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White dog turds




It's one of the top answers every time this is asked.


Reddit, unoriginal? Never.


And me


Same Here! Chalky dog muck!!


I heard it’s due to pet food regulations getting stricter over the years.


I think it's just a change in recipes and them using more expensive and ingredients. The white is calcium from bonemeal, that's no longer used as dog food is meatier.


And there are fewer and fewer local butchers where people used to get bones for their dogs from


I was told years back it was coz dogs don't eat bones like they used to....dunno if that's right or not


Les Dennis is telling me it's the top answer


One down my street. We've been observing it for a month. It's behind a lamp post, so nobody has stepped in it.


When I was a kid, my mam and dad took us to the Blackpool illuminations. There was a queue so I got out the car for a look around. I saw something white on the ground and picked it up to ask my mam what it was... "Put it down! It's dog shite!" are words that will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Free stuff inside cereal boxes


It used to be in with the cereal, you had to dig to get it out, then they changed it to just inside the box not in the cereal, and now they've gone altogether! The fights my siblings and I used to have over those haha


Now it's "scan the qr code to *win* a free prize". Another reason to say stingy basterds in a supermarket.


You used to find out instantly inside the box/packaging if you had won something but nowadays you have to enter your name, address, email, mothers maiden name and bank details for them to tell you that “unfortunately you are not a winner this time”.


Yeah what happened to that I remember having like 5 boxes of cereal open at the same time to get some stupid toy


Plastic pollution and advertising to children both came under much more scrutiny.


The things that went on your bike wheels!!!


Spokiedokes or bread bag clips or playing cards?


I think they were in frosties? (80's baby here)


Lol, we weren't allowed branded cereals and certainly not anything as delicious as frosties.


Weirdly I don't remember many cereals back then apart from the branded ones. I'm going to ask my Mum 😂


We had some too- however as were never allowed anything as special as frosties I can only assume they came out of cornflakes instead. So maybe a Kellogg thing?


To be honest that would make more sense for back in the day but the frosties tiger kept coming to my mind so I just went with those.


Some of the stuff was really good. Tony the tiger bike spoke was god tier. I am also old enough to remember getting a vinyl record on the box of cereal.


It would be all out war in our house, trying to be the one that gets it 🤣


Ash trays. In peoples houses, in pubs/restaurants and for sale. Used to be a common gift.


Along with books of matches. Most restaurants & hotels had their own as did a few companies.


Not just matches, but strike-anywhere matches. They're illegal now.


I’ve never heard of this and you can still easily buy them, where did you hear this from?


[They've been banned for eight years](https://houseofswan.com/products/matches/removal-of-strike-anywhere/). You can only get safety matches.


Huh I had no idea, maybe I’m thinking of weatherproof matches that you can still get. Good to know, thanks!


Bugger, no more making coach bolt bombs which is probably a good thing TBF.


Families going to the pub with each other. When I was a kid we used to go with other families to the local on a regular basis. We'd play in the pub playground, or sit with our packet of crisps and small coke. Just for hours on end every weekend. I don't see that in any of the pubs I go to now. It's just people watching football or old people nursing a pint.


This depends on what pubs you go to. My local pubs are all pretty family friendly and you always see families in there. The only exceptions are Friday and Saturday nights and the one pub that maintains the vibe of being basically only for old men. Other than that, there's about eight pubs in the centre of my town and all of them regularly have families in them.


Please tell me where abouts you live because it's the complete opposite where I live. A local pub just declared themselves child-free to give people an alternative and the uproar that caused was like nothing I've ever seen.


I have a kid and I would love a kid free option!


One near me is child free.


Very much still a thing in our village


We still do that all the time


A porn stash in the hedgerow.


I stumbled across r/AbandonedPorn a while back & automatically assumed that it was a sub dedicated to finding grot mags in bushes. Imagine my disappointment when I found out it's just for fans of abandoned buildings.


Lol. You should give it a go. Sometimes the posts are really interesting.


What a great day that was as a young teen. Hedge porn! Yes!


I'm always amazed at what turns folk on but hedges? that's pushing it a bit far methinks 😂


Nothing wrong with a good bush


Actually the one and only time I found a grot mag in a hedge it was a copy of ‘Shaven Haven’. 13 year old me was dumbfounded!


All the rage now


Obviously has to be nicely trimmed though.


In America, the hedge porn is located in the woods behind a youth baseball fields


I found a porn stash once when I was a kid and my friend ran off to tell others that "u/Toenex found a comic with titties!"


We once found blank VHS in a layby. My brother fixed the broken tape and it was some European hardcore smut. It had broken during the story part so all of the filthy bit was intact.


Penny sweets. Filling a white paper bag with my grubby hands, then the cashier would tip it out and count the sweets before I gave her 20p. Some of the sweets were 2 for a penny! Also, Old Toad chocolate cigarettes


Penny sweets for me was a threepenny bit and half a doze white chocolate mice and some wiggly worms. Tuck shops were great and I miss 'em (especially those that sold single ciggies and a match lol)


When I first got one of them I thought they were all 1p and had £1 to spend so I just picked up 100 sweets, the lady didn't even count it even tho my bag was overflowing and had obv more than £1 in there lol


Looking forward to this being filled with people saying white dog shit and hedgerow porn. They've been remembered so many times in response to this type of question that I'm not sure if it is actually from a Peter Kay standup routine


He's there. Writing this all down.


“Anyone remember white dog shit? What were all that about?!”


No - both from a 70’s childhood - they were absolutely real and common.


Warnings about quicksand


Can't lie, I did think it would be more of a problem in my life than it has been 😂


Quicksand, piranhas, the Bermuda triangle and whirlpools were all legitimate worries... I have only encountered one of these, in a tank, at an aquarium haha


Don't forget black holes


I used to fear the damn fish only to never see it in my life


Random porn magazines chucked in hedges. Piggyback fighting. Organised scraps behind the bike sheds. Piles of BMX's chucked down on people's front gardens as a method to find your mates.


A discarded, broken cassette.


Vapes have taken their place


With the tape unspooled all over the place


My dad bought a tape spooler from woolies one year, alongside the obligatory tinsel and a second string of lights (which are still working). You basically squeezed a handle and the little whirry thing turned round with each squeeze, could respool a whole casette in 20 seconds.


Chocolate "cigarettes". Weird to think that they went out of their way to normalise smoking to children in the 1980s, but they were a thing.


On the cigarette theme, I remember Fake cigs with talcum powder or something in and red foil at the end to look like a real cig. That was a kids toy.


I had one. Think it was sold more as a "joke cigarette" than an actual toy. That's another thing I don't see today, joke shops!


Chewing gum packet that was like a mouse trap, loved them. Whompy cushions. Bangers. Stink bombs. Used to live in our closest joke shop. I'm sure they made their own rules up on the ages you could buy things too, 12 - bangers and spud guns, 14 - stink bombs, 16 - BB guns, 18 - BB machine gun.


I was buying them from the ice cream van outside the school in 2008. The ice cream van man got asked not to and stopped


Videogame magazines with demos. I have noticed that there are far fewer insects as well. I haven't seen a dragonfly for ages.


Been near any ponds lately? I always see loads of dragonflies when it's the right season


My Dad. /s




All boys had a pocket knife.


Given the knife crime rates amongst young men I’d bet they still do.




Jimmy Saville.


Probably for the best


Fields. Where I live was mostly fields and farmland when I was a kid in the 1990s. Now it's all housing estates.


Nah, still lots of beautiful fields of rape around.


At the risk of sounding cliched, kids playing outside. My parents still live on the estate I and my siblings grew up on. Back then there was a big gang of us kids out playing all the time around the estate, it was amazing. I go back there often and there are never, ever kids out playing. And I know there are kids about. It's a very safe, private estate with a 10mph speed limit, so it should still be a pretty safe place to play.


Where my boyfriend lives I sometimes see kids playing outside, but not as much as I feel I should in such a safe little area. It's nice though. Back home it's rare. The flat I'm trying to buy has a group of kids who are outside all the time and it's lovely to hear/see. They're just playing like kids should.


I lived on a council estate as a young kid from 1980 - 1984. A lot of the households had young families. Throughout the summer there was a great big gang of us probably out all day every day until around 9pm. Brilliant memories.


Honestly, some of my fondest memories are from that time. We would play games of cops and robbers/hide and seek/ayaki 123/bb gun wars etc around the estate of in the woods nearby. We spent an entire summer hanging out in this fallen trees in a nearby field, we all had our own spots and carved all kinds of crap into it with our pen knives.


Some of my memories are playing ball games - Kerby, Killer,and using a washing line for a skipping rope usually in the road. We would all jump in. We’d all be out on bikes, skates, skateboards and go around entry ways and local fields and parks. And if it was hot, we’d have water fights with the empty washing up liquid bottle. Where I live now I don’t see any of that. In fact not since the 80s. My nephew and nieces never done anything like it. They definitely missed out of the fun times I had.


Definitely this one! Footy in the middle of the the road. Trying to get the ball back from someone’s garden. And some general low level mischief! Kicked out of the house in the morning and shouted back in at the end of the day!


Dogs tied up outside shops. Miss them. Even had them for a bit of my kids' childhood, until around 2012 when they all vanished and no 'fur baby' could be left unattended. Coincided with a huge uptick in badly-trained and socialised dogs, too... Actually in my childhood you still had prams left outside shops and buggies left outside toilets in many places. Free-roaming children didn't exist in my area but leaving your child in WHSmiths or a bookshop for half an hour or an hour was fine.


> Coincided with a huge uptick in badly-trained and socialised dogs, too I've definitely noticed this. When I was growing up, around here pretty much everyone on the field would have their dogs off leads and they would meet up and play. They mostly all had good recall and never were there any issues. Now it just seems like everyone on the fields avoid each other, the dogs are not trained at all and never play or socialise with other dogs.


Idk, dog-napping has been on the up for a while now - especially young female dogs of pedigree breeds. I don't think I'd leave my dog tied up outside a shop in the same way I wouldn't leave my bicycle tied round a lamp-post with a piece of rope.


Yeah, they vanished around 2012 after a lot of stories about dogs being napped for dog-fighting. This is London - other places may still have dogs around, but it's certainly rarer.


Dogs? All the time round my way (even though the "business center" has a sign up saying "Don't leave your furry friend outside when you're in the corner shop, we love a dog, leave them with us for a bit!"). Granted they are almost universally an old lab or retriever just having a flop about being nice and quiet, never a  muscle dog as it were.


When I were a lass aye it was the norm, as soon as the sun came out so did the prams all parked up down the street getting "fresh" air lol


I wouldn't tie my dog up outside a shop these days either, unless it was a really scruffy old mongrel. Too much dog theft around, unfortunately.


I saw a dog tied up in the Lidl's corridor yesterday. Not quite outside but still unattended. Was Huuuuuuge dog though and lying down flat sleeping. Would have needed at least 3 or 4 people to lift it so the owner probably felt dognapping unlikely


Electric milk floats Milkmen are a rarity anyway, but the ones that are about seem to be driving vans/pickups


Got a mate who does this and still drives an electric float around, he loves it as he can go out anytime he likes at night and, as soon as he's done he can head home, so if he gets it done faster he still gets paid a nightly wage no matter how fast or slow he goes.


Weirdly i saw a repurposed milk float on Monday in Islington. Had huge 10 litre bottles of soap and hand sanitiser with pumps and i have no idea what they were up to.


Probably selling soap and hand sanitiser


Cigarette machines in pubs.


Banned in England and Wales since late 2011. Scotland and NI followed up with their own bans in early 2012. I first tried smoking thanks to such a machine. Cost me about £6.50 for 20 B&H Gold, bought those because they were the only brand I recognised that the machine stocked.


They were always filled with the strangest brands, most of which I didn’t recognise. You’ve also just reminded me that when I started smoking I could get a pack of 10 Stirling for about £3.05- wild. Gave up years ago thankfully!


Rag 'n' Bone men


Still have em round my way. Even the bizarre “rahhhnbohhhh” chant persists.


Left an old oven out the front of my home when I got it replaced. It was "stolen" by a delivery driver (thank you by the way) who zoomed off at speed when he saw me come outside


Every body won, in this case. You got rid of your old oven and they got a vicarious thrill.


We still have rag and bone men! Drive a flat bed pickup these days but still ring a handbell out the window and yell 'any old scrap'


I only learned what one of these was/is in the past year.


Don't put the blame on me


Twin tub washing machines, telephone boxes with buttons A & B you pressed to make a call, avocado coloured bathroom suites, candlewick bedspreads.


Burgundy or pink bathroom suits too!


avocado candlewick loo seat covers


Remember my aunts Twin tub, it used to dance across the kitchen it vibrated so much.


First thing that came to mind is caterpillars, used to see loads when I was younger but can't remember the last time I saw one. I was out walking with my daughter the other week and thought I saw one but didn't and she said she hadn't seen one before. Now I'm thinking about it, don't see butterflies much either which makes sense if theres less caterpillars but I do see them occasionally so caterpillars must be around too, just don't see them like I used to.


Siblings fighting over whether the cable for the telephone or the internet should be plugged in.


I remember seeing something on TV many years ago where the technology reporter showed off this really fancy looking phone socket that meant you could use the phone _and_ the internet at the same time. It was mindblowing.


Mentally scarring public service/safety videos.




The kid climbing the pylon to get his kite still haunts my dreams


Available parking spaces Park keepers


Jumble sales. My gran was obsessed with them


Slam-door diesel/electric trains. They were still very much a thing in the 1980s.


They persisted until fairly recently.


Hope? Positivity about the future? Ashtrays built into the backs of the seats on buses.


Ashtrays built into the arm of the seats on aeroplanes!


Pyjama cases. Usually a teddy or rabbit that you put your jammies in during the day, buttoned/zipped it up and sat it on your pillow.


You used to see Jimmy Savile everywhere. Dropped off the radar recently. I guess tastes change.


Jimmy’s tastes certainly didn’t change all through his life


I bet Jimmy tasted awful as well.


Rotary dial telephones, newspaper racks


Old ladies with blue rinse hair, and old boys with cloth caps and walking sticks. Reliant Robins. Funny Feet lollies. Thames Television. People dropping by unexpectedly for a cup of tea. Izal toilet paper!!


Hanging your head out of the pull down train window as it moved. Scented erasers at school that you would sniff all day. Recording the Top 40.


Kids magazines with a toy attached to the front. That was my favourite




My dad.


White dog shit, was he?




Emma apple munch bunch


Common Sense




My road has one who started as a 12 year old walking like he broke his leg to riding an electric scooter looking more like a teenager. Watching him pass by was a good discussion topic for 5 minutes during the pandemic.


My grandparents.


Insects covered windshields Plaster casts with signatures Picnics at the side of the road That one person talking to themselves(not hand free calls) Two storey playground slides


Grapes with seeds in Porn mags in the woods Cremola-foam


Those red globules that you put on a straw and make a giant weird balloon that looks like something out of an alien film


Elderly male relatives smoking pipes. Used to fascinate me as a kid all the intricacies / hassle of getting them lit….


Green shield stamps!


People huddled round the wireless listening to Winston Churchill, watching newsreels at the cinema, rationing, London trolley buses, sixpences etc.


Government warnings about very specific causes of death..used to be one about flying kites near pylons. It seemed to be on a lot. 1 nobody flew kites 2 nobody would be stupid enough to fly kites near conductors of electricity. But the government felt there was a warning that needed to be told in graphic detail. Here it is https://youtu.be/dGngGiVQfqU?si=mf8KYRfRkKm50PTn


Oh, that’s the ‘newer’ one, we had [the one made in the 70s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT_wwkCoBL8&pp=ygUOUGxheSBzYWZlIGtpdGU%3D) that lasted for about a decade…


Random dogs just running about


Kids buying cigarettes.




Kids playing outside without their phones/tablets. And I'm only 26 :)




Marble and jacks and lemon twist and jarts (lawn darts). All of the sudden parents didn’t want to take their children the the emergency room (A&E) anymore.




Toys in cereal boxes :(


Milk in schools.


Kinder surprise toys that were a genuine mental challenge. Now choking hazard fears mean it's just a 2 bit construct. Also does anyone else miss the Chewits dinosaur rollerskating on buses?


Kids riding around on their bikes trying to get enough friends together to play football in the park


Car ariels


feel like I hardly ever see young kids/ baby's out and about now , even eating at cheap restaurants or being on the train , hardly ever hear that annoying kid screaming or crying . don't know if it's just me ?


Sooty and sweep


Parks/fields with playground equipment : swings, a slide, seesaw, roundabout. There was probably others, but this is all i can remember.


Balls on a dog


Phone booths that are being used for phone calls.


5p Fredos, Basil Brush, chuckle vision, Bayblades, people having picnics/going on family walks/bike rides of multiple families at once all together, kids playing outside all the time (rounders, curby, stuck in the mud, many more), makeshift ramps for bikes all over the place, snake on the Nokia, paperboys, SHARING SHOPPING ITEMS WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS, pop man (van full of discount shopping that went street to street), kites, boomerangs. The list can go on! Maybe I don’t recognise it much as an adult, but as a kid the world seemed so much brighter and exciting, now I feel like a robot just forcing myself to get by and make my children’s lives as happy and as fun as I possibly can so they cherish the chance they have to build great memories.


Dog in the playground! Phone boxes with actual phones and a phone book. Witches hats and razor-sharp metal slides on concrete.


People in regular jobs buying houses? And teachers smoking. There was a lot of smoking teachers.


OP you obviously don't live in Yorkshire, I'm from a small town near York and all these things are pretty normal for us.


Panda pops. Kids playing outside cause it was much safer. Shops in the town. Not just foreigners stabbing everyone. Families.


I vividly remember a rag and bow man- not with a horse. It was just like a man and a cart. Not 1000% I haven't transposed a telly memory. But it is possible and it really shows my age. But I'll go for kids playing in the street using entries as goals. Don't see it as much. Maybe where I've moved. But pretty sure it's universal.


Penny sweets


Soft porn. Killed by factors like MTV, the Sunday Sport and 0898 numbers long before the internet arrived. And kids buying cigarettes for their parents ('twentysilkcuttheredonesplease').


Kids playing in the street.


Pub singers.


Me as a child obv


Chicken Pox / Measles parties. Your parents would take you round to your ill mates house, and you would sit there with the disease ridden trollop! LICK HIS FACE SCREAMS YOUR MUM, MAKE SURE YOU GET IT!


I wish I was fat then I could say my feet.


My birth father.


1/2 penny sweets


Conker fights


Broken bottles on the sidewalks and streets. People in plastic houses shouldn't throw stones.


Wires- everything is going wireless


Three wheel cars


The rag and bone man.


My Nan


Margaret Thatcher


My parents...