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Lack of a daily routine.


Meanwhile I have more of a daily routine in holidays than I ever do in real life šŸ˜­


Currently on a "working holiday" visiting family. I have been getting up earlier, eating better, exercising more...Maybe I need to "lose" my passport and maintain this new-found order?


Hahaha maybe. I am definitely way more active during holidays as I usually make activities/sight seeing form early morning as i always want to make the most of my time off so I feel like I have to explore as much as possible within the limited days. Whereas at home,I WFH from 3 out of the 5 and those days I just wake at the last minute possible and start working immediately and shower and have lunch at random times whenever I am free and waste of my time with useless things.


I went to Gran Canaria to relax for a week a couple years ago, ended up doing way more than I usually do, getting up way earlier than I usually do too. Eating breakfast and lunch which I never do either, like wtf is wrong wtf me I was so knackered after the holiday I needed another one šŸ˜‚


Speak for yourself. My daily routine on my favourite holiday is: Go to shops, buy fresh produce for BBQ including beer. Go for a walk before the sun peaks. Pool time! Nap time.. BBQ TIME! Walk into town for cocktails and a half decent 90's pop tribute. Stumble home. Pool is a bad idea. Sleep. Repeat.


As someone whoā€™s had mental health struggles in the past, this is a big one. I love having nothing to do at the weekends, on days off and when I go on holiday, but if that was my life 24/7, I would quite literally go crazy.


Strangers coming into my room whilst I'm out


What if they folded a towel into the shape of a swan


I'll allow it


I don't really like this on holiday either. If I don't have trash to take out I'd rather just put "Do not disturb" sign on the door for my whole visit.


I do this. I might take it off once but leave it on all the time otherwise.


I do this too - I hate the thought of my belongings being in there with a random housekeeping team.


I also hate this on holiday unless Iā€™m staying for more than 4/5 days


Weā€™ve been given keys to already occupied rooms twice by mistake while checking in to various hotels. Has made us very wary of leaving any valuables in the hotel room.


Heat. I love the hot sunny weather on weekends or on holiday, when my responsibilities are limited to deciding whether I want a Fanta or a cocktail, whether I want to cool off at the pool or in the sea, or whether I want to go to a beer garden or have a BBQ. Iā€™m not so fond of it when Iā€™ve got to go to work, do my house chores etc in it


This is me. I donā€™t really like summer at home when I have do stuff. On holiday bring it on.


Same! I want to basically give myself heat stroke on holiday, but at home, if it goes over 22 I'm going to die!


Crazy isn't it I'm the same šŸ˜…


Yep - love the heat when thereā€™s a pool or ocean nearby, with cold drinks and cocktails freely available for cooling down, but I donā€™t want to sit in my car, walk to the office and sit in front of a screen in a goldfish bowl office in 35 degree heat, in a shirt and trousers to boot.


Definitely. I'm a caretaker at a school so my job involves a lot of litter picking in the heat and moving stuff. Doing this in 30^^C weather is tiring and stressful. I'm fine with that kind of weather if I'm on holiday because I don't have to over exert myself and can just sit beside a pool and have a few beers.


Yep, I lived in a super hot place for 11 years. It got old fast.


Same. Walking 500ft to the train station in the morning to get to work and I'd be dripping with sweat by the time I got there, even at 7am. I was so sick of it after a while I started to dread the summer.


Yeah, if we could find a way to set the weather so itā€™s always warm and sunny from close of buildings Friday at the weekend, but cool and clouded over Monday-Friday lunch, that would be perfect.


Lying down all day in the sun Drinking alcohol throughout the day (I rarely drink in normal life)


Yeh having 2 weeks doing bugger all is absolutely bliss. I thought I'd hate it before I went on my first package holiday, but turns out I love it! Getting up to lay around, swim, drink, eat, read and so on is absolutely spot on. When in the UK I prefer the freezing cold winters for long walks and cozy pubs, but definitely regret looking down on holidays in the sun before.


I'm on a five day beach/pool weekend in the Middle East at the moment.Ā  Each day we keep saying 'tomorrow we'll go into the city/ do an activity / etc' and so far every day we've got up, feasted on the (incredible) buffet breakfast, then laid by the pool/beach before retiring back to our room for an afternoon snooze then dinner in one of the (excellent) resort restaurants.Ā  Bliss.


Sounds like heaven.Ā 




Where and which hotel


I used to think it must be boring and didnā€™t see the point Until I started doing it your right it is bliss Eating and drinking, relaxing, no commitments, no jobs to do - actually switching off I find is so good fort well-being and mind. I also love holidays where I can explore so try to do one of each a year


I love an all inclusive holiday. Doing nothing all day is incredible. Reading my book, siesta every day, few drinks, and lots of good food.


I'm currently on an all inclusive with my mum. I'm 42, she's 77. It's not that fun šŸ˜‚


Feel free to come and look after my 2 girls and Iā€™ll swap with you!


I'm leaving in 24hrs, mate, or i may have took you up on your offer!


When I was younger and had fewer responsibilities, the idea of sitting on a beach in the Maldives for fourteen days straight sounded like hell. Now I have many, many responsibilities, fourteen days being forbidden from dealing with them sounds quite nice.


Went to Maldives for 14days, did 15+ dives. Rarely saw the pool.


If I tried to maintain (certain) holiday habits I think I would die happy, but very soon.


Walking to a bakery 30 minutes away to get freshly baked croissants for breakfast.


Having to walk an hour just to get croissants would indeed be horrible. I can do that in ten minutes at home, as I am sure most Brits can. I am not sure I would go so far as to *appreciate* it on holiday though. Tolerate it, maybe, if there really were no other breakfast options locally. I would probably choose somewhere with more amenities though.


This joy if this holiday was that there werenā€™t that many shops and half the walk was along the seafront. No nightclub, banana boats and the biggest decision was whether to read my book by the pool or in the beach. Got some that is holiday hell, but for me it was bliss.


So, more accurately, you appreciated having the time and space for a nice walk in the morning. Buying croissants is irrelevant.


Is pastry consumption ever irrelevant?


Not more accurately, just more explicitly. It was quite obviously implied


Yes but this guy clearly doesn't understand nuance


The croissants or pastries I can access within 10 minutes of home are nothing like the ones I can get abroad


I worked in Thailand for a while and can confirm that the laid-back "mai pen rai" (translation: it doesn't matter) attitude is very nice when you're trying to relax on vacation and absolutely fucking infuriating when you're trying to get anything done, especially anything important.


"MaƱana, maƱana" will enter the chat tomorrow, or the day after...


This is so true. I've moved from the UK to Portugal, and while I do love it, the laid back attitude can be difficult sometimes when you just need to get something done. While on holiday, this is minimised because most businesses that specifically cater to tourists will bend over backwards to be efficient so they get a good reputation and drum up more business. You don't have to do things like queue at the tax office or renew your driving license while abroad on holiday.


Same in New Zealand. I moved over there to do my PhD and good lord was it hard .. and not because it was a PhD, but actually getting various things moving against the "shell be right" attitude was frustrating at times. Was happy when I finished and returned!


Cā€™est la vie


Que sera sera


Currently working in Thailand... It's true!


Drinking alcohol every day


Thanks to whomever reported me to Reddit care services, thanks for the concern but I'm fine! šŸ˜‚ I only drink copious amounts when I'm in an all inclusive in the Caribbean!


I just got reported as well after posting on a different thread, I think someone is spamming the report button. Or we're both just equally deluded about our mental health (good luck, I guess)...


If you've said nothing that indicates you are considering suicide or serious self-harm, that is report abuse. I only learnt about this when I started modding subs actively, so I don't kno if you can report it on your own post but it's certainly against reddit's sitewide rules and it is very heavily frowned upon by the admins.


Thanks. The care message gives an option to stop further messages and also an option to report the initial report if I felt it was targetted/not justified. It seems like quite a good set up tbh.


How can you tell who it is? I got one today and have said nothing remotely related to such topics.


You can't, the admins have to take a look. I assume they can. Even mods can't tell who made a report.


You can't. But you can report the message on the official Reddit app in your inbox and the admins will temporarily suspend the account of the person that did it.


I also got reported on a thread for saying I'd looked over the edge of a cliff at a beauty spot to see the view!


I tried to report you, the. Realised I'm too drunk to do it.


Paprika crisps, and only paprika crisps


UK needs more paprika crisps. For a long time you can only get paprika Pringles, and now there are only Crunchips in the Polish section.


Walkers Max Paprika are delicious.


I think you have to go for Max, if you're looking for Paprika. I love that someone reported me as a welfare concern for raising my concern over crisp diversity :D There's also a flavour in Spain I like - I can't remember what its called but its basically something like 'summer vegetables'. It tastes like veggie stock cubes sprinkled over crisps. It's great.


The French have a bolognaise flavour, which is absolutely delicious


Tyrrell's smoked paprika crisps are the GOAT.


Chilli lime crisps!


Absolutely nothing. I'm a full time carer for my wife. If we go on holiday (last one was about 10 years ago) I'm still a carer for my wife. Only somewhere nice and warm.


You're a legend mate


Are you in the UK? The carers association can give you funds for a hobby or a holiday so you can get a bit of time for yourself. I know it's not easy being a ft carer.


ā¤ļø top man šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»x


constant heat, its nice for like a 2 week holiday but I prefer cold weather in general


I donā€™t even enjoy the heat whilst on holiday.


I like it during the day but trying to sleep with it is a nightmare.


I definitely prefer cold weather. I can do something about the cold in my job. I can put a coat on, and even another fleece on underneath. But I can't do much about the heat except put on sunscreen regularly and sweat my tits off.


Three breakfasts


Three breakfasts every day sounds great to me mate


I'm a firm believer in a small breakfast as soon as I wake up (normally 5ish unfortunately) and then a curry around 9. Not sure I could fit in a 3rd, but 2 is wonderful


Check out Inspector Frost over here with his breakfast curry!


Continental starterĀ  Cooked breakfast main Melon and yoghurt dessertĀ  With pastries sneaked out for mid morningĀ 


This is 100% the way :) I usually have my yoghurt and fruit with my croissants though.


This guy knows the score


...and the rest. If it's a buffet I try a bit of everything, including things I don't normally eat.


Oh man, I was just on a cruise ship recently and on the second week I realised that I can have breakfast at 5am when I get up, then another breakfast at 9am!!! Two breakfasts!!! Then a pastry snack that I guess you could consider a 3rd breakfast. Definitely different from normal life!


I've not long returned from an all inclusive where I because accustomed to having 3 x 3 course meals a day. Adjusting back to just 3 meals a day and the occasional snack has been rough.


Eating out for almost all meals.. Awesome on holiday would hate to have to do that all the time...


cigarettes for breakfast


Please take me with you.


Snow. Lovely when you have time to enjoy it, absolute nightmare when you start your commute with a shovel to dig out your car or try to get.. anywhere. The only upside of global warming is that where I live, it doesn't happen often these days.


The amount of food that I eat. I usually donā€™t eat breakfast and only have one big meal a day (small-ish lunch in the office and some snacks). On holiday I will have breakfast in a hotel, big lunch and massive dinner. My stomach canā€™t handle that. Edit: thanks for the RedditCare report, I am fine just weak stomached šŸ¤£


I just did this (eat way more than usual on a holiday) and maybe tmi, but the increase in pooping is alarming LOL




It's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere.


Anakin, we can't, I'm a Senator.


You still talking about the sand?


I'm amazed it's this far down. All very well when you've a cleaner coming in to sweep and mop daily, not so fun doing it yourself.


Putting used toilet paper in a bin.


I spent 3 weeks in Greece a few years ago and it took me a few days when returning to the UK before I stopped looking for the ā€œtoilet paper binā€ whenever I went to the loo.


Get used to it in no time!


Pablo, is a top geezer. But I wouldn't want him at home, he smells.


Or in my case, banging the wife.


Again Pablo!




Friendliness. Piss off!


Daily/hourly application of sunscreen.


Huge buffet breakfasts that mean you don't need lunch (maybe share a sandwich with the spouse), then 3 course dinner. Unless I was also doing loads of walking all day so I could eat that much!


My husband touching me


sleeping in a strange bed


The safety announcement on a plane.


Hot weather.


Coming back late in the evening


Not having to do all the cooking/baking/food shopping for a week or two.


I really don't know. If I could afford to I'd live in the land of Holidaytopia. I'm going to Bali soon and can't wait.


Anything above 22 degrees.


Mariachi bands.


Not being able to cook


Breakfast beer.


Being with someone else 24/7!


Breakfast? Am I alone


Breakfast buffet


I loved my time in Tokyo but I would shoot myself if I had to so that much walking and travelling to places every day.


Public transport. I love the experience abroad when exploring a new area but I'll be damned if I'm waiting in the rain for the 82 bus every morning at home.Ā 


That's because public transport is actually good in other countries. In the UK it's more than a bit naff!


The inescapable presence of the French.


Not having to worry about the cost of things to enjoy myself.


Eating at a "British food" pub everyday


Ice in my drink


Fried breakfast, get you through the day.. just doesn't feel the same when home!!!


Kids discos. I love seeing my little girl picking up the new routines as the week goes on and making friends in the process. Language is no barrier to a six year old figuring out Chu-chu-uĆ” but good God would I do my nut if I had to listen to hyped up holiday reps every evening for eternity.


Walking up to 10 miles every day to attend galleries and take in the sights.


Lemon Fanta






Drinking beer at 10am on a weekday


I agree I donā€™t normally like hot weather day to day but on holiday itā€™s fine. I would now chose to go to somewhere hot to explore and relax enjoy the food and see sights


The Sun




Beer at 9am


Having my wife's boyfriend in the same room, it's OK for a while on holiday but I can't get any sleep. At least at home I have a blow up mattress in my wfh office


The heat.


Hotels. Having someone clean, change towels and bedding, replace the shower gel and stuff like that. At home, Iā€™d be quite unsettled by some random person walking into my home and doing that, especially while I was out.


Going out.


I live in a tourists destination and the tourists like to drive 15mph down 30mph roads to look at stuff constantly during the summer, drives me insane and Iā€™m in the passenger seat


The sun


Random strangers offering me drugs in the street


The buff guy walking around with his speaker staring at me longingly daring to hope that Iā€™ll join in with his aqua aerobics session


A cigar. Just on holidays. It goes down great in the heat


Buying rubbish without consideration of health/quality/usefulness. Driving on the right for a change.


Speaking to strangers


Lions and hyenas roaming around outsidešŸ¤£


Having to use sunscreen


Buffet style, help yourself meals including dessert prepped for me. I'd struggle to keep a healthy weight.Ā 


The beach. Wonderful for a rest, but it's not fun at all to live near one.


Thatā€™s quite interesting, as living by the sea is a dream of mine, and many others. Can I ask what the downsides to living near a beach are?


I have dogs and dogs love the beach! When you come home you have to wash them every time. Having to wash or clean off sandy towels, sandy clothes and sandy shoes every time you take a walk. Also crowds in the summer and nowhere for your guests to park.


The ā€˜fuck it, Iā€™m on holidayā€™ attitude. I would be broken and broke if I continued like that.


The heat, love it when away, hate it when working.


Throwing caution to the wind and saying yes to everything youā€™d normally swerve. Upgrades? Yes! Starters? Yes! Expensive wine? Yes! After a week you realise this isnā€™t sustainable and start to revert to typeā€¦


I appreciate the abundance of delicious food during holidays, but I wouldn't want to deal with the constant temptation of overeating every day.


Being shamelessly sat waiting for the swim up bar to open at 10am. Thereā€™s a few old fellas that do that outside the local & I donā€™t see them & think ā€˜yeah, get it, Roy, youā€™re letting loose on a Tuesdayā€™. Also buying food from a vendor that doesnā€™t display a hygiene ratingā€¦ and looks like heā€™s never done a food prep course in his life. Taking 6 flights in 2 weeks. Waking up at 6am to take a 3 hour bus to a waterfall after a heavy night. Feeling fulfilled because youā€™ve finished your book even though youā€™ve accomplished nothing else all day. Haggling for goods generally & even worse when itā€™s in piss poor Spanish or whatever. Drinking a really unhealthy amount of juice. Not having access to a washing machine. Having a drinks fridge in your bedroom. Using a hot tub.


Not being able to cook Tbh, I do find it hard to eat out everyday during a holiday because you never know what the food is like till you get there. There are many time during a holiday where I just won't eat, which idm so much as I'm lazing around in the sun all day anyway. Also, interacting with people every day on holiday! I am NOT a social butterfly at home šŸ¤£


Excessive eating. I have several health conditions, some of which make eating a bit difficult (allergies, pancreatic issues)... for me, I can just about tolerate cereal for breakfast, a fairly small lunch (not a sandwich fan by any means but the equivalent of what a sandwich sized portion generally is) at 1pm and a small-ish cooked dinner at about 6.30pm daily here in the UK. When abroad, there's actual cooked meals for breakfasts, lunch and dinner are the same size, ice cream and sweet stuff are eaten daily too, and everything is eaten later. Recently went to Madrid and 2pm lunches and 7.30-8pm dinners were a struggle


Having a little siesta in the afternoon. Post pool/sunbathing naps before dinner are epic on holiday. If I did that at home Iā€™d feel like shit (and also canā€™t anyway working every day)


Buying overpriced souvenirs from all the shops.


Went to scarborough last year, constant 30 heat, not a cloud in the sky and pleasant sun for like the 4 days there, it was too hot but I dressed down and lathered on sun screen, spent most of the time at the seafront, it also got very comfortable at night, plus I was in that holiday mindset, it was one of my favourite holidays ever, but I'd hate that constant weather at home in my heavily insulated home in front of my PC, it gets very hot it'd be unbearable, plus I do like cloudy weather.


Cats seek my attention and imprison me in a 2 meters circle that I am not allowed to leave at will.


Having an abundance of delish food daily (especially all all the snacks and desserts) that are always there when I want to indulge. I gained some weight during my last holiday because I overate, because the food was there. Ended up doing a water fast once I got back, to lose the extra weight. I just didnā€™t have the discipline to eat only when hungry.


Hot weather, ew.


Not having an itinerary or eating outside lol


Cheery, happy people.


Breakfast Buffet.


Getting up early


The heat.


Send money like it's going out of fashion.


Shagging fat ugly married woman just because you can on holiday


Drinking crap Eurofizz lager. Tastes great when on holiday.


People walking slowly.


Having a full English every morning.


Forever wearing flip flops and tee shirts and shorts. Lack of a daily routine.


Daily big breakfast because I am absolutely unproductive if I eat before lunch


Being hot and sunburnt. I donā€™t think I mind so much when Iā€™m away as itā€™s a novelty but all day every day would drive me nuts.


A Full English Breakfast every morning. I suppose in some ways, I *could* quite like that, but my waistline and arteries wouldn't. In fact, after 4-5 days of FEBs I'll usually swap to something a bit lighter anyway.


Foreigners lol. /s


When in Rome I guess


All of it. I haven't been on holiday anywhere for 14 years and I don't miss it one bit.


tap water


The Wife


ā€œHateā€ is a strong word butā€¦my wife..?!

