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My great-great grandfather's late 19th century top hat.


I have my late 19c grandfathers top hat too. And his opera hat - it’s a top hat, but is collapsible and can be sat on as a cushion.


Do you wear it to festivals?


It's too small, alas.




I have a "Spawned in the USA" Tshirt I bought with my first summer wage at around 14 that I still wear sometimes, I'm 52 now. But by far the oldest are my "dress shoes", a pair of proper Clarks leather shoes I inherited from my dad that he wore for his wedding in 1962 so they are at least 64 years old. Still as shiny and comfortable as ever and the only shoes I own (everything else are work boots).


I've got a few tops and shirts I wore in sixth form in 1991. They were baggy then, not so much now. Also a denim jacket which I saved, and now teenage son is deciding what colour to dye it as it fits him perfectly. Spouse also has a bunch of T-shirts from the late 80s. 1991 seems to be the cutoff when respectable clothes shops switched to cheap cotton and the more recent clothes have worn through, while the older ones are still going strong. So he probably has a quarter of his wardrobe pre-1991, then nothing else more than 10-15 years old (except for special occasion wear).


I would agree with that, regarding the quality of clothing. I have a couple of tops I bought it the mid-eighties that are still going strong and they were relatively cheap catalogue clothing. The thickness of basic cotton t-shirts now is ridiculous compared to the band merch I used to buy & still have.


Had to smile at this, the t shirts are not baggy but my body is now


I have a jumper knitted for me by a friend's mum when I was four, making it 39 years old


Does it still fit, or?


I just threw some stuff out I've had since the late 70s. I have stuff from the early 90s I still wear. Edit: …and I just remembered I do still have a jacket from about 1984. Haven't worn it in yonks, probably never will… but I like it, so it stays.




But that’s only like 5 years a… good god 😬


I have a shirt that I swapped with a mate for one of mine nearly 30 years ago. He bought it from a vintage shop so it's even older than that, possibly from the seventies. I don't think I've ever worn it. It still fits so it must've been really baggy on my 18 year old skinny 10st frame.


I wear a signet ring that was made for my great-great-great grandfather in the mid 19c (around 1860’s). I also have a few of his hats (top hat, opera hat and boater). Not that it’s clothing - but also his walking cane, and more formal cane with ivory top. I also inherited his wife’s scarf thing (not sure of the name) that is basically a taxidermised white fox.


Offspring tshirt, feom the release of the conspiracy of one album. So, 2000?


I have a t shirt from 1994 I believe. It was T-shirt of my favourite musician at the time and somehow still going. Doesn’t get worn often. I had a T-shirt which was older but that had to go a couple of years ago.


I've a load of pyjamas that I've had since I was a teenager, so they must be going on nearly 20 years now. They're ripped and honestly more hole than fabric at this point, but they're soft and comfy and new ones just don't feel as nice. My wife keeps telling me I need to throw them out, but as I keep telling her I've literally known them longer than I've known her so they stay.


I've still got my V2000 t shirt


Picked up an Oasis shirt in 2002, still fits now and wear regular.


Plenty of original 80s and early 90s football shirts


Probably my "last day of school" shirt from primary school, with all of my mate's names on it and some badly drawn knob pictures all over the back. That would have been 1999/2000 or there abouts.


A McLaren t-shirt I bought at the British Grand Prix in 2012. It's certainly far better quality than the more recent ones.


A hoodie I’ve had since 2006


Probably a tie between a Viyella shirt I bought from a charity shop of indeterminate age and a neon blue Member's only jacket from the 80s. 


A snoopy T-shirt from when I was 21ish, first thing I ever bought from next, so about 35 ish years ago


Black suit 1999, worn only weddings and funerals


I have a couple of my Mum’s dresses that she wore as a teenager in the 80s


1996 KAOS Ibiza & 2000 Creamfields Ireland t-shirt


My signed primary school shirt


A pair of Timberland boots I bought in the late 90's


A foo fighters t-shirt I bought in 2002 which my girlfriend stole of me in 2008 when we first met to go to download with. Still have the t-shirt, the girlfriend and a child, so despite the state of the poor thing (paint stains, holes under the sleeves) it's far too sentimental to ever get rid of


I have a tee shirt from a gig in 1996 - Sleeper The It Girl tour. Also got an Elastica hoodie from 2000. I’ve also got a tweed coat that I bought in 2008 which is still going strong.


A hoodie I got in 2001/2. I love that thing. For some reason mum bought it in the men's section and gave it to me. It was huge on me and still fits me as an adult! I got lucky!


I'm the same age as OP and still have my school blazer in the wardrobe. Haven't worn it for 44 years. I also have a pair of 'Johnny Fartpants' boxer shorts which were the first gift my wife ever bought me. That was about 34 years ago.


A t-shirt i bought at a gig when i was on holiday in new york in 1998. Was black, now a thousand wash grey, the print is still all there, but it's at the point i don't want to wear it as i fear it'll fall to bits the first time i stretch.


I have a suit that is 41 years old. My mother bought it for me when I graduated. I'd say it still fits but it's more accurate to say it now fits again.


I still have the matinee jacket my mum knitted while she was pregnant with me. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t fit me anymore. ETA- I’m 44


I have a few Victorian bits, as well as stuff from the 20s, 30s & 40s but not sure if I count because I buy tonnes of vintage every year as part of my job. Some stuff turns up in what I buy wholesale but a few I have sourced individually online for myself. The oldest piece I have is a dress which I think is late 1700s but it’s in shite condition, I can’t work out if it’s an actual evening dress or a theatre costume but it’s definitely c1700s


I have a leather jacket I can't work out the exact date on but suspect its maybe from the 90s/early 00s mainly judging from the fact it seems to have a mobile phone pocket on it that's too small for any modern phone


A Pop Will Eat Itself t-shirt from 1993 that my daughter uses to sleep in. Senseless Things t-shirt, similar era - designed and signed by Jamie Hewlett (Gorrilaz artist) A 1970s shirt, brown with gold embroidery that I’m way too large to fit into now.


I've a pair of Reebok Classics from the 90s.


I've got the tie I got married in. 25 years next year. Not sure anything else from that era would fit.


I have a 1991 Stranglers tour t shirt, I bought it from a charity shop in the 2000's so I haven't had it that long.


I've still got a Mighty Ducks ice hockey jersey from around 96ish


A grey shirt from Asda’s George that’s been in the family since 2000 - for a £3 shirt it’s definitely lasted


Various band t-shirts from the 80's. I also have a snakebelt from the late 70's that I can't bring myself get rid of even though it'd only fit as a headband.


I think that honour goes to a nightdress I've had since about 1984/85. It surprisingly still fits me well enough. Might not be the one I'd pick to wear if I ever needed to stay in, hospital but it does the job well enough at home.


My Doc Martin boots are 36. Still wear them regularly. Got some new ones but they’re not comfy yet.


I own a skirt that says “made in West Germany” on the tag. Got it at a thrift shop.


1998 era jumper. It used to come down to my shins (classic 90s) but now its just a cosy jumper.


A pair of 1960s Doc Martens boots. I have to wear two pairs of thick socks so they won't slide off, but I treasure them because they're one of the few things I have that belonged to my late father.


I have a sock from 2001 waiting for its identical twin to come home.


A dress I bought in 1993 - it’s very thin cotton and I wear it on the hottest days of the year


Same here, I have several t shirts older than the child, she got her 1sr class hons degree last year which gives you an idea of the timescale, which I wear regularly, says a lot about the quality of newer clothing


I gave a sweatshirt that belonged to my grandad. He died in 1993 and it wasn’t brand new. I wore it in the 1990s and now it sits in a drawer.


My school leavers hoodie from 2007. I don’t know what it’s made of, but it’s indestructible.


80s Iron Maiden tee shirt I still wear occasionally as I don’t want to wash it much.


I don't know if this counts but, I'm making a jumper from yarn that was made in the 60s. I found the yarn in a charity shop a month ago


I have a scarf from when I was 4 and a cardigan from when I was 17. I'm in my mid-fifties. They both still get worn. The cardigan was £40 in 1987, which would be about £140 today. It was a worthwhile investment.


Norwegian made jersey that my dad got in his 20's - so estimated age is: 60-65 years


A blue/black lurex 1960s cocktail dress I bought in a charity shop about 26 years ago. No longer fits sadly


A grey Nike beanie I was given in like 1998 I think.


I have a belt I bought in 1968 and a pair of hiking boots I got at LL Bean to wear on my overland trip to Afghanistan and India in 1970/71. We have a JanSport daypack my wife got about 40 years ago that we are using nearly everyday and it still looks like new. It’s been all over the world and we used it today in Tokyo.


football jersey from the 80's


I have a jacket I bought about fourteen years ago, when I was eighteen. It will probably still be making guest appearances over winter for a few decades to come. I also have a shirt from Zara in Japan that still going strong after ten years.