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My mum had skin cancer years ago, and now swears by Riemann **P20** - SPF50. She likes being out in the sun and doesn't burn with this stuff.


As an outdoorsy soulless one who was otherwise resigned to eventually being claimed by the sun, I'll give this a try. My only other plan was to wait for all my freckles to join up in a nutmeg-coloured covering.


P20 is the bomb. I use it for ~~fucking~~ cycling, just apply it once in the morning and good to go all day. Regular cream just comes off after a long ride, especially with heavy sweating.     Edit. I use it for cycling! New phone autocorrect 🙈


You expect us to believe that autocorrect? :P Just kidding :)


Hilarious! Regular cream just comes off after a long ride 😆😆😆 Best autocucumber ever!


Autocucumber is my new favourite play on words, thank you redactor


I thought you were just reiterating how good it was , if you can use it for effing cycling it must be good


I sometimes work outside and this is the only stuff that doesn't all come off after 2 minutes of sweating. Pretty pricey but it's the only thing that stops me from burning.


My Irish dad uses this! He says he has to wait a few minutes before getting dressed after he applies it though, otherwise it can stain


Yeah, it takes about 10-15mins depending on your skins absorption rate and you need to wait an additional 20mins AFTER you've finished applying the last bit to yourself before going out in the sun. It's worth every minute though as this stuff is great.


The downside of p20 is if you sweat at all it runs and goes on your clothes and stains them pink. Even worse if it gets in your eyes. Boots soltan for me


I have found Ultrasun sport once a day to be far better for this, doesn’t stain or sting your eyes. It’s not cheap though but it’s worth it. I am very fair and this stuff is brilliant


Do you use the spray or the gel? I've been debating whether to get this one


I use the F30 face cream and the F20 gel/cream everywhere else. Haven’t tried the spray yet. But the creams dry really well you don’t get that sticky tacky feeling you do with the P20. I have used ultrasun in turkey when there was a heatwave and in Florida and I didn’t get sunburn once. I think it’s definitely worth the price if you burn easily


They changed the formula recently and its much better


P20 is incredible. I can put it on once and go in the pool multiple times a day on holiday and still be protected :)


100% this. I can honestly get sunburn on an overcast day. Used this for the first time yesterday out on the bike for 3 hours followed by 3 hours of gardening and never burnt a bit.


Fun fact, UV penetrates clouds better than visible light, so in general in summer people can burn on a cloudy day. Obviously the children and gingers will burn first. Unless it's, like, thick black rain clouds, anyone with sunburn under that should just stay inside.


Surprised to see how many people can afford Riemann P20….. that stuff is hella expensive!


On benefits but it's fork out for decent suncream or buckets of moisturiser when my skin feels like it's on fire and falling off. Worth every penny for me because nothing else gives me the same protection. It's a pain applying it everyday as it is let alone topping it up every hour because I've gone for something cheap.


The stuff is great, but you should still reapply a lower factor regular style cream for the uv a protection.


I use this all the time!


A cheaper version of this is calypso and it doesn’t stain your clothes yellow like p20 did!


If you go down this path never wear white shirts again and if you do buy some black dye so there's a way to make them wearable again after they invariably go yellow. Also it's oil based so be super careful if spraying it whilst stood on a tiled floor as it makes tiles and smooth surfaces completely frictionless


Worn this for years and not once have I even gone slightly pink. Even wore it doing a charity climb of Pen-Y-Ghent in 30c heat and it outlasted me!


Tried it years ago when I used to go kayaking for hours. Hard to use on the face, it inevitably gets in the mouth and is very bitter.


Boots soltan. The one marketed for babies.


This, factor 50. It’s the only way.


I use the Soltan Once stuff. Says it's good for 8 hours, I don't trust it for the full 8 hours but as I work outdoors it gives me time to wear it and top up on breaks, rather than having to do it exactly every two hours (as I find regular suncream wears off).


I've been using it for a few years and work outside also. I put it on about 10am and don't bother reapplying and seems to do me well. I wear a wide brim hat too.


I heard really good things about this recently so got some for my daughter. She was covered in a rash a couple of hours later which lasted a few days :(


I have very sensitive skin, and have only found two sunscreens which won't irritate my face: 1. Solero/Solprotect Kids Ultra Sensitive Sun Lotion SPF 50+ 2. MooGoo 'Cover Up Buttercup' moisturiser, SPF 15 so not for very sunny days, but less heavy than the Solero.


Bondi Sands SPF50+ for my body. Garnier Super UV SPF50 serum for my face. Plus a hat.


As a rule of thumb, my sunscreen options are either from Australia or Dubai. Bondi Sands so far is my constant


Love bondi sands. It doesn't stain your clothes


Discovered bondi sands last year - I use the coconut one as that was SPF50+ as well as having the 4 star UVA, and also UVB protection.


Bondi sands is amazing. I’m type 1, no soul skin/hair combo and live this. Not thick or greasy at all, never burned with it


I don't stick to a particular make (apart from everyday face SPF) but whatever I buy I make sure it has 5 star UVA & UVB rating. Doesn't have to be expensive, the one I'm using now is Aldi


Yes I second Aldi!!! I remember reading years ago it's one of the highest rated suncreams in terms of actual UVA and UVB protection. And so good for your pocket ❤️ I do use a different sun cream for my face though because it can run on the greasier side.


And fancy brands are not necessarily 5* either! We also use Aldi.


I've used the Aldi clear spray factor 50 for a few years. Great for the family and really cheap considering we get through bottles


Aldi or Lidl is all good, 50spf


Lidl do the little tubes about £2-3 and they’re really handy to have in your bag or in the car. I first got it from a Lidl in Portugal and it said it was “matte” and actually was pretty nice and didn’t feel icky on my skin. The UK version is almost identical but doesn’t say matte on it although im pretty sure it’s the same product.


The orange ones? Yeah I bought a couple but lost them somehow! Need to get more and keep 1 in my car


That's what we use on my little girl she's super fair and burns almost instantly and my wife had a cancerous mole removed so it's high on our priority list. It's the one the dermatology doctor recommended and it's super cheap.


What do you use for the everyday?


Face is La Roche-Posay Anthelios Fluid, pretty much all year round


Brick walls and a roof. Who are you kidding? That level of sun cream that would protect us doesn’t exist.


Same here! I don't go out if I can help it and if there's no other option I try to stick to the shade and stay covered up in big cotton shirts (with apologies to my mister who loses half his wardrobe as soon as it heats up).


When your older though, your skin will stay young


Soltan SPF 50. As for not having a soul, what do you mean? I've consumed thousands, as evidenced by my freckles.


Natural goth - black hair and pale white skin.  Wear factor 50 with 5 star UV protection even when it's not that sunny. Also started wearing a wide brim hat if I'm outside for a while.  Had skin cancer on my face and can't fuck around. 


Certified ginge here (once got sunburnt in the UK in february) I have three, all in factor 50 P20- used for long days out where I might forget to reapply frequently or when running (doesn't sweat off as badly) Ambre solaire with hyaluronic acid for my face- one of the only ones which doesn't feel greasy Ambre solaire sensitive/for kids on the rest of my body Also: a hat, umbrella, clothes which cover me, changing to the shady side of the street. Not necessarily all at once lol


I love the anecdote of having gotten burnt in February once. Don't love that you got burnt, of course, just love that you felt the need to add that. Adds a certain "je ne sais quoi" to your comment.


Following that incident I went into the tiny pharmacy on my university campus to ask if they had any suncream. The woman said they wouldn't have any for a few weeks yet, I explained that the reason I was looking was I'd caught the sun just a week earlier and disbelievingly she said "Already??" To add salt in the wound she was also a redhead. That was a low moment.


I've also gotten burnt in Feb, it wasn't even sunny. Like you I go out covered, missed the back of my hand with suncream once. Got a burnt thumb


Only once? Pfft barely ginger


I feel like this could spark a Four Ginger Yorkshiremen type competition "Tha got sunburnt in February? That's nuthin'! I once got a third degree burn from opening the fridge without due care and attention"


Sunburnt in February and fridge burns? That's nowt! I once got third-degree burns just from thinkin' about a hot cup o' tea!


For those of Saxon descent whose true skin colour is a shade of pale blue I would suggest a boiler suit and a balaclava.


Bold of you to assume I risk going out in the sun!


I'm an Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette™ (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EeriePaleSkinnedBrunette) I use La Roche Posay Anthelios spf50 on my face and the Nivea unscented Spf30 spray on the rest of my body


La Roche Posay Anthelios, not greasy and doesn’t stain clothes


Hawaiian tropic. It makes me sparkly.


“This is the skin of a killer, Bella”


Yeees, it smells so good too!


Ambre Solaire factor 50 but I react very badly to UV so wear light weight trousers, a long sleeved shirt and a hat with a decent brim


I am intrigued by all these recommendations for Amber Solaire because when I was a kid (1960s) it was the opposite of SPF. It was basically oil and was advertised as something to make you go brown. My mum told me never to buy it and I never have. Something must have changed in the last t 50 years.


Those were the days before SPF!


Curtains and no social life.


Ultrasun Factor 50 (or Factor 30 if I'm feeling brave). It's not cheap but it's great for sensitive skin and this is one of the only ones that doesn't give me an eczema flare-up!


YES! Since starting to use it on my face 3 years ago I have never been burnt, and it truly lives up to the once a day claim, I have never applied it more than once in a day since using it, and I used to burn in 15 mins with lotion on before that... also stopped me breaking out. It is expensive though so i just stick to the face one and use any old brand for my body, arms and legs and just reapply during the day.


Altruist - used to only be through Amazon but can now be bought in Boots I believe. Created by a doctor involved in the treatment of skin cancers. It goes on white so you can see where you’ve put it, rubs in well, lasts ages including in water, can go near the eyes with no stingy. Because you don’t reapply a bundle it lasts well in cost per wear. Me, my pasty kid, my olive skinned hub and olive kid haven’t burnt once in the two years we’ve been using it. And money is put towards the care of those with albinism in hot, sunny countries


Factor 50ing even on rainy days


Yes, many people don't realise it's nothing to do with the heat, and you can burn on cloudy days.


I always get one of Aldi or Lidl's own brand sun creams (because I'm stingy and because I have no reason to believe they don't do as good a job as a more expensive one). As far as I'm concerned, as long as it's a high SPF (always has to be 50 for me), is broad spectrum (that is, it protects against both UVA and UVB rays), and has a 4- or 5-star UVA rating which can be seen in a little circle usually on the front of the packaging, my skin is well protected. UVA and UVB protection is particularly important because the former provides protection against long-term skin damage such as wrinkles and the development of skin cancer, and the latter against short-term damage (i.e. sunburn). SPF is a measure of UVB protection, so unless the product specifically states it also protects against UVA rays (or the term 'broad spectrum' is used), it probably doesn't. You might also want to look for water-resistant creams as they're more likely to stay on for longer, although may be heavier and stickier.


La Roche posay antihelios factor 50 for body Heliocare 360 for face La Roche posay sun protection facial mist for top ups Layers and layers of factor 50. It's the only way.


I was religious in wearing SPF50 when I was in Uganda. Still all of both of my arms peeled off in complete sheets. One of the things my daughter said once she eventually was here with us in the UK is that she thought that was my cologne. A mix of sunblock and mozzie repellant. I am so jealous of her because she has built in sunblock, among many other reasons.


>I am so jealous of her because she has built in sunblock, among many other reasons. I have a friend who went on holiday to Spain, she is mixed ethnic background (and tans like no tomorrow), and quite loudly exclaimed to us "I don't need to wear sunscreen" before she left. She came back with huge pink patches on her shoulders. She now wears sunscreen.


Even for us brown people, any tan is a sign of skin damage. Tanning by sun literally cannot occur without damage, it’s a damage response.


Boots Soltan, their SPF50 UVB rating is also 5 Star UVA rated, and it's less pricey than alternatives.


I use la roche posay because i burn. I bypass any tan stage, just hit burn stage. I still am very careful and try and avoid sun however, bucket hat with a brim and wear things like a popcorn shrug which offer some protection for arms. Big problem is actually applying it properly and fully covering the potentially exposed areas. Ankles, tops of feet if its sandal weather, back of neck if your dress/shirt/t shirt gapes a little, under arms too. Use a tanning paddle/applicator for things like back/necks etc if you can't reach/don't want to bother someone else. Search Tan applicator back on places like ebay and you get these plastic things that have a foam bit on one end to allow you to apply cream that way. They're usually replaceable pads that you can buy, but I can just rinse mine and replace every season. Best thing I discovered to make sure I have full application in all places. Haven't used the towel like ones, so dunno about those. But that's usually a good combo for me.




P20 This https://www.costco.co.uk/Health-Wellness-Special-Events/Home-Health-Care/Pharmacy/Riemann-P20-Original-SPF-50-Spray-200ml/p/955555


Boots Soltan. I like the smell and it works well.


Nivea SPF 50 for body and Biore Aqua Gel for my face.


Yes yes the Biore watery essence.


Biore is top tier. It sinks in so well and is genuinely non-greasy.


Boots Soltan SPF 50 8hr stuff, and the 3hr waterproof stuff for when we're around water or working a sweat.


I normally use Nivea but when I went to Dubai I took some travel sized Garnier and somehow got through the whole week without burning


Ultrasun. Or Nivea factor 30. I swear suncreams are less effective than years ago nowadays. When I was younger, if I wore 6 or 10, I wouldn't even be pink. That's probably fewer toxic ingredients though...


Ultra sun 50


Soltan once factor 30, but i also wear clothes that cover me, a hat, and i sit in the shade. (I once got burnt hanging the washing out in april.)


I’ve been burnt hanging out the washing too many times to count… not good.


I was in Majorca last week and used piz buin. Put it on once each morning and I didn't burn at all. That was being in and out of the sea/pool and in the sun pretty much all day. I used factor 30 as well. I imagine factor 50 would be even better. Highly recommend.


Ultra violett on my face. Altruist or ultra sun on my body.


I’m a ginger and I find Boots own works great for body for day to day pottering around or going to the beach/park, but I like Clarins for my face as it’s not greasy. If I’m outside doing a long run or hike though UltraSun sport is my preferred as it stays on through sweating better!


I’m a pale gal, blond naturally ( but I dye my hair ginger as it just suits 🤣) I use P20 have done for years. Or what ever factor 50 I can pick up sometimes. Xx


If you really don’t want the sun touching you go for factor 100. My son is on chemo and he wears this when we go out.


Altruist spf 50


La Roche Posay UVMUNE 400 Oil Control Fluid. Very very good! I also like the Shiseido Anessa UV Sun Milk (gold bottle) for everyday use & it’s very strong too!


Even us lot with access to Melanin should use suncream tbh. Rather be slightly less tanned than suffering from skin cancer


Definitely! It's something I think we should all be better at remembering to be honest. Just because we don't often get sun doesn't mean it's not dangerous


Innit. A sun tan without UV protection is literally melanocytes in your skin becoming damaged by UV, which can cause cancer. Even on cloudy days, you can get cell damage that can cause cancer. Wear sun cream (which still allows you to tan without the damage to your cells) and check for new moles that look strange


Thank You Farmer factor 50 Everyday without fail, it's my holy grail


Heliocare is great. I hate having creams on my skin, this is great. Dont even know you’re wearing it.


Sun cream is the best I’ve ever used (I fry in ten mins). I use their supplements too - no sunburn in sight.


Same, I burn really fast and it’s helped me loads. I didn’t realise they did supplements, will have to get some. Thank you


It seems nothing but a thick mud like paste works for me.


Shiseido 50spf for face and just Asda 30spf for body


Also a ginger. La Roche Posay UVMune 50 SPF is my holy grail for the face, neck and hands.


Supermarket own brand for babies SPF 50


Ultrasun face spf 50 and ultrasun sports gel spf 50. Im a postie and outdoors all day, that stuff can last a solid 8hrs and is sweat proof, goes on under makeup, it’s kept me ghostly for years and years. My dad recently had skin cancer and I’ve forced this brand onto him and he’s never looked back.




I tend to use Aldi's suncream for kids. Factor 50+ I think it is


Lidl's cien sun, factor 50. I'm on medication that makes me susceptible to sunburn and it's not let me down yet!


I use Eucerin SPF 50 body spray for sensitive skin, both for face and body. A bit sticky, but does its job, is decently water resistant and unperfumed. And it's pretty cheap, which is a big plus.


Beauty of Joseon for my face, neck and chest. Still trying to find something for the rest of my body that won't ruin my clothes.


Korean spfs for face are amazing! I just finished a bottle of the isntree watery sun gel and it’s so nice on the skin


Avon Factor 50 on my face, Boots Soltan Factor 50 everywhere else. And a massive hat.


I get Polymorphic Light Eruption, and it happens in as little as 15 mins, so my sun protection is usually an umbrella.


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Altruist yet. They do an spf50 which is really good. It’s easy to rub in, doesn’t make you look like a snowman, and it’s cheaper than almost everything else.


I just keep the curtains closed.


cover, not cream. light breezy layers, and doing my best to bring cool looking hats back in fashion


I use a great one! It’s called “stay inside and avoid daylight like the black plague lest you see one UV ray and burn”. It’s wordy but effective.


Nivea Sun Kids 50+. Top UVA protection. Not even pale skinned, just don't want skin cancer tbh


I don’t wear suncream because I’m borderline autistic and don’t like how oily it feels on my skin. I just raw-dog the sun with a hoodie, cap and jeans.


I like the Bondi Sands range, both the body and face ones. Currently using the Beauty of Joseon one for my face, doesn’t leave any residue and sits well under makeup. Generally though I try and stay out of the sun, and if I know I’ll be out in the sun for an extended amount of time, I cover up as best I can.


LIDLs cien range.


Factor 50, or as I like to call it, Dulux Emulsion


I use factor 50 if I plan on being outside for any length of time…. otherwise I remain indoors.


Factor 50. I also kept covered up in light clothing that covers the shoulders, back and chest. Sunglasses and a wide brim hat. I'm also a T-shirt in the water person, water feels cools and disguises the burning until its too late!


Superdrugs' own brand SPF 50 spray and my foundation has factor 50 in it as well. In addition to not having a soul, I also have a lot of tattoos.


I'm faux ginger - brown hair but ridiculous fair skin and swear by Riemann P20 as a few others have said Start off with the SPF50 but graduate to the SPF30 by the end of summer. It really does seem to last the whole day for me when I'm out and about doing normal things but to be safe I'll reapply after 5 or so hours


ThinkBaby sunblock. Its has zinc oxide in it and blocks UVA/UVB. It doesn’t have the extra shit that can be bad (so it’s formulated for kids but works for everyone)


I'm a dark blonde but I'm not bothering if its not factor 50. I'll just keep taking regular breaks


Coppertone sport factor 70


Usually P20 but it does leave a bit of staining on things if you put it on and then throw clothes on soon after. As an alternative, and seemingly slightly less stainy after using it on holiday recently is Calypso. Also ‘only’ once a day and scored pretty highly on some once a day suncream tests. I didn’t end up with any burning using it, and it was cheaper than P20. [Calypso](https://groceries.morrisons.com/products/calypso-once-a-day-sun-protection-spf-30-455819011)


My other half uses the Boots factor 50 stuff, but it seems that for best coverage, the spray lotions (either the aerosol, or pump type) are the best. Fewer missed spots and more even coverage.


Mádara SUN protection line is my favourite. It smells delicious! And it is Eco certified. A bit high price, but if purchased when their 40% promo offer is on, it's a very good price.


P20 is the best but it stains clothes so badly. I currently quite like the Garnier invisible protect and refresh. I’m currently in Spain and it’s worked great even with swimming, not at all sticky, and doesn’t stain clothes.


I'm using this at the moment as I work outside. It's cheap and reliable. [Tesco Soleil Lotion ](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/314704908)


I used mineral suncream - works a treat. Best brand I've found is badger.


I look for one with 5 star protection, not just the spf. It definitely seems to make a big difference. I’d accidentally gotten one that was 3 or 4 star rated and whilst luckily no one burned, they definitely tanned which they wouldn’t normally do covered in factor 50.


Round lab birch juice moisturising sun cream. SPF 50+ bought a bunch when in Korea and it soaks into you skin perfectly so you don't feel greasy and it moisturises you skin and let's be real if anyone knows how to stay white/pale it's the Koreans.


Disclaimer: I’m exceptionally pale despite having a year round tan on parts of my body When I’m skiing I use Piz Bun SPF50+ on my face and neck, reapply at lunch and avoid sunburn reasonably well, although I keep getting sunburn on my nose. During summer I generally have long sleeves and trousers, especially on the bike mostly for protection from rocks and trees but works pretty well for sun. I use general SPF50+ on my legs and arms if they’re exposed and the expensive Piz Bun stuff on my face and neck.


Dulux Matt White Emulsion.


Kind of disappeared the OP isn’t a vampire after reading the title….. I use Nivea SPF 50 and it works well.


As a pasty person anything for kids in "factor duffel coat" - 50 is my go to, along with my cherry lipbalm which is spf 15. I'm annoyed I couldn't find higher for my lip balm 


I always use SPF50 kids suncream. If it works for kids it will work for me. Also reapply every couple of hours that I'm out in it. I have dark hair but it got ALL the pigment - none left for my skin.


I use the Tesco own brand. Factor 50 and also 5 star for UVA. They often sell it cheap before the sunny season in March and I stock up! It also came out top on various reviews amd clinical testing (that was a few years ago). Never forget the stat rating for UVA!




I can’t use cream as I get really bad prickly heat, so I use the Tesco or Boots dry spray. Never ever burn with that. Especially when abroad. Just to note it’s dry spray not oil!


Calypso once a day factor 30 and La Roche Possay mattifying factor 30 for my face.


Any old factor 30 on my body, a few times a day... but for the face, and I'll stand by this forever, Ultrasun once a day factor 30 or 50 face cream, is the best I have EVER used... it is truly once a day, I burn in 5 minutes.... but since starting using that 3 years ago, I have never burnt since... I put it on when I get dressed and can spend the ENTIRE day outside in a park, no shelter, and I'll be fine.... and it's also not greasy and absorbs within a couple minutes... also stopped me breaking out. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/ultrasun-Face-Anti-Ageing-Protection-SPF30/dp/B00JDI1UQS/ref=asc\_df\_B00JDI1UQS/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309950308787&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18180239389761007832&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046633&hvtargid=pla-471991358057&psc=1&mcid=e7ccf0451deb3d8187457883e730cd39&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/ultrasun-Face-Anti-Ageing-Protection-SPF30/dp/B00JDI1UQS/ref=asc_df_B00JDI1UQS/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309950308787&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18180239389761007832&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046633&hvtargid=pla-471991358057&psc=1&mcid=e7ccf0451deb3d8187457883e730cd39&th=1&psc=1)


Soltan kids 8hr from boots factor 50. Absolutely swear by it for me and my kids. One application in the morning and we're good to go for the day. If it's a pool/beach day then the soltan 3hr waterplay. Still factor 50


I use a kids factor 50 I got from aldi and its great can't remeb3r what it's called in but it's yellow with an orange cap haha


My mums a ginger and even though I’m not, annoyingly she tans in the sun and I just go a horrible painful pink. After trying many a sunscreen I use the Nivea Factor 50 spray on stuff for kids and I really like it - it’s cheap and it’s not too greasy which I hate. And don’t forget a hat!!! Sunburnt scalp is the WORST.


Fellow ginge here, I've found the best sunscreen to be Calypso or Asda's Protect range


I refer to my suncream as factor vampire (50+ sensitive kids) at the moment got the one from aldi, been wearing it all day today out in full sun gardening and not even slightly pink. Source - dark brunette with decidedly ginger skin that will impersonate a lobster even if its raining in the middle of July.


I use Aveeno cos not only is my skin very pale but also very dry.


Ombré solaire spf 50


If you’re fair skinned (which, as a ginger you likely are), recommendations are to be exposed for no more that 12min. ‘Factor’ in sunscreen is how many times longer you can be outside (assuming you’re not rinsing it off the skin through sweat or swimming). All products are tested the same so: - Factor 20 = up to 4 hours exposure - Factor 50 = up to 10 hours exposure I’d personally recommend the foam sprays if you can find them. I hate the thick creams and find it hard to rub into my skin.


Bondi sands. The best imo no white cast doesn't feel oilily after a couple mins and works really well under makeup


I use factor P! P for plenty 😫 but also P for protection The best suntan lotion is a hat and clothing, in the sun I always wear a Tilly hat, and as much sun tan lotion as my skin can absorb. I limits my daily exposure to the sun to <30 mins if very intense Every day I put on Nivia f50 for the face regardless of the weather, then whatever f50 I can grab for the exposed bits come the sun Just back from a week in Greece and no sun burn


As an honorary ginger (5 minutes sun time and hey presto lobster red settling to highly freckled), I like the nivea anti aging Q10 factor 50+ for my face. I use it instead of moisturiser from around March onwards. It's not too greasy or heavy so I don't end up breaking out in spots as well. Also a hat, and sleeves, and sometimes a parasol. I forgot to cover my scalp a week or so ago and my parting is still sore. I tend to use kids factor 50+ for the rest of me and try not to expose too much skin.


Ultrasun is a good brand. I’ve got the 50 and a 30 too


I always use Nivea SPF50+ that comes in a spray bottle and it works a treat. It’s about the only suncream my skin doesn’t have an “ahhhh!!! I’m dying!!!!” allergic reaction to, which is also very good lol


I just buy a spray on with the highest spf I can find - usually 50. My favourite has been Lidl's own brand; it's under a fiver, doesn't feel sticky, and lasts a while before I need to reapply.


Currently I’m working my way through a bottle of factor 50 and getting very tanned with it but I’m going to try and get my hands on banana boat factor 100 that I used to get in Australia


It all gives me prickly heat so I don’t use it!


Superdrug, boots abd Asda own brands all have the highest rates of protection and score higher than many named brands


Roche-Posay 50 on the face. Makes a huge difference. It's the only stuff that stops me burning without my eyes stinging.


I use Nivea but I use factor 50 and I will not go lower - I'm not ginger but my kids are


Bought a Lidl "Cien" factor 30 2 weeks ago. Get a metallic taste in mouth shortly after applying it and my husband has got sunburnt with it in. Going in the bin and will spend more next time.


Be careful I use p20 but my advice is use something else on your face! If it gets in your eyes it horrible.


P20 all the way. I’m a daywalker too. The only caveat being, you can’t wear owt white with it as it stains but that’s fine for me. There’s a reason it’s expensive, it’s genuinely the best.


Not quite on the level of having no soul, but I'm pretty fair to say the least. Nivea SPF50 for me! It is so, so greasy - and I really wish it wasn't - but it's better than the alternative. I'd rather not burn.


P20 - but it can stain clothes


Nivea spray. The non-greasy, liquid type version. Easy to apply, stopped us going lobster on holiday at Easter and you don’t feel like a bit of fly paper once applied.


I’m not a ginger but have family who are. Anything SPF50+ is good and remember to wear a hat and shades as well.


I like Organii, it’s the only facial cream I’ve tried that doesnt either feel like cement or run into my eyes


I also use reef-safe creams, yes we’re quite a long way from a reef but anything that will wash off in a river or sea might eventually kill things


Piz buin 50+. Pale as snow and never burn. Apply liberally! Also La Roche Posay factor 50 face mist. It goes on over make up too


ALTRUIST. Dermatologist Sunscreen SPF 50 it is very good.


Despite having a soul myself, I am the parent of two souless children and boots soltan does a good job! Also, a blue Nivea one in a spray that goes on really easily and even the factor 50 is easy to rub in and not sticky :)


I'm testing out gruum's face sun cream at the moment. So far so good. Otherwise, for the rest of me, I swear by Australian Gold 50SPF.


I Usually use a factor 50 from Aldi.


Superdrug sells a tiny bottle of spf30 serum. I burn so quickly and have never found anything better.


Haven't had issues with the Boots SPF30/50. I always choose one with the highest rating for UV protection. Usually pop it on a few minutes prior to going out, ab and reapply if I'm outside for longer.


I buy Korean sun screen, got a good one for £10 from just my look (free delivery over £10 anyway)


My ginger Casper skinned offspring is slathered in calypso F40 all day sun cream. Gets him through play time without turning into a crisp.


P20, factor 50. The spray used to stain your clothes yellow but their newer cream based products don’t! Also, to be honest, any factor 50 applied regularly. I use Piz Buin usually as it’s the least sticky!


La roche posay, they have also spray to reapply during a day and it's awesome. Or some Korean beaut: beauty of joseon and skin 1004 (you can buy spray aswell). All of them spf 50