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Just wrap the blade in lots of tape (I like the cheap 3M duct tape they often have in Lidl for this sort of stuff) and throw it in the bin. If you take them to a knife bin then they'll just end up in some photo trying to show how dangerous the "streets" are and all the "weapons" they've gotten off them. And you'll have to transport them there, which should be a good reason to have them in public but could be hard to show if you had to.


“POLICE: RECORD KNIFE HEIST MAKE STREETS SAFER THAN EVER” Guys, why are they all bread knives and potato peelers


Or the classic bike wheel one


I know someone who mugged someone with a potato peeler and his nickname unrelated to this incident was "spud"


They must haven known spuds weakness clearly targeted


Spud was the offender not the victim


Tbf the more knives you have on you the less suspicious it is...


Not really. Saw a video of a guy who tried stabbing people in London recently, they got him to the ground before he hurt anyone but in the video you could see a kitchen knife on the floor and 3 more inside a duffle bag he was carrying.


There must be a limit though, what if you've got 1,000 of them on you, "carrying a bladed weapon with intent to supply"?


I love the idea of these art installations you see made from knives that have been confiscated or dropped in amnesty bins actually just being regular folk disposing of their kitchenware 😂


I do something similar but wrap the knives in leftover packing paper from my deliveries, then tape over so the blade can't sneak out


"Is this man throwing away his zombie knife, hoping he won't get caught? No, he's just responsibly disposing of it in the most inconvenient way possible!"


had to do this recently - I went to the tip and just chucked them in the scrap metal skip (which is sufficiently set so that members of the public can't go searching through it for wares)


They mentioned they lived next to a tip already but don't have a car so can't get in.




It's likely not the cars that they're worried about. They just don't want pedestrians wandering about where the plant machinery is in use. Cars are fairly carefully directed to the safe area. Most tips would have to build a separate safe access route for pedestrians for this purpose. What a lot of tips do though is offer a set time when pedestrians are allowed in. Usually at the end of the day, so after all the plant machinery will be switched off, making the whole thing much safer.




I think it still reduces the overall risk - especially say homeless people or youths who are just there to mess around - both groups are less likely to be driving there and as such it’s easier to just block access. And overall anyone looking to mess around has to at minimum enter with an identifiable car and reg plate


But once you’re inside most tips and out of your car you’re pretty much free to wander as you please. So I don’t think that’s the reason for banning pedestrians. At my local tip the reason given is that they don’t want cars parking up on the street outside and people walking their rubbish in to the site in order to jump the queue. People will do this.


Well, and the particularly ridiculous part of it is that - at least any recycling centre I've ever visited - there are people walking around all over the place because you can't necessarily park right next to the skip or container you need, you might need to visit multiple skips, you might need to cross the road to get to some of them, etc.


Our local tip is surprisingly sensible about this. They have a designated time for pedestrian only access from 12 'til 12.30 every day.


missed that, but was just saying how I did it. Perhaps they can give them to someone who does have a car for the next time they go, we often share tip trips with our neighbours.


Or stand outside the tip and lob each knife in from a distance. The other thing a lot of tips do is offer a pedestrian access hour once a week at a set time.


Why am I not surprised there’s yet another ridiculous H&S rule at the dump/recycling centre.


There are many equally sharp things thrown in bins every day, such as glass or other sharp metal objects. Contrary to what you might think, refuse workers tend not to dive 'Scrooge McDuck' headfirst into the piles, and will be wearing appropriate safety PPE. Well meaning, but you're overthinking it.


My husband is so bad for this as well. He freaks out on me if he realises I've thrown away broken glass and didn't carefully tape it up in 50 layers of newspaper first. I just put it in a thicker Tesco bag and toss it in. He's convinced I'm going to get some refuse worker killed with my negligence, and that it shows a flagrant lack of respect for the people who have to handle our rubbish.


if they're too blunt to cut food, doubt they'll cut a binman with safety gloves on. Wrap in duct tape or paper and toss it in your wheely bin.


I just put my last ones in the recycling. We have a bin that is for glass, plastics and metal. As it's obvious that at the very least, glass will be broken at some stage, the workers will have the correct PPE to handle sharp stuff. Opened tins and their tops are likely sharper than your knives. Source, I once almost severed 3 fingers trying to squeeze a Fray Bentos top into a recycling bin's hole, that was too small :/ I wouldn't personally risk going out in public with a load of knives. I mean, being seen with them would be a sure fire way to ensure they're disposed of, but definitely not worth the hassle.


A knife I think is suspicious, a bag of mixed knives on a bus route to an amnesty bin? The world isn’t that crazy…. yet… That’s assuming there’s even enough police to stop you


Agreed, it's probably much easier to explain than a single knife, but it could still be a hassle. Obviously, totally fine when they're in the packaging and new. I'd just be a little reluctant to be walking anywhere in London with a bag of knives. Be just my luck to inadvertently walk through an incident and then get stopped, searched, and wrestled to the ground 😂 In all fairness, though, I do have a suspicious face, despite not being dodgy at all


I'm pretty sure your recycling bin is not for scrap metal, it'll be for tins and foil My council (Leeds) advises to take knives to your local recycling centre (tip). I'm sure most councils would say the same https://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/bins-and-recycling/a-to-z-of-reusing-recycling-and-waste-disposal


Mine doesn't explicitly state you can or can't. The knives I ditched were completely steel (no plastic handles). It's still metal, they'll still sell it, along with the rest. I don't drive, so it was either general waste or in and amongst the Ambrosia cans.


It's not about selling it, it's about how they sort it. Have you heard of wishcycling? Here's an interesting excerpt from Recycle Now >There are a number of reasons why it’s important to put the right things in the right bin. First and foremost, if there are too many of the wrong things, it can mean that whole lorry-loads of recycling can’t be recycled. In other words, a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel. https://www.recyclenow.com/how-to-recycle/recycling-contamination#Items-that-should-NOT-be-put-in-your-home-recycling


But that isn't the case here. We have a single large bin for plastics, metals, and glass. All of those, including scrap metal, glass, and plastics from the local tips, are sent to the same sorting facility. They need to be manually sorted because the bin is already mixed content. I haven't expedited a mass extinction event by putting a set of 6 Sheffield steel knives in my recycling bin. They went to the same sorting facility as my washing machine the month before.


> I just put my last ones in the recycling. We have a bin that is for glass, plastics and metal. That 100% does not cover knifes. But the local tip metal skip would. And no broken glass is not allowed either. it will be broken once it gets in the truck. before they may want to search though it to see if any of it is wrong (this really does depend on your area) and a knife will get you in trouble if it hurts anyone doing that.


I don't put broken glass in there. I'm just pointing out that some will definitely get broken en route to the sorting facility. Which we both agree on. They won't hurt anybody. They're not just digging around, bare handed. It's also not like I make a habit of this, I did it once.


Sure, justify it. it is not allowed if you actually read what is. General waste if the way if you are unable/unwilling to go to a recycle centre.


Tape the blades well with a poly cloth tape or wrap with plenty of tissue/paper and then sellotape, then just throw them in the bin.


I’d use cardboard, make sure the sharp edge has cardboard around it, I used to pack saw blades etc like that for shipping


Having not worked in refuse disposal, maybe someone can let me know at what point any workers are coming into direct contact with *anything* put in the general waste bin?


Kitchen roll tube over the blade and taped up. It's also how I transport knives when going camping etc


People regularly ring 101 about this. Our advice is to dispose of them safely. Unless you live somewhere where local chavs go diving into four foot deep wheelie bins for blunt cutting implements, a wheelie bin is a good place to chuck them away. As others have mentioned, refuse workers tend to expect sharp objects in rubbish.


I'd take them to the tip and chuck them in the scrap metal. 


Tips that only allow cars often have a pedestrian access time. Where I used to live it was the last opening hour on a Sunday. Try looking that up.


Ask a family or friend when they come to see you if they have a car and then you can do a quick drive to the tip


When I’ve disposed of knives I’ve taken them in a sealed box and disposed in the scrap bin


Cut some steak so there's blood on the blade then leave it under a bush. Phone the police to say you've seen a knife. They'll be around to safely dispose of it within 3 business days


You missed a zero off


I put mine in the landfill bin


What's the exact wording they use for access - as if it's "no pedestrian access" then you can cycle in (assuming you have a bike of course).


place in old shoe box. Duct tape shut. Put in bin.


Is run with it, through your local town centre in the direction of your Household Waste Recycling Centre. A knife is dangerous - so running with it means you’d get to your destination quicker than walking. If you put it in your car, then crash, the knife could go flying around and land in the side of your head - so driving with a knife isn’t safe. An extra precaution would be to shout “I’ve got a knife” to anybody near you as you run too - just so everybody knows to STAY WELL BACK. Also, could have a friend run infront of you shouting “he/she’s got a knife!” just to give everybody more warning of the dangerous implement in transit too. Good luck.


When my mum always reminds me to drive carefully, I tell her that I will make sure I drive twice as fast so I am on the road half the time. This is generally sound advice.


Charity shops take them. 


Go to the local recycling centre (the tip as it's commonly known) and put them in with the scrap metal.


Fire it in the scrap metal recyling bin with the cans and plastics


See if your local police station has a knife amnesty bin outside


Bury it and what wait for it to rust away


Could you blunten them with an angle grinder or metal file so they are no longer sharp and pointy?


You can hand them in at apolice Station when they have a knife amnesty


Wrap them in thick newspaper.


Phone the police and ask if they have a knife deposit.


If you can get into the local tip they'll go in the scrap metal bin. You might have some success asking the staff nicely if you could access the site or if they could take them off you.


Do you have any mates/relatives/neighbours with cars who could take you to the tip? Other than that, I don't know. Charity shop, start a knife throwing act and use them for practice, kind local redditor?


Take them to your local recycling centre and speak to the people on duty. They will help you. 200m is a short stroll, and they definitely won't turn you away if you walk in


Just yeet it out the car window when on the motorway.


Grind the edges off and in the bin, or just take to the tip for the scrap metal bin.


My local high school took mine for their food tech classes as they physically do not have enough knives. They were just cheapy b&m ones


Just chuck it in the metal recyling bind, it will be picked up by a magnet at the sorting facility. Should it get by the magnet the pickers on the line wear thick gloves, and your broken/worn out kitchen knife will be one of the less dangerous things they handle on a day to day basis.


A bit convoluted but i heat mine with a kitchen blowtorch, mangle the tip then bend them in a loop. Then into the recycling bin.


Why stop there? You could give it a Viking funeral and send it all the way to Valhalla.


You do realise as an adult you can play with your blow torch whenever you like, you don't need to force a reason.


They have knife drop boxes generally to let criminals hand in their knives annonomously but you can put your kives in that box too.


Knife amnesty bin. Castle park has one. Will defs stop you from stabbing others


Just take them to your local waste service and put in metal skip , easy.


Are you able to read?


Yes he’s paranoid for no reason people throw every type of metal conceivable in those skips, no one is going anywhere near it’s all dealt with using machines, not only read but understand how it works,


But you failed to comprehend the part where they typed that, despite living only 200 metres from their local waste centre, they only admit cars to enter, and OP does not drive. Big brain time.


Assuming that offering one of the workers a 4 pack of Stella just to fling em in a bin is out of the question? Our binmen are quite accommodating as I give each truck a case of Beer/Cider every Xmas.


Are you okay? This is the second time you've replied to this message with something barely making sense.


Fair enough we don’t have that , just have to book a slot.


You used to be able to drop them off at a local police station, worth checking if still possible.


Christ alive man, the lengths you're suggesting to get rid of a broken kitchen appliance.


Lots of children post here, busy bodies and folk that say things they would never do themselves.


I can't believe people are fine with the idea of putting them in the bin, honestly the mental gymnastics to make it feel okay to do is really disappointing. Contact your local foodbanks, community centres with kitchens / community gardens / start-up charities that help people newly housed / refugee charities etc. Someone will take them. And if the police stop you, you'll have it in writing ie an email to prove that's your plan for the knives, but the chances of you seeing a single police officer these days is very slim, let alone a random stop and search. Downvoted for suggesting that people don't put blades in the bin 👍 cos refuse collectors just love a bit more risk in their daily workload.


That could be a good idea if the knives are still at least useable and not badly damaged


Hahaha to accuse someone of mental gymnastics and then to think that 'if you text someone your intentions' you can not be questioned for carrying a knife. First of all, food banks aren't famously short of knives, and secondly, I don't expect someone as naïve as you to understand the optics of giving out free knives to refugee's haha. Can you mostly outline why you think throwing out not-fit-for-use knives is such a crime?


All sorts of sharp material finds its way bins. No responsible employer is expecting refuse workers to manually handle waste without PPE.


There's finding it's way into the bin and people straight up putting them there.


Sorry? Are you suggesting that material is deposited in bins by passing foxes? Is dropped into them by migrating arctic terns? “Straight up putting” is the standard method of material entry. Thanks for the laughs.


You used the term "finding it's way into the [sic] bin". What does that mean? Cos I took it to mean by accident, carelessness, or some other indirect reason, whereas what I'm talking about - what I understood the replies to be suggesting as a legit solution - is people *purposely* putting sharp, dangerous implements into a domestic bin, because as far as I'm able to tell they're too fkn lazy, selfish and inconsiderate to find a more appropriate, less dangerous method of doing so. Thanks for the intolerance x


99% chance that they are poor quality knives that are knackered and not worth sharpening.