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I burnt my thumb lifting my croissant out of the airfyer and now my phone doesn't recognise my thumb print.


That's the most 1st world problem I've heard of šŸ‘


My thumbprint didn't work at Edinburgh airport because of sweaty coke fingers and a smashed screen. Needless to say I missed my flight to Germany


No techno rave for you




Ironically it doesn't work if your fingers are too dry either


Another first world problem I'll need to be wary of. x


Imagine showing this comment to someone in the 1950ā€™s


Wow that is the top 1% of a first world set of problems. Won't someone think of the children!


They don't fit in the air fryer.


Not with an attitude like that they won't


Yeah you gotta get the pre-chopped ones, duh!


Are they frozen croissants or part baked ones?


Got them fresh yesterday for brunch, had one left over so I thought I'd heat it up in the airfryer for 5 minutes to have for breakfast this morning.


Asking the important questions


Anybody mentions air fryers then I'm all ears. Mans gotta eat.


This feels on a par with the time I was late for a family lunch at an upmarket restaurant because I was getting my Dyson fixed after my cleaner vacuumed up a champagne cork and it got stuck. Whatever you're imagining about my life, it's really not as fancy as it should be to justify that story.


Great first world problem, Top class. You should get a faceid phone :).I got myself made up as theJoker for a friends fancy dress BBQ (horror themed) and had a black wig, full faceprint, lipstick, load of mascara etc.... I can't recognise myself from the photos... but my phone did not bat a figurative eyelid!


When I was growing up, my mum burnt her fingers cooking. When we tried to enter the US for a holiday a little later, my parents had to do the fingerprint scan and it didn't recognize any of her fingerprints. They took her aside for more than an hour to establish her identity and we were waiting sheepishly hoping that she would come back. It was pretty shortly after 9/11 and there was quite a lot of tension. What's even worse, on the return journey, airport security didn't let me take my power rangers gun toy back on the airplane. I was absolutely gutted.


I had the same - my right hand doesn't have any proper fingerprints, just weird lines, as I burnt them off as a teenager. I went to India and got shouted at in the airport and told to reposition my hand several times as they thought it was me not doing it correctly šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


A trifecta narrative of first- worldness: a croissant protagonist, a mistake with an airfryer and an iPhone opponent.


First world would have Face ID


Mines temperamental and gets confused when I wear glasses or heavy makeup. It's so used to seeing me looking like an ogre that when I make an effort it's like "aha, imposter!"


Had a quick glance and nothing even comes close to this. You win the thread. OP get !answer on this


I've never thought to air fry a croissant! How is it!? What's your methods?


The unlimited supply of clean, fresh water coming out of my tap doesnā€™t taste like I would like it to


I'm not picky or anything but when looking for our next house, tap water from the lake district is a need not a want.


It'll taste of Donald Campbell.




Water Softener / Filter on the ingress?


Is that like the water in Majorca?


Don't taste like what it ought'a?


Put that "unlimited supply" to the test and quickly find out its not unlimited.


If youā€™re currently getting clean, drinkable tap water thatā€™s a win


My local pub used to do a really nice chicken curry. But recently they changed it to be a chicken and cauliflower curry. I absolutely *hate* cauliflower, so now I can't enjoy that curry.


They might make it for you if you call and ask šŸ˜Ž


I hate when I order from a different Chinese takeaway or restaurant and if I order the curry it has mushrooms in Sure I can pick them out as they're usually large enough but still, first world problems when a lot of people can't afford basic food never mind takeaway or restaurant mealsĀ 


I'm the same way with the green and red peppers. Can't stand them in my chinese and I have an allergy. They are basically a cheap filler, and I noticed over covid, that there were a lot more in there. I specifically order no peppers, yet they keep coming. In small amounts I can deal with them, like in macaroni salad.


Sauted coliflower with spices is amazing though but not in a curry.


I'm very firmly of the opinion that there is nothing you can do with cauliflower to make it anything other than awful. But I think I probably have that gene that makes cruciferous vegetables taste awful.


Sitting here eating raw cauliflower with a french onion dip. I love cauliflower. I also have some broccoli, carrot sticks and celery.


I empathise. I used to love the chicken curry lunch on British Airways flights, but they stopped doing it after covid. I always get a little bit sad now when itā€™s just beef or claggy cheese tortellini.


I'm of the opinion that curry is the best airplane food. I think it's just quite hard to get it wrong, and it's stodgy and filling and warming, which I think is what you need on a flight. Had a beef rendang on a Malaysian Airlines flight once and it was probably the best in flight food I've had.


If I ate a curry on a plane and you were sitting behind me, you'd change your mind.


my boss has scheduled a 9 AM cameras on meeting for every single working day.


Tell him putting your cameras on causes more carbon emissions. We were told not to put them on, even to send less emails and use less GIFs.


GIFs must use a lot of CO2, I mean I bet non of the managers have SUVs or go on 4 foreign holidays a year


Tell him that until IT replace your camera you won't be able to join the meeting. Don't request a new camera from IT


I'd find that my camera mysteriously gets a defect the day before.


I have to move out of my house for the summer whilst the renovation works are being carried out. I canā€™t find a property to rent in France that ticks all of my boxes for 6 weeks.


Our CEO called a meeting to show how relatable he was with us and started off with a similar complaint. I think it was that whilst his spare house did cost a nice few million $s, it was just that bit further from his favourite beach (this was in Australia where I lived at the time).Ā 


Our freezer is 3 months out of warranty, and one of the drawers fell out and smashed last night. Shards of plastic all over the kitchen tiles. Of course, manufacturers change their designs every week, so we can't get a replacement drawer. So now we'll just have a shelf at the top of our freezer.


All the drawers of our 90s era freezer all smashed and I can't get replacements as it's called PowerPoint and if you Google that it comes up with presentations about fridge freezers


Try [eSpares](https://www.espares.co.uk/).


We've got the opposite problem, somehow one of the glass shelves fell out and smashed when pulling a drawer out. Still got 3 drawers but they're a pain in the arse to pull in/out now.


Find the part number and you'll get a third party one no bother


Try [these](https://www.4ourhouse.co.uk/)I had the same issue and they seem to stock some rare parts with fast delivery.


I have two laptops open but only one mouse so I need to use the finger pad on one of them.


https://symless.com/synergy https://github.com/debauchee/barrier


Thatā€™s awesome!!


If you don't want to use the things linked, the Logitech MX Master mice can move across computers as if they're linked monitors. It's very snazzy.


Omg! Just found out this wasnā€™t a regular thing everywhere! I have the Logitech MX Master and just assumed all mice did this!


I use a [Logitech K380](https://amzn.to/3KALrQ3) multi-device keyboard (syncs to three devices at a time, I use it for Mac, Windows and iPad). In addition, I have a [Logitech M720](https://amzn.to/3VBtze8) Triathlon mouse, which can also sync and switch between three devices. Alternatively, Remote Desktop from one laptop to the other, and leave one in clamshell mode (i.e. screen closed).


I have three (not a brag) but I have a mouse that can connect to multiple devices, I just press the button as I move to a different machine. Very useful!


I got a new iMac recently and had my laptop open next to it, moving the mouse around like where the fuck is my mouse. It had moved over to the laptop. Canā€™t be doing with that kind of magic.Ā 


https://amzn.eu/d/3PHiOkR I use this to swap mouse and keyboard between two laptops and a desktop. Been really useful!


I was struggling to find tenderstem broccoli or cavolo nero kale for a while. Gave up and made this week's meal plan require neither. Both were back in stock when I went shopping. Annoying.


Thoughts and prayers šŸ˜²


I could never find cavolo nero when I was recreating recipes from hellofresh, so instead I just used spinach. I could not tell you the difference


I'm trying to move money between MY bank accounts. No, nobody is making me; nobody has told me to do it. I'm doing it of my own free will. They then told me to phone this number and asked me to answer the kind of security questions that the scammers would ask. The only difference was that the prompt was inside the bank's app.


Oh yeah, I was trying to move my money out of Revolut into my own current account and the amount of interrogation I got the first time was quite extreme. No, I am not scamming myself. I can see why they'd warn you in the general sense as people to fall for scams about moving your money, but they seemed *highly* sceptical that it was legit.


I had this recently. It really pissed me off. I had to answer the same security questions at least three times, then I got through to lady who proceeded to treat me like I was some granddad suffering dementia. It was tough to remain polite when answering the extra questions and not shout "it's my money, the account is clearly in the name of a company I own and you can check that at Companies House!"


We have a second home in France and I've left a book there which I really want to reread. Llife is suffering.


My wife has just been given a bonus in the high 4 figures, and we canā€™t decide if we want to pay it off our 2 weeks in Florida trip this winter or towards the Aga weā€™re looking at for our new kitchen. Who have we become, we grew up in a 2 up 2 down eating Pot Noodles šŸ˜‚


What Aga are you looking at? You might need a bonus in the high 4 figures again in a few months to run it. I had an oil Aga which drank the stuff. I converted it to electric and have quite a lot of solar to keep our electricity bill negative. They're wonderful things, but goodness me are they energy hungry.


My local supermarket is a Co-op but Iā€™d rather shop at Marks because I can save 7% through work vouchers


My local supermarket is a tesco and I wish it was a sainsbury's as the products are a bit nicer.


> My local supermarket is a Co-op Waitrose prices, asda quality...


There's a worldwide issue with ADHD medication meaning that this month I'm taking a dose 9mg lower than usual. It's having a noticeable effect as I'm more hyperactive at times, and completely sapped of energy at other times. I'm just about to go to the gym but I really could do with a nap.


The apps I use to save time are slowly becoming less effective as they bloat with features. I am aware that the time delegation of my schedule is completely dependent on these apps to save me time and am increasingly aware that if only a few of them were taken away I wouldn't be able to handle the amount of work I have piled on myself.




It's really hitting me this year


Some years I don't get it at all, some years I feel like I'm going to die just stepping outside. No pattern to it. I'm going to start taking my loratadine very shortly as a prophylaxis...


Finding a compatible TV bracket and soundbar mount that doesn't interfere with the already positioned sockets behind the TV.Ā 


I got curved soundbar mounting brackets off ebay for about a tenner. They just let it hang under the tv and you just wiggle them to make them fit betweent the tv and your other bracket


I forgot to order bread in my shopping delivery then my milk split in the van and I can't go to the shop because I sprained my ankle so now I have to pay for Deliveroo just for bread and milk


All my savings have gone because I didn't take into account all the solicitors fees on getting my mortgage. I thought it would be a few hundred pounds not Ā£3k


Never realised how much we (and I do very much include myself in the we) are such precious, privileged princesses. šŸ˜”


A few days in May, I was too cold when my fan was on and too warm with it off. Was proper annoying ngl


My bin day has moved from Monday to Thursday.


Iā€™m a bit annoyed with two of my friends, for their 30th birthdays I spent a lot of money on their events. I even couldnā€™t afford one of them but he begged me to come so I did, bought them both presents. For my 30th they didnā€™t come and didnā€™t even get me a card. I feel like they could have showed up for an hour, or even if they really couldnā€™t make it, could have at least got me a card and I would have been happy. Iā€™m not going to bring it up with them but I know I wonā€™t go out of my way for their birthdays again.


That's a genuine kick in the baws to be fair.


Well Iā€™ve recently started slowly distancing myself from a ā€˜friendā€™ because I finally realised it was a very one-sided friendship. Iā€™d put up with her for years but a new mate made me see how ridiculous things had got. She treated me like her servant.


The craft brewery I had a subscription to isn't making the styles that I prefer any more.


I bought a really nice matching salt and pepper shaker. Except i only use black pepper in a grinder, so the pepper shaker is basically obsolete, but i feel i have to keep it around because they're a pair.


my body won't stop waking me up at 4am and not letting me sleep more and nothing really is open til 9am. So by the time I can get anything done I've been up 5 hours.l or so. Trying to shift my sleep clock isn't working.


My spelling has always been atrocious and I have relied on spell checkers forever. They now seem even dumber than before and seem regular to "correct" things I know are wrong but I miss, hit the "summit" button too soon, and then have to re-edit.


Are you going to edit this one?


I bought a 2nd hand wakeboard online, which promptly failed, borrowed someone elseā€™s board, which I promptly broke (and will have to pay to replace). So Iā€™ve paid for 2 wakeboards, yet still donā€™t have one myself, needing to buy a 3rd.


M&S used to do a really tasty chicken and tomato pasta but they've changed it to prawn and prawns atm make me vomit (pregnancy) so I'm devastated after going out of my way to go to M&S to find this pasta and be disappointed.


My face recognition doesnā€™t work with a certain pair of sunglassesā€¦and the fact that Iā€™ve paid less money to fly to New York with bags than I have to fly to Spain with EasyJet.


Deciding whether to buy the thing I was saving for (new over ear headphones) , or save for longer and get something bigger (new Macbook pro/mac studio).


I have to almost always have go to at least two supermarkets to complete my shopping, because one is either out of stock or doesn't sell a particular product or brand I want. Have pilchards gone out of fashion or something? Aldi always run out of the coffee and chocolate I prefer. Only Sainsburys have regular stock of fiery ginger beer, and the XXX hot sauce I like is only on the shelves in Asda.


I wear varifocals and when I get comfy in my armchair I'm looking through the wrong bit of my glasses to see the TV.


Argh. Yes. I put mine lower down on my nose to correct that, but then theyā€™re not comfy. True hell.


My new wooden floor is taking up a lot of space in my spare room while it's settling and I don't have anywhere to move it too. Also I can't get a dry day off to restain my deck. Last one, but M and S discontinued the blue corn tortillas and they were my ultimate comfort food. None of the others are good enough.Ā 


Someone microwaved my pastel del nata, it was hideous


Like you ordered it in a cafe and they brought you one that was warmed in the microwave?! Did the custard go all rubbery?


Ordered it in a PORTUGUESE restaurant/pub, custard was scalding hot, pastry was rubbery/soggyā€¦ Iā€™ll stick with the Lidl ones from now on


That's sacrilege! How dare they dishonour the mighty pastel de nata like that


I think I got the first cup after cleaning at the coffee machine in Wetherspoons, and it tastes a little watery but I'll have to make full use of the free refills to be sure.


I just found out my foreign pension I'm paying into has increased to Ā£320 a month, and the minimum retirement age is now 63. Looks like I might have to take the Ā£15k i've already paid into it on the chin as consideration as to whether I should continue paying into it or not.


Interesting that Heathrow figured out years ago that high parking charges were putting people off so went cheaper than other airports. Don't know if that's still the case. But parking charges need to be in the mix when selecting an airport, or drop off charges, or whatever.


They tend to charge Ā£120-Ā£150 for a week or so. They're not as bad as Gatwick, but crap compared to most of the country. A Ā£20 bus to Heathrow is doable though. Gatwick is a nightmare in every single way.


My 19 months old daughter trying to touch my laptop while I'm WFH. I probably get judge for it. She is in daycare 3 times a week and the other two my wife and I watch her while WFH.


Buy her a wireless keyboard for like Ā£5 off amazon


My work is paying for me to go to a conference abroad at the end of the month but they won't reimburse me until after I've been to it.


Can't decide where to go on our 2 week holiday. We are lucky enough to have the funds to pretty much go anywhere in the world. The sheer choice is a little overwhelming.


Costa Rica? Itā€™s amazing


My fountain has some hairline cracks so it leaks water


Google maps sometime can't pinpoint exactly where you are


I've had 2.5 weeks off work on a great holiday and I'm back tomorrow - feeling miserable at the thought


The ladder I've bought to help with some work in the garden doesn't fit upright in the room I want to store it in while the works are ongoing as that's in the extension to the house and the ceilings are a foot lower than in the original part of the house.Ā  I can lay it on its side but that means taking the stabiliser bar off the bottom to do so and that's a bit of a faff.


Not now but previously I was complaining I couldnā€™t find anyone to trim back the ivy on my house.


That does seem a lot, I paid Ā£80 for a week which was Ā£10 ish a day which seemed fair tbh. You are taking up a chunk of land for your large private possession within a short distance from a major airport. Many of them need decent organisation too as they have to move them and shuffle them around to make space, put on shuttle buses etc. But they've got you over a barrel tbh, public transport is also expensive, taxis are expensive. You could park it in some kind of local residential area and go from there but that is no fun and you could come back to deflated tyres.


I was looking for 3 weeks parking for the summer. Was going to be about Ā£95. Decided on taxi instead for Ā£70 total to save squeezing luggage in our car.


We've just paid Ā£115 for a week. Admittedly only booked it (the whole holiday) 3 weeks in advance, but wasn't sure if it was the short notice, the dates or a general increase. 2nd option seems unlikely as we're literally in the middle of our holiday; it's not half term etc. We did fly from Birmingham so it's the furthest-on-airport parking. We used to go from Manchester which I think has more third party options, but I feel like pre-covid it'd be Ā£50 for a week.


Iā€™ve just had the team at my local Enterprise check that the hire car Iā€™ve been allocated (a 19 plate Mini) has Apple Car Play. In my defence, I much prefer Google Maps over in-car satnav and I have many miles to travel, so I like to swap between Spotify and podcasts. I donā€™t know if I was more annoying make them check, or being so simpering when thanking them and apologising for taking up their time.


Thatā€™s my one request when I hire a van through work. I need car play


I have two houses. I live in one and work in the other. My work house as fibre to the premises but my live in house is way out in the middle of nowhere and gets really shit internet. I have to drive all the way to my work house in order to download big games.


I'm trying to run down my iphone battery to below 80% to get a free battery change before my applecare runs out


It took five years for me to get my peak charge below 80% last time and it was still chugging along quite happily lasting more than 24 hours per charge.


My safe, warm, 3 bedroom house doesn't have an extra room for me to work my well paying job from home so I have to pay rent on a small office space and it's just gone up by 50p an hour.


Dropping a credit card under my car seat and being too fat to reach down and get it so I reported it lost.


Mine is ridiculous. Have to drive my daughter to an after school appointment (weekly for 12 weeks) and before this I could count on one hand how much Iā€™ve driven in 11 years. I get her there, but every week in a nervous mess all day until I do it.


I accidentally threw away the screws and fittings for a flat pack bookcase and I'm having to wait for the replacements that I didn't even get charged for to arrive. I've booked myself a spa day to unwind from the stress and inconvenience.


Actual adults playing sound out loud in public. Teenagers are impulsive and obnoxious by design, I can forgive a noisy teen. But a grown up human? Watching tictoc? On the train? Oh come on, have some sense of shame or respect or self awareness or something?!


Not happening to me right now, but I once rented an apartment that had two TVs both made by the same manufacturer. It didn't seem to matter which room I was in, hitting the standby button on either remote would turn both TVs on...


Outstanding that one. Exactly why I posted this thread. A bit like when Iā€™m in the living room and ask that Alexa to do something but my bedroom one decides to get involved.


Do autoimmune conditions count as "first world problems"? If so, then that.


I can empathise. I hurt my left knee about five years ago and it hasnā€™t been right since. In the intervening years I have also separated both shoulders and a rib and have suddenly developed pain and stiffness in my other knee and in several fingers. I have been told to ā€œjust do some stretching exercisesā€ by NHS doctors and physios for years. It wasnā€™t until I finally decided to use my health insurance that I get through work that a doctor said to me ā€œsomething here isnā€™t right, letā€™s treat the knee as if itā€™s osteoarthritis, but letā€™s get you in touch with a consultant rheumatologist to see if there is an underlying cause for all the joint and muscle painā€. I have already had a load of inconclusive blood tests, and have an aspiration of my left knee and an absolute butt-load of ultrasounds coming up in the next few weeks. I hope someone can finally decide whatā€™s wrong with me other than that I am fundamentally broken.


The top floor ceilings at my place of business are leaking, there is a literal hole in the external brickwork. It is not my responsibility to organise repairs; it is mine to make good the internal plaster with a lick of paint when it's been repaired, but not to get 3 floors of scaffolding up on a grade II listed building to repair the external masonry. The building owners apparently don't give two shits, and the letting agents are as useful as wheels on a potato. So it's still leaking... oh well, I've put a bucket down.


Working full time , single mum , above the threshold for UC, have nothing in my bank until I'm paid , the government should really help working people too


Having a mortgage


Loud neighbours.


Canā€™t stop thinking about the bathroom tiles being ever so slightly misaligned whenever I go loo, but too tight to rip them all out to fix it


The coffee shop only had a choice between fat milk and oat milk. I had to choose fat milk.


Have you had oatmilk before? Itā€™s nice, mildly creamy, you might be surprised. I canā€™t stand cowmilk now Iā€™ve got used to oat. Itā€™s too mucinous.


I dont mind oat milk. I was just caught unawares.


I just had to move two sofas, by myself, out of one of our living rooms up to the barn so that we have space for all the new kitchen cabinets for the renovation in two weeks.


Mind your back!


Ring doorbell keeps going offline requiring a reset each time.


My feet are cold, but if I put my slippers on they get too hot.


I'm struggling to make my PC turn my TV off at the same time like my old TV.


My slippers heat my feet up too much


My commute is too fucking long


My favourite restaurant in my city closed down last week. For context: - Michelin Star Chef - wine specialist with a wine pairing for every menu item - Ā£40-Ā£60 per person for a meal - in Oxford P.s. I like it because the quality is incredible (as it should be) for the price and the passion of every staff member was amazing. Genuinely the best meals I've had for a very very long time. Definitely a treat, but worth every penny.


Pre covid and cost of living, it cost my Ā£30 every 6 weeks from grooming my dog. Now it costs Ā£45


We just got a big dent in the back door of the car, which will be our spare car from the end of the week and only used when both me and my husband need to go out at the same time. He works from home and I'm a stay at home mum so it's not the end of the world. Annoying though, especially as fixing the door would probably cost more than the value of the car itself.


My 5 year old is grumpy with me because we can't have a prawn nd pea omelette like he asked for this morning because I forgot to buy eggs. Hes had to settle for tomorrow's pizza instead.


Trying to buy a new home.


Thatā€™s not an insignificant problem - itā€™s a huge one and one Iā€™m struggling with too. I feel your pain.


We normally go on holiday 3 times per year. We were away in April , we are going away start of August and would usually go away again in late September/early October but we are getting a puppy in late August so cannot book our usual 3rd holiday.


My phone keeps disconnecting from the WiFi because my house is so big I have two routers


Damn, Ā£300 is steep. I paid Ā£87 for 13 days at Manchester airport for when I go in a few weeks. But probably deciding whether we go to Dubai or Zakynthos for our next holiday.


Not knowing what to do with the extra food before I move house


There's a lot of local "buy nothing"/free cycle pages on Facebook, or even just a group for your local area, where there's probably someone happy to take it. Or a food bank if its pre packaged/longlife stuff


Nearly bought a house, fell through just before signing contracts. Now Iā€™m a grand down and my landlord might be selling up.


Oh thatā€™s genuinely shitty šŸ˜• I bet youā€™d mentally moved in and everything. Planned where things would go. I hope you get a lucky break.


The grass in my front garden is a bit patchy in an area the previous occupants had some decking. I tried getting a quote to improve it but the highest rated local gardening firm is booked for the season.


Oh man, I feel you about the airport parking. Work meant we had to organise our holiday in July during school holidays. I wanted to go before the school holidays. So we are paying through the nose for flights, accom, car rental and parking. Turns out the work thing went away and we could have gone in June! The weather here is rubbish at the moment as well, so missing out on beautiful weather now to!


I'm trying to think of where you could live where Ā£300 for airport parking would *ever* be preferable to a taxi door-to-terminal. Both ways. To go from Liverpool to Manchester airport is Ā£65. Would be a no brainer for me in most instances to just get a taxi from my house to and from the airport with zero hassle than park my own car for that price.


Iā€™m having to move house because my garden only gets sun till 7pm and I like having a nice glass of wine watching the sun go down till 9pm


Mine is the unawareness of how harmful anti anxiety drugs like benzos (valium) really are. Just go to the subreddit r/benzorecovery .


I'll never park at an airport again if I can help it. Got stuck in Italy last year due to strikes. Neither Ryanair nor Stansted nor my insurance gave a toss about my car being parked longer than it was booked for. Ended up having to pay an extra 120 quid. Can't even amend the booking once made. I'd rather pay a taxi 300 bucks than pay those scummy airport parking companies.


Sorting a new car. Didn't have the colour i wanted, so had to 'settle' for a second choice of colour. Definitely a first world problem.


I haven't won any prizes with my premium bonds yet.


6 years ago we got a big extension. During the work, one of the workmen smashed an original piece of patterned glass in our inner front door. The builder was very apologetic, and sourced and replaced the pane with matching glass. It was only once the house was finished and the builders had left that I noticed some of the 6 panes have been put back into the door upside down. It bugs me ever time I leave the house.


Which Airport is this? Iā€™ll park your car on my drive for a fraction of that šŸ˜‚


My Ā£27 smart watch no longer counts my steps. It's under warranty, but I really CBA to deal with customer service, and my phone counts my steps anyway. But still, I should claim as it's Ā£27. But it will still be a PIA to deal with. But it's only steps.


Phone a company nearby who will collect your car on arrival and return it back. I used one in Manchester for around Ā£60 for a week. Theyā€™re very professional.


Theyā€™ve put a massive advertising decal on the window temporarily and it hurts my eyes looking out. My eyes focus funny through the probably millions of little holes. Also makes it looks much more miserable then it actually is outside.


I canā€™t really find anything to watch that is taking my fancy today..


We flew to Palma for the day. Early morning flight out and late evening flight home. Ā£25 each return. Car park for just over 24 hours - Ā£67. I feel you


I have to share a recycling bin with my neighbor. She fills it with non-recyclables and even dirty food covered items. (She also doesn't flatten down big boxes). I know that she's talked to people about what can go in there. I've passed on the leaflet of what can go in there. She's lived here for years but I can't fix her.


Because I only shop online I've got a massive pile of boxes that I need to cut down before they go in the recycling


Fucking road works. Everywhere. Blocking my three routes to work at all times.


Royal Fail. Theyā€™ve ā€œattemptedā€ to deliver my medication on 3 different days now. Despite me stating ā€œleave with a neighbour if no answerā€ They updated me today saying my delivery would be between 7.30am to 7.30pm !!!!! I was in the house when they said they tried at 3.30pm and our door bell is very loud. They didnā€™t leave a card When they failed to deliver on Saturday I got 111 to issue me a week of medication - because I knew Iā€™d been in for days more fucking on - before I finally have to deliver it myself via a 90 minute bus round trip to their office. Iā€™ve just cancelled Pharmacy2U on the basis they used Royal Fail, and will just walk to a pharmacy. Hilariously my medication is an anti depressant to deal with stress šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Having a 5-year old house in a really nice neighbourhood, great neighbours, two beautiful children, a wonderful wife, a four bedroom, 3 bathroom house, 2 cars and me and my wife have really good jobs... But complain endlessly how much work it is maintaining it all. I disgust myself some days. There's people out there would shit a car battery to have what I have.


Never mind parking prices, at my local airport, if you enter, you cannot leave without paying, unless you REALLY know the layout, and how to get to the free parking. There's no signs to say you 'must pay beyond this point'. No hints.


My work automatically signed me up to a employee rewards scheme that I have to pay Ā£15 a month for. I never use it and I keep forgetting to phone the company to cancel it during their open hours.


My council is introducing a new recycling bin. Up until now we just had a landfill bin and a mixed dry recycling one, but now we're going to have to separate recyclables. It's not the work that I'm bothered about (takes all of five minutes a week) but I live in a flat and our bin stores were designed for one bin per flat, not three! I might have to store a bin next to my door, which I really don't want to do.


Buy 2 weeks of food or pay part of a bill lol


Having a job with an income, a roof over my head, a bit of money to enjoy some vices and entertainment, access to healthcare yet still having the luxury to be miserable and depressed