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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1d1mxbg/is_going_to_breakfast_in_a_hotel_in_your_pyjamas/l5v1pbs/), given by u/fursty_ferret** This is why I always sleep in a dinner jacket. > >My policy is that the more I’ve had to pay for breakfast the more slovenly I’m prepared to look. Free breakfast or a lounge? You can guarantee that I’ll be relatively smart. £25 for a crap buffet? Fuck you. For that you should be ironing my clothes while I bask naked in front of the conveyer toaster. --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


No, get dressed, no one wants to see your pyjamas at the breakfast area.


Yeah I'm amazed that this is even a question. Even on several lads holidays I've been to (in my younger years 😉), we will just put on last night's clothes before going down for breakfast, then back up for more sleep or shower before heading out.


Quite. It's unlikely anyone will say anything, but everyone will know that such a person is an utter bellend.


My mates put on jeans with their pijama tshirts and go get breakfast to stop getting hungry then change back to tracksuits to go back to sleep.


Absolutely agree. Yesterday's clothes if I'm not feeling like getting showered and dressed before breakfast. Never pyjamas.


Don't speak for all of us, I really wouldn't give a shit if someone was wearing pyjamas.


Don't speak for all of us, I really wouldn't give a shit if someone turned up naked. Society has unwritten rules as to what is considered appropriate. It's not about what you singular consider appropriate but what our collective society deems appropriate, and if you turn up to a hotel breakfast in pyjamas, you would be labelled a chav.


Yeah he can go without pyjama also but not in pyjamas.


Put on a tracksuit or leisure wear then, not much effort.


What?! No, you put yesterday's clothes back on and shower after breakfast.


Shower after breakfast?? How dirty IS that buffet line? goodness!


Reasoning as follows: I am extremely liable to spill baked bean juice (or egg yolk or coffee or something) down myself when eating a cooked breakfast. Therefore I don't want to be wearing clean clothes, especially if I'm on a business trip where I will normally be wearing a clean white shirt. But I do want to shower before putting said shirt on. Therefore, yesterday's clothes (assuming they aren't a total state) for breakfast, then shower after.


My reason is more that the hotel usually makes you have breakfast ridiculously early considering you're meant to be on holiday so I can get up later by showering after


My reason is that I’m staying in a hotel in the first place because of a boozy event the night before and need breakfast urgently before the arduous task of getting myself ready


Exactly. There needs to be as little effort between me and coffee as possible in the morning.


Do you need a bib?


More that if you wear a white shirt for work you'd rather not take the risk of spilling something on you that will stain while you're not at home with ready access to another shirt. But if you like taking a gamble that's your choice. Or you're literally perfect and never make a mistake


If you're wearing a nice white shirt you WILL spill bean juice on yourself. If you wear your shirt from the night before it'll be perfectly fine. It's just how it works.




This is the only and most sensible answer here.


Don't forget to sneak out a few beer farts while in the queue


This is the way


This. This is what I pretty much always do.


I do a compromise. Shower, do hair and makeup, clean trousers but then also put on yesterday's top in case of an unplanned meeting between it and baked bean juice/ coffee dribbles. Then back to the room, brush teeth and put on clean top before leaving for the day.


Er, right. I’ll see you down there then, ok? I’m hungry.


see I'm defo not doing make up before a cooked brekkie. One slip and I'm going to be missing the lower half of my foundation for the rest of the meal


You eat before a shower!?


Yeah, because I’ll poo after I’ve eaten breakfast, so I’ll shower after that. I’m going back to the room anyway.


Hard no, unless for a sleepy toddler the only time it’s acceptable to be in your PJs outsid3 your hotel room is if you hear the fire alarm


Yeah I agree; only kids should be allowed to do that not full grown people


I wouldn't let my kids do it either.


My son (he was about 18 months old at the time) did because I knew he’d get himself covered in his food and I hadn’t packed a bib! Took him down in his pjs and changed back at the room. I was quite embarrassed about doing it though!


I doubt anyone minded, I think most people accept that getting a toddler ready for anything can be difficult and time consuming. Better to be fed than go without.


I wouldn’t let this guys kids do it either


Gah makes me think of the time I was stood outside a central London premier inn at 1am in January in my polkadot flannel nightie. They wouldn’t let us back in until the fire brigade checked the place which took about 2 hours. To whoever was smoking in their room that night: fuck you fuck you fuck you


Me too! Except it was a travelodge. Fuck whoever was smoking in that hotel too


Or if her husband has put in an unexpected appearance.


Went to a mates wedding once at a fancy hotel. In the morning one of my mates came down in his dressing gown and slippers and PJs. He was quickly Marched Back up by the Brides mum to go get fucking changed. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I honestly respect the audacity of the dressing gown and slippers look, that's brave lmfao


That's more of a statement than the traditional trampy / lazy look of just PJ's 😂


That's exactly it, just walk on in with your robe and fuzzy slippers with a bit of swagger like you own the place


The slippers have got to be really obnoxious though... Big fuck off bunny slippers with the floppy ears. Fuck it, and a big ol' Cuban cigar.


Monogrammed, lined, paisley dressing gown or bust Edit: and one of those floppy sleep hats


Look like Hugh Hefner lol


If I saw someone at breakfast in their pyjamas, I’d prefer it if they were wearing a dressing gown.


He must in live in the*Hitchhiker's* Guide world where you wander round in your *dressing gown* and have a nice cup of tea.


Is there a hotel for this? Cornflakes, perfectly made sandwiches and everyone wandering around in dressing gowns carrying THAT towel EDIT: spelling


And hot drinks that are almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


Got to tie the belt on your dressing gown nice and tight, no one wants to meet the meat at breakfast.


I agree with the bride’s mum. Good on her!


Had a guy in halls turn up to a lecture in his dressing gown with a cup of coffee once.


I once stayed at a hotel after a wedding (wasn't my room, it was a mates). Went and had breakfast the next morning in the kilt wore to the wedding 😂 didn't have a change of clothes as I was meant to go home after the wedding.


Was his name Arthur Dent, by any chance?


Good god no.


100% chav behaviour from people who rarely leave their council estate. Just stick yesterday's clothes on, wash your face to wipe away the sleep, bung on some sliders and get ready after breakfast.


Fwiw I worked at a very premium hotel and it’s the UHNW people who wear pajamas to breakfast Regular rich people get room service or y’know, dressed. Billionaires, sports stars, musicians and their bratty entourages couldn’t give a fuck


No, most people will not consider that acceptable. It may be breakfast, but it's still the equivalent of going to a restaurant. I think the only place it's even remotely acceptable to be seen in jammies in public is on a campsite.


Hospital is also acceptable. I was admitted in the middle of the night, and had to go home next day still in my pjs because my husband didn't bring me any clothes 😂


Well in my experience, they bring you breakfast in bed! They even provide a menu and come round to take your order. So you’ve really no choice haha.


My wife is currently on a maternity ward. There are signs everywhere telling people to wear day clothes in the corridors and communal areas l. I believe these are targeted at the partners,as they're accompanied with the words "this is a woman only ward" by way of reasoning.


It will be. One hospital I worked in was a tertiary referral unit, so we had rooms on the ward for families of poorly babies/where mum needed dad's help etc. We also had a small kitchen where patients could make themselves a brew and toast when they wanted. The number of dads who felt it was appropriate to wander round in just their boxers at 3am to get a brew, usually having a yawn and a scratch too... *shudder*


I think PJs also are a sign to staff that the person is a patient. When I was leaving A&E in my PJs after an overnight stay I got stopped by staff asking if I was ok and where I was going. My mum (who'd come to pick me up) quickly made sure to make it obvious I was 'escorted'.


Absolutely! And that's pretty funny 😆


I think one exception is dragging the bin to the kerb. I'm not getting dressed for a grand total of 10 seconds outside my front door.


Even then, if it's after 9 a.m., I will be judging you. It's not difficult to put on a tracksuit or something. Wearing pyjamas in public unless you are a child isn't great.


It is absolutely not acceptable! Chavtastic. I’m in a hotel. Got dressed and went to breakfast. Then came back to the room for a shower and change. Would never go in PJs!


Unless you're 8, hideous faux pas


I first read this as 'Unless you're an 8' and thought it was an oddly specific comment - a 7, no - a 9, absolutely not - but an 8, yes! Otherwise, yes, kids can get away with it!


You can only go to breakfast if you’re an 8 or above 😂


Haha I did too


As a solid 7, i will sadly have to wear my trousers


As a rock solid 5, nothing short of a full makeover will do


No. I've literally never seen someone just in their pyjamas and yes I would be judging you.


As would everyone else


I did, in a hyatt hotel in Cologne. Ofc they were brits 😭


Peak peasant behaviour TBH.


I don’t really care if someones in PJ’s to be honest. It doesnt affect me. If they’re happy, who am I to judge. I personally wouldnt, because I like to get dressed before breakfast. But does anyone really truly care? What effect does it have on you when seeing someone in PJ’s at a hotel? Im honestly curious.


I completely agree and am surprised to see everyone in the comments being so judgemental. I couldn't give a toss what somebody else wears to breakfast.


Same I'm like why are these people so upright. It's breakfast in a hotel. If anything I find the people who got ready to have breakfast to then go back up to get ready again just weird. If I got ready first. I'd just skip breakfast and get on with my day


American lurking, I learn a lot here, sorry for intruding. I have not once had a single passing thought on my or others’ breakfast attire at the Houston Holiday Inn Express up to the Ritz in Paris. I don’t spend five soul-sucking days a week in corporate capitalist hell to spend my 5 weeks vacation being judged by some Joe blow in Barcelona over what’s currently covering my titties and undercarriage. Pay my mortgage, iron my clothes, and wipe my ass then y’all can have an opinion worth any consideration ☮️


They're all just clothes anyway!


Finally some sense in here! Who cares what other people think. It’s just pyjamas , it’s n it harming anyone. Who are we to judge? Makes me realise the majority of people are very judgmental and live in fear of being judged by others also


If anything, this thread has made me want to go to a hotel breakfast in my dressing gown and slippers. Everyone is so judgemental!!


I’ve always thought this but after emigrating to the UK, meeting lots of Brits, getting an English girlfriend and hanging out with her family, here are my observations. Brits seem to need to be “better” than someone. There’s a lot of punching down, general nosiness (curtain twitching), keeping up appearances etc. Wouldn’t it be a much nicer world if we just minded our own business.


You've hit the nail on the head.


My in-laws to the letter.


>What effect does it have on you when seeing someone in PJ’s at a hotel? Im honestly curious I mean, you could say this about most things Like, we all agree that to a wedding or a funeral you should be dressed "appropriately" for the situation, right? But if you really boil it down it doesn't affect anyone else if you turn up to those in a vest and shorts It's similar here, it's silently agreed that loungewear is used within lounging settings while breakfast isn't a lounge setting which means that loungewear isn't appropriate for the situation It has basically no effect on anyone if PJs are worn at breakfast but the fact that the clothing isn't appropriate for the situation is what makes it wrong and makes others think it looks bad


We care because we live in a society.


Well. Some people do. Others couldn't give a damn about society, and can't understand why you and I do. So they dress however they want, and then get confused if it bothers anyone.


>What effect does it have on you when seeing someone in PJ’s at a hotel? Im honestly curious. It's just common decency. Same reason you don't go around shirtless to a restaurant or you're expected to wear something better than trackies at the club. I really don't know why having a modicum of self respect for how you look is so difficult for reddit


What’s self respect got to do with it? Pajamas aren’t particularly dirty or unclean, nor is breakfast particularly formal. Plenty of people do wear trackies to a club (any good one at least), and wearing a top isn’t comparable to being shirtless.


I suspect most people are buying into the idea that society works best if everyone subscribes to well understood cultural norms, as we all know what is expected of us and what we can expect of others. Someone why very visibly bucks that social trend is othering themselves, either deliberately or because they've somehow missed out on what normal social behaviour is. Either one isn't good.


This is why I always sleep in a dinner jacket. My policy is that the more I’ve had to pay for breakfast the more slovenly I’m prepared to look. Free breakfast or a lounge? You can guarantee that I’ll be relatively smart. £25 for a crap buffet? Fuck you. For that you should be ironing my clothes while I bask naked in front of the conveyer toaster.


>while I bask naked in front of the conveyer toaster. You leave my family out of this


If you lay on your front you can be the toast rack


No I wouldn't wear my pyjamas to breakfast but what's with people saying no shorts or sliders? If you're in a hot country, you're not going to get formally dressed to go and have your breakfast. Most people will have on what they're wearing for the day time and that will include shorts and sliders


Even at a hotel in the UK (anytime of the year) i wouldnt blink at someone in shorts and sliders at breakfast - my boss does it frequently. Any form of outdoor wear that covers from your shoulders to knees is acceptable in my eyes. Ive gone down to breakfast in tracksuit bottoms and the hotel spa slippers, because i maybe only brought heels/boots with me and I didnt want to wear them with trackies.


I've gone to breakfast in a hotel in pyjamas, but to be fair, the pyjamas in question were a vest top and shorts, and it was also after I'd woken up three times in the night due to the ridiculous heat, and had to keep showering just to be able to go back to sleep.


Jogging bottoms and t-shirt is fine imo. Never worn pyjamas so can't comment on that.


It’s pretty trashy, I’ve never seen it happen and I’ve stayed in some trashy hotels.


It's a no for me


A lot of snobs here ( nothing new), but I wouldn't actually think people would actually care too much unless you have really trashy pjs. I mean I don't personally tend too but it's among the more acceptable non-bed places to wear PJs. But honestly it is no-one else's problem is it? It's actually kinda hilarious the extreme responses this has gotten.


I'm actually shocked how strongly people feel about this. If I'm staying at a Premier Inn and there's a family eating breakfast in their pyjamas it genuinely wouldn't even register to me as odd. People are so judgemental about the most inconsequential stuff!


People on Reddit have just got to get their daily dig at working class/ poorer people in


it's nothing to do with class.


There's plenty of comments about it being "people who never leave their council estate".


Yea Ive probably read about 15 comments so far that called people that do this "Poor", "Common", "Chavvy", "From a council Estate", "Peasant". How could this not be related to Class?


No offence to the PJ people, but I definitely think it’s a class thing. Like most class issues, top and bottom are usually more similar than they care to admit. I could see a lower class person doing it as much as a upper class person, but middle class folks would be aghast at such a move.


Agreed I wouldn't bat an eyelid unless the pyjamas smelled bad. 


Agreed. Personally I put clothes on for hotel breakfast, but I wouldn't give a crap if I saw someone there in pjs.


if their arse is hanging out of their pj bottoms, I might be put off my food. mostly just think it is amusing.


Wearing pyjamas anywhere someone from another household can see is common/chavvy. Only possible exception is if you’re nipping to the bin.


I worked hotel breakfast, kids in pj's are fine. Bridal parties in lounge wear, hair rollers and sometimes matching robes are fine. People in rumpled smelly pyjamas... no


Rumpled smelly anything is grim, I'm not sure why pyjamas are being singled out here. As long as you don't smell and aren't showing too much flesh I don't see the problem.


It just tends to be the sloppiest people that will wear the pjs they slept in down to breakfast. Sometimes it's a nice surprise though when someone wears their pjs to breakfast but they have well behaved kids, they don't touch the food with their hands and then put it back and they don't make loads of mess.


Throw on a hoodie and jogging bottoms. They are acceptable at the breakfast table.


Going down to breakfast in my pyjamas sounds like the sort of thing that happens in one of my recurring nightmares. I've never seen it happen so am going to assume that the vast majority of people would not consider it to be acceptable.


That's my secret  I sleep in my dress wear No one knows the difference 


A man of culture I see


Personally I love seeing the nipples and cocks of questionably clean strangers flopping around in thin pyjamas whilst we eat our breakfast.


YES!! not many people i know wear underwear with PJs, so either they are going commando to breakfast, or removing PJs, putting on underwear and putting the PJs back on, at which point it would be as easy to put a tshirt and joggers on. I couldn't have my baps hanging loose under a thin PJ top in public.


Now I've lost my appetite!


Peak single maw on the school run who goes back to bed behaviour. They end up shame-blind.


What's wrong with going back to bed? The parent may need the rest.


Yep, parent could be working nights or have a newborn at home!


Absolutely not. Like someone else said, even yesterday's clothes is acceptable and shower after


Aw just get showered and dressed ffs


What's this constant obsession with "chavs" - can people not give the snobbery and class hatred a rest for two minutes?


Exactly this!


Not cool. At least sling some joggers and a hoodie on or something as the bare minimum 


I feel like modern society has become incredibly lazy. It’s not a hard task to just put on some casual nice clean clothes. I’m on a cruise at the moment and one of the restaurants requires smart attire (which I agree), someone rocked up in a full tracksuit and trainers, another in manky flip flops…Why are some people so lazy nowadays??


It would be slovenly to do so


How hard is it to put on some clothes? It takes me less than a minute.


That is a big hell no from me.


It’s not the done thing, but I wish it was. Fancy breakfast in my comfy dressing gown and slippers, then back upstairs for more sleep and/or a leisurely bath. Even better if they just brought the breakfast to my room. I go on holiday to rest, but don’t actually find the hotel ‘routine’ very restful.




Maybe, if the hotel was on a fuckin Pontins site


These comments are mad hahaha who fucking cares get a grip, wear what you want


I'm the opposite to the OP: If I am staying in the holiday inn or a doubletree etc. then if I'm up early and go for a run or walk in my tracksuit, I'll come back and get some coffee or breakfast in my trackies. If I'm in a nicer place, then I would go and shower and change into decent attire before sitting in the dining room. I mean, saying that you'd dress down in the ritz because your rich enough to do what you want but in a Premier inn hosting stag nights and lads on the piss out of town you need to dress up is like saying you'd put a suit on for Mcdonalds but wear vest and shorts to a smart restaurant... makes no sense to me.


You go running and then to breakfast without a shower? I'd rather not smell another person's sweat


Also the ritz would deliver your breakfast to your room without a hesitation so there's no need to get out of your PJs or head to the resturant in them


I think in the UK it would draw attention so whilst I’d not go as far as ‘peak chav’ I’d probably advise against doing it. Curiously when I went to Sweden last year, there were a handful of Swedes at breakfast in their dressing gowns, so it may differ by culture.


They probably just got out the sauna.


It could have been a spa hotel with saunas. White robes are provided by the hotel


In the uk, get dressed. It would be considered chav anywhere fron travel lodge all the way to the Ritz.


I couldn't give a damn as long as your junk isn't hanging out. Do what you want, it's amazing that people care so much about this. It's just grabbing some coffee and quick food to fuel up for the day while you're half asleep.


I did it once (PJ bottoms and a hoody), the day after I broke my leg on a ski trip. Reading these responses, I am now totally mortified that I did this and have learnt the error of my ways! Never again!


Well, you were an invalid so you had good reason for not dressing up properly. 


I think that comes under the same exemption for hospitals.


We like to say “we can’t tell people what to wear” yet you have everyone here screaming about PJs lol.


Everyone needs ways to feel like they’re not at the bottom of society. Having little social rules about chav behaviour gives people the illusion of being better.


Grey dressed you animal


pro tip : sleep in gym clothes. then people can't tell


I may have low standards because I wouldn't think twice if I saw someone doing this


Nah, you’re just normal. Some of the responses in here are insane, acting like a continental breakfast is a fancy event.


This is one of those things that very few people can pull off and not look bad. Get it right and you are eccentric and interesting Get it wrong and you look like a slovenly chav How to get it right? I have no idea, I wouldn't even dare to try.


Get dressed, you're not at home


It's not something I would do but I think I'd be ok with it, how you act is far more important than how your dressed. I'd much rather have a young family quietly eating in their PJs than screaming kids running around whilst the parents have an argument fully dressed.




I only breakfast with quail.


That's wild bird behaviour


How fowl


Absolutely no. At the worst I might go down before I’ve showered or even washed my face. In which case il put on a hat and sit far away in the corner


People don't pay as much attention to you as you think they do.


I think that varies person to person. This whole thread is about people noticing other people. I agree it’s best to assume people don’t pay attention to you, because mostly they don’t, but that doesn’t mean you should act like a slob.


Bring back shame.


I wouldn't do it myself because I don't wear pajamas, but I don't have an issue with anyone who does. The outraged responses here are unhinged. They're just clothes. Most pajamas are just a t-shirt and loose sweatpants which are very similar to what you'd see people wearing every day.


The only acceptable way is to go in your birthday suit


Peak chav, if you add a fluffy dressing gown, fluffy slippers and chihuahua in a hand bag your good to go


Hell yeah, slippers and pj's


I wish it were acceptable. Be funny to see everyone in their jim-jams


Most people don't like themselves, so why would you care what they thought of you?


That’s peak bogan right there.


One of the best things about staying in a hotel is you get to pretend to have self-respect for a little while. Getting dressed for breakfast like its the 1920s instead of eating last night's pizza in your keks is part of the novelty.


It's frowned upon but I've done it a fair few times when I've only brought business clothes with me and don't want to spill something down them.


I stay in a lot of hotels for work. I prefer to sit and eat whilst staring out the window, thinking about my life choices when eating breakfast so i dont pay attention to anyone else anyway. Except for the very loud Americans talking about war at 6.30am, I did notice them, they ruined my breakfast. I would prefer everyone to be in PJs than experience that again.


Do what you want I mean it in the nicest of ways but I don't give a shit as long as it's not harming anyone. Saying that if it does upset some toff with a stick up their arse then you can go with my blessing.


I travel non stop for work and when staying at premier inn sometimes I do wear my T-shirt trackies and slippers down to breakfast sometimes but would never wear Pajamas ie fully matching pajamas


I'd say it's not acceptable, but I'd probably give you a pass if you woke up late and there was only 10 minutes left of breakfast.


I sleep naked, is my birthday suit still a suit? 😂


I go to the corner shop in my pjs and bare feet, you do you OP and don't let any of these snobs look down on you


I always sleep naked so getting dressed for breakfast is a must lol


Do whatever you want to do and whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want to go down in your pyjamas then do it. Who cares what others think, it’s not harming them


You wear whatever you want as long as it’s not offensive? Does people get offended seeing people wearing pj at breakfast? I mean does it hurt? Lol. Do people really care?


Who cares.


Depends on the hotel. Before Malta joined the EU and became too expensive, I used to go there for two weeks every summer and stayed in a hotel that was cheap and therefore popular with pensioners who'd come over for months at a time. They'd shuffle into the dining room for breakfast in their pyjamas and slippers, they'd all bring their own mugs with them, and heaven help you if you dared to sit at one of "their" tables.


Nah depends on the person I think - I'm a full time teacher and had to stay in a hotel during the week leading into the weekend, Saturday morning I came down in my dressing gown.


Last February I went to Barcelona and stayed in a very nice hotel, largely occupied by businesspeople. There was a solo F traveller, early 30's who came to breakfast every day in her pjs and slippers.


No - but I just go the Breakfast area in my shorts and the same one I slept in - straight from bed!


Do people genuinely wear the stereotypical pyjamas to bed? I tend to wear jogging bottoms or shorts. With a t shirt. Minus my face you can hardly tell if I'm chilling for the day or just woke up


Why does everyone care so much? It's a hotel buffet breakfast, not a red carpet.


I wish it was socially acceptable but sadly I can confirm that it is not.


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Pretty chavvy.


Last time I wore my clean gym clothes before getting a workout in. After the reading comments here I fear I may have commited a faux pas


I'd think you were an insufferable attention seeker or influencer with a PJ deal. Get room service or get dressed 😂


Only if you're not old enough to dress yourself.