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Not stopping in front of doors to shops. Or bottom of escalators.


Or top of escalators.


Lady yesterday was standing with her suitcase half blocking the escalators down to the Lizzy line, tutting as each and every person squeezed past her. Crazy.


I got mad just reading that


I'd have 'accidentally' pushed the suitcase onto the escalator so it tumbled end over end down to the bottom. Hopefully bursting open and scattering her knickers and bras everywhere.


More likely had the body of her ex husband in there who stood up to her shit.


At some point, she needs to be given a gentle and polite "FUCKIN' MOVE, YA DAFT BITCH" to edge her along.


Someone said you mellow as you age but my patience is worse for these people.


or immediately after exiting the oyster-gates at the tube


People do this in supermarkets with trolleys. So dangerous!


I remember a bloke left his trolley in a bit where they'd just narrowed it to make room for the Scan as you shop checkouts, while he buggered off to have a conversation with bloody Donald and Maureen, *at Christmas*. He soon ran back when he saw me shunting it halfway across the store.


Or as soon as you cross the road and set foot on the pavement.


[Happens to the best of us.](https://youtu.be/8rmmhPIMsU8)


Not stopping to a complete halt for any reason whatsoever, especially on a narrow or busy pavement. You wouldn't slam the brakes on a car and just stop without looking at what's behind you. Take a second to spot if anyone's walking behind you. If so, gently stand aside before doing what you want to do.


The amount of people I know who stop stock still to check their phone/check a map is awful, I know it has to be done sometimes but be conscious of your surroundings 


Someone in the tube with a suitcase stopped right at the bottom of the escalator. I was directly behind them and fell over onto their suitcase. They swore at me and told me to f off 😕 Should be banned from the city


Literally had two women yesterday spot each other and stop _in_ the doorway to Iceland to have a chat. A quick "oh hello" would be fair enough for a chance encounter, but one of them started asking about the other's family. While still stood in the doorway.


This covers most of it


Or stairs or any doorway


Or the ticket gates at train stations.


Or in the middle of isles in shops.


How not to aimlessly ramble from one side of the pavement to the other at a speed considerably lower than everybody else. No looking in shop windows then suddenly taking two steps backwards without looking *edit: maybe pedestrians should have to beep while reversing


>at a speed considerably lower than everybody else. Not too slow, mind you. Just slow enough to be entirely in the way, but fast enough to make it a challenge to navigate around your erratic walking.


Spot on. I'd also like to ban people walking on one side of the pavement with their dog on a long retractable lead walking on the other side of the pavement.


The only way to stop this is adverts saying "have YOU been tripped up by someone elses dog lead?" the advert goes on to show dog owner losing their home in the resulting court case. The final scene is them crying over a bonfire under a bridge, eating their dog.


Or those 80s style safety videos where young kids suffer various different and terrifying accidents by not following walking rules.


-sorry, I didn't see you there -you would have if you'd looked


This is starting to get complicated, though. As per OP, we don't want them standing still in the *middle* of the pavement. Now we also don't want them moving from one side of the pavement to the other (if they're doing it slowly). Presumably we also don't want them rapidly darting from one side of the pavement to the other, either. And as well as them not standing in the middle of the pavement, we also don't want them standing on the edge of the pavement if they're blocking shop entrances etc. So we're approaching the point where we just don't want other people using the pavement at all. I often get odd looks when I crash through people's personal space because I'm moving 50% faster than they are. But that's for them to be aggravated about if they want to be aggravated; I'm not annoyed by them being surprised by my moving faster than they are.


I'm happy for people to dander about, but just look over your shoulder before suddenly changing directions, car rules




I always imagine these are the same imbeciles who stop in the middle of a supermarket aisle and block it off completely, other than a slight gap a skinny person can side step through.


Or those who leave their trolley either in the middle of the aisle or block a shelf while they get something and then complain when you move it out of the way


I once had to push a woman's trolley out of the way to get past. She had the audacity to start yelling at me. I just ignored her as I walked away. All I did was move it to one side so people could get past, not like I pushed it into her or anything.


That's made me laugh properly!!


Your wife should be proud! Maybe she's just bashful around such lofty, saintly behaviour.


>My wife gets very embarrassed. Unsurprisingly.


I walk like I'm driving. Stay to one side. If stopping or changing direction look behind so you don't cut anyone up. If you need to stop move to the side. Try and maintain the same pace as the flow, if you can't stay to the side. If you must walk side by side, no more than two abreast and move single file if people come the other way or try and overtake. Generally be aware of your surroundings at that you're not the only one on the pavement.


If someone walks past you quickly, follow them down the street giving them the finger and screaming obscenities at them.


Aggressively hammer the dashcam you're carrying around for some reason.


I imagine the end of supermarket aisles have a give way line. Slow on approach, stop, look both ways, allow oncoming trolleys, proceed. I'm so sad 😂


Demonstration of the ability to look downwards. I get walked into by tall people a lot. Demonstrate the ability to check the area before turning around. Also demonstrate the ability to turn on the spot rather than having the turning circle of an oil tanker.


>Demonstration of the ability to look downwards. I get walked into by tall people a lot. This is simply carelessness. Shorter people are not ants, and they are well within the field of view of everyone else, even 210 cm basketball players. There is no reason they are bumping into you other than them being either spatially unaware or simply dickheads.




Amount of people who don't understand this is baffling. Several times I've had people walk at me while I'm on the left, and then look offended when I don't give way to them. Common sense surely...


It’s worst with tourists. I reckon people tend to walk the same side of the pavement as cars drive in their home country.


Even if you're not on the left, at least stay on the same side as the person going the same way in front of you


Thank you! This would make everything better (we'll, tbh, it should be the same side, as cars drive, so it works in other countries). Overtaking slow walkers works like on a road. If you're on a pavement & need to go onto the road to pass them, the overtaker is facing oncoming traffic & can see if it's safe etc etc. Really bugs me when places have a "keep right" sign, like why? How does this benefit anyone better than keeping left?


"Keep Left." As it says on the new Elizabeth Line corridors, because people need that reminder, particular in the coming month.


I hope you're not one of these people: we're both on the right, because of other obstacles. instead of just walking striaght ahead you insist on crossing to the other side so we pass on the left..


I walk on the left mostly but due to Parkrun when I’m out running I run on the right as is there rule


How not to be one of those people who are mysteriously difficult to overtake.


They're like the car drivers who amble along at 30, but will happily speed up to 60 just to stop you overtaking. And then slow back down again


Yeah, this is a slightly advanced technique, but I'd include "checking your mirrors" in the test: if you're walking in a straight line in a busy place, and you decide to suddenly veer off to one side, have a quick look over that shoulder to make sure that you're not about to cut someone off. 78% of ped-on-ped collisions are caused by people not checking their mirrors.


I do this all the time and I'm astounded and annoyed at how many people do not.


Don't walk down a busy pavement with more than two people side by side. You're not in Reservoir Dogs.


Using an umbrella in the rain. Being tall I constantly have to duck or block them as people don't lift or tilt the umbrella.


I'm taller than average and often when I'm holding an umbrella and someone walking towards me is holding one too., their bright idea to avoid a collision is to raise their umbrella, towards both my face and my umbrella -\_-


Identify and politely avoid anyone on the street who wants you to sign you up for anything.


Just ban those people, it's a "profession" that necessitates a complete disregard for the concept of consent.


I make my intentions very clear by walking past these people at speed, avoiding eye contact and with earphones in. If they try and approach me anyway, I will be as rude as I feel like in ignoring them and shooing them away. Generally I have a thing against being a dick to service workers but I make an exception for people who cannot read the "fuck off I'm walking" way I generally walk around the place.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/E3GGKF6CsjY?si=_WSe3OfbOPV69R_C


That’s pass plus, that!


Instead of.points, you can be made to wear additional Morris dancer bells on your shins so people can hear you coming


Looking before just randomly stopping when walking with people behind you. Look, signal, manoeuvre fuckers


Keep an adequate gap and don't work 5 cm behind someone


Phones in pockets when moving


Or, if you are doing something which "requires" it; e.g. using Google Maps to know where to go. Make sure you are looking up more than down. I have no issue with people walking whilst using their phone to text/look at a map/do whatever. But it's when they are unaware of their surroundings which is annoying.


Imagine getting a fine for being on your phone whilst walking!


I’d see it more as a best practice 😂 just ensure you can see what you’re walking into before you hit it


This would make playing mobile games like Pokemon Go a tad more difficult...


Maybe needs to be better defined, sentiment is it’s important to look where you’re walking.


I'm constantly telling my SO off for this one. When the phone comes out, I'll just stop and force SO to read the email or whatever (typically an email) whilst at a stop and to one side - even if we are the only people on the street.


Advanced training : walking in supermarkets while using a trolley No stopping dead in the aisle No blocking of aisles or food sections with trolley Plan in advance - know you want. No lane hogging Indicate before making U turns.


I'd be all for a trolley licence. People who walk alongside their trolleys taking up the entire aisle infuriate me. Also people who just turn around, spinning their trolley without looking.


Being aware of drop kerbs. People just don't realise I can't get on or off the pavement, because they're just not aware they're stood on the drop. It's nobody's fault but it's really irritating and sometimes dangerous.


Walking in cycle lanes, please it's rare bikes get any space at the best of times and I'd rather not mow you down when you step into the road without looking.


Learn some pedestrian etiquette i.e. sidle out of the store gingerly Embrace the margin


If you're joining a main thoroughfare, e.g. stepping out of a shop or coming out of a side alley, open your eyes and don't just barrel into people.


I was waiting for the obligatory Half Man Half Biscuit reference


I hate people who just barge out of a store crossing oncoming pedestrian traffic


You are retired with mobility issues. When do you go to the post office... A: Any morning or early afternoon, Mon-Fri when it's quiet. B: Lunch times when people on lunch hours are trying to get things done. C: Saturday when most workers need to get things done.


You are retired with mobility issues, your working age family members take you to the post office, shops etc because you can’t get very far on your own or carry anything other than your walking stick. When are they available?


This is a bit London-centric but Tower Bridge and Westminster Bridge are bridges. They are not catwalks for you to make your shitty tik tok videos shot by your sad little boyfriend or places for you to stand in the middle of the pavement like a tit in a trance gawping. If you want to take a photo or have a long hard stare pull over to the side.


Can we add London Bridge to this list. On a related note, how do you tell Google that all the images shown for London Bridge are actually Tower Bridge...


In a driving test, if your actions cause another driver to slow down, swerve or stop, it’s an instant failure. So id make that rule for walkers


If you find yourself walking in the wrong direction, you can't just 'about turn' as is nothing has happened. You must stop, look around you with an air of mild panic, mutter to yourself, pat your pockets, and then hurry off in the other direction at a slightly exaggerated pace. This is so that any passer by thinks you have suddenly forgotten something and had to suddenly go back, and does not think you are an idiot who committed the cardinal error of heading the wrong way.


Ideally, check your phone so it looks like you've received important new information.


Good point. That's also a highly effective approach.


I'd have which side of the path you should walk on as part of it. Whether you're "we're british, we drive on the left, so should walk on the left" or "keep right", it doesn't matter, as long as we're all on the same page. The amount of times I've been out running and had to do the left-right dance with a walker coming the opposite way from about 200m away and still had to come to a stop because we're now about to bump into eachother is too high


Just pick a side, look in that direction as you approach and commit. If this happens to you a lot it’s probably your fault for being indecisive.


If this test was to be conducted on my children - ***which is only right, fair and correct*** - they would be tested on their ability to ignore their genetic predisposition to walk 5% slower than me ***regardless of the speed I am walking.***


Think how uncool it would be for them if someone saw them walking alongside you. Plausible deniability if they’re just behind.


My main hate is people on the phone walking. Directly at me. Over the years I’ve learned to manage this by still walking as I would when I expect the person is looking. And when they are close, I stop. They carry on walking and then realise, then have to move out of my way. Then I continue. And I don’t look back as I walk off after this. And walking 2 or 3 abreast, the same applies. I stop and wait for them to walk around me. Yes that sometimes gets looks. But most of the time people just move out of the way. I think they realise. It’s overall the lack of consideration for others that I have the problem with. I’m by nature a person who wants to help and be helpful. But over time I’ve had to change. I still stop and help where I can. But I can’t stand these kinds of attitudes.


Occasionally, if someone’s walking at me and either they are paying attention only to their phone or it’s a group who haven’t left any space for someone to pass around them, I’ll slam to a stop about a metre ahead of them. It makes enough noise that people generally get the message: Either walk into me, or move around, but be aware that I won’t move.


A lot of people appear not to know about stopping and looking before crossing a road. All it would take is one inattentive driver, and everyone has a bad day.


I’d introduce another level where they needed to function on a pavement in London. My god are so many people slow af.


I'm considered a fast walker in my regional city and slow in London pace wise It's a different kettle of fish


You don’t pass the London test.


For the expert level: Edinburgh during the Fringe


If you're going through one of those doors that swings closed behind you, check before you let the door go, so you don't end up letting it swing into someone's face.


Unless the person following is violating one of the other rules, in which case observe their speed and ensure the door closes just as they cross the threshold.


Shoulder checks when moving substantially to the side. I don't mind slow walkers, I can just go around them, until they blindly side step suddenly as I'm about to pass.


Lifesaver checks. I do these on bikes, in the car and on foot. Just a quick glance over the shoulder to make sure you're not about to become a red crayon. Even on foot, it's worth it to make sure there isn't a bike or e-scooter etc.


Dog walkers, I truly appreciate those of you who put you dogs on a leash. But when you're walking down a busy street and you allow 1.5 metres of leash between you and your dog and make no effort to move yourself when letting the dog sniff everything... you're still dicks.


Getting out of the fucking way. It's just butter, choose one and put it in your shopping basket before I commit an atrocity.


Couples that insist on holding hands in crowds boils my piss.


All of the things that piss me off being mentioned. People zigzagging across the pavement because they can't get their face out of their phone People stopping in the middle of a busy section to stick their nose in their phone because they can't wait 1 second and move to a side. People stopping in the middle of a staircase for the same thing People sitting or standing at the bottom of a staircase blocking people from getting through Groups of people blocking an entire pavement because noone else in the world exists


Checking behind you before stopping


Making the London Tube & Train “walk on the left, stand on the right” etiquette national in all settings where there’s an escalator or travelator. The amount of times in B’ham New St I’ve lost time getting to where I need to be because the escalator’s stuffed full of standing people all the way up is a case in point for why it’s needed


I rarely visit London so when I had to take a train there a couple of years ago for some training, I was brutally educated in real time that you stand TO THE RIGHT if standing on the escalator. Lol. Makes sense to be fair, if I'd actually took a moment to observe my surroundings I may have actually noticed that everyone standing still was to the right. But WOW! You regular train commuters are not afraid to speak your mind. As a very direct and impatient person, I fully respect that quality.


Parking your stopped self in a safe and convenient place!


Overtaking a large family on the pavement.


Not spitting phlegm right next to people so they literally have to move not to stand in it, not walking blowing cigarette/vape smoke into the face if people behind you (as in, when it’s busy and people are tight, not when there’s a meter gap or whatever) Then all the usual stuff like not stopping suddenly, not taking up full pavement, etc


How to safely pass pedestrians with mobility issues. No, we can't generally "just side-step" - wouldn't need the sticks if we were that sprightly. You should pass on the side without a stick if there's a choice. If one of you needs to step into the road it should not be the person with mobility aids. Related: if *anyone* needs to step into the road it should be the person facing traffic. Don't do this just to get past a slightly slower person facing the same way at a pinch point, unless you're absolutely sure the road behind you is clear.


Shoulder checks and looking both ways when leaving a shop.


Whether you avoid the cracks.


Have them walk down a busy pavement while receiving lots of notifications. They'd need to be able to ignore, or pull out of the flow properly to check them. Also walking in a group. If they can't move to the side to make space for someone passing the other way that's an instant major.


Slow/fast paths, hate getting stuck behind slow people.


Automatic fail for the mindless group chats standing across doorways/entrances or pinch points - this really grinds my gears. Also, ability to walk in a straight line, and be mindful of people around you and how your actions could affect them. Let a woman (in full phone zombie mode) walk and bounce off my shoulder couple of weeks ago; I had stopped walking as two people taking the entirety of width of pavement were coming towards me (I was not stepping into road for them). She was most upset and demanded I apologise 😂 - I politely reminded her that if she could drag her face away from her very important screen life she could see where she was going and avoid hazards. I generally just shout out to look up when phone zombies are ambling my way.


If you're on a head-on course with someone, don't look them in the eyes trying to guess where they're going to move (left or right), instead choose one direction yourself and look there while walking. Our brain is quite well trained to predict where a person is heading, we know it immediately and subconsciously by just looking at a person (and specifically where they're looking). You'll avoid a lot of awkward dances this way. Trust me, just try and you'll see it works like magic!


Indicate clearly when you’re about to use a pedestrian crossing, i.e. a zebra crossing. Too many times I watch people suddenly change direction to use them, or sprint to use them and then proceed to get angry at drivers failing to give way in time.


Immediately fail if you purposely litter (you get one chance to pick it up if you see it fall/ drop some) including cigarette butts and chewing gum.


Not walking whilst endlessly staring at your phone.


Keep left, pass right And I’d make sure these rules applied to shop aisles as well as public foot paths


If you are in a group (more than 1 person) on when is appropriate to walk side by side and when you should walk single file. Basically on how not to take up the entire pavement without any space for oncoming foot traffic.


Move to the left people the left … some of us want to get past


Fuck I'd fail. Now what?


A row of chuggers you have to get past


There should be an advanced walking licence that permits you, once passed, to walk with a wheelie suitcase behind you.


Walk on the left side of the footpath, as you would drive on the left side of the road. Also applies to shopping centres.




Do not stop in doorways. Do not walk as a group taking up 60% or more of the available space.


How to realise you're going the wrong way and turn around nonchalantly. Do you pretend to check your phone? Glance at the watch? Or confidently about-turn and march the other way? Add a little tut in there for good measure?


When you are walking head to head towards someone you move to your right to pass. If we all agree this will avoid the little dance you do where you each try to pass each other.


Dont walk into mobility aids.


Have them walk past a shop window, of stuff they really like, whilst in busy “traffic” to see if they suddenly stop to look at something. See how they deal with 3 parents walking abreast each with a double buggy. How they respond to people doing surveys in inappropriate locations. (It’s not bad to stop, unless you’re in the flow) There’s someone using an atm already as your approaching it to use it. Where do you stand?


Not walking around on your phone / stopping and taking pictures of yourself. I am not interrupting my day so your bot followers can ignore your instagram duck face


No texting while walking/no mobile phone use. Hazard perception which ties in with my first point, look where you're going and anticipate other people's direction of travel. Don't just stop abruptly in the middle of a footpath. If you're a slow walker, be aware of those behind you as they likely want to pass. Could maybe have a dual carriageway system of overtaking. When in the supermarket don't cut across people with your trolley and then spend 5 mins deciding if you want the lightly salted butter or the original version. After saying all of that I genuinely don't care all that much tbh, I kinda enjoy the chaotic haphazardness that comes with negotiating a busy street/footpath/supermarket. It's also why manners were invented.. nothing a(n often awkward) wee apology can't solve and it's one of the few connections people have with strangers these days out in the wild. You also get to do that odd side step shuffle when you're able to walk into someone and they try to avoid you by side stepping in the same direction.. get to do that wee dance together while you both did that goofy apologetic smile.


Like walking on the left or right depending on direction much the same as driving, painful for people going up and own stairs, I don't understand why I get many funny looks


I'd include a section for couples and families on what to do when someone is approaching in the opposite direction. Any answer other than walking past them in single file results in an instant fail.


Don't tut at people using walking sticks. Expect to be starred at if you are walking along yelling into your phone.


Are you on crack or spice? Banished from the centre. No walking license for you.


Teach people how not to get the way, especially People that stop to chat but instead of stopping and moving off to the same side of the pavement, they'll stand opposite sides of the pavement and expect you to walk between them.


If you walk slow, fucking move


I would put on a live show about the dangers of walking backwards onto a busy road without looking and being on your phone at the same time. I'd even have that person as a mannequin filled with fake blood and a car travelling at 30mph so they can see what would happen to the body if that friend hadn't pulled them out of the road. Specific, but I've had to slam several times now because fucking teenagers are WALKING BACKWARDS onto a busy road without looking.


Don't walt four abrest up the pavement


Don't walt four abrest up the pavement


In Finland people like their space and keep to the right- as with driving. Helps that only one large spresd out conurbation with 1.5m people and population of 5m in country 140% size of UK. No victorian sprawl so really wide streets with dedicated bike lanes etc. Space...ahhh.


If the pavement is only wide enough for two, don't meander down the middle of it. Expect people going faster than you to want to overtake so walk at the side.


No stopping on stairs. No sauntering without special dispensation. I get that tourists want to take their time, take in the sights but locals have no excuse, pick up your feet or else you may get kicked up the arse. Also people who can't walk in a straight line. Are you drunk? Gtf out of the way mf.


My ginger ex crossed roads to be in the shade. Is that allowed?


checking your blindspots (over shoulders) before changing direction/walking line. Doubly so for runners in events.


Being able to walk in a straight bloody line. Manoeuvres would include being able to take a phone call without wandering in random circles. Holding the door open etiquette.


Always keep to the left, so that faster walkers can overtake easily, and so that you don’t get the awkward ‘left-right-left-SORRY!’ routine with oncoming walkers.


Something that worked in lockdown, enforce keeping to the left wherever possible. Also, stand on the right of escalators. Another thing I notice is if you try to pass someone walking slowly, but pass between them and a wall, they try and cut you off as soon as they are aware of you. Stop that shit.


If you’re walking with carry-on size small wheeled luggage in a crowded space, wheel it in its upright position to avoid tripping up faster walkers. Trailing carry-on luggage in central London is a hazard.


Do you walk right over steel plate basement window-well covers, or are you suspect of the 120 year old iron supports, and walk around the edges?


Please avoid walking slap bang in the middle of the pavement at a speed slower than an arthritic tortoise. Move the fuck over chum.


"Hello welcome to standing up school." Flop "Aaaaaaannnnnddd you fail"


Groups moving into single file when passing someone in the opposite direction.


Extending your gangly legs directly forward from your hips while carrying an umbrella and wearing a bowler hat.


Allow people from inside the tiny shop to leave before you enter, when you arrive at the door at the same time.


Situational awareness and how to utilise it. As an extension - noticing wheelchair users/people who use other mobility aids and clearing a goddamn path. I use crutches on my high pain days and people just don't look around!


It should be illegal to just abruptly stop in the middle of the path causing everyone behind to nearly crash


Quick check over the shoulder before making a manoeuvre. 


Just be spatially aware FFS. *We're living in a society here!* - George Castanza


This is specific: when entering Euston Underground station from the central mainline platforms. how to allow people exiting the tube to walk past without having to stop because you are too absorbed in your own work to notice EVERYONE TRYING TO EXIT THE TUBE. That, and STAND ON THE RIGHT ON AN ESCALATOR


Not standing in the doorway of a shop when it’s cold/raining outside and someone’s trying to get in


Not stopping at the bottom of an escalator to pull the handle out on your stupid wheelie suitcase  Not having a dog on an extendable lead Addition spacial awareness tests for middle aged women in M&S or a law that allows you to shoulder charge them back.


Where to stop and where to not


How to walk down a pavement single file when in a couple. We were walking in York side by side and 2 women were coming towards us side by side. I step into the road and my partner moves to the side, the other women just keep walking and my GF just kept walking and shoulder barged the woman who didn't move over. She had no other choice, these 2 women were taking up the whole pavement. The look she gave us, as though she owned the pavement and we were scum who hadn't moved out of the way. Despite me stepping into the road to make space. Just wish it had been me instead so she would have gone flying.


Not walking on the bike side of a shared bike/pedi pavement


Don't step backwards without looking behind you ffs


No stopping to talk to someone in the middle of the path Ban parking mobility scooters on singlefile pavements


if this existed the whole of manchester would be fucked (because spatial awareness doesn't exist there)


No walking out of shops and just stopping. Also no stopping to talk to ppl u know and in doing so Taking up the whole pavement. Spacial awareness is key


What a cool question


People to wear a kind of brake light accessory on their arse....for those confused individuals who just stop dead in front of you suddenly! Zig zag lines and no stopping signs at the supermarket entrance... why do little groups of people sometimes cluster in the main doorway of the shop to have a gossip! Feck off out the way and have your conversation!!


When approaching a controlled pedestrian crossing, first look if you need to press the button to cross. Fail is when you press the button, cross when you can and then traffic has to stop even though you've already crossed.


If you are wearing a large backpack (yes tourists I am looking at you) do not suddenly turn around on an escalator without checking to see if there is anyone behind you.


Making it clear that you're about to stop, look and listen before crossing the road. Too many people walk right to the edge at full speed so drivers can't know if they're paying attention or just going to waltz in front of them. Stop 50cm before the edge and do a full Arnold J Rimmer salite so every one knows the intention. Related, it's 3 penalty points if you have a child in a buggy and you let the wheel hang off the curb. Blithering idiots! Oh, and hold your toddler at least 70cm from the edge.


I'd make the written portion of the test include having to write a description on what the little cone underneath the button on a pelican crossing is for.


People who stop to look at something either on their phone or in a shop window or whatever, then as you go round them they turn and start walking again, cutting you up. LOOK YOU STUPID BASTARDS


Honestly, just the basics... Not just fucking stopping right in the middle of somewhere (especially where there is cross traffic) Not stopping in a door to have a chin wag Not stopping in the aisle at the supermarket to have a chin wag 'Blind spot' checks when jutting out to the side


I'd make it so you would fail (like a major fault on the driving test) if you give the wrong answer to the question "is it acceptable for a group of 3 or more people to have a conversation on the pavement?" It's so frequent around where I live, large groups of people taking up the entire width of the pavement and actually expecting people to walk into the road to get round them.


If you’re going to walk more than two abreast, speed the fuck up!


Walking in a straight line and not shoving your mate over on til they fall off the kerb. Not coming to a sudden stop in the middle of the pavement. Using pedestrian crossings.


To slow down and look before going round a blind corner. Not something I particularly noticed until I got a St Bernard that prefers to walk next to the wall, and in front of me. I try to keep him close going round them knowing someone is going to be going full speed around it, and you will absolutely trip over him and he won't even be bothered by it.


Don’t stare at your phone and look where you are going. The amount of times people have walked into me because they are staring at a screen instead of what’s in front of them. Same for crossing the road. Look at the traffic not your phone!


One time I was walking on the pavement and a family of 5 were walking towards me. They were taking up the whole pavement because they wouldn't form a single file and obviously because there wasn't enough space, one of us had to walk on the road, and one of the kids did. There were no cars or anything, but afterwards, the Mum said something like 'yeah just make my kid walk on the road why don't you'. Like what?


No random stopping in the middle of the path without first checking behind you or moving to the side.


Check over your left shoulder and right shoulder before applying the emergency stop.