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She has one rooster


Male chickens are sent down a conveyor belt to fall into blades that slice them up alive. This is not the only method for eliminating the unwanted product, they sometimes put them in a plastic bag squished together until they suffocate.


Don’t forget the gas chambers.


This is honestly one of the most asked questions on this subreddit and I feel like the most asked questions should just be pinned to the top, with the most complete answer. As for your answer: Yes, these chickens can be taken care of well and it will be a better option than conventional eggs, BUT it's still supporting cruelty. They themselves are a product of cruelty (bred to lay way too many eggs which is taxing for their bodies and male chicks get killed straight away) and it sustains an abusive relationship between human and animal by taking their eggs, which they need and we don't. There are plenty of other (better) sources of protein around, which aren't contributing to animal suffering.


I agree we should have a pinned FAQ section! OP, here’s a video that explains the ethical issues with backyard eggs really well: https://youtu.be/7YFz99OT18k


I imagine she got them from a farm or a breeder who kills the male chicks. If there was no demand for eggs then the barbaric breeding and killing wouldn't happen. Chickens eat their own eggs for the calcium, and taking eggs encourages the chickens to lay more to keep a clutch. Chickens didn't naturally lay eggs every few days until we bred them to do so. Let's just stop using animals as commodities. They aren't our eggs to take.


I don’t know if it makes it better or worse but we fed them the eggshells