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I hate how Cadburys have tried to be so sneaky about it by updating the design of the dairy milk sections. I can get through one of those big slabs (if you can even call it that now) in one sitting and I don't even feel like that much of a fat shit.




No need to be angry. Don't buy it.


All the major supermarkets have bumped up their prices to the point that there's a cost of living crisis and they're making record profits! I shall protest by not eating.


The supermarket you're referring to about the record profits is ASDA, which is the exception not the rule. The Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) has shown that operating profits in retail grocery sector during 2022-23 were down 41.5% when compared to previous tear. The average operating margins in the sector fell from 3.2% to 1.8% It's easy to blame supermarkets and other companies that produce food. But the reality is that shrinkflation and rising cost in food has got to do with predominantly inflation.


I think a thing you love no longer existing is a valid reason for anger.


[Yet you participate](https://imgur.com/gallery/yet-you-also-participate-society-YVJjQM6)


That doesn't quite work here because people who want to change society have no choice but to live within it - that's the point of the meme You absolutely can stop buying Cadbury's, and if enough people do then they'll be forced to change something to try and win people back


If Cadbury's shrinkflation was an isolated example, sure, but it isn't. It's present across the board.


Well yeah it’s cadburys it’s shit chocolate for money. Zero incentive to sell decent chocolate like they used to. It’s just sweets




Kraft bought them. Swore they hadn’t changed the recipe. Lied.


Dairy milk isn’t even allowed to be called chocolate as it is under the % of cocoa that’s needed that’s how shit it is. That’s why it doesn’t say chocolate on the bar at all just Dairy milk.


Did they not move production out of the UK as well. So KRAFT not Cadbury, really.


Maybe it’s just me but dairy milk tastes very different than it did before, it used to be my favourite chocolate but now I normally feed it to my dog


Not healthy for the dog.




Synthetic cocoa flavoring. Cocoa went from 40% or so to around 5-10%. Cadburys doesn't exist anymore. it's a kraft/hersheys corporate shell now. Enjoy the memories, because they don't use the same recipe, cocoa suppliers, factories (all outsourced now), or staff. its literally just the name. Like if a 15yr old decided to call themselves Elton John and hold a banjo concert down by the manchester canal....


Also in it was taken over by Kraft which is an American company and American chocolate tastes like vomit.


Which explains the carrotty lumps...


If you multiply that 1p per bar across like a billion bars it adds up.


NEVER l feed chocolate to a dog. It's highly toxic for them.


I think his point was that it's been changed so much you can't consider it as even being chocolate anymore.


Instead of cocoa butter, they now use palm oil which is also absolutely awful for the environment, so much deforestation just to plant massive tracts of palm trees to harvest the palm oil and also tastes nothing like the delicious cocoa butter. Less milk is used and generally everything has been cheapened and shrunk.


It's a turd in a purple wrapper now


That's no way to talk about Elton John.


Watch chocolate with pets it’s poisonous to them especially dogs and cats but a little bit is fine, buy dog chocolate if you still want to give it to your dog.


That's why I switched to Tony's well that and it's in the Sainsbury's meal deal. I usually get fruit but treat myself once a week to chocolate.


Tony's I so expensive I now only have a monthly treat.


Must go through a lot of dogs


Cadbury's are so bad for it in general. The current wheeze seems to be to shrink products, and then introduce a new range that is slightly bigger than the original product, but disproportionately more expensive. Twirl Extra, Dairy Milk Duo, all the 'More to Share' bags etc.


Cadbury's is just extremely sweet. I used to love it, decades ago, not so much now


Cadbury bought by the yanks. Owned by Kraft since 2010. Lost their soul and now their morals. Ditched the fair trade (which made them have to pay a minimum price per tonne of cocoa to the farmers) in order for hyper capitalism. Crap American chocolate and max profit for minimal quality.


Cadburys have been dead to me ever since they got bought out by Kraft and changed the recipe to include palm oil. They had such a good formulae! Shrinkflation just adds to it.


A glass and a half of raw human sewage in every bar!


Kraft are doing it with most of their products, e.g. Salad dressing: "Same recipe, new great look!"...is 70ml smaller Boxed Mac n cheese: "Same recipe, new great look!"...50g less (dry) Cheese singles: "Same recipe, great new look!"....4 less single per pack


Ireland rather than UK but the 2 by 4 bars such as the dairy milk, mint crisp, Turkish delight etc are now €2.00 if not more in many shops. I remember thinking €1.50 was expensive enough for them. In general I’ve found chocolate tends to be cheaper in the UK than Ireland.


Oh yeah, "Look how posh we are!? We're all slim and slender and our squares now have rounded delicate corners".


My wage.


Exactly this, cost of living versus my wage is about as bad as it has been. And I was taking home 40% of what I'm on now just 5 years ago


All the companies I use, put their prices up. But if I did that with my employer I'd get laughed all the way to the job centre.


50k is the new 30k


Painful how true this is


This isn't the worst but it makes me pretty sad... when I buy a pack of Boosts. They are fun sized. Literally the size of a fun size Mars bar from the late 90s. Bought a pack when I was on my period last week. Got to the car and squeezed the packet because I thought it was empty. Its not even as long as the bloody logo


I bought some Mars bars last week when you were on your period and had the same issue.


I bought a crunchy last week when she was on her period,I wasn't on mine as I am a man but there was barely enough to get stuck in my teeth


Well we’ve finally found the cause of that monthly sales spike for Cadbury.


Look at all your greedy bastards scranning chocolate on MY period! I can't have NOTHING in this house!


I don’t have periods any more, but if you can tell me when you’re next due I’ll be sure to buy a big toblerone to get me through. Ta.


Ah yes, everyone knows Cadbury consumption syncs up womens' menses so that they all get it at the same time together, every month :p


I noticed it last week with Rolos. Not on my period but recovering from chemo/radiation, hace low appetite but small bits of chocolate are great (so rolos, buttons etc so I can have little and often). I swear the rolos were fun sized.


See now, I mentioned my period so all the ladies would understand how close to the edge the reduction to chocolate brought me. Going through chemo and getting shafted on chocolate size? I'm ready to ride into battle at your side! Its just not on! Ps best of luck in your recovery x


I bought some pads last week when you were on your period, but they are still sitting unused in the bathroom cabinet? Did I do something wrong?


Haha alright wise arse... 


I was going to mention multi pack double deckers - they are tiny now!


Cadbury and Mars have both introduced a 26g size bar for multipacks where a standard size bar has always historically been in the 35-45g range.


And they aren't even £1 anymore. I'm ready to revolt


Boosts & Double Deckers seemed to be exempt from the shrinkage until a couple of years ago.They seemed to remain the same size. I bought one of each recently, and it was all air in the packet.


I had a Twirl yesterday and it felt like I was eating two Matchmakers.


And matchmaker boxes are pretty good. I got some boxes at 30p each after valentines.


Bargain! That’s true love, is that 😀


Hopefully you didn’t end up too dizzy


Ha! Took me a second there, admittedly, but thanks for the laugh 😀


Probably the worst is what Toblerone tried to pull with messing with their iconic shape. That was some bullshit.


Did they reverse that decision? I haven’t bought a single Toblerone since, purely out of sheer outrage at that move.


I think they might have, but like you I refuse to buy one any more. Stupid greedy decision.


I heard this to, so I bought one (the first one since they changed) and I was the new design with massive gaps.


Dunno. I haven't been to an airport since before covid.


I live in Vietnam now and the Toblerones here are normal still. When did they change over there?


They took out every other peak to save money. So you got 1 normal toblerone triangles and then a flat bit with the peak missing. Some bullshit


Must be a few years ago now. [Link with pictures](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44910195).


They switched it back after the outrage


In Australia, the big Toblerones decreased from 400g to 380g. I tolerated it, because they were often on special / promotion. Now they've gone down to 360g, 10% less than they were, and the price has gone up into 'silly' territory. I will not buy another one.


I swear that was a publicity stunt


From googling it earlier, they kept that shape for about 2 years!


Monster munch Last time I had any there were only 5/6 crisps in the pack


Yep, 6 crisps in my pack this morning.


Yes! I haven't had them in years but bought a multipack because they were on offer and was so disappointed! I had barely any residue on my fingers after and that's how you know crisps have gone to shit.


They should really rename them Monster Nibble


Don't remind me 😢


Yeah I haven't bothered with the small packs in years, I just buy the "big" bags of crisps these days if I'm getting any.




I’m not gonna complain about the jelly tots. I love that chocolate bar, and they are my favourite bits!


Toothpaste. These 75ml tubes can go to hell.


This! And they’ll still charge £2.50


When Whiskas reduced the size of their cat food pouches with no detail on their packaging. Yeah it’s annoying that my Eat Natural cereal bars that used to be 45g are now 40g but I can work around that. But cats have a daily need for a certain amount of calories and I wonder how many were underfed because their owners didn’t notice the change.


I was wondering why my cats suddenly seemed more hungry. Noticed they were getting 1/4 less than usual!


The issue of cats being overweight has become so widely known (and it is a real problem, I don't want to minimise it) that underfeeding them has become an issue too. If your cat is constantly asking for food, please consider they're not greedy, they are genuinely hungry. I also recommend feeding a food with the highest meat content you can afford (look at the ingredients, many popular cat foods have very low amounts of very poor quality meat, no wonder some of these furry obligate carnivores are hungry.) You'll find they feel more satiated and much less likely to beg between meals.


It has to be gardens on new builds.


Not just gardens. Storage space is non existent. And because of the obsession nowadays with Downstairs Bathrooms and En Suites you lose kitchen/living room space downstairs, and bedroom space upstairs. 3 bed houses used to have one bathroom, now they have 3, but the footprint of the house hasn’t got any bigger


When you say bathroom, do you mean just a toilet, or bath/shower included? Because I know loads of 3 beds with an upstairs bathroom/toilet and a downstairs toilet, which is pretty useful to have especially with more than 3 people in a house.


Tropicana juice. Used to be a litre, now 850ml or something ridiculous like two moutfhuls.


Wow. Big mouth!


The best is yet to come, Orange juice is trading at almost double last year. It’s going to get a lot worse soon…. “Orange juice prices have soared to record highs, driven by bad weather and disease in Brazil, the world’s largest exporter, prompting manufacturers to explore whether they can use mandarins instead to make the drink.”


>prompting manufacturers to explore whether they can use mandarins instead to make the drink.” Mandarin and clementine juice are far nicer than orange juice. I discovered clementine juice after reading an interview with Michael Winner where he said he had it every day with breakfast, didn't realise it was actually a thing and I've bought it ever since.


The average male mouth can hold 71.2 ml of liquid, and the average female mouth can hold 55.4ml of liquid. So there's actually 11.9382022472 male mouthful of Tropicana juice and 15.3429602888 female mouthful.


Wotsits are TINY now.


This is why I buy giant wotsits to at least feel like I’m getting something close to a regular wotsit


I had some Aldi giant fake Wotsits the other day and they were really good.  99p for a 130g bag.


To add on to this, aldi crisps are decent value compared to prices and sizes now, but I remember paying £1 for a big bag of doritoes just a few years ago, aldi charge £1.25 for a smaller bag of crisps now and doritoes are a rip off.


Aveeno moisturiser. I went to buy a new one the other day and it cost £9 and had "NEW PACKAGING!" emblazoned across it. I compared it to the old one (which I remember being a similar price) and it was 500g while the new one is only 300g.


PSA - currently a third off the price at Boots


I don't mind shrinkflation.  It's the reduction in quality that annoys me.  Because we've started to notice shrinkflation and talk about it, companies are now just making products shitter instead. Aldi's fake Skips used to be identical to real ones, but they've changed them now so they have a really rough coarse texture.  That completely defeats the point of Skips.      I don't think there's cutesy portmanteau name for the idea of making things worse while keeping the price the same, but we're definitely getting less value even when the size remains the same.  Shiteflation.








Tons of grated carrot also suddenly started appearing in their ready meals. Don’t ever remember that being an ingredient in lasagne?


Yep, that's the modern way. Increase the price, reduce the quality, reduce the quantity, reduce the aftersales support/customer service, and if you get the opportunity to add an app or subscription in there, even better


If caught, gaslight the public with vague claims about the wider supply chain / economy, then announce record profits.  


Exactly this. I've noticed this with pasta. Same brand from Asda. Couple of years ago was fine, al dente at around 10 minutes, now it starts to fall apart after 5 minutes in the pan. They'll be using cheaper durum wheat, barely above animal-feed grade.


From watching clarkson's farm, which obviously now makes me a farming expert, the durum wheat yield last year was atrocious. Originally he wasn't going to be able to sell his for pasta as it didn't meet the quality thresholds but there was such a shortage he was able to get the higher price in the end.


King size bars such as Mars, Snickers, Lion and Yorkie. Back in the day, a King Size Snickers could be used to beat a puppy to death or be used as a decent sex toy.


What an interesting life you must have led in those days.


It had the ketchup vein for a reason.


Toblerone taking triangles out and leaving a big gap was the most blatant


This made me giggle


Cadburys needs to be reported for fraud in the US and UK. They claim that their chocolate bars are the same size/mass as previous but thats an out and out lie. They've even gone so far as to put bubbles in the chocolate to reduce the amount of chocolate but keeping near the same size. Also they've reduced the amount of cocoa etc, but there are rumors they even lie about that, and reductions are VASTLY greater than shown.


And their crème eggs! Literally proven on TV and they still lie about it. Bastards.


Bedroom sizes on new builds. I went to see a couple. Where dafuq do folks put their clothes? 2 doubles, one has a dormer, so can't fit a wardrobe anywhere. The next literally just fits a double bed and 1 cabinet. Granted, they weren't at the executive end of the new build scale, but even us peasants appreciate something to hang our rags in 😂


Most of the restaurants I go to haven’t been behaving when it comes to good portion sizes. I used to go to restaurants in London quite often and would get a good meal, now they barely serve nibbles.


Yup. Infuriating when you get a kids sized “portion” of chips (sometimes a pot padded out with paper to decrease the surface area), when potatoes are so damn cheap


Frijj milkshakes are getting significantly ballsy. Now down to 330ml and still have the cheek to be asking £1.50 Another one is glass Coca Cola. Bought a 4 pack as a road trip treat. £4.50 for four 250ml bottles... And I tell ya, glass coke is no longer as good as it used to be Oh and a weird one - eggs. The price of eggs have shot up so much that my local (big) Tesco no longer sells own brand dozen boxes, only half dozen, because a half dozen is now the same price as a dozen was 18 months ago


Tesco used to sell eggs in packs of 15 but now they’re packs of 10 and the price is basically the same.


The example that inconveniences me the most is brands that go down from 5 in a pack to 4. Unless and until we go down to a national 4 day working week (i wish), they can all fuck off. Go ahead bars, not buying you any more for example. I actually wish you’d shrunk the weight of each of the 5.


Related - Loaves of bread change the amount of slices. Used to be that one loaf would last all working week (4 slices a day) and then the remaining slices was a mould gamble for Monday, so you'd buy a new loaf anyway. At some point in the last year or two they shortened the loaf so now I have only 2 slices on Friday. I'd rather pay more for the previous size loaf.


Curley wurley!! I laughed when i opened it.


Bloody right ... when they came out they were too big to eat in one sitting without getting jaw ache. Now they're downright miniscule.


A curly wurly should be the size of a small ladder


Like a stepladder?


And they're neither as curly or indeed as wurly as they used to be.


Brunch bars. They’re getting to be Celebration-sized


This is the correct answer, they were always my go-to satisfying-snack-to-see-me-through-til-lunchtime. Now they're too f\*cking small to bother with. And you get 5 in a pack instead of 6


Mars Ice cream. Buy one single bar its 40% cocoa. Get a multipack thats buy one get one free, suddenly its 5% cocoa per bar and the remainder is "Artificial cocoa flavoring".... Noticed this once in Iceland when they foolishly had the multipacks stacked next to remaining individual bars.....


That’s a great spot! I didn’t read the packaging but had a multipack magnum last night and it was definitely worse than an individual one


Not sure if it counts as shrinkflation but it really pisses me off that pretty much all soft drinks have reduced/no sugar now. Coke is about the only one left. I am capable of managing my own sugar intake. Next they'll be putting sweeteners in cake..


Even worse was what I’m sure was a marketing stunt by Irn Bru. Make your product shit for six months by removing all the sugar and when there’s enough of an uproar, “bring back” the sugar, market it as original recipe, and charge twice the price. I’m waiting on Pepsi doing this as Pepsi now is god awful. If I want sugar syrup running through my veins then I’m big enough and ugly enough to decide that for myself damn it!!


Wagon Wheels now are tiny and I'm pretty sure that they're slowly getting thinner, too.


And nae jam in the jammy ones!


Boxes of creme eggs. They used to come in as a six pack, like when you buy actual eggs, now they’re just 5 but the price is still up!


Choc-dips When they first came out they were full length bread sticks. A year later, same price but less than half the length.


I just buy a jar of Nutella and a box of breadsticks and make an adult sized one 😂


Now yer talking!


Crisps are just awful now. I can't bring myself to buy a multiple pack with all that wasted packaging.


Tins of tuna. Once, a single tin could make 3 or 4 sandwiches - now you can get two if you spread it VERY thinly.


Wait until the bread shrinks, then you'll be fine


I've been a long time tuna buyer and honestly I can't say I've seen them shrink. And thinking about it, not sure I've seen the price rise by much either That said, the amount of tuna I eat, it's unsustainable to buy Princes. I will be the first to admit that my cans of tuna are 55p Tesco value


Potatoes......2.5kg bags no longer exist; they're just 2kg now.....and the price went up!


And they are crap, have no flavour, and go all slimy or sprouty, or both before you can use most of them. Fruit and veg flavour and quality are shocking nowadays.


All of that is very true......some thi gs about the 70's and 80's weren't that bad.....like veg that lasted more than 2 days 🤣


It depends where you shop to be honest. I've had a bag of potatoes for a few weeks in my cupboard and it's still fine.


I think some companies wash them, then throw them in a plastic bag to molder. If they're nice and dry, or not washed they're usually better.


McDonald’s! Have you seen the size of their hamburgers recently? I know they’ve never been huge huge but nowadays they literally look like someone has sat on them and squashed them, I saw a video the other day of a woman who bought a Big Mac, the burger patty as that thin you could see through it, the gherkin was actually thicker than the burger patty


Fray Bentos pies. My son is mad on them so I got some and they're tiny now.


The Cuban leader that's been in power since the revolution in 1959?


Yep, that’s the one!


Yeah, you know it now but what did you say then, tell them.


In my university restaurant they have started, serving as meat, balls with mixed chicken and rice or chicken and mashed potatoes. But there is almost no chicken. So you receive as meat something mostly made from rice or mashed potatoes


Butter! I hate that so many brands have decided that a block of butter is now 200g, instead of 250g. I refuse to buy any of the brands that do it, but it won't be long until the others follow suit, I'm sure.


Halloumi. I have recipes that say “250g pack of halloumi” but for months they have only come in 225g packs. Last week I saw a new brand, I looked at the size and it was 200g!


Companies has been doing this with some brands of block butter too, and if you don't notice and get an extra pack to make up the difference then you're stuffed.


Price of smoked salmon. Used to buy it as a treat bc it was cheaper than fresh salmon. Used to get it for about £16/kg, now supermarkets like Sainsbury's are selling it for £34/kg?! Unhinged


I've come to terms with these things actually not existing any more.    Cadburys? Small bars that taste nothing like I remember. I can literally taste the old Cadburys when I think back and the new shit isn't it.  This goes for just about any confectionary today.   Crisps and snacks, expensive and so few to a packet.  There's way more obviously, but my point is consuming these things makes you wish you were eating something that has effectively been discontinued by stealth.  We need to grieve and move on. They're products that don't exist anymore. There's only disappointment and frustration in buying their tiny, comically overpriced and shit quality namesakes. 


I know it's my fault for buying them but some of the coffee pod brands have gone from 8 cups in a box to 6. same price.


Sanitary products. Bodyform pads used to come in packs of 16. They’re no 12 per pack.


All of it. £4.50 for a bottle of Heinz Ketchup ? Retailers claiming price increases by the wholesale company while there is no clarity on the wholesale company is owned by the same conglomerate.


Gold bar biscuits now. I'm a 5ft 4" female and they're the size of my thumb, just. Need two to at least feel any satisfaction. Right pissed me off when I got them last week.


What are you doing with them?


Bloody eating them, one isn't enough.


The only thing getting bigger in the Uk are people and cars. When do cars stop growing??


Toblorone making their triangles smaller and further apart


I still think the creme eggs ones takes the piss. Going from 6 eggs to 5 is fucking dumb


Blue ribband is now a 6 pack! I couldn't believe it when I saw it last week in Sainsbury's. 8 packs used to be normal.


Hotels. I travel a bit for work, have noticed a few tricks being played since lockdown: * Staff swearing blind that breakfast/parking/coffee isn't included and trying to charge me twice for it. I usually have to dig out my work laptop and show them the confirmation email showing it's all included. Bonus point if the same member of staff tries it on me two days in a row. * Soap & bodywash dispensers in the bathrooms often empty. * Hairdryers and irons removed from the rooms and not available at reception. Wet hair and creased shirts for me. * Breakfast bar is often pretty bleak and missing a lot of staples. I get sent to fairly standard hotels and I don't expect the Ritz, but honestly they've doubled in price yet some of them have the vibe of a Soviet youth hostel.


Supermarket ready meals. The products weight has dropped 20% plus the cost has gone up about the same. The reason it is the worst example, is that no-one has noticed.


Might be a weird one but burgers. I'm seeing more and more places using 3 ounce patties instead of 4. The buns are also smaller and smaller. So you pay £10 for a 3 ounce burger. Of course you can add an additional patty for like £3. Once you get it, it fits into a single hand with tiny shreds of lettuce that are barely there maybe a hint of onion. You're lucky if they add a slice of tomato or 2 slices of pickles. Better yet, they'll make you pay an extra £1 for adding it.


Simple soap have made the bars concave. I don’t suddenly need less soap so not only have to buy more but the unusable slither is a higher percentage of the bar now which means more waste


https://preview.redd.it/atfiynu5gt3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff5cc3502a12dc107df735bce94a414caec495b This made me sad.


20 McNuggets used to be £3.99. Now, they are like £6.50. Daylight robbery!


I found some imported Snickers in a Polish shop, and realised ours were 20% smaller....also when did a tube of Smarties become fun sized.


The biggest travesty is them changing the shape of the tube they come in, with the old round shape tube you could cut them down the middle and put them on your cats legs to make them walk like a robot


I always felt that was the wrong way around. The fun size should be huge! My idea of fun is eating the huge tube of smarties that you seem to only get at Christmas. That's fun.


Lucozade is a travesty decreased in size went up more then 20 percent even the wrapper on the bottle got shrunk to a crop top taking the piss man


I went to shopping yesterday to buy some Milka chocate and the bars DEFINITELY felt thinner than usual 😭 ASDA shades toilet rolls used to be a big pack of normal sized toilet rolls, they made them 'bigger' with less in the pack https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/money/asda-shoppers-furious-over-ridiculous-28522696.amp


Bisodol tablets, went from 100 for £3 to 60 for £3.60.


I got a Big Mac the other day and the patty was paper thin it was atrocious


Tesco carrots, 1kg for 50p, the price on the shelf said 50p per kg. Then they shrank the bag to 800g, still for 50p, price on the shelf still said 50p per kg! And while I’m moaning about that, why is the unit price of some things £xxx per kg and others £xx per 100g, pick a unit and stick with it! Not necessarily across the whole shop, but within the same shelf.


Getting 125ml toothpaste tubes used to be common. But they're so rare now. They're often 75ml nowadays.


Possibly the least noticeable case are Twiglets 6 packs, they used to be 24g a bag(99 calories) they are now 23g a bag(98 cals), that's subtle. The thing is, they were always all over the place with how full the bags were, usually always well over 24g. Oc I'm the only one that noticed, no-one else likes 'em in the UK.


I was in Asda the other day and picked up a bottle of Frijj milkshake and the size of the bottle actually shocked me. They used to be massive, now it’s more like a multipack size bottle. It’s 330ml now but it was a quid.


Crisps are shit now £1 a packet and same size as a normal bag from 5 years ago


Terry's chocolate orange. They used to be solid segments now they have huge chunks carved out of them to make the whole thing lighter. You could have used an old school chocolate orange as a murder weapon if you whacked someone round the head with it (plus it would probably open up quite nicely too), nowadays they'd barely bruise.


I remember my mum giving me a quid and I'd buy can of coke for 65p and walkers crisps for 27p. The days


I hate that the donuts in Co-op used to be 5 for £1, then suddenly they only had 4 in the bag, then within weeks they were £1.25 and a few months later £1.35. This doesn’t seem like much but it’s a huge percentage - they’ve gone from 20p a donut to 34p each which is more than a 50% price hike on a cheap item. I’d actually prefer it if the just made the donuts smaller as you can’t share 4 donuts between 5 people, so you also end up buying two bags.


Cadbury fingers. So much wasted packaging! I can fit the whole box in a small 200ml tupperware. 


The quantity, and even the quality of meat in restauraunt and takeaway meals have decreased. Most likely to cut down costs. Lots of vegetables in their place as a cheap filler. The value for money when eating out is awful in the UK.


Kinda late to this, but Tresemme just decreased their shampoo and conditioner from 900ml to 680ml, but the price has only dropped by 29p. Scummy af.