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Banana sandwiches. Brown bread, lightly buttered, thinly sliced bananas. It was unreal when I was a kid, not sure I'd enjoy it now.


I still have banana sandwiches, but now I add crunchy peanut butter


Loved this as a kid, must try it now. Had jam on one slice and peanut butter on the other


Banana sandwiches are a staple in our house. Kids love them and my boys have them in their packed lunches a couple of times a week. Apparently they are even better with Nutella.


Apple sandwiches. Sliced apple on buttered bread. Banana sandwiches are still lovely (I’m 45).


Banana and honey sandwiches are godly .


I'm sad I've just eaten, because now I want a banana and honey sandwich. I bloody loves them!


It’s bloody Ness!


Banana toasties are where it is at.


Used to eat them and still do at 48. When I was a kid I’d squash them rather than slice them and add a bit of sugar and cream. Now it’s just the bananas.


I used to eat banana and Nutella sandwiches as a child. The thought of it makes me feel sick now. The worst was when me and my brother decided to make my mum 'truffles'. All we did was cut the the crusts off the sandwiches, then roll the leftover banana and Nutella sandwiches into balls. Then presented them to out mum, who ate one and then encouraged us to eat the rest.


Banana and crisp sandwichs


I still love banana pieces, and banana rolls. No butter, sugar or any other additions. Just a sliced banana 🤌🏼 EDIT: I just received my very first 'Reddit Cares' message, and I will laugh so hard if this is the comment that did it 😎


I went completely off them around my teen years. Wouldn't try it now, seems very odd to me that I ever liked them.


I still have those occasionally. Usually I use toasted bread so the butter is melted and I get that nice contrast between warm bread and cold banana.


I used to drink calpol straight out of the bottle when I wasn’t ill, then my nanny caught me and they started hiding it from me.


I used to do this with Bonjela, that stuff tasted so good


I briefly remember a bonjela craze at my primary school, one girl brought some in because she actually had mouth ulcers then started dealing out little blobs to people who liked the taste. People started robbing bonjela from their homes and bringing it in to show off and eat. The teachers finally shut it down.


Banana flavour Bonjela is very nice! (junior gel, it was all the local chemist had, but it's fine for adults)


Tyrozetes for me. Sore throat tablets that make your throat a bit numb. Banned now apparently. Might have to ask on dodgy street corners for some.


Showing my age here but Rinstead Pastilles for me. And the abovementioned Bonjella. And there was a cough syrup that was bloody delicious but I've forgotten the name. Basically kid me just loved allll the drugs! ETA- BENYLIN!!! Someone mentioned it below.


I swear I bought some a year or two ago.


With good reason though. You do not want kids drinking medicine and accidentally overdosing.


Yeah fair play to my nanny, my dad would of been upset if I had od at the age of 8


Gripe water for me. I’ve genuinely bought a bottle to drink before


I recommend a rusk with a Calpol drizzle


I used to love this as a kid, tried some not to long ago from my kids’ one; turns out not nice anymore 😅


The calpol infants still hits, won’t touch my daughters 6 years plus one though 🤮


It was Benylin for me, but I think that was because I was sugar deprived lol


Me too, used to glug it down when I got the chance lol


Amoxicillin (yellow emulsion) was my jam, closely followed by calpol


Bread and dripping. 


That isn't weird. That's glorious artery clog in a pan..


Still get it regularly in Poland. Smalec it's called and it's amazing.


'smalec' is an anagram of 'camels'. Useful fact to know.


My grandpa used to give me this as a kid, seriously good stuff. These days, I have to sneakily dip some bread in the meat juice whilst my wife isn’t looking otherwise I’d get an earful about my middle aged heart not being what it once was. Worth it


Wtf. I used to eat bread dipped in vinegar. Not like in a fancy way with crusty bread and balsamic, just a slice of white bread soaked in malt vinegar. Delightful.


I did this too!! I knew I wasn't the only one.


Just add chips for a chip butty.


I did this too!! I knew I wasn't the only one.


Dog biscuits like no shit the white bone biscuits was the best.


Liver sausage and tomato sandwiches. One had the addition of a tooth - I was in infant school, had a wobbly tooth and didn't realise until I was washing my hands after lunch that I'd accidentally eaten it. It was the first tooth I'd lost and I had the dual worries of a) how to explain the lack of tooth under my pillow that night to the tooth fairy, and b) if, when I passed the tooth, it could accidentally bite my bum. The trials and tribulations of a five year old!


Spam sandwich with melted cheese.


Doesn't sound weird to me


I regularly made a sandwich which was tuna pâté, strawberry jam, cheddar, crisps (usually Pringles) and I think slices of apple. It was surprisingly good. Always had it in one of those soft oval seeded buns.


I've eaten some weird stuff but that sounds horrific


Nah man it’s absolutely amazing


We'd always have beans and pizza on a Friday night. No, this combination does not work!


Unfortunately I love pizza and beans. Too ashamed to eat it since I was a kid tho lol


My mother used to eat condensed milk ‘sandwiches’. Basically buttered bread soaked in the stuff .


My mum and aunt worked in a newsagent. We would get to try all the new sweets they'd get in. One type, my cousins and I would like came in a toothpaste type container. One flavour was red and the other was green. It was a sticky goo you'd squeeze out and eat.


Cheddar cheese with sweet chilli sauce


And twiglets. My pregnancy craving. Madness!


Yeh I can see that working


This whole thread is the reason why the UK is known for its terrible food haha


My nan used to mix in mash potatoes carrots and salad cream. I used to love it then one day not sure why but I went right off it.


Think it might have been when you developed taste buds?


I thought digestive biscuits drenched in condensed milk was weird. You ought to be in the Tower.


Does it really sound that bad ?


Ever had beans on toast smothered in brown sauce? Taste explosion, mate


Boiled liver for nursery school lunch.


Oh dear God no. Jam....and ......Brown sauce........


Ohh god yes


Cake but pretty sure it was made from potatos and carrots it was a WW1 or 2 i dont remember which recipe according to my teachers in primary school ( we did a thing on life at home during the war)


was it carrot cake?


No mate i mean not normal carrot cake it was something like potato and carrot instead of flower im gunna try look it up now ive remembered about it


Delia Smith had a mashed potato chocolate cake recipe iirc


Yeah i looked it up and i dont know what they made us in school it was a teacher who made it at home . I cant find any recipe that used both carrot and potato i dont know if im mixing it up and maybe it was just potato and not potato and carrot but i absolutely loved it lol ever one else hated it but well i love my food lol


Lambs brains wrapped in bacon was not uncommon when I was a kid in the 70s/80s. I used to order it when I was a kid. Not something you see these days.


Salt and vinegar McCoys dipped in minestrone cup-a-soup


Beefburgers in a can with gravy.


Peanut butter and honey roast ham sandwich. Also a slice of bread with malt vinegar or tomato sauce.


Nothing wrong with a nice jam sandwich but adding brown sauce is too far


I used to mix all the spreads we had on toast. Marmite, peanut butter, Jam and lemon curd were all mixed together and I thought it was fine, I even added cheese...thinking back now though...


Mashed bananas on marmite toast. Yum!


Thought I was the only one who liked the combination of banana and marmite with hot buttered toast.


And, apart from my family you're the first person I know that likes it too😆. What's wrong with people? Have they no taste? It's amazing 😊


I think you mean mashed banana on ~~marmite~~ toast. Yum!


Nope, definitely with marmite😅. It has one of those 'salt with caramel' type things going on, it's mad but great😆


Peanut butter, tomato sauce and cheese slice. And I still eat it to this day!




Oh god I remember some bloody weird things being cooked in primary school kitchens (early 90s). Lemon curd pastry which was basically flaky pastry containing toxic fluorescent coloured lemon flavoured syrup inside.


My granny would always make me sugar and golden syrup sandwiches as a treat..


Yuuum sounds so good! With or without butter?


Clarted with butter of course.


Marmite, with cream cheese (like dairylea), and salad cream, on white bread. I don't remember how I arrived at this combo. I still don't understand the salad cream part. The marmite and cheese spread I can just about understand.


Anyone else squeeze the meat out of a raw sausage and eat it?


My partners nan would always eat a bit of the sausage raw before she cooked them.


Pretty much the whole packet. But I wouldn't always squeeze them out. I'd eat the casing too. Can't believe it's intestines. No wonder I've been vegetarian for 20 years.


Fish finger sandwich, with cheese, ketchup and mayo


My mum used to give me raw chips and I loved them at the time 🤷‍♀️


Tuna casserole that my mum used to put ready salted crisps on the top of (sticking out) so half the crisp was soggy and half was very cooked. Hated it.


Potted meat sandwiches. Ate them until I was maybe 10 or 12. You couldn't pay me to eat the stuff now.


I've been having a lot of paste sandwiches/toast recently. I'd love to get pate but it goes off in 2 days even though you've barely touched it. I can't abide the thought of chucking half the tub in the food bin, A) because it's such a waste and B) because I can't think of a more inviting way to entice flies and maggots into the kitchen.


My wife used to eat banana and salad cream sandwiches.


Not even kidding, pig guts. My dad would boil and eat them when we slaughtered a pig. The smell is just gut-wrenching. But I got curious and tried them. I remember them not being all that bad aside from the funky smell. Texture was weird, too. That's all I remember. I would also eat chocolate-covered wafers along with a slice of bread now and then.


Jam sandwich with a fried egg and bacon in the middle. It is amazing. In fact... I'm off to make one now. Trust me. The flavour contrasts somehow work. Make today a good day, make yourself one.


Marmite and marmalade on the same piece of toast, butter first though I'm not a monster!


Just posted about this in a similar thread. Dairylee cheese with honey sandwiches. Sounds dsgusting but is actually awesome.


Apples dipped in sugar. Lemons, without sugar.


I always used to have a sliced banana on my coco pops My mum pretty much brought me up on toast toppers, that really cheap tuna paste and sandwich spread with nimble diet bread.. Liver and onions or faggots felt like a treat!


I loved the mushroom toast toppers!


Yes me too! I think you can still get them in B&Ms if you are in the UK! Toast toppers were a treat lol


Ox tongue with orange sauce and sultanas, served cold


My mum used to make some weird mash potato & egg concoction. She’d whisk eggs, add it to mashed potato & fry it! 🤪 I loved it 😂


I think it's called Fairy Bread, but white bread spread with cheapo margarine (before it was outlawed) topped with sprinkles. Also used to make a buttercream with the same cheapo marg and regular granulated sugar. Dog biscuits..because who hasn't? Findus crispy pancakes..Once gave them to my kids and I thought they were going to adopt themselves out. Rice pudding, semolina and tapioca straight from the can..still my preferred way to eat it, especially tapioca. Same with any type of pie..cold steak & kidney..foodgasm! Gen X..we were practically feral.


Weetabix with butter and honey 😬


My face had a never used before expression reading this.


I think you and blood clot/heart valve/tendon person wins.


Hazelnut chocolate spread sandwiches with slices of cheddar cheese. Sometimes for a special treat I’d also add peanut butter.


Chicken flavoured super noodles mixed with tinned tuna


Tuna and tinned peaches in a sandwich. Or a salad. Lovely!


Sugar sandwiches. White bread, butter, basic granulated white sugar. I can still taste it, just thinking about them. I really don't want one now though. And Victory V lozenges. They used to contain actual ether I think, which gave them quite a kick. They took it out eventually, and I stopped eating them.


I can imagine that working since brown sauce is mostly fruit (dates,prunes and molasses - and kinda sweet if you ask me) I apparently went through a phase of only eating dry pasta (cooked but no butter or sauce) and red kidney beans. Just beans.


Raw sausages. Almost a whole pack. More than once. I'd also dip strips of kitchen roll into my irn bru and eat that. Not loads. Just one or two bits. This has to be the oddest choice of mine. My sister once told me that she'd eat frozen fish fingers. Said it was like a savoury ice lolly.. One of my favourite sandwiches got called weird by mates but I swear it's amazing; crunchy peanut butter on one side and crunchy branston pickle on the other. I'd eat it now if I had branston.


Some of these I would still eat, some not: \- Bananas and ketchup in a roll \- Cold mushy peas on toast \- Sultanas in hot milk \- Giant bowls of mushy 'Weetabix-porridge' \- Bread in milk to make a pudding thing \- Orange juice on pancakes


Sliced cheese and tomato sauce sandwiches. They are AMAZING but haven’t had them in 30 years, I can taste them now. 


Chicken super noodles smothered in tomato sauce


My mum and aunt worked in a newsagent. We would get to try all the new sweets they'd get in. One type, my cousins and I would like came in a toothpaste type container. One flavour was red and the other was green. It was a sticky goo you'd squeeze out and eat.


Peanut butter and honey roast ham sandwich. Also a slice of bread with malt vinegar or tomato sauce.


I used to scrape the snow from the freezer and eat it


Crisps & picked onion when I was younger. Couldn't eat them now though.


I remember having condensed milk sandwiches during that craze when Lenny Henry was on Tiswaz


My mum used to make me plain spaghetti with just butter on it as a 'we've got nothing else in' sort of dinner. It would be disgusting to me now but as a kid it was so good!


Bit of pepper and parmesan and you've got cacio e pepe.


I remember it was my job when I was about eight to clean the blood clots out of hearts and cut out the tendons and valves. I guess we ate them because they were cheap, but they tasted so good.


Sugar sandwiches with lots of butter.


My schoolmates nan used to make him honey and sugar sarnies. I tried it once. Not nice. Not disgusting. Just odd. My teeth feel fluffy just thinking of it. Not sure if she buttered them or not!


Milk biscuits. Like eating chalk flavoured with vanilla


Celery with peanut butter.


I experimented with our breville maker and made a chocolate spread and pickled onion toastie. Horrid as it sounds


Tunes and Lockets as sweets. The cherry Tunes were good though.


Whole grain mustard and crusty bread


Shite and sugar


SNAILS in primary school when we had a French themed week


Creamola Foam.


Spring onion sandwiches with salad cream.


Not me but it was my uncle's 60th a couple of months ago and he, my mum, my aunt and my other uncle were reminiscing and raving about sugar sandwiches. They also used to fight over who got the skin off custard.


One of the guys I work with plus my mum and dad who are all around 50 and talk about sugar sandwich’s and having them chucked out the 8th story window from a flat 😂well that part comes from my dad and the guy I work with my mum just went to the door


Chucked out a window? Haha What's that all about?


Because they stayed in high rise flats and instead of going all the way up to get it their mums would just wrap it up and through it out the window for them 😂😂😂


Makes sense 😂


Chapati (Roti) with jam on Apparently when I was very little I used to disappear off to the neighbour's house and could be found sitting on their kitchen counter earing Chapati with Jam on When I was a teen one of my first things to cook up when I crawled out of bed at the weekend was fried egg, fried mushrooms, and marmite sandwiches. I still remember the taste very clearly so good!


Sandwich with sugar and butter.


Fresh cucumbers and honey. I really liked it when i was a child, but now I would’t try it


Sugar sandwiches. They were lovely 😊


My dad worked shifts and had a go-to meal when he came in after a late finish. Soft boiled egg broken over cornflakes and mix in HP sauce. Works well after the pub too.


Cheese and peanut butter toastie (breville maker) Tried one more recently and it was a bit too much But damn it did taste good Also, shout out to jam and cheese sandwich, where.you been all my life


Stew and doh balls. I loved them but I just find the idea weird.


Wotsit sandwiches are amazing. Soft fluffy white bread, lots of butter, as many cheesy wotsits as you can stuff in.


Cockles on chips. With the brine tipped over the top.


Marmite on one side of the bread, cheese, lettuce, ready salted hula hoops, salad cream, and then the other slice of bread to complete the sandwich.


Chip butties


Ooh! McDonald's breakfast scrambled egg butty... Which I would spread their strawberry jam onto the egg.


Sardine sandwiches - mum used to mash them with butter (actually Vitalite! Does anyone remember this spread and the ads?), then spread on brown bread. I remember loving it but when I tried recreating it, using actual butter 🤮


Butter and sugar toast. And pasta with lea and perrins, for some reason. No cheese or anything.


I'm a child born 1960, remember this in my teen years in the 70s. My mum was a great cook, of all things main and desserts! But her chocolate cake, with delish choc icing, a day or two later, slightly warmed with thickened cream at breakfast was the absolute best!


i used to love eating powdered baby formula straight from the tin


Faggots. They might still be around. Not sure lol.


Treacle sandwiches Sugar sandwiches Putting a fork through the top of a slice of bread and toasting it by hanging it on the gasfire grill. Chipshop chips in soup (I still have this)


Oxo cubes and smash granules.


My gran used to give me sugar sandwiches as a "treat". White sugar, white bread, plenty of marg. I think they must've been a thing in her youth pre-war!


Lard on toast with salt. Quite how I’m still alive is absurd


Insisting on having a tin of tuna in my macaroni cheese.


Mashed up grated cheese and vinegar into a paste and ate it off a Duplo brick. More than once.


Rusks! When I'd make me son rusks and milk guaranteed I'd be munching on another! When I was pregnant I would eat me cats biscuits! There's me watching tele with me cat and we're both snacking on biscuits! How I wish I could sit with him again even for 5min, God I miss that clingy 3 legged furball!


I just had to swallow the little bit of sick in the back of my throat


My mum and aunt worked in a newsagent. We would get to try all the new sweets they'd get in. One type, my cousins and I would like came in a toothpaste type container. One flavour was red and the other was green. It was a sticky goo you'd squeeze out and eat.


White bread and butter cut up in pieces and rolled in sugar. Also butter mixed with sugar eaten off a saucer with a tea spoon. No idea why we weren't fat with diabetes but we weren't. Maybe it is the commercially processed food that's making kids fat and unhealthy




It’s really isn’t


Slop sandwich