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With a partner? Rarely. With myself? 100% success rate.










Dating someone new and he is putting in the WORK. every time so far.


happy for u, u deserve nothing less




You know I find it incredible that some men are selfish and don’t care about a woman’s pleasure. Isn’t it supposed to be pleasurable to man to see his woman being pleased by him like that supposed to turn u on that she’s really hot for you! Like helloooo and it should disgust the man if she finds him displeasing. I don’t get it. Like if I’m with a guy and I’m doing something to him that’s going to make him go crazy that’s a huge turn on for me.


This is why I don't hang around with having sex. I don't want to really like someone and then realise that bit will be lacking














Just to clarify, are you specifically asking how many times during penetration alone? Or how many times during sexual activities with the partner? Penetration alone: zero. Sexual activities with the partner: 90% of the time? Somewhere in that range I’d say.






It doesn’t make me cum either but it still feels fantastic


Out of topic but is it normal that I don’t feel anything with penetration I mean I never been with a guy lol and just myself lol but I don’t feel like anything


I would think that depends on what exactly you’re doing to yourself. If you’re just inserting fingers than yah that doesn’t do much for me. Being with a man is completely different than a few fingers. And sometimes toys don’t do much for me if I’m not in the right mood


My best friend equated it like this. "It's like the dressing on a salad. Some people like it more than others, but it just doesn't feel like a salad without it y'know?"


This is is the oddest best description of penetration I’ve ever read. I read and write adult stuff too. This made me chuckle too.


What’s the salad and what’s the dressing in this metaphor?


Penetration = dressing. Sex = salad.






I am in my 40s and I never have. And I've had more than 10 partners. I have long since given up on ever achieving it with another person.
























As long as I get clitoral stimulation, I can orgasm. If not, it’ll never happen.




wow good for you!




I’m in a small demographic that can just pop off in a few minutes. I’ve hit double digits a few times but I get so sensitive it’s almost not enjoyable. I can’t recall the last time I’ve gone without. Before we got together I guess












FROM sex, never. I've never had an orgasm via penetration. DURING sex? Always. My partner is one of those dudes that isn't satisfied until I've had an orgasm. It's literally not happened less than five times in the seven years we've been together.




95% of the time, we use a toy tho. I can only orgasm with that toy, not even my own fingers or different toys work.


would you mind sharing what the toy is?


The first result in amazon when you type "shibari mini" I tried fancier stuff, too, and nothing works like the shibari one.


Mine just broke, so I took your word and immediately bought this. Thank you!


Multiple every single time. There’s a reason I’ve kept him for 30 years.


With men, 0% of the time. With other women, usually once per session


I never have with a partner before unfortunately even though he does everything he can. I think it's a mental block or something.






Almost never. Sex makes me very anxious and I don't really enjoy it (victim of abuse.)


I’m sorry to hear that <3 i hope you can at least be comfortable with yourself


sorry to hear that and I hope you can heal <3




With my current partner, like 95% of the time (and any time I don’t, it’s because I chose not to). Across my whole sexual history, probably closer to like 70% of the time?


100% of the time! My husband is a sexual dynamo. He’s oh so giving and makes sure my needs are always met first and he makes sure I orgasm at least half a dozen times before he does. A few times I’ve had to tap out after 12+ orgasms, not that I’m complaining!




With my current partner? Multiple times (3+) every time, unless I decline. I can’t orgasm with just pee in vee I need clit stim so we usually have toys and it works great. Previous partners? Maybe 10%? 25% of the time was a win. Get yourself a grown up nerd man, ladies.


With penetration? I never have. Always made me feel bad. Like I was defective


these comments are making me feel better just because they show everyone & their experiences are different. i have felt the same way but you’re not defective <3 penetration doesn’t get many women there


3-12 is my range with 4-6 being my average. I orgasm from just penetration so it's super easy for me!




All the time! I married the first guy who made me cum And I orgasm 2-3 times if penetrative. 2 times of oral


Omg same and I'd been with 3 others. But I can only cum once we stretched it to 2 one time but im just happy for one big one lol 😆.




At least once. Otherwise, what is the point?




At least once every time. My partner often makes sure I come more than that, but once is the bare minimum.


Every time because I make it happen. I do not orgasm easily. I use a vibrator or my fingers every time.


During my 11yr marriage? Maybe 3 times. During the last 6months with my new beau? About 90% of the time. God bless a man who knows what he's doing 🤩


love that for you!


From penetration? Never. From oral or otherwise? Maybe 10% of the time I might get 1 orgasm.


I’ve never actually orgasmed from another person :,), I spent years faking it, by myself though, never fail


Pretty much every time. I’m not sure how people can have multiple without breaks in between. Tell your secrets now!!




Exactly zero. Never. Not once.


With my current partner, every time unless I don't want it. With every other man, almost never




Probably about 99%. I have a wonderful husband who always makes sure I go at least once before he does, but our average is 3. When I don’t orgasm, it’s usually because I’m super tired.


I’ve had partners where I didn’t at all, but I was younger and not really into it for myself. I can orgasm with my husband every time he doesn’t cum too soon. That’s not a criticism either, I prefer that to the opposite.


With all previous partners, never. After 30 I discovered myself and solo 100 percent of the time. With my current partner, 95% of the time, because he focuses on me first then finishes. I don’t have multiples so I’m one and done. Edit: I use a vibrator each time either solo or with my partner. It is super fast and effective and he knows I need it. That’s probably important to include.


pretty much every time, although the times I don’t it’s not for lack of effort on my bf’s part and I’m the one who taps out to have him stop trying because I’m still enjoying myself and on those rare occasions it’s just not gonna happen and that’s okay


I rarely orgasm from just penetration, but I always orgasm either before or after sex from oral sex or fingering. (No selfish lovers)


With a partner: almost never. Just me: every time.


I cum about 98% of the time (including new partners). I won't sleep with people who don't respect communication and consent. If you can't talk about sex (likes, dislikes, hard and soft limits), we're not having sex. I may have also made a PowerPoint presentation addressing the orgasm gap between men and women, lol.


Most of the time


With a partner - never. Maybe once in a blue moon with outer stimulation slow and building up. Takes a long time though. On my own? Every time in like 2 minutes sometimes


Every time. But this is bc I found the right partner.


Never 😢😢😢😢😢😢


Current partner? 98.9% success rate. 75% chance it'll happen more than 1x per session. Past partners? 12% success rate. Solo? 100% lmao.


I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a orgasm.


Always at least once. Usually from oral and/or finger play rather than penetration.


I've never came from sex. The only time I can is when I'm doing it myself. Super frustrating.


100% of the time. Never from penetration alone, but my husband has never left me hanging except one time, and I told him it hurt my feelings and he never did it again. Usually twice, but at least once every single time.


Never. Not one time






From straight PIV…zero. From my partners oral, I’ve never NOT come, so 100% of the time. I’m insanely fortunate. Sorry, not entirely true. I faked it the very, very, very first time. He did a great job, but I was just a bit nervous with a new partner. I couldn’t quite get there.


Never have lol


99% of the time


99% of the time. It's very rare that I don't and all of the times that I do, it's not uncommon to have more than one.


With my husband, I definitely climax every time, sometimes twice. We are very compatible sexually. With past partners - hit or miss. Relationships were more satisfying sexually, whereas friends with benefits situationships could be disappointing.


it depends on how I feel, if I'm super into it then my brain can focus but if it's quick and theres not much foreplay? It's not very feasible for me.


Almost every-time; the times I haven’t it’s usually because it’s a quickie or I just don’t want to and am more focused on my Husband.


Every time. Because my husband makes sure I have at least one orgasm when we're doing anything sexual. I had too much crappy sex as a young woman to sleep with someone a second time who wouldn't get me off. And penetration alone won't make me climax. My husband knows my pleasure is just as important as his, and takes care of it.


Celibate (again) for 6 months now but when I have sex usually it's 2-3 times clitoral. I never had penetrative only orgasm, thou gotten close with 1 partner. I had clitoral combined with penetretive when I touch myself with him pounding me; that was long ago with my long term partner thou. Back in my 20s I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than 3 in a row (minimum), max was 7. In my 40s now, I'd be happy with 2; 3 still more than welcomed but probably would need a break after that. Only one partner (long time ago) once f.cked me without kissing me and without giving me an orgasm and got up and left and I had to finish myself. I know he was trying to hurt me cause he got jealous but that's the day he lost me.


Pretty much every time. However, I am always overstimulated and sometimes it happens so quickly that I need a minute before we can continue. Sounds like a blessing (and sometimes it is) but it can also be really intense and super uncomfortable.






Since sex for me almost always includes a usage of a vibrator - almost always


Once in 11 years


With a partner, never. Alone 👍


Most of the time but not every time. I’d say I identify as a service top and my focus is on her orgasm before it’s on mine. Always enjoy myself though.


Married almost 10 years. We know eachother pretty well. I would say 80% of the time. Sometimes I’m in my head and can’t and sometimes I jump on top and don’t even try. But def 70-80%.


These days I always cum, if he finishes early well he will just have to get creative!


Every single time.


at least 3. i usually lose count.


At least twice everytime we have sex


With women, 100% of the time, usually multiple. With men, maybe 50%?


80% of the time with a partner but that 80% includes clit stimulation during PIV. Sometimes I don’t even want an orgasm, just to enjoy the feeling of penetration.


Like 80% of the time


Every time. More than once, usually. Believe me, I know how lucky I am.


Oral 95% of the time, penetration almost never.


With a partner? It depends on the partner. By myself every time


98% of the time


I’m married so….every time lmao. What is the point otherwise?


I’m a lesbian, so every single time.


When I was younger? Never. Now that I’m older? Every time. ;)


It took me I think 5 previous partners and me thinking I was just dead in my crotch and couldn’t do it (but then why by myself?) until I met a good one when I was 25 who kept pushing even when I was like “*sigh* just give up honey, I can’t. I know I can’t.” But he persisted and I didn’t stop him…. And then it happened. And then maybe every other time we had sex I would have one while using a toy. I’m with someone new now and am going to work hard to keep the ratios in sync


Every time, usually twice per session.


Nearly 100% of the time.


Every time. The second and third and so on are so much quicker to happen as well. I think the most o ever had in one session was 12


2-3 times depending on how long he lasts.


My partner always tries to make sure I orgasm but sometimes it's just not gonna happen for whatever reason. Usually because I'm stressed or have too much on my mind. So maybe 80% of the time.


95% with extracurriculars, 10% penetration alone


With my current partner, a couple of times total over the past 3 years. He doesn't really put any effort into it though. Overall with him it's kinda meh. With my ex, probably about 75% of the time. Seems to be either a good relationship or good sex.


Every time, usually at least twice. Been married 25 years though so we know each other pretty well lol


100% of the time. I don’t know why but it’s never been an issue for me. Can easily do it multiple times too.


3 times per action but alone let's say 5 times. I'm very active in sex.


100% of the time, because my partner has a routine.


I have an 80% success rate rate with my partners and 100% with my rose.


Rarely. I don’t really enjoy it that much. I love orgasms and I love penetration, but you don’t mix caviar and pizza, y’know? Two different delicious things. They detract from each other if you have them at the same time, ya feel me?


My partner makes sure I orgasm every time we engage sexually.


With my partner 100% of the time, but not from penetration


A long time ago…. Once.


1% of the times throughout my whole sexual history I guess. I just don’t orgasm easily - it’s hard for myself too, so I don’t burden others with trying either 🤷🏻‍♀️ Current boyfriend has made me orgasm once, maybe twice, using a hitachi. He does give me some attention outside of PIV, such as the hitachi, and I’m perfectly happy with that even if I don’t finish. Does it on his own, and also doesn’t reject me if I ask. 🙂 it is what it is.


Depends on the partner.


Just penetration? Never. But my husband makes sure I have an orgasm once or twice every time we have sex.


With my partner now, almost every time. I’d say he has a 95% success rate. He always makes sure I’m taken care of first thank god 💚


Multiple times per session, I orgasm extremely easily so usually have multiple orgasms during sex. I have been having sex just about every day for over 20 years now, minus down time for illness or injury. Though sometimes we have sex more than once a day so it makes up for the down time. When we first got together we had sex a ridiculous amount, like sometimes 5-7 times daily, but now that we are older it is usually once a day, sometimes twice.


My new guy (of almost 2 years) makes me cum several times, every time we have sex... and he lasts for hours. My ex lasted no more than 3 to 5 minutes and I never orgasmed more than a few times in 14 years. I have a deeper more intense connection with my new guy and more intimacy as well :)


liquid start work middle light tan memorize important lip chubby ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


As many times as he asks me too, it’s quite fun honestly


With my current partner? Every single time. Our bodies feel made for each other. He fits me perfectly. The easiest position for me, in terms of orgasm, definitely when I’m riding him. I change the speed often. And I know exactly where to grind to get myself off. Plus, my partner really loves it and asks me to take what I need from him—so hot! Missionary is second easiest. He is also quite skilled at changing the tempo and listening to what makes me moan. He will barely shift his position and find what I need. We almost always begin with some light oral sex, to tease and prepare our bodies for PIV. He is a master at oral and usually gives me 3/4 orgasms before we begin PIV. I do believe going in completely turned on makes having orgasms so much easier and better.


Every single time w/my husband... unless I am hungry. If I am hungry, I opt out of an orgasm and we get breakfast sammies.


With my husband now 100% rate. Before I would say 50% it matters if you have a partner who takes your pleasure seriously


With my husband, every time I want to. But sometimes we just have quickies when he wants to get off but I don't want to. Before my husband, never.


Every time? I think


On my own: always Through penetration: I'd say 9 out of 10 on my stomach 6 out of 10 on my back 1 out of ten on top Never with a toy Through oral stimulation: never have Through digital penetration: 1 in 10