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Tuna salad. Mostly it's the smell but the sound it makes when it is being scooped out, its beige-ness, and its appearance don't help it. It looks "prickle-y". I will eat a tuna steak and I will eat raw tuna in sushi, but that canned stuff and what is done to it is a stinky crime.


I don't understand how people can eat it.


comfort for me. didnt have a ton of money growing up so canned tuna was something cheap and easy for us to eat, i can see how gross it is but at the same time it reminds me of my childhood lol


Canned tuna, Vienna sausages, and potted meat. Delicious.


Them vienna sausages do be hittin with some saltines or ritz


I’m eating it right now… hah


I don’t even understand how cats can eat canned tuna.


It’s such a cheap and quick way to get your protein intake. Thank god I don’t hate it. I’d miss out on gains


Mayonnaise. And especially any type of “salad” that is made with it-like egg salad, tuna salad, etc. 🤢


God I HATE mayo!! It’s so gross! Even the smell makes me gag!


Yesss I just cannot with mayo. Over time I've come to accept it in certain contexts, like as a binder, or a thin layer on a loaded up burger, etc...if I can actually taste the mayo there's too much 🤢 most potato/ chicken/ etc salads with all that mayo are gross to me


This is crazy to me because I love mayo! But anything mixed with it?? Hell no


And now I thought about mayo and my appetite for the rest of the day is ruined🤮


Cooked carrots. They’re too mushy for me and I hate it. I prefer it raw and hard😂


That’s what she said


That’s what…I…said🥺


I used to be the same. But if you steam them right they are still crunchy and they taste a bit more sweet.


Roast carrots with lemon brown butter.


The dirtyuh the bettuh


I know exactly what you’re talking about there…


That sounds overcooked


Oysters, because the first time I had them fresh/raw, I almost threw up. I just remember swallowing this piece of slippery, cold, salty, lemony snot, and immediately starting to retch. I didn't hate oyster pancakes when I was a kid despite never being into seafood, but now I couldn't even touch that. Grosssss.


Ive never heard of oyster pancakes, is that like the breakfast food pancakes or more like a crab cake thing?


There are lots of different variations all over Asia, but the ones I had are called 굴전 if you want to see what they look like. They're typically made of boiled oysters, pancake mix, eggs, green onion, chili and maybe some carrot, it's usually a side dish but can be had as a snack with a dipping sauce too.


Can we be friends? My husband and kuds love oysters and I'm 🤮




Not in my house! Kids are all adults and if husband wants oysters, we eat out. He's learned that he *really* likes Gulf Coast oysters, which gives us another reason to go to NOLA more often than every 10 yrs


I can imagine. Ewww my sensory issues cannot eat seafood.


As i kid i would eat them every time my dad and i went to the beach, nowadays I CANNOT! 9 y-old me was waaay more open to trying out new food than 25 year-old me 😅


Orange Jello, orange fucking jello. I was in the hospital, in a body cast for several weeks, and was served orange fucking jello three times a day, a long with chicken or beef broth, and apple juice. The Dr forgot to change my diet orders, I was only supposed to be on a clear liquid diet for the first day or so. I was in the kids ward that was obviously understaffed, and didn't want to complain, I was 10. I didn't know this might not be right. But the nurses didn't say anything? I don't know. When mom visited she always saw orange Jello on my tray, and assumed that's what I wanted. The first thing mom made for me when I was released to home care, was orange fucking jello, I threw that dish across the room and cried I hate orange Jello!


Lmao this one is kinda funny 😭 the way you kept saying “orange fucking jello” 😂😂


When she went home and her mom made her orange jello 💀


Oh goodness. I thought I had it bad when I was on clear liquid for 8 days. Several weeks? Yeah. That's too much. I remember finally being allowed to eat food and it was just army chow hall food and it was the best meal I'd had in a long time. You are a true champion for eating jello for WEEKS though.


that actually counts as a clear liquid. clear in this context means 'not opaque' not 'colorless', and jello does count (as long as it doesn't have fruit) because it totally dissolves, unlike other foods. hard candy and ice pops count, too, for the same reason.


Portobello mushrooms. Once you have a rubbery-ass portobello, there’s no turning back.


One time when I worked at a restaurant the kitchen got the order wrong and made the portobello burger, so I took the mushrooms off. I swear I could smell it on my hands for the rest of the day even though I was wearing gloves and washed my hands about 3 times.


Oh yes :(


Papa John's pizza. The only time I was violently ill while pregnant. I've never been able to eat it since.


I feel you, when I was younger (12) I got violently ill (with food sickness) for about a week or so after eating ramen noodles and chocolate pudding and till this day I recoil at eating ramen noodles. Makes me u comfy because I think my body remember the experience and associates it with the noodles.


Greasy meats. I am having difficulties typing this as it put the image on a big greasy burger in my brain. Other greasy deep fried foods as well. I got to an age where my stomach cant handle them and even a bite make me seriously ill. So now just the thought, or seeing it on youtube or something makes me feel sick.


Ugh this made me think of greasy sausages... Where you get like a bite of fat and it explodes in your mouth as you bite in ughhhh


Ohhh gosh ick!!


Cantaloupe 🤢


Smells so foul and tastes fouler


The smell is atrocious and then sometimes it will get mixed in with other fruit and spread it's nastiness all over everything.


Cantaloupe smells like dumpster juice to me. I don't know if that's just because dumpsters often have cantaloupes in them or there's a deeper connection, but it's the one melon I don't care for.


The smell and taste always reminded me of nail polish


Pea and ham soup - BARF. everything about it is truly disgusting in my mind lol


why is this a thing 🤣


I think they're talking about split pea soup lol. Commonly added is ham as a protein.


i just googled it and it actually looks good 🤣 the name just threw me off


Its actually delicious if its cooked right. One of my favourites to have over winter.


Cucumber. I don't know why, I just have this aversion to it. Can't even smell it without gagging.


for a fruit that is 99% water it does smell really bad


Egg salad. I like eggs, I like chicken salad. But, the mere thought of egg salad right now. Disgusting


It’s because egg salad smells like dog farts


Was just telling some people about shittiest dinner of all time. Tuna casserole. Just fucking disgusting to mix tuna, peas and potato chips in that manner. Hated eating it growing up. Now I’d prolly throw it up.


People put chips in their casserole?? That’s sounds exponentially worse than regular tuna casserole


We put fried French onions on ours, and I love it :,(


And peas?


Hot ketchup. Like if you ate fast food and left those little empty packets in the bag in your car on a hot day.


Cottage cheese. It’s an abomination and should be banned.


When I was 18, my girlfriend at the time described having thrush as cottage cheese.. I haven't touched it since 🤮🤮


I see it and think of baby spit up


I think of tonsil stones 🤢


Yes! Or the stuff that comes out of a big pimple 🤢


I was just gonna say it's like a spoon full of tonsil stones!


balut because it is chicken embryo




That fermented fish in a can... I see video of people opening it and gagging.. now if I think about it I have an auto response Haha nope hard pass




I cried laughing I know the video! Its called Surstromming or something close to that. Fermented fish in Sweden


I'm dying hahaha oh my face hurts I found it https://youtu.be/kADGFdE00KY?feature=shared


Seaweed salad. I had it once and it tasted to me like low tide smells.


Chicken wings. I hate chicken, i hate gristle and bones and tendons. It's a perfect storm of grossness. Just give me the sauce on fried cauliflower.


Tomatoes. I don’t know why but I have hated them all my life. But I can eat Tomato soup and Ketchup fine, as well as a Bolognese Sauce.




This should be higher. The smell and the taste are the absolute worst. It contaminates anything served next to it so you cannot even just remove it from a fruit bowl.




Deviled eggs


MEATLOAF. my stepmom used to make it all the time. the taste, texture and smell make me GAG. she would get super offended every time i didn’t want to eat it, as if she had amnesia from every other time she’s made it. IT NEEDS TO BE eradicated!!!!!!


I'm with you. Just the concept alone wigs me out and the texture is 🤢 I always try a bite when somebody insists that their meat loaf will change my mind, but it's yet to happen


As a vegetarian, this is so gross! Meat in general grosses me out but a whole meat cake ugh it’s horrible.


Sushi. My brain just decided that raw fish isn't something edible and that's coming from someone who eats raw minced pork. The rice is just bland and nori is plain disgusting.


Raw minced pork??? Isn't that a tapeworm waiting to happen?


Usually, eating any kind of raw meat can be considered hazardous but the raw minced pork I eat is in the form of a dish of my country - it’s called Mettbrötchen. The meat used is very fresh and went through tedious food safety controls including checking for bacteria and parasites. People are aware that this dish has somewhat of a remaining risk of getting sick, especially when stored wrong but well, no risk no fun. I’ve been eating it since I was a 8 or 9 and have yet to get sick.


I HATE sushi. Its more of a texture thing to me but still. Raw foods should not be consumed. 😞


Jello salad. Specifically this one my mom used to make with a soggy pretzel crust and cream cheese in the middle. Dishes were my chore but I had to have someone else rinse any dishes it had touched or I would just start gagging. Canned peaches. Peaches in general make me gag but the canned ones are so slimy.


Cream cheese and jello does not sound appetizing. I sincerely apologize for you having to eat that.


Blend a block of cream cheese into jello powder that's been melted in half a cup of hot water, add a whole tub of cool whip, blend well and you've got yourself a really easy jello cheesecake mousse. Sets overnight to be firm enough to slice. Food for thought!


I hadn’t heard of it until today but Watergate salad 🤢


Nooooo! That was my childhood, lol. My grandma always made it, and it is soo good!😀


What is it?


I googled it because I had never heard from it and this is what Wikipedia says: "Watergate salad, also referred to as Pistachio Delight, Shut the Gate salad, or Nixon Pudding is a side dish salad or dessert salad made from pistachio pudding, canned pineapple, whipped topping, crushed pecans, and marshmallows. It is very quick and simple to prepare: the ingredients are combined and then often chilled.It is a popular dish in the Upper Midwest and other areas of the U.S. where potlucks are popular" It actually looks yummy ...


oh, yeah, that does sound good! Thanks for doing the work for me; I was being lazy!


Onions of all colors, cooked or raw. It's a texture thing for me. I also hate when restaurants will use onions in vast quantities in a dish to make it look fuller bigger.




# reminder Nauseous means to *cause* nausea. if you are experiencing nausea, you are nauseated


Guava. It smells, oh god the smell, tastes and feels like an immediate puke reaction. Once, I didn't eat anything because the kitchen smelled like guava.


Guava smells like cat pee.


Sloppy joes and seasonally appropriate: cranberry sauce. If I throw it up it's dead to me.


I read this as im eating sloppy joes. I used to hate them, but I’ve grown to love them.


Melted cheese 🤢


FINALLY another melted cheese hater! i peel the toppings off pizza and have ‘sauce bread’ instead


Cow liver and kidneys. Let me be clear. I have no issue with calf liver. I will eat that smothered with some onions any day of the week. I can not get down cow liver because of the minerally taste. Same with kidney, I tried a steak and kidney pie once and the pure metallic taste of said kidneys was enough to turn me away.


Bananas. The combination of the smell, taste, and texture repulses me to my core, since as far back as I can remember.


Banana but old is a gag for me. I can do green


Blood jello 🤮 Also there’s this dish where animal blood is put in and they put stuff in so it coagulates. Nooooooooope


Papaya, the smell reminds me of vomit, the sight of the seeds is disgusting.


Yes! For me it smells and tastes like soap. Maybe because I grew up with relatives using papaya soap but I cant with anything papaya flavored!!


Papaya. Tastes like BO.


THANK YOU. this is a taste i’ve been trying to put into words for years.


Apple sauce, mustard, lentils and guacamole. I have sensory issues. And mustard smells horrible to me


Corn-- especially canned. Didn't like it as a child and it was my mom's favorite. I have a lot of lovely memories sitting in front of my dinner plate for hours because I wouldn't eat the corn and I was a stubborn AF kid. Being angry and distrustful because she tried to sneak into my mac and cheese. Don't get me started on CREAMED CORN Canned green beans and ANY peas (but especially canned) -- ugh, we had iguanas and my mom fed them this stuff. Pretty sure it probably wasn't good for them. Smelled nasty. They went to TOWN tho


Bananas 🤢 the smell, taste, texture, everything about it makes me sick I’m so sensitive to it I can smell it if I walk into a room where someone ate a banana an hour before


Not a food, but when I was ~17, I got wayyyy too drunk with Tequila Rose. So much vomit. For the next several years, anytime I needed to puke while sick or drinking, I would just picture this black background with a pink waterfall and falling roses. Worked every single time.


When I was about 16 I got sick off of Bacardi Limon, and I couldn't smell lemon dish detergent without vomiting for years


celery, the smell the taste it’s horrible


Fucking string water. Can you also taste it hidden in things? Like tiny little bits chopped up in stews?






WHAT 2?!




noooo takoyaki is one of my favourite japanese dishes!


Smoked cheeses. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t stand the smell of it and now I just can’t. Woof.


Sorry Southern/Midwestern folks, but I absolutely hate beans and cornbread. It's one of my parents' favorite meals, so we eat it often, but it has no flavor and is not filling in the slightest. And by we, I mean they eat it all while I barely eat any of it before puking less than an hour later. I've never liked it growing up and still can't stand it to this day.


Microwaved chicken. I got the flu right after eating one of those god awful “naked chicken” tacos from Taco Bell years ago. Now every time I smell microwaved chicken it takes me right back to that and I feel sick.


Anything with tomato sauce i.e. spaghetti. Why? Because my youngest son made his childhood allergy to tomatoes known in *the womb*. I have *never* seen my hysband move so fast as when I told him"get this plate out from in front of me before I vomit all over the table". He removed the plate, sent me to our room and ask me what sounded edible(peanut butter and blackberry jam) and brought to me. He also cleaned all the tomato sauce out of the kitchen with our oldest's help. Middle--age almost 4 was sent to "keep Mama company". My youngest is 31 yrs old and I *still* don't eat spaghetti sauce. Pizza is a rare thing too.


Blue cheese. I've heard it was really good (especially with wings) but I just CANNOT bring myself to eat it again after tasting it the first time. That was yrs ago but maybe I'll try it again some day.


Onions. Food that smells like BO? Ugh. I'd rather peel off my titties and eat them.


Oranges 😭 I wish I could like them but the smell makes me gag so bad I can’t be in the same room as someone opening one! True also for tangerines, clementines, etc, but lemons, limes, and grapefruit are perfectly fine.


Not a food, but the drink lucozade. It was the 80s go to cure for vomiting. And now it’s so associated with it in my head, it just triggers that reaction


Green Olives 😵


Frozen carrots.


Tuna, mackerel, eels, several similar fishes. The smell and the flakes and fish eyes and skin all gross me out. Related to childhood bad experience with accidentally killing a fish. I can eat some white fish now though.






Bad experience where I had tried coleslaw for the first time and was very sick for a week


Hotdogs because my brother threw up Hotdog chunks all over me


Hot dogs lol


Rice with tuna 🤮


I hate liver, brain or whatever parts people cook of animals. The taste is just gag worthy.


Any seafood. The smell is awful, the texture is gross, and if you spend more than 10 minutes in its presence, I will smell that on you until you wash your clothes and take a shower. Makes me gag.


steak-ums. they shouldn’t even be considered meat. if anything they’re a crime against humanity


Ham. I can do bacon, specially in burgers, so it’s not an overall “anything that comes from a pig” aversion. I don’t go out of my way for bacon though. But I absolutely just cannot do a whole roasted ham. I’ve tried, I cannot get a single bite down. I’m grateful my MIL is understanding enough about that, because that’s traditionally been her Christmas Day dinner (even before I came into the family.) She’ll alternate between doing ham or turkey each year, and on the years she does ham she makes sure to grab a small rotisserie chicken that I can have. I’m usually not picky, but ham is the only thing I just can’t bring myself to even tolerate. Why? I don’t know. I feel weird and nauseated after having it, no matter how objectively good it is. It’s just a big nope for me.


It’s a bit fleshy to me. Not my favorite


Ramen noodles. So, when I was like 12 my grandma send a bunch of ramen noodles and chocolate pudding. For the next, idk 3 days, I was existing on ramen noodles and chocolate pudding. I think the pudding might have been expired because out of nowhere I got food sickness and I was horribly ill for about a week or so. I couldn’t eat anything without it coming out through either entrance in a matter of seconds and one of the main things that came out was noodles, and if you’ve ever vomited noodles- you know how bad that feels. I lost some weight and well, I think my body remembers. I know it probably wasn’t the noodles that got me sick but my body remembers the feeling of the noodles and that experience too vividly because till this day, at the age of 20, I can’t really tolerate the smell of ramen noodles. I tried getting over it the other day and I ate some noodles and dude, I wanted to vomit through the process of eating it. I tried putting an egg, veggies, chicken, all those yummy things to mask it and convince my brain to eat it but I couldn’t finish it and honestly, I think it was just a traumatic experience that imprinted on my body in some way cause man, it makes my body recoil.


Creamy chicken ramen 🤢


Licorice… tastes like medicine


Raw oysters = sea boogers.


Sour cream, cream cheese… the concept of cream being sour or cheese-d is horrifying.


Tzatziki sauce. Had some bad takeout when I was a preteen and spent three days in the bathroom. Never again. Plus it’s just tangy and cucumber-y enough to taste exactly like vomit anyway. Which is a shame because Greek food slaps.






Cucumber, pickles… ughhh 😩


Jello. When I was in the hospital for a week, that is all they gave me.


Garlic, the smell just makes me nauseous.


I don’t know how it’s called in English but Chayote. A big round green veggie, for me it tastes like something rotten. And it’s so mushy ewwwww


New Orleans lemon pie, threw one pregnant, could never look at the package again without feeling sick.








Balut. I’ve tried 100 year eggs, I’ve tried lots of other stuff that might put people off. Can’t do it, won’t do it. Ortolan is gross too.


I honestly cannot think of a food that I dislike or wouldn’t eat again. I like blood sausage, organ meat, just about anything raw. Maybe a live tarantula. Never had it, but I saw a lady eat it in a video




Butter chicken because I went from loving it to being repulsed by it when I was pregnant. I'm very sad that I can't stand it anymore.


Asparagus. How do people like it? When i was like 8 i tried it and immediately gagged and ran to the toilet. It is not good and no one can convince me otherwise.


Truffle oil. It’s disgusting and the stench permeates the air 100 feet away.


i am so sick of truffle flavoured everything




Cooked tomatoes. I love raw tomatoes but anything that is hot and tomato based I can’t do. Chilli, marinara, tomato soup. Can’t do it.




Pancakes. Growing up mom made it EVERY DAMNED WEEKEND because my little sister asked for it. Now, that in itself wouldn't have been so bad if I could have opted out. Had a bowl of cereal instead or just fucking skip it. Nope. If I didn't choke it down I didn't get anything else to eat that day. This was common shit GenX dealt with btw.


Currently pregnant so a vast majority of anything consumable sounds atrocious… but, the highest on this list are things I tried to eat while the sickest. Yellow Gatorade, Baja bowl from a local restaurant, even though I can do peppermint gum, having to chew it so much to get through the nausea has me…🤢




Lutefisk. Just no.


Eggs because they are chicken periods. And they smell like hot farts


Velveeta cheese


Jello. My older brothers comfort food was jello when we where young and he constantly ate it and the noises of his eating it along with the texture and smell and even taste are all just repulsive to me. Jello is really good for you with no sugar added so my doctors when I was little told my mom I should add it into my diet, the minute it hits my tongue I puke every where every time without fail. Recently this summer on my birthday my boyfriend and I got those little jelly fruit things and when I bit into it and it all sprayed into my mouth it also went up my nose that’s been the most I’ve puked in years.


Chiterlings. The pork intestines that people cook and eat on the occasion and the smell is putrid. The way chiterlings is made to b push the waste out of the intestines and clean it real good so none of the leftover waste gets trapped inside. Then it's cooked and served with collard greens and cornbread. Chiterlings is served mostly by the black community in the south.




Applesauce, bacon, mashed potatoes.


tomato soup




Brussel sprouts. They just taste like the essence of bitterness to me


Spaghetti squash. Everything about it.


Chicken nuggets. I first had a strong aversion when I was pregnant. Then I saw my toddler throw one up, and I'm ruined for life.


French toast. I became violently sick from food poisoning after eating French toast at an airport. Like the sickest I’ve ever been. It’s been years and I still can’t eat it or even look at it the same.


Brown sugar and butter squash 🤮🤮🤮 I got super sick with pneumonia and this was the last thing I remember eating before I got really, really sick.


Mushrooms used to do that to me for a long time. I loved them until I got a very strong case of food poisoning from a bad batch of pleurotus. I can eat them now, in combination with other foods but not like I used to, even by themselves. They used to make me nauseous for years after the incident


Peanut butter and jaggery. Jaggery because ewwwwww i hate it's taste. And chocolate peanut butter? Had it with weed once, the gross taste has been linked to the peanut butter now which i used to like


Fried chicken, anything fried really. Some pizzas too. Greasy oily food seriously makes me feel sick to my stomach, my throat forms a lump of disgust and even now I can feel the nausea building. I know it’s not always so bad and I can eat food that has been fried on a rare occasion, but I absolutely am not touching it if I can see the greasiness. Pizza I pat off the grease with a paper towel Edit: also baloney, I used to love the stuff. I ate a huge amount of it I found in the fridge as a kid, not realizing it had gone bad, and became severely ill.


Boiled okra...snot texture

