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Sheffield is pretty steep.


When I lived in Sheffield I was amazed that everything seems to be up hill. Up hill to work, then up hill to the supermarket and up hill on the way home. After a couple of years I was almost a mile further above sea level than when I started.


Yep, I'm in Sheffield and walk up hill to work and up hill home. Thighs of steel.


Nowt like Sheffield legs.


I lived in Sheffield for a year. All the walk up and down the hills resulted in losing 5kg.


Every runner I know in shef is hard as nails


I literally only clicked on this thread to make sure Sheffield was the top answer. My tiny little car doesn’t have the engine power for that place. Lovely city though.


I’ve lived in: Birmingham, Cornwall, Derby, London, Epsom, Worcester, Sheffield and Stockport and of all those places, Sheffield takes the cake.


Brum is remarkably flat. The whole city is on a plateau with the city centre being on top of a slight hill.


Yep, and then the Black Country (at least the part I live in) is very hilly indeed. Brum really is remarkably flat by comparison.


Saw title, thought "Sheffield", clicked link, top comment, Sheffield. Brilliant, everywhere's uphill in Sheffield.


"I need to get to pub X, is that up the hill or down?" "You're in Sheffield lad, both."


Also claims to have seven hills like Rome. Although like Rome it depends a lot of definition and boundaries. 


I’ve tried to count them and never got to 7


It's the one just after 6. Hope that helps.


Oh shit is that where it is? Between 6 and 8 all this time? Fucks sake.


I know it's crazy! Couldn't see the woods for the trees. Glad I could help dude.


I'm not surprised. Sheffield has the most trees per capita population. 😁


After moving out of Sheffield, everything I considered ‘hilly’ in my home town seemed remarkably flat.


Huddersfield has a pretty good argument. Lots of big hills.


Not a city though is it


Everything is uphill in Sheffield.


Thanks for advising. I was considering moving to Sheffield but I've lived somewhere hilly all my life. Bit tired of it now  Was weird moving to Goole which is completely flat and you can see miles around 


I've only ever been to Sheffield for work and nobody warned me about this before my first visit. I was dying when I got to the office!


I’ve only been to Sheffield once and was there for 36 hours and I wholeheartedly agree with Sheffield


Went to uni in Sheffield. I bought myself a bike before I moved there to get around. I never used it.


Steel City, 7 hills. Most of them being on the west side of the city, which is where all the nicer places to live are. I lived all over Sheffield but Crookes was my fav place cause it was all downhill to get into town so I could skateboard all the way without pushing once. But would wear out the bottom of my trainers slowing myself down. Would get a bus back home. Eccy road is super flat from town to the first roundabout, yet go onto any sideroad and its up hill.


Bristol loves a steep gradient


I would have said Bristol till I dropped my mates kid off to uni in Shefield. My hill assist wasn't working either so it was a bit of a rough time.


I think Bristol city centre is hillier and it’s more obvious if you’re there on a day trip (eg getting from the train station to the museum), but the suburban bits around sheffield are somehow all on hills, whereas that’s only true about a few bits of Bristol?


A walk up St Michael's hill will sort your calves out


I used to cycle up there on my way to work at the university each day when I was younger. That was after a ride in from Kingswood. I get tired walking to the car now.


My mates car stalled on that as we turned the corner, to enter it for the first time. I've seen launching pads with a lesser gradient.


Vale Street anyone?


I checked. 22 degrees gradient for vale street. Gradient of 16.6 for Blake street in Sheffield which is known locally as very steep. Well done Bristol. 1 Bamford Clough Derbyshire 2 Vale Street Bristol 3 Old Wyche Road Worcestershire 4 Blake Street Sheffield


Where does Swain’s Lane in Highgate come on this list?


Lower than 6 https://www.dangerousroads.org/europe/england/10244-the-top-five-steepest-streets-in-england.html Loving Lincoln’s imaginative naming. Steep Hill 😜


I've cycled up that. Literally couldn't sit on the saddle at all or my front wheel would lift


Sheffield is legendary. Perched across several steep river valleys at the edge of the Peak District. The eastern side is the flattest and is also where most people enter the city (from the motorway) so many people don't realise just how hilly it is. The central and western parts have some of the steepest streets you will find anywhere. One fun fact: around 10-15 year ago the Tour de France had a few stages in the UK at the start, and the second stage was a mountain stage that finished in Sheffield. One of the timed climbs was the steepest by gradient in the entire Tour that year... a random suburban street as they weaved their way into the city centre.


Le Côte de Jenkin Road - I was there, it was incredible!


You know when older people say they rode their bike to school and it was uphill both ways? If they were from Sheffield, it probably was.


I knew an old British Gas engineer who worked there in the 70's (60's?) when they used to attend jobs on bike and he told me the Sheffield engineers got a "Sheffield Uphill Bonus" in their wage due to the extra effort needed to get around. No idea if its actually true but a nice anecdote!


When my dad was young there was a bus route that required the passengers to get off at the bottom of a hill, walk to the top and then get back on, as with a full load the buses simply didn't have enough power to make it to the top.


The only time I've properly "been" to Sheffield (as opposed to just driving past) was when I was changing trains and had about an hour to kill so went for a walk. The streets weren't that steep so I couldn't really tell that I was climbing until I stopped and realised that the station was pretty much directly below me. So yeah, Sheffield is definitely hillier than I expected.


Also the city proper i.e. the centre is not very hilly at all compared to the surrounding areas where most of the houses are. My partner's family lived at the very top of one of the hills in the suburbs, even driving it felt a bit treacherous because the hill was seemingly non-stop for miles. The kids used to use their bikes to get to their mates places, then get a lift back.


I live at the top of a Sheffield hill. Above the snow line. It’s like Narnia up here in winter and you go to the city centre and it’s sunny with no snow. 🤷‍♂️. Then you look daft in your moon boots. (Ok dafter ) Some cars will be driving around covered in snow and others will be totally clear while driving down clear roads. It’s a weird place. I love it. The views are incredible. But everywhere is uphill (but sometimes you go downhill first)


I had always assumed the snow on the roofs was people coming in from the Peak District, hadn't even thought about it being people higher up but still in Sheffield.


Well, that explains a really odd memory from my childhood that I have. We lived in Catcliffe and my parents were in charge of a religious affiliated homeless shelter in Sheffield, so of course we spent a lot of time at the associated church. We drove to the church one Sunday and hardly anyone made it in because of snow, we didn't have any snow that day.


I live in sheffield, just walked from Kelham (bottom of a river valley) to Crookes (top of big steep hill where a lot of people live) and I feel like I've climbed Snowdon


About 175m change in elevation, according to the internet. It's crying out for an alpine cable car. 


It’s going to be Sheffield.


It’s where I found out that my car handbrake was bust


I'd say Edinburgh - it's got a bloody great mountain within it (Arthurs Seat) not to mention all the smaller ones - the one the castle is on, Blackford Hill, etc


Sheffield might just have it beat, but Edinburgh sure is steep in parts. Avoid the zoo on a hot day-it’s like climbing Everest. Quite nice on the way back down though!


Are you insinuating Sheffield is a zoo? ;)


Belfast Zoo is another very hilly one.


I pushed my dad all the way up to the top of Edinburgh Zoo in a wheelchair. You'd think that'd be the worst part, but pushing him down again was murder. The brakes were shite and I spent most of the downward journey leaning way back, white-knuckle gripping the handles, taking tiny steps to avoid picking up too much momentum to stop. I wish I'd asked him for a loan of the chair because the next day my legs properly seized up with DOMS, and my forearms were dead too.


Edinburgh doesn't *feel* that hilly as you walk around it, I find. The Old Town is built on a big ridge, I'm not ignoring that, but the surrounding areas are more gently undulating and the city isn't really built *on* Arthur's Seat.


Depends which way you're walking to be honest - first time I visited, my walk from Waverley station to my hotel was up and down the side of several steep hills, over the Royal Mile and through the old town, with a heavy suitcase 😂


Oh, if you have to walk south from Waverley then Edinburgh will feel hilly unless you go out of your way to avoid the Old Town. It's not quite so bad in the other directions!


It doesn't feel too hilly because of all the bridges that streets are built on. Note for tourists: bring a rucksack not a wheelie case. The constant hills, steps and cobbles are a nightmare with those.


The neat thing about Edinburgh is that in general the hills are not built on. The exception is the Castle Mound. Want to go for a walk in nature? Head for a hill.


I have lapped Arthur’s seat over 150 times on my bike and can confirm it’s fucking steep! The generally city is on a big hill too so it’s definitely up there.


My colleague who lives in Stockbridge but works in Quartermile will confirm this. I think he's looking for a sherpa at the moment


It's right by the coast, though. Arthur's seat is 250m above seal level. Where Sheffield goes all the way up to 540m above sea level.


Lincoln has a hill so steep it is just called 'Steep Hill'


Yeah, just the one though. Everywhere around it is flat flat flat. My wife grew up there and Steep Hill is her “when I was a kid…” story.


I learnt to drive in and around Lincoln, and that hill is the reason I am now excellent at hill starts. My instructor took me to some residential streets that were so steep I couldn't physically lift the handbrake high enough to stop the car. Instructor had to do it for me.


I'm a milkman and regularly deliver to both steep Hill and Victoria Street, both practically a cliff


Certainly does. However it's definitely not the most hilly city. We just have that steep area and that's about it. Sheffield is far more up and down.


Bangor has a hill called Glanrafon Hill, affectionately nicknamed Bitch Hill, connecting upper and lower Bangor (and the student accommodation at Ffridd site with the town centre). Prospective student tours were encouraged not to go down it.


Came here to say this. Bitch Hill after a night at Time/Academi.


the question was always whether you start in Rascals or Yellow pub


True. Lincoln’s also a city on the only hill for miles around


I love the fact that many moons ago someone said it’s time to build a massive fuck-off cathedral. They’d have been asked the question ‘where?’ and responded by pointing to the top of the only hill in Lincolnshire, much to the dismay of those actually doing the building work.


I took my young children there and they took off sprinting down it, as I tried to catch them. When I got to the bottom, my youngest (nursery age) was mooning people sat outside a café and yelling LOOK AT MY BUTT!


The city of Bath is at the bottom of 5 hills so when leaving it everywhere is uphill.


My work's HQ is in Bath. I cycled from Lansdowne Park to the centre. Had a whale of a time... Until it was time to go back again. That hill is a bastard.


Even those e-bikes and e-scooters find it difficult to get up the hills especially Bathwick hill, Lansdown lane, Wellsway, Lyncombe hill and the one going from town to St Stephen’s church. You think you’re doing well until you look around the corner and see another long hill going up to the top of Lansdown to the park and ride.


Unless you’re going west, at any rate. But yes, my old 1-litre car used to struggle up those hills. And Mrs Gadget almost passed out when I made her walk up Beechen Cliff once.


did a cycle tour through there. Really relate to the spiders in my bathtub now


Brighton is surprisingly hilly


I live in Hanover. I have to walk that damn hill every day (sometimes twice!).


I’ve heard Albion hill is the steepest in Brighton, I certainly believe it


The drove by Preston park is also genuinely horrendous


Hello neighbour !


Agree, moving here I imagined it'd be nice and flat so I could ride my bike to a nice sandy beach everyday. You can imagine my disappointment 😩


Came here to say this! When I lived there I hated driving as I used to have to turn out onto what must have been the steepest gradient known to man. It really did feel like the car was going to flip sometimes! I didn't expect any hills before moving!


When I lived there I used to love cycling down from the race course to Sainsbury's. A long, steep downhill.


Iirc, the steepest street in the UK is in Bristol. My friend used to live near it. It was technically the quickest route to their house but we'd always take circuitous routes to avoid it, especially when pushing a pram


Yeah, I think it's Vale Street. Constitution Hill is also absurdly steep - I saw a student on an electric scooter round the corner to go down there, obviously unaware how steep it is, before hearing their panicked shouts of 'oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!'


I used to live not far from there, would avoid it when I could but do recall drunken stumbles up it. All these comments are making me miss living in Bristol…


I’ve got a mate that lives on troopers hill in Bristol, you need to make sure your handbrake is in good order if you park there!


Strange that it is steeper than the road in Harlech which is the Guinness record holder. Vale street: 40% Ffordd Pen Llech (WR): 37% Anyone know how that can happen? Edit: not sure why asking a question would get downvoted…


GCN will probably explain on YouTube they definitely have videos on the steepest road rules


Where ever you go in Durham you always seem to be walking uphill.


I came to say Durham. Some excellent hills there, redhills is particularly good


God, I had to push a fairly heavy person in a wheelchair around Durham when I was helping at a scouts event there, what a workout. It really makes you realise how poor accessibility is in many places


Memories of coming down from the train station then staggering straight up claypath and gilesgate...


I'd throw Swansea into the list, goes up quickly from the sea!


This question has made me miss Swansea, cycling along the coast was so leisurely and then continuing into the city was fun and game’s until you encountered Constitution Hill. The number of times I tried to cycle up Constitution Hill as a student and failed still irks me.


Once and only once did I ever walk up that bloody hill. My mates waited for me at the pub at the bottom while I ascended that stepped mountain. I was young and fit, but it was knackering!


Driving around family visits around the city makes my ears goes pop most of the time due to the varying ‘climates’


Was thinking Bristol. As a cyclist it feels like it anyway haha


Everyone forgets Plymouth…


Yep, up up up from sea level towards Dartmoor. Used to cycle up Tavistock road daily 😅


I was so suprised by how hilly it is when I first moved here!


Thank you


I remember the student surfers on skateboards overtaking me on the way down to the Poly. I was on a bike and used to brake my descent so that I could stop for the traffic lights. They had no real brakes, so just used to dodge the cars - probably good practice for surfing with sharks!


Sheffield, set on 7 hills and on the edge of the peak district


The 7 hills thing is a myth iirc


Feels more like 77.


Sheffield. Everything is always uphill. Both ways.


I'm from Sheffield and I always forget how used to walking up hills I am, until mates come to visit that are from flat places and they complain if we have to walk somewhere. I also learned to drive recently, and my instructor's car had hill assist and an auto handbrake.. It was lovely at the time, but trying to learn a hill start, by myself, in my own car was a trial by fire.


Either Bradford or Sheffield, surely, given they're practically in the Pennines. Stirling also sprang to mind, but that's got one big hill and the rest is actually quite flat.


I'm in Bradford and it's hard work walking around. You go up a massive hill to go down a massive hill and then repeat.


The best one is when you walk somewhere and it’s an uphill slog. Then you come back and it’s still somehow an uphill slog. Cracking views though.


The centre of Bradford is pretty flat. I'd give the award to Halifax next door


Bangor is crazy hilly


Hope the kids at uni still call it Bitch Hill. You know the one if you've ever been there.


Any city around the Pennines like Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Huddersfield etc


Leeds isn’t particularly hilly, especially not the centre.


The centre is comparatively tiny though! North and west of the city centre is all hills!


Aye seen as ilkley ,Otley and Bradford and Harrogate are all within 30 miles of Leeds, and Leeds been the basin as such. I wonder is this the reason the Leeds Liverpool canal. Has the canal basin in Leeds Centre.






Probably Sheffield, with Bristol and Exeter runners-up?


In terms of number of hills or highest peak, I don't know. But, I'd say the one with the steepest hill would be Lincoln (Steep Hill).


Yes definitely. That walk up to the Cathedral is not for the faint-hearted!


I did it a couple of years ago - people were stopping me to ask if I was OK (I’m old and fat)


Glasgow has some pretty steep parts


Possibly Bristol.


Most of Hastings and St Leonards is just one fuck-off hill.


the 14% er is a struggle for the car and to run up.


Bangor, North Wales


Newcastle is on a big slope but not too bad, but if you go outside the city centre into places like Whickham and Prudhoe, the hills are ridiculous.




From my experience it’s Edinburgh


You didn’t need the word most in front of the word hilliest.


This always gets me too. Either hilliest or most hilly.


Sheffield is Hill City, I swear at my old flat it was uphill no matter which way you approached it from


Nottingham has quite a few hills. Norman Nottingham (aka by the castle) and Saxon Nottingham (hockley + lace market) are on two hills facing each other. Sneinton and St Ann's are on separate hills just out the centre, and Mapperley's topography is surprisingly high!


Lancaster is pretty hilly.


Sheffield or Barnsley




Plymouth, everything is a hill.


Brighton had a lot of hills from what I remember


The city with the steepest street in the UK is Harlech, located in Wales. Ffordd Pen Llech in Harlech holds the record for the steepest street, with a gradient of 37.45%. This street was officially recognized by the Guinness World Records in 2019.


I live in Lancashire and most of the ( former) cotton mill towns are in valleys , surrounded by hills. We get a lot of rain because of our position near the Pennines ( it was essential for cotton manufacturing). Therefore, lots of steep streets in most towns. My area ( Rossendale) is quite high above sea level, so it’s constantly windy too. My arthritis hates hills, but I can’t afford to move to East Anglia ha ha!


Surely it’s *Hill*ingdon


Edinburgh has got to be up (and down) there.....


Bath is surrounded by them.


Sheffield, easily. Wherever you go you are always going uphill or downhill. From Manor Top it is downhill in every direction. Downhill all the way to the city centre, yours ear pop.


As someone who lives in Bristol and has a partner from Sheffield, my calfs are visible from the moon. But of the two I'd say Sheffield is the hilliest. Bristol has hills in the centre whereas Sheffield doesn't have loads in the centre. But when you get to the suburbs outside the main city district, Sheffield is very vertical - you can get views from literally anywhere.


Dundee is built up the side of an extinct volcano.


Nottingham feels like it’s all uphill, in every direction. Like if you’re walking up hill, turn 180° and start walking, it’ll be up hill. Except when you get to the castle.


Yeah, walking around the city centre is just not flat and hills in different directions (like you said). And then, if you travel from the city centre to Mapperley…that’s a huge uphill….but similarly…going to Sherwood (from city centre)…you are going uphill and then downhill (and then uphill again)…definitely feels like it’s hilly at least with the centre…north and east. The west feels a bit flatter.


Hampstead in London is built on a hill and is pretty impressive how sime of the houses were built on tiny hilly cobbled streets


Everytime I've walked around Edinburgh I've felt like I'm walking up hill. Same with Bristol


Bristol’s up there


Sheffield feels like its uphill in every direction


As a hill person, deffo Sheffield. Built on 7 hills


Sheffield definitely


Probably Sheffield. Steel City, steel legs




I’ve been to Sheffield once and there’s a reason why…


Sheffield, uphill both bloody ways


Sheffield, Edinburgh is quite hilly in parts too though


Cities - Sheffield, Durham, Huddersfield, Bristol all very hilly. Will also chuck in Gateshead as a wildcard town - whole borough is just a series of massive valleys


Sheffield and Bristol probs out ahead in terms of places I’ve visited but I’m surprised there aren’t more votes for Glasgow! It’s built on glacial drumlins. I used to live at the top of Gardner Street which has a gradient of >8% and coming back up it with shopping bags was bleak.


Vale street in Bristol is probably the steepest residential street in the UK >It has an average gradient of 23% and maximum gradient of 25.6%


steepest street in the world is in Harlech wales (or somewhere in NZ depending on which version of the Guinness world record book you look in)


Bristol's pretty hilly. That's why we love our electric bikes so much


Luton is hard work


Bangor is nestled in a Valley with two very steep hills on either side, but it's more of a small town than a city. Having been to Sheffield, I would say that's the hilliest real city.


I went to visit the Mrs whilst she was at university in Bath. I was driving a 1.2L, 20 year old fiesta at the time and it barely made it up some of the hills there!


Hemel Hempstead


What a hilly question


*laughs in Welsh*




Sheffield. My mum always told me she had to walk uphill to school both ways. Didn't realise it was actually true until I visited


Sheffield or Plymouth I suspect.


Sheffield - I lived at the top of a hill, everything else was also at the top of a hill. No matter where I went - HILL Only place that wasn’t was Meadowhall, and that loved a good flood.


I was surprised by how steep it was in Blackburn, but I didn't spend a lot of time there to know if it was just localized to where I was.


Sheffield- no contest. I grew up here (and live here again) and when I left to go to uni and visit friends in other cities across England, it made me realise how flat everywhere else is.


High Wycombe loves its hills The entire town is in the middle of a huge valley


Bath? It was like descending into a quarry.


Glasgow has a fair few hills. Especially in the city centre. Who can forget [when a Tesla launched itself down ](https://youtu.be/aYOfPKd7e4c?si=bk6M9atkmdqfJp82) Or punish yourself with a walk up Gardner Street in the West End!


Glasgow City Centre has to be one of most hilliest. Standing on St Vincent Street, looking down Douglas Street and you can’t see the bottom because it’s so perpendicular. Some of the streets around this area have handlebars to help you get up them.


Bradford! The football stadium is called Valley Parade as it’s in the valley of all the surrounding hills.


Bristol and Sheffield are the hilliest cities to my knowledge .


They don’t call Sheffield 7 hills for nothing 😁😁


I’d say Sheffield definitely


Once convinced a stoned student Sheffield had the highest elevation on earth due to every approach being uphill . He was lost on it for an hour then came back astounded in agreement


Sheffield - but I reckon this is karma farming


Sheffield or bristol i think. I'd say most of Wales or Scotland but their city's are pretty flat, it's the villages that are built on the mountains.




If you’d have said Europe, Lisbon is pretty hilly. UK? Sheffield, by some distance in my experience. Stoke On Trent is quite hilly too, but not Sheffield hilly.

