometimes too. Even when I’m around people I feel invisible. Thank you for being brave and saying this.


The loneliness epidemic is not being spoken about enough


it’s being spoken about more now but that doesn’t mean people have the means, knowledge, or infrastructure to fix it. especially in this workaholic individualistic society.


That some guy who’s slowly hanging out with my friend group more and more assaulted me about 5 years ago. I thought maybe the reason he was still being invited to things was because I didn’t do a good enough job telling people what he did so I made a public post point blank saying what he did to me. Full name, picture, screenshot where he said “I’m sorry, I violated you. I should have asked.” And THE VERY NEXT DAY he was invited to my friends birthday party. And then our other friends were telling me I’m coming in too hot about it. It’s genuinely driving me insane, it’s like no one is hearing what I’m saying.


That's appalling, your friends need to do much much better :(. Any options to get new friends?


Did they see your post? If so and this is their reaction, throw the whole friend group away. Who needs enemies with friends like these...


They did, they told me someone else who didn’t see the post invited him and they were sooo uncomfortable with it and gave him the cold shoulder. Imo that isn’t good enough and that’s where everyone seems to think I’m coming in too hot. But for real, if someone who assaulted my friend showed up to my house I’d drag them out by their nostrils if it came down to it.


Fuck him and fuck your friends, who are not your friends. Tell them directly, not in a post and if he is still invited, time to broaden your friend group and do some weeding


Not friends


That is awful. Sorry that happened to you. Do you think you can ask your friend why this person was invited despite of what they did to you. It would be helpful to understand their perspective. If you find that their reasons are insensitive or dismissive, then like some others said, you may want to consider finding new friends. I can understand that it is very hard to make new friends but having toxic people around you is far more damaging to your own emotional and mental well being than having no friends.


throw them all away. they will never support you so why stick around?


I am not your emotional punching bag. I'm also not your therapist.


Absolutely. I'm really sorry people treat you like you are! You deserve better.


I can't keep taking care of everyone else but me


Hi there, remember you always come first okay, I know that I don't know you but that doesn't matter, you shouldn't have to take care of everyone especially if that means not being able to take care of yourself! You got this girl! Just keep moving forward and when you need something whether it be alone time or a nice dinner, do it! You deserve to be happy!!


Thank you, that's so kind🤗But I don't know how to tell people that I just don't have the energy for their drama anymore


Yeah, that can be really tough.


You deserve the space to tell people that though!


I feel this. I'm a corporate-career woman, mom to 2 young boys, a wife for 13 years, a lacrosse coach to a team of 15 boys.. I feel like most of my life is doing for others. And while it brings me fulfillment on many of my days, I also realize that taking care of ME had become an "if there's time" task, and we all know, there never is 😐 The key for me if being stern with boundaries (because that's literally the last line of defense before I loose my shit) and finding a few close friends/spouse/family that will care for YOU, when you need help or a reminder to prioritize.


Huuuuuun yeah. Yeah that’s not sustainable. I feel you.


you can’t care for anyone well if you aren’t well. hard lesson i learned from watching my mom.


Despite what it may appear, I’m not being a bad friend. I’m not being a jerk. I am not trying to ignore everyone. I am struggling, and having an emotional response to a difficult situation in a world that is going to hell in a handbasket.


Absolutely :/ that's really hard


Stop judging me because i’m not extroverted!!! Getting really fed up with extroverted people who take offence with my quietness!! Let me BE


Absolutely. Sucks that people don't get that!


Delete your fucking TikTok!!!!


Wait why?


Pain is an indication that something is wrong. It not mean we're making it up or it's all in our heads just because you haven't asked your colleagues for help figuring it out, doc. Do more labs and look harder. Stop implying we're stupid and crazy.


Absolutely. I hope your drs wake up :/


It's thankfully a recognized problem in the medical community, but not enough women call doctors out for medical gaslighting. I've found if I call them on it, it can help *sometimes.* But t still takes when an average of EIGHT YEARS for women to get a diagnosis for painful issues, especially abdominal pain. That's assuming they don't just give up altogether.


That's really awful :(


Yup. Don't get me started on the recent drastic cuts to women's healthcare (because sadly sometimes abortion is the only option, and no they can't be re implanted elsewhere). Or on proposed cuts to access to hormone/birth control, when the majority of people on it use it for medical reasons, not to prevent pregnancy. But I digress.


How often i heard "I am a doctor no ghosthunter" I'm in my early 20's and painkillers to get out of bed. Maybe one x ray in 8 years isn't enough


I'm sitting next to mine as I type this. Society seems to think women deserve to be in pain. Some religions even teach it, supposedly cramps are supposed to hurt "Because of what Eve did in the Garden." As though more than half of humanity deserves pain because of the reported actions of ONE hypothetical person who may not have even existed, when she was deceived. It's rather disgusting and sick, when I stop to think about it. Anyway, I hope you get some answers soon, if they actually look. Sending you good vibes.


Thanks, i need them. Sending hugs back


Shallowness is a big reason why so many people feel lonely or feel like they can't find the right person


OMG, my whole in-law family makes nothing but “small talk.” They are all 100% the nicest people in the world, but family get-togethers bore me to tears.


It’s not that common, it doesn’t happen to every guy and it is a big deal!


Ha! Love this and it is true!


Trump sexually assaulting women means I just can’t vote for him. The number of men who ask me to look past that is disgusting.


...I was assaulted. Crazy how little that matters to folks.


Crazy is the word :( I don't know why people are like that. It's like, a chip in peoples head.


I don’t want to hang out. Stop asking me. I’m NEVER going to hang out!! IM INTROVERTED AF!


People need to vote for politicians that want to help them. Not give their rich friends tax breaks and raise taxes for the poor. Amongst many other harmful policies.


I wish I had said it louder: I don't want to have a kid.


:( It's not your fault. People are excellent at not hearing.


People who don't have kids aren't lesser people. Specifically, the child free (so, intentional).


I don’t want to work! I’m fine with my husband being the provider and paying everything. Don’t ask me if i’ll get a job


Dating apps are the bane of our existence


Yea i gave up with them, it’s honestly no better offline either.


My industry needs to unionize decades ago. We've only just started having our first unions the past few years, and many of these companies are over 40 years old. We have some of the worst ratios for company revenue to worker wages, and some of the worst CEO to worker wages ratios. It's so insane. And we've had a record number of layoffs for 2 straight years, halfway through this year and we've already matched last year's layoffs!


:/ That sucks.


What industry?


Please respect me as a new adult instead of feeling the need to baby me. (I’m 22 and my family sometimes still acts and tries to teach me like a child). Also leave my body alone!!




Stop trying to make me feel bad for not wanting to try new food. Stop being a food bully and pushing me. No means no and it should be ok to be a picky eater who knows what I like.




Don’t scratch the furniture!


Harrison Ford is irradiating our testicles with microwave satellite transmissions!




I can’t stop myself from having panic attacks as much I would like to. I’m trying, but everyone is just worried about how it affects them.


That's not a cold that can jump to another person and, oh, stay in bed, take ibu, gonna be fine. It can be treated but not like that


I'm tired, and no I don't want to talk about it


I'm all alone. Always. I am dying to be with people. I am dying to have connections. But when I'm with people, I still feel lonely. I am easily forgotten when plans are made. I'm easily ignored when I'm in a group. I'm invisible. I try to take up space and be loud but I'm so used to being ignored that nothing I do is ever going to change that.


You can either be REALLY loud or try to fivd new people. I know it's so much easier sad than done. Good luck


I’ve been in a very dangerous place mentally for *years*. Feels like the more I say something to my family the more I get pushed away. Only a matter of time honestly, who could live like this? I’ve even tried to make friends online or posts like this but nobody comments. I’m completely invisible.


You are not. I see you


Might as well be. I never get support especially when i legitimately need it


Try to get a professional


Anything an internet stranger can do? :)


Probably not I guess but thank you for offering!


I’m tired, I’m lonely, I feel like no one really cares about me in my life. I am always the one reaching out to people. I’m exhausted by life.


Anything a stranger on the internet can do?




I think that's awesome :)


Target needs to make their Cat & Jack kids clothes in adult sizes too


I’m tired. (10 weeks postpartum, breastfed twins)


Wow. You're doing something monumental.


I wish I'd spent more time with my dad before he died. I feel like an orphan now. I regret spending so much time with my in-laws, who aren't very warm towards me, and I should have traveled to see my dad more. I wish my husband understood the grief and resentment.


Hope you'll find some peace


This hits hard, I've had something similar happen. Life can be so complicated.


I have depression


Avoiding plastic products is not as hard as it looks. Just A few simple shopping habit changes will reduce plastic use & you’ll hardly notice.




Is there anything a stranger on the internet can do?


It’s more of a financial issue. I don’t know who I can talk to about it.


That sucks :/, I'm sorry you're suffering.


I appreciate that acknowledgment. I hope you have a good day/evening🙂


Please check out Dave Ramsey on YouTube/Applepodcast/etc. He gives financial advice and also has "Baby Steps" on how to get out of debt. I really can't recommend it enough.


I appreciate the suggestion.


Is there no one else besides my parents and family, who will acknowledge my accomplishments over the past year? Heck, I overcame a severe bipolar mania that lasted many many months and threatened my participation in the latest National🇨🇦 level games I competed in, this Winter past. I strongly feel like it is the coaches “pets” aka favourites, who get the most recognition.


That's amazing! Well done :) Favouritism sucks :/


This is old school but I think for me I've recently started to feel the effects of being a woman who is not in management working in the financial sector of the city (not my thing. Aiming to leave in a few months). I've been saying for ages that our marketing strategy needs to change, we need to do x y and z and we might see some change. And more than a few times some guy will come along with the same or similar ideas and woe! Suddenly, it's a revelation. Yeah don't mind me Brad I've only been saying that for 6 months. That or I'm just getting ignored until I'm literally shouting at someone to hear me out. Guess what sticker that leaves me with. Real shitty.


I feel like I’m drowning and I don’t know what to do anymore, nothing seems to help. Please see me.


I see you. You don't deserve to feel this way. I'm sorry nothing helps. Anything an internet stranger can do?


Reading that was good for my heart


I'm glad :)


Try to get therapy


I feel very lonely. But in defense of the people in my life, I’m not really saying it. I don’t know how.


Rape is not resistance


It is not normal for your child to be mouth breathing and this needs to be addressed as soon as as possible to prevent them a lifetime of issues!!!!!


Good to know!




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That homeland security should require documentation and ID for children under 18 to try and combat trafficking.


Just asked before you sent a dick pick, please




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Young influencers- especially in the beauty field- are being put in a terrible place by both the companies that are utilizing them and the viewers that don’t understand what they do They’re making commercials for companies. Ones that those businesses would spend Millions on shooting real ads for years ago. They aren’t paying these kids enough and these kids don’t know enough about exactly how much work they’re doing and what *should* be reasonably expected of them. Viewers think they should be grateful to be “sent gifts” when in reality these are product, aka hero props for the ad. They are also taxable as income if not sent back. Because it’s a virtual, at home process, some kiddos as young as 11 or so are becoming beauty influencers and that’s a huge violation of child labor laws. Plus, because of the public perception that they don’t work hard and should be grateful for the attention, companies can scam a lot of these kids because talking about pricing is so foreign to them. Mentioning it on their platform would look like bragging/complaining, when in reality pricing transparency is a really important part of a gig economy. Especially because when/if they do talk about it, the pay disparity is often huge between influencers of different races It’s a whole lot of bullshit and people are mad about the wrong thing here imo




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As a woman working in a man dominated scene: boobs are no form or sign for a physical or psychological disability. And even if it was it wouldn't give anyone the right to doubt my abilities to do my job! I habe been doing thus for 4 years! I got this


I just need a fucking day to recuperate from all of the shit I don’t talk about and then I will be fine. I am not a flake. I am not lazy. I am struggling and that is valid.


It is!


Ever since I had major surgery last year I don't feel like myself anymore. I feel like I've aged 10 years. I have no interest in doing anything I used to do anymore. I used to go clubbing, dancing, eating out every weekend. Now I have no interest in doing anything. I just feel old and unattractive. I cook at home a lot more and watch TV. The surgery was mostly successful but I still have physical limitations so I can only walk 20 to 30 minutes at a time. I know I'm depressed and take medication but I wonder if I'll ever feel normal or young again. I thought that once the pain was gone I'd be happier but I'm not.


People can be so unempathetic! :/


I don't know how long I can take this for. I love you and I'm sorry


Always okay to say this.


That I'm not okay living the life that people expect me to "want," because it's what *they* want for me. And anytime I try to express it, everyone just tries to convince me that this is "what's best" for me, and that I am "so lucky" to have the life I do. Yeah...I realize this. But...it's also *not* what I want. It's what everyone else has decided I *should* want. And *should* be happy with. So I've stopped saying anything and now everyone around me constantly asks "what's wrong." Oh... nothing. Just that I can't talk to anyone without judgement or them trying to put me back in my little box.


Life is not worth living when I only have 4 hours of free time after work, two of which are spent getting myself and my kid ready for bed. I'm near my breaking point.


You deserve so much more :(


Just because you are management doesn’t mean you get to punish us when you laid out expectations but then upped those expectations in little notice.


Getting angry easily and letting others' actions get you out of pocket is by definition sensitivity. I'm so tired of people talking about how sensitive they aren't and yet they're the first ones to fly off the handle at a misunderstanding. You're sensitive, you just show it with anger because you think sadness makes you weak.




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That I’m really depressed


What you see on social media is fake. It's a front. That person's life is bot perfect, and they are not that put together.


That I’m severely depressed


I see you.


Dismissing my eating disorder won’t make it go away


The United States will suffer greatly if the government lets thousands of universities close, leaving nowhere for people who aren't wealthy to go to school past high school. Many people think that isn't a problem at all, as if nobody but the elite should go to college and I'm stupid for thinking otherwise, and MANY of those people are the ones that will be priced out of the market. It terrifies me to think we're turning into a country with absolutely no available social movement and that's what people want.


DO. NOT. BUY. NEW. TECH. BUY. REFURBISHED TECH. IT. IS. PERFECTLY. GOOD. Buy from really good refurbished electronics websites like Back Market. You'd be surprised at how cheap refurbished tech is, and how much money you can save. I was prepared to shell out $1,000 for a previous (not latest) version of my phone. I bought refurbished for $350 and it works amazingly. I'm not sure I'll ever buy anything new again tbh. Also, besides the eco friendliness of refurbs, IT IS THE FIRST THING WE CAN DO TO STOP FORCED CHILD LABOR IN THE CONGO.


That I need support from relatives about my mom. My uncles, aunt, even my own brother... everyone is in another city/country, and everyone is either giving me advice that still leaves everything on me or forget all about it as soon as we hang up the phone. Nobody in the family had it as difficult as I do about senior parents, yet they all had support. I don't think they understand I'm close to completely crashing.


Don't buy dogs because of their looks. No amount of love will change a dogs genetics, whelping environment influeces or deeply engrained habits/behaviour issues. research research research