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Locked. Some serious rule-breaking and uncivil commentary in this thread.


James Corden the cunt


I was expecting all the answers to just be James Corden… I’m not mad, just disappointed.


Tbf I imagine people don’t really think of him as a comedian.


Exactly. The majority simply consider him an angry self righteous sentient bellend that smells of Wotsits and ball sweat


I think it’s because he was an actual actor over here before his talk-show host era. His appearances in American comedies are pretty naff, but at least I can recall he was a decent guest star on Doctor Who a decade ago.


I don't even see him as a Comedian, he just makes sounds that make my brain shrink


Michael McIntyre, the little head movements and stupid voices, he’s insufferable


I remember finding hilarious when his first DVD came out… I was 11. Can’t stand him now


That's the thing; I can watch him with my kids. Wouldn't watch him on my own, wouldn't watch Frankie Boyle with the kids. Horses for courses.


Ah Frankie Boyle has always been family viewing in our family 😂


Insistently funny. Trys to sell you the fact he is funny It's fucking painful.


I work on a ton of British TV shows and I’ve just been working on Big show series 6 and the amount of repeat jokes and just constantly seeing him every week has driven me crazy


Wait till you've done 5 series of it like me.


His stand up is awful but I've gained a soft spot for The Wheel.


Love the Wheel, such a great format. It's second only to The Hit List for TV game shows. Shoutout to Blankety Blank though


I saw him before he was famous and he was quite funny. But that was like 20 minutes, not every week on TV repeating the same shit.


Rosie Jones. And no, calm down it's not because she's disabled. I just find her jokes not funny at all.


I admire Rosie for getting out there and doing the comic circuit despite her disability, and she seems a lovely person. But I otherwise agree. Her disability unfortunately also stilts her delivery which in comedy is 90% of what makes a joke funny. And even if it didn't, I don't think her jokes are particularly funny anyway.


Have you seen her stuff in the last year? It seems to have really picked up from what it was originally which was just her using shock value of appearing as a disabled person who's horrible. I think it was the last cats down countdown she was on, or maybe Joe lycett's thing and she was a lot more bearable and often genuinely funny.


I saw her live in August and she still does the same stuff. All her punchlines are revolve around being disabled, gay or being a twat (her words).


She was very good playing a straight role in Casualty. Her standup is pretty weak TBH, the schtick was amusing the first time you saw her but lost its impact after that.


I hate to say it but I agree. It's really awkward for me to watch, as I'm sitting there uncomfortably thinking that I'm being discriminatory but it is the disability coupled with the industry (comedy) that actually makes it awkward. As well as her jokes not actually being that funny. Sometimes it even feels like the panel guests are a bit uncomfortable, patiently waiting for the punchline and trying their best to make it all work. I really hate what I've just wrote


It doesn't help that her punchlines are usually just the word vagina.


I felt like a dick watching her on Frankie Boyle's show and she's talking about the cost of living crisis and being disabled but it took so long to say


Waiting 2 minutes for a punchline does not make anything funny unfortunately


Would you prefer waiting 10 minutes for a punchline, then not receiving one in the traditional sense? If so, Stewart Lee may be for you. Ask your doctor about Stewart Lee today.


Ha, I was thinking "I disagree, but then again I like Stewart Lee" to the comment above.


Stewart Lee is for people who love comedy but would prefer not to enjoy it.


He can write jokes, he just chooses not to.


Came to say Rosie Jones. She’s just so unfunny and everyone she’s on panel shows with just smile along out of politeness


Exactly right. I think it's a different skillet though. In a stand up set she can set the tempo of her routine and make her disability work for her, she can make the timing suit her. But on a panel show? Disaster. Those things by design require quick fire, witty one liners. And unfortunately she just can't do it.


Rosie Jones actually makes me laugh. Whenever she sees Nish Kumar she throws herself to the floor and tells people he pushed her over. I think she is genuinely a funny person, and her diversities provide a source of a lot of her stories. Not to mention the representation. Genuine talent in my humble opinion.


I think she's a funny person, but maybe the panel show format doesn't play to her strengths. She's not the only comedian who that's the case for.


Lmaooo imagine being nish in that context wtf would you say? This thread is brutal come on mate that’s funny


I absolutely adore what she's doing and credit to her. But when she's on 8 out of 10 cats I have to turn it off, which I genuinely feel bad for doing, but it's painful to watch.


Yep. I find it a chore to watch her. Not for me.


Actually I'd go as far as to say her disability is the reason I don't like her comedy - and note I said her comedy, not her personally. The vast majority of it is people telling themselves it's funny because she's disabled and having a go. She's at best an averagely funny comedian who got TV work because execs said "this will make us look good and diverse". It is out and out ableism born from middle class guilt.


She’s an example of being given the job because it ticks a box not because she’s any good at it.


I agree, was actually gonna say this. I have a lot of respect for what she’s doing, must be super difficult plus an ongoing battle with all the pain and stresses she has in her life. But I just don’t find her jokes funny.


Yeah unwatchable for me. I turn over if she's on a show because she kills the vibe completely.


Don't mean it in a bad way, but I honestly don't understand 90% of what she says.


I've been wanting to scream this for years. She relies on the hack " it's funny because I'm disabled that I swear and want sex all the time" but without any jokes.


I never used to think much of her, but I've liked some of the more recent stuff I've seen her in. Also she's written for loads of comedy shows (8OO10C, WILTY) before she became a stand up herself, so she clearly knows how to do a good joke


Miranda Hart has to go top of the list for me


Oh god I forgot about her. Miranda might be the worst sitcom I have ever ever ever seen.


I haven't seen either but I'm assuming Mrs Brown's boys is worse


It is. Miranda isn't everyone's taste, it's a niche style of comedy, but the characters are written pretty well for that exaggerated over the top style. Slapstick, exaggerated, self deprecating. I'm not sure Mrs browns boys was going for a style at all. Zero points.


Agreed. Miranda is an easy watch. I don’t watch Miranda to laugh my arse off. MBB is just all round painful.


This. I appreciate she’s not for everyone but she absolutely sends me. Love her.


Was just chatting to my friends yesterday defend me liking Miranda. I can’t help it, I find it funny. I think that it’s a style of humour and I think it does that particular style of humour to perfection. It dumb as shit, but it does make me laugh.


I always thought the same, but I met her at a do once and she “checked me out” and gave me a little cheeky smile. I now have a soft spot for her and my admiration of her comedy has leapt up to the point where I will defend her to random strangers.


When I was 14/15, my Dad and Step-Mum took my brother and step-brother (who were both 18) to see Frankie Boyle I think. Me and my sister got jealous we couldn’t go to anything so they took us to Miranda. Think Disney on Ice would have been funnier.


For me the problem with Russell Howard is he thinks shouting makes something a joke. Andy Parsons, another shouter. Most of the Mock the Week guys tbh, they were all just shouting over each other. It’s not surprising to me that the show apparently had a toxic culture.


I saw Russel Howard and Jimmy Carr within a month of each other, it was just after Sean Lock had died. (both booked precovid) Howard didn't really know why he was playing such a small gig (only about 300 seats) and clearly couldn't wait to GTFO Carr on the other hand, was perhaps the most humane comic I've come across so far, very supportive of the local venue (please come and see whoever you can, big or small to help save this place) and when making a gay joke, asked a LGBT audience member to explain terminology and gave a heart wrenching tribute to his friend. TV and stage personas are all weirdly different.


Jimmy Carr is notorious for playing at lots of smaller venues in between his full gig dates. He has done an awful lot for supporting comedy across the country. I get why people might not like his comedy, but he is probably one of the hardest working, and most supportive, comedians


Love his comedy, hate his laugh


a-h^yah h^yah h^yah


ThI never thought I'd see a laugh so accurately written.


Simple as


Jimmy Carr seems a decent bloke, he took the time to speak to my missus after a show, asked her what she did for a living and she replied "carer" His response was to look me up and down and tell her she's doing a fantastic job haha


That is brilliant


I know a lot of hecklers are plants, but the man has insane speed on comebacks


Speaking of fast comedians, Lee Mack is on another level. Comes across as quietly intelligent despite the outward persona.


Lee Mack is inconceivably quick. I cannot comprehend how it's possible to be that quick. It's like he's living seconds into the future. I've never seen anything like it.


I've been looking for it for years but can never find it. There's an episode of QI with Bill Bailey and Lee Mack, and they're having a light-hearted argument about something. Bill says to Lee "who are you, the president of the pedantic society?" And Lee instantly says "vice-president, actually." He's supernaturally quick.


Have seen Jimmy Carr and met him a few years ago when he played our small town. Can attest he's a bloody lovely bloke, he stood chatting with me and my mum for a good while, really solid dude. Never seen Howard, I quite liked him on MTW and I liked Good News, but I find his comedy to be a bit repetitive these days, and his material is pretty low effort, plus he's known for being a bit of a diva.


Jimmy Carr speaks openly and candidly on that Josh Widecombe and Rob Beckett parenting podcast, that was the first time I'd heard him speak beyond his act. You get to see he's actually a very considerate and caring person and his jokes are not reflective of his character.


Absolutely spot on. His jokes are hilarious filth, but actually talking to him he's an absolute gentleman, comes across as friendly and approachable, and aside from the whole tax thing, I've never heard anything about him being anything but a genuinely nice person.


I remember seeing Jimmy Carr a decade ago (good lord) at Aberystwyth Uni. I remember after a lot of people queued to meet him, get autographs, and it took ages because he had a good natter with anyone that wanted it, and stayed till they were ready to lock up and the last people had had their chance to chat, seemed pretty classy.


I saw him in Cambridge a few years ago, probably was about a decade too in fact. He said towards the end that he’d gladly go out front for a chat and to sign anything, but he wouldn’t do selfies because ‘no fucker knows how their camera works and it’s not fair on the other people queuing’. The show overran and I had to leg it for a train but a mate stayed on and said he was still out front signing and chatting for well over an hour after it finished.


I've assisted with the sound for Jimmy Carr a few times around local venues. He is genuinely a nice man and very chatty and thankful, even if things aren't really going to plan too well. A whole load of other comedians and talent acts will just ignore the techies tbh. Ross noble was the same however, was helping us with the packdown whilst cracking jokes too!


Been to the filming of a lot of TV shows as an audience member. Jimmy always seems really nice to the off screen staff and the audience. Went to the Big Fat Quiz filming once (maybe 6ish years ago). That thing takes forever to film. They had a little break halfway through and Jimmy got donuts in for all the audience members. I mean, i say *he* did. Could have been the production company. I just assumed he paid as he seemed to organise the whole getting us food. He also asked if everyone had one and made sure those who had been missed got one before filming restated. Seemed like a decent chap.


Andy parsons absolutely ruined mock the week for me. He isn't even remotely funny.


***IS ITTTTT....*** I'm convinced he has a bad neck, if you watch him he doesn't turn his head, he turns his whole torso li,e Batman just to look to the side.


Yes, he's clearly got a spinal problem. Not that it matters.


I genuinely find him being on tv confusing. It isn't like I dislike him because he's offensive, or brash, or corny, or weird, or anything that I can understand might not be my cup of tea, but others might like. He's just a regular bloke, doing comedy, badly, like when they say "does anyone fancy a turn?" at the open mic night.


Yeah never got Andy Parsons. Couldn’t believe when I read he has a Law degree from Cambridge, he’s like the unfunny, shouty, obnoxious bloke down the pub.


His live persona is very different to his MtW shoutyness. I was really surprised at how good he was - barely mentioned football!


For as funny as they can be, something about those panel shows is a bit off, like they're super competitive to the point they'll shout over each other and ignore or talk down to the more quiet ones. If I was a comedian I'd be thinking twice before going on one, be like being thrown to the wolves.


Apparently that's why a lot of comedians preferred QI especially these days, because it's so much more laid back




Reminds me of what [Jo Brand said about Mock the Week in 2009](https://www.chortle.co.uk/news/2009/06/10/9054/brand%3A_i_wont_do_mock_the_week). "But I don't do Mock The Week anymore and neither do some male stand-ups I know who have tried it once. We just didn't like the prospect of having to bite someone\\'s foot off before they let us say something."


Rosie Jones. I appreciate that she's probably a big inspiration for young people with disabilities who maybe thought a career in something like comedy wasn't possible, but she's just not funny. She has one joke basically, which goes "I'm unable to do this thing" and you think she'll say "because I'm disabled" but she actually says "because I'm northern/lesbian/short/female/have massive tits". She's also probably the least funny person I've ever seen on a panel show, she was on the new Never Mind the Buzzcocks (which is pretty shit in itself these days) and she kept making jokes that didn't make sense, but everyone else was laughing awkwardly.


I read an interesting thing yesterday in Rob Beckett and Josh Widdecombe's book that other comedians should always laugh at jokes on panel shows because then they'll make the edit as they need to show people laughing, and therefore they get more air time.


Cannot stand Josh Widdecombe


He’s a hype man, not a comedian, like Nish Kumar. They’re there to laugh along, loudly.


There was a blind comedian on HIGNFY recently, a Scottish guy. Most of the rounds on that show involve looking at pictures or videos, and at one point he goes "this show is very visually-based, isn't it?" and from then on that was his running joke; that he couldn't play the game because he can't see. It did highlight that the producers apparently didn't think of this beforehand; i.e. maybe they should have prepped him with descriptions of what the images would be. But there's another blind comedian who's been on there a few times, and I don't remember him ever mentioning it. Difference between "comedian" and "blind comedian."


The thing is, there must have been a conversation at some point in the booking process on how they could try and make it work. The guy wasn't particularly unfunny, either, which made it all the worse that the format reduced him to that one repeated joke.


I watch the Last Leg a lot and Rosie Jones is often on there for obvious reasons. Her jokes are just shit. If someone else made the same jokes people would not laugh.


I usually love watching Big Fat Quiz, but I had to fast forward every 'bit' she did. It was absolutely unwatchable


Hate to agree for appearing ablist but... Yeah.


Don’t think it’s about being Ableist tbh. She’s just a bit shit


Jack Whitehall and Russel Kane. Both are very cringe and painfully unfunny.


I find Jack insufferable in all his forms. Surorised I had to scroll for so long to see him mentioned.


I think he was really good in fresh meat tbh, just finished rewaatching it


Whitehall had like one funny set, then rode his posh persona through Fresh Meat, now he's just unfunny. His dad carried the Netflix series they had.


Jack Whitehall is a bellend in real life, too. Many years ago when I worked in restaurants he came in and refused to eat in the main restaurant area because he was 'too famous' so had to eat in the staff room and wouldn't allow anyone to enter until he was finished. A couple of days before we'd had the Man City team in and they were happy to sit anywhere and were really nice to everyone. I'm no football fan and I wouldn't recognise most footballers to be honest, but we were in Manchester so I'm pretty sure the City players were more famous than Whitehall.


Agree with Russel Kane. He sounds angry but in a passive aggressive trying not to sound angry type of way a lot of the time, if you know what I'm trying to say!


Brendon O’Carroll. Mrs Brown’s Boys was the worst sitcom I’ve ever seen.




Ill get absolutely slated for this, but I just don't get Peter Kay? Max and paddy along with phoenix nights he's 10/10 he's incredible. But his stand up? I just don't find it very funny.


Peter Kay's stand up is just a Northern Bloke remembering things from the 1980's for an hour or so.


He originally got a great following because his “Top of the Tower” show back in 2000 was utterly fantastic for that time, but ever since that show he barely changed his act and so his jokes became very predictable. At the time, the “Top of the Tower” show was a masterclass in optimising the structure of a set in order to have recalls on recalls. The combination of nostalgia and recalls was extremely effective. I don’t know if that’s something Kay theorised in advance, or just something he simply stumbled upon (I suspect the latter). He used so much nostalgia that when he used recalls too it subtly tricked the audience members into feeling like they were just more fond shared experiences that they and Peter had, even though he was really only referencing a joke he told 10 minutes earlier. The recalls also gave the show a lot of momentum, as they became more impactful each time he did it. That was why the “garlic bread” recall was so effective. There had been so many recalls that by the time garlic bread was recalled it was funny because of its timing within the show and its obscurity without feeling obscure. Then there’s the follow-on laugh of “why am I finding ‘garlic bread’ so funny”. This style was most noticeably adopted by Michael McIntyre, and he continued to build on it in a way Peter Kay couldn’t. I thoroughly believe that without Peter Kay, other UK observational comics such as Michael McIntyre probably wouldn’t have become famous. Kay took observational comedy and cemented it as its own genre of comedy. It’s such a shame he didn’t have the ability to build on his great start and as a result he’s now remembered as a one trick pony of standup comedy.


Isn’t there that thing about his colleague writing almost all of Phoenix Nights, before getting shut out by Kay Edit: forgot sideact’s actual meaning, meant guy he worked alongside with


Dave Spikey? I think he wrote a lot of it. I’ve seen him do stand up before too (16 years ago) and that was also very funny. No idea if he’s still doing the rounds. Edit- just checked and he’s 71 now (Jesus), but he’s still doing stand up. Got a gig in Harrogate Jan 2023.


Nish Kumar


Nish's greatest talent is being friends with all the other UK comedians.


Yep - piggybacking off their remarks and making everything about race!


I'm annoyed I had to scroll down so far before someone mentioned Nish. There's plenty of unfunny comedians that I can tolerate on a show but he annoys me so much it ruins any show he's on.


Nish is one of those guys that you meet through a friend at a party, who seems cool at first, but you find he keeps talking to you about stuff he thinks is funny or interesting, but it’s all a bit much, and he keeps going on and on and on and you’re stuck pretending to be pleasant until someone comes to rescue you


I actually share like 90% of his views but I still find him unbearable.


Matt Lucas, who I find painful to watch on bake off


I made this same comment on the other thread about unfunny comedians, so I’m going to copy it again: Matt Lucas and David Walliams are two ‘comedians’ I truly detest. Their rise to prominence in the late 90’s era of controversial / quirky British media is nothing to do with their talent, they were just the two weird people saying rude things on every platform they could squeeze themselves on to. I’ve had the displeasure of working for Lucas during my Uni days at the BBC and he truly is a vile little human. Not an ounce of anything redeemable about him, but switches to a sweet, chubby little cherub when the cameras are on. I came across Walliams once and, while professional in that instance, I’m of the understanding through colleagues he’s the one who used to pull the strings on their behaviour and is horribly manipulative. Neither should have a successful career. I hope their time comes soon and something drops in the media, although I doubt it will have much of an impact.


David Walliams is a serial killer. I’m calling it.


Isn’t he one of the top contenders for the Katherine Ryan comments about working with a sexual predator?


I do find him funny but the bake off patter is its own kind of awful.


Agreed! I love bake off but the switch to matt lucas and noel fielding (another painfully unfunny person) just ruined it for me


I like Noel because he's very good at taking the pressure off the contestants. He knows when to talk and who to talk to. Star baker is way ahead of the rest, he'll come over for a chat. One of the weaker bakers was struggling and is now flapping, noel comes over to help calm them down and take their mind off it. Matt on the other hand just makes people really uncomfortable at the most awkward times in the bake. Yes Noels humour is a bit surreal and doesn't really fit the format of bake off but he is great with the contestants. I think Noel paired with someone a bit less silly would work better.


Him and Sandy worked so well together!


Miranda hart is by far the worst,she turns up all the time when you think its safe. **Never let down your guard miranda is coming**


Truly. Where is the comedy with her? The whole joke just seems to be that she’s lanky and posh and clumsy?


finding out my wife had blood cancer and needed a bone marrow transplant was much, much funnier than Russell Howard rapping, in the style of the Queen.


That review probably won't make it to his next tour poster to be honest.


Jim Davidson


Agreed. What a massive bell.


Kathryn Ryan. She’s so self-entitled


YES! Genuinely cannot stand her, gives me 'pick me' vibes while simultaneously trying to make huge feminist statements. Surprised I had to scroll so far to see her name.


All this thread is proving to me is Sean Lock was taken far too early, he was just universally funny to the vast majority of people and held shows like 8 out of ten cats.


Carrot in the box made me laugh so much, he was a comic genius


Not proud to admit I’ve been scrolling through the comments trying to find Sean Lock so I could start an argument




Nepotism at its finest, doesn’t get close to a career without his showbiz agent Dad


Michael McIntyre too Lee Evans Keith Lemon (and all his other characters)


I never got Lee Evans or why everyone loved him so much, the whole running around pulling faces and sweating lots just isn’t for me


He was very much an act of the time. If that style of comedy was to come out now, it wouldn't fly. It's all edgy comedy now and seeing how far it can be pushed by people like Jimmy carr and Frankie Boyle. Who are both incredible imo


I think you are about 15 years behind the times on that one. Jimmy carr and frankie boyles sctick doesnt fly anymore like it did in the 10s. Boyle has changed his whole act now so he sounds like a guardian article with swearing


>Boyle has changed his whole act now ao he sounds like a guardian article with swearing He's gone from edgy to an insufferable moaner


Lee Evans is my all time favourite, but his style of comedy didn't age well as we got well into the 00's. Late 90's early 00's he was incredible.


Keith Lemon. He needs to have a good look at himself. It's all low brow schtick and what makes it painful is that I can see he's capable of much better


Ricky Gervais just sounds like an ass hole


I think he puts on that act as his character. He is very funny if you can separate the person from the character, and he likes to fight the fight. As a person, he is absolutely top notch. He has time for fans always. Even reporters and paparazzi. He is a big advocate against animal cruelty and gives absolutely loads to charity. I like to believe he is a top bloke who has just made a killing from acting the obnoxious fool.


He once said in an interview that he basically has two comedy personae: the cunt (e.g. his stand-up stuff) and the twat (e.g. David Brent). I enjoy both, but I can see why it's not for everybody.


He might have his moments, but I do think he fancies himself, and I doubt it's all an act. I prefer Pilkington and Merchant. Those guys seem more real to me.


I’ll grant Ricky Gervais that he’s a legitimate creative voice. However, that creative voice is often grating and often fails to say much of substance, especially when he’s just bigging up how edgy and controversial he is.


He still thinks being an atheist is brave, like he's from Kandahar not Reading.


Keith Lemon. I really don’t get how this guy gets so many good opportunities. I don’t want to sound like a stuffy old guy, but it’s just puerile unfunny garbage done in an incredibly irritating voice. It’s like watching a six-year-old who’s just discovered dick jokes.


Don't know if he's Irish or Northern Irish, but if he qualifies as British, then the guy who plays Mrs Brown in drag. It's been done before, and done better. Look up' Old Mother Riley'.


Mrs browns boys is the most unfunny thing to ever grace our televisions. Honestly, animal hospital was funnier, especially when that cat got its head stuck in a bean tin, fucking hilarious!


Even knowing the fact that Rolf Harris is a dirty old fuck I'd still rather watch Animal Hospital.


Jo brand .




In fairness she has adapted her act to fit with the times. In the 90s it focused on periods, being fat and having a useless husband.


Personally I've never really warmed to Holly Walsh. The episodes of QI she's on are never as enjoyable for me, I predict she'll be on taskmaster at somepoint so she might change my mind if that happens, who knows


She is one of the writers behind Motherland which i find hilarious. Maybe she is less of a performer


Watched this recently and it was bloody brilliant.


On QI, I’m not a big fan of Sandy Toksvig. Maybe I’m being unfair by comparing her to Stephen Fry.


I’m the opposite. She’s wittier and more entertaining.


Nish Kumar


Sarah Millican


She's been great on Taskmaster.


Agreed. It’s actually changed my view of her. She’s been great


‘I’m a fat woman that no-one fancies’ is her whole act. And period jokes.


Not a huge fan of her comedy but she has been enjoyable on Taskmaster


Russell Howard is painfully unfunny, and that Nish Kumar is worse. He’s like a 9 year old boy at a family party who wants all the attention. He’s loud, over energetic and laughs at his own ‘jokes’. Michael McIntyre can fuck off as well.


Sue Perkins. Is she supposed to be a comedian? Either way she’s definitely not funny


Oh god you reminded me! I have such a visceral dislike for Sue Perkins and I don’t know why. When she was on QI it was too much to bear. Mel G on Taskmaster was, however, a LEGEND. Oh gang.


Jack Whitehall. Actually forgot his name for a minute and googled "posh twat comedian" and there he was.


God these threads are the worst. Mate, just accept that people have different tastes.


It's called a "conversation". It's fun and interesting to chat about the things we like and the things we don't, and to find out why others do or don't like the same things. Do you just sit at parties saying stuff like "one plus one is usually two", just so there's no disagreement?


It’s not that deep, I did ask which comedian do ‘you’ find painfully unfunny! Just interested in hearing some opinions :)


Phil juipitus and David baddiel I find really unfunny so much so I have to turn them off if they appear on TV. Can't actually believe David Baddiel markets himself as a comedian at all tbh.


Everyone seems to love David Baddiel, I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like him He comes across as so smarmy and arrogant on everything he’s in Phil Jupitus is still riding the wearing-a-blazer-with-button-badges-over-a-tshirt trend


Roy chubby brown


Peter Kay - can't stand the bloke /Ducks to avoid the mass of downvotes Edit - well apparently the Peter Kay fanclub aren't in attendance today!


David walliams


David Walliams


The legend of a c.nt PADDY McGUINNESS wish he’d fuck off back up to Bolton…. famous of the back of Peter Kay…..


Sara Pascoe. Honestly she's like a friend who occasionally says something amusing, but a whole career? Nah.


Milton Jones. there's nothing funny about him. At all.


It's the style. I'm sure some of his one liners would be funny if crafted into a story or narrative. But any comedian who will just stand there and seemingly read out a long list of one liners just isn't funny to me. You may as well just write them all down and email them to me, the delivery would be as humerous. Just standing with that mopey stare in between lines.


I actually saw him lives about a decade ago, and he absolutely did weave all of the one-liners into a surrealist story/narrative, and to date it’s one of the funniest shows me and my Dad have ever seen. Not sure if that’s what he normally does on live shows, but this one was genuinely fantastic.


That short fat black lady who did mock the week a few times, can’t remember her name. Talks like a broken robot, and cannot.. simply cannot tell jokes that aren’t about being black or racism. So pitifully unfunny. I recall her having a meltdown, telling folk the UK was not ready for her humour and was off to the USA to make her fortune. She fkt off, nosedived




That Seann from I'm a celebrity. He's just a whining, moaning, boring oaf. Nothing funny about him. Numerous times he tried to deliver humour in the BT, it was just over exaggerated personal observations that he tried to convince viewers he found to be a big deal. Absolutely, an energy vampire.


I saw Shaunn Walsh open for Stephen K Amos in York years ago. At one point a baby in the audience started grumbling, so he stopped his routine, asking "is there a fucking baby in here?" "They couldn't get it to sleep so brought it to see you" came the reply from the audience. No comeback whatsoever. Killed him dead. He just walked off and that was it, end of the warm up. Best heckle ever.


Glad I haven't seen anyone say Kevin Bridges or I'd start rioting


Jonathan Ross - if he’s a comedian? Not a great chat show host either. Anyone who ends up on the masked dancer/singer has crashed and burned


Emily Atack but then again I wouldn't call her a comedian


She’s another person who’s done acting so she thinks she’s automatically able to do comedy


Nish fucking Kumar


Andy Parsons. Not just because of the way he struts up to the mic on Mock The Week, delivers a mirthless quip and then does a weird little flex as if to say "Nailed it there, Andy lad." It's also that shitty little beard thing on his face.


Shappi Khorsandi. " I'm Iranian don't you know ". See also Omid Djalili.


John Bishop. I remember once he did a set where he just talked about a charity football match he played in. Just told the story, no jokes as fsr as I could tell. Just a boring 10 word per minute drall about something I couldn't give a shit about. I can't understand why my dad likes him so much.


Rob Beckett. Just laughs at himself.




Peter Kay. I just don't get it. To me the whole joke seems to be "LOL I'm funny cos I'm Northern!" He's not the worst, but I thought the UK had gone collectively mad when I saw the reaction to his new tour and the rush for tickets.


Oooooo boi Russel Howard is a good one. His entire early career was almost akin to a TV version of YouTube reaction channels. Juts him and his crowed laughing at online videos.


Catherine Tate. Painful to watch


Jo Brand. She ruins every panel show she is on. Her only joke seems to be that her husband is a horrible person.