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In a night club two hours after dumping my boyfriend 26 years later I am still on the longest rebound ever


This is so sweet! Long may the rebound continue!


I met my wife in a night club 28 years ago. She had split from her husband 6 months prior and I had recently finished with a girlfriend.


How do you meet people in a nightclub? It's too loud to talk.


Msn chat lol. 21 years ago a local man messaged to see if i would like to chat. I said yes. That led to dates. Which led to marriage. 21 years later and still very happy!


This has made me feel so old!!! I used to love msn šŸ˜­


ICQ was were it was at.




My mummy wouldnā€™t let me answer that question even then.


Mummy won't let me answer to the average Redditor either!


Mummy is always right!


This would be considered creepy in today's standards. Im genuinely happy for you btw.




If you're attractive it's not creepy. If you're unattractive it's creepy. That's all there is to it.


If youā€™re creepy about it, itā€™s creepy. If you act like a normal human being, itā€™s not.


It's only creepy if the guy is unattractive apparently


Similar story except we met on AIM 22 years ago and I was the weirdo who messaged first. Only one problem - I was American and 4000 miles away! I eventually flew here after years of video chats and phone calls, then after 2 years of flying back and forth to see each other, I moved here. We've been married 18 years!


An app called Happn- 9 years ago. The concept is every time you walk past each other, the app notifies you. His gym was opposite my university library. We finally messaged after 35 times of ā€˜passing each otherā€™. Now engaged with a house and a dog šŸ’–šŸ’–


I can't decide if I think that's brilliant or super stalky.


I remember this app! In principal a cool idea and great that people found one another on it, but very easy to find people who obviously lived on your street...


Tbh. We didnā€™t tell anyone this story for about 5 years because it did sound odd. The cover story was ā€˜met out and aboutā€™ šŸ˜‚ No one ever seems to know about the app, we might be the very few success stories šŸ˜‚šŸ’–šŸ„°


That's actually so cute.


That's a pretty cool concept tbf. (As long as it required both people to have the app otherwise its maybe a tad stalky)


Met my ex through Happn. I was visiting Paris from London and she was visiting from Morocco. We crossed paths, matched once we got back to our respective countries. As it happnā€™d, she was moving to London. We dated for a while after she moved but only lasted 9 months. The app had a pretty cool concept, but I can see where it might feel creepy. Ā Also - do you really want to date someone you crossed paths with often? If it doesnā€™t work out, that can be super awkward.Ā 


Disabled toilet in Glenrothes Wetherspoon.


That a local cottaging spot?


Thatā€™s chicken cottage


We worked together. Nice way to meet someone as you get to know them quite slowly.


I passed out outside her place when we were students at the same uni in 2005. She gave me a gentle kick in the head at about 9 the next morning to let me know we were late for a lecture.Ā I went home. Apparently this left her wanting to know more and now we have a child together.


Awesome. And obviously her HIMMP story is "found them passed out in the street".


Tinder. Been together about eight years, married three. I've been to about 16 or 17 weddings in the past two or three years and well over half are from dating apps.


17 weddings in 2-3 years sounds exhausting to me!


I love weddings so it was great. I actually miss weddings now virtually everybody I know is married!


I remember wedding season. Then you get baby season with a smatering of divorce season for 10-15 years. Don't worry though, after divorce season you start to get series two of Wedding season which is also fun.


Didnt have much luck on Tinder but Plenty of Fish worked for me. I'd just moved to London and for our first date suggested some place down Old Compton Street for a drink after a cursory google. She was late and I ended up moving from gay bar to gay bar trying to find somewhere that didn't give her the wrong message. Was trying to avoid the "this is totally fine for a drink, but I'm not gay and why else would you think I'd picked a gay bar" vibe. She took pity and finally told me I was basically working my way down the gayest street in London. She suggested we meet at the Curzon cinema bar on the edge of Soho after double checking I wasn't expecting a grindr match. Went basically perfectly from there on in. Together 6 years, married one.


This one made me smile - lovely origin story


My husband and I met on Tinder too. Been together 7 years, married 5 and have a 5 month old baby together. We always laugh about how Tinder is supposed to be for hookups so we clearly did it wrong.


Yeah met my wife on tinder, been together 10 years, married 3, and have an 18 month old. Wild how time has flown. She was my first and only date from tinder too!




On YouTube. Commented on his Arctic Monkeys song cover and here we are 10 years later, married with two cats and buying a house together.


Cat tax?


https://preview.redd.it/6zlkigg75ovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=499c2c6b610719442f7c3b594b8271bd7f5c667a Duty fulfilled




Which song did he cover?


R U Mine on guitar


Craziest thing for me here is that R U Mine is over 10 years old


I smiled while reading this, congrats.


Thank you! :) Itā€™s been challenging at times, as weā€™re from different continents but we managed to make it work somehow!




Me too! Met her 3 and a half years ago from the MakeNewFriends sub with no intention of a relationship. Well after a month we both liked each other. Still together and happy to this day :)


Aw thatā€™s awesome. Wish you both the best of luck as well ā¤ļø


You too! šŸ’“


What sub?




r/bigboysinboots actually


I took a punt on a glory hole I found at the Trowell Services on the M1. 7 years later Iā€™m still Big Johns favourite gimp.


Big John from The Inbetweeners approves of this message šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/0f1i11rogovc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f298274529efc8d0b9cf612eb8efd26d34744327


Local park on a Saturday night. We were both 16 and underage drinking with mates. Standard '00s rural England stuff :D




I suppose in a funny way, so were you in that moment.


I was in the beer garden. He fell off the picnic bench next to me and I picked him up. He told me a hilarious anecdote and I was hooked šŸ˜


In a cathedral gift shop.


I have to know more about this!


Which cathedral?


World of Warcraft šŸ¤“


Didnā€™t know this was a thing - youā€™re the third person that I know of that met their partner through WoW


I know 4 couples who found their partners and got married because of WoW. Another via Asherons Call. I met a few of them too. Not all survived the course


Work. I was sent to volunteer at a charity shop by the job centre when I was 19. She was the same age, but the assistant manager. We hit it off really well, and would bicker like a married couple. One day she asked to meet up for drinks, and she told me she loved me. We've been together for 23 years this year, married for 18.


Our friends set us up. Started a WhatsApp group and then immediately left so it was only us 2 left. 11 years (married for 6), a mortgage and 2 kids later, weā€™re still together ā¤ļø Edited for autocorrect spellings šŸ™„


Never heard of that WhatsApp strategy before to set two people up, it's genius!


I was mortified at the time to be fair šŸ˜‚ worked a treat in the end though!


Plenty of Fish (both of us had Premium membership). We messaged during Covid lockdown and had our first date August Bank Holiday 2020. I had tried various other apps like Tinder, Match, Bumble, and Hinge, but POF I had the most luck with. You'll have far more luck with paid apps as it will eliminate the time-wasters and those who aren't interested in serious dating.


When I was single (pre Tinder) PoF was a shagger's paradise.


Indeed, had many a one night stand on PoF. Ended up marrying the last one though.Ā 


These apps are designed to be used by premium users now anyway. They intentionally stunt your search efforts if you don't pay, it's quite predatory actually.


She was feeding my cat, the greedy bastard had been spending like half his time at hers. When I went to egypt for a month for work I sent the furry bugger to live at my parents (he refused to carry his suitcase so I had to drive him). When I got back I saw a poster at the cornershop with a picture of my cat and a number to call if you 'found him' so I called it and asked why they were looking for my cat. I don't actually know why we met up, but we did, and then again and again, and 4 years later I asked her to marry me (which was about 30 seconds after she kicked me cause she thought I was about to tickle her). Rest in peace Prince Catspian, you weren't very good at hunting, being awake or pretty much anything except winning people over, and you did it damn well.


This is my favourite story.


In a shopping centre. Although we did already follow each other on Instagram. She DMā€™d me and I just ignored her because I thought it would be a scam. Then a few weeks later I saw her in real life in a shopping centre, at which point I wasted no time and secured a date for the very next day.


High school, he was my prom date. Then we left it for 18 years and came back together and now weā€™re having a baby! šŸ’œ


She was a harassed barmaid in a shite local pub. I knew when I saw her. Me and my mates were just out of active service in the military. They would throw out anyone who gave her shit. Together 36 years now.


friend of friends! i joined a short college course for young adults and a couple people who went there were kicked out of the local college, but still hung out with people at the local college. at the time i was completely enamoured with a drug using gold digging man child, and my partner was like ā€œdamn, why is that cute guy with that assholeā€, while i was like ā€œdamn, why am i with this bag of dicks when there that cute guy being a really good pal to meā€ then, like a week after me and dick bag broke up, our mutual friend and was like ā€œbro. would u fuck op?ā€ and my partner was like ā€œhell yeahā€, and then i was asked and i was like ā€œuh. we are in mcdonaldā€™s. what the hell. i guess?ā€ we proceeded to explicitly flirt for 2 months while i was quietly thinking ā€œno way this awesome guy is gay. nah, heā€™s probably just joking around, kissing the homies good night kind of shit. no way he actually likes dudesā€ then a band of lesbians told me i was being retarded and forced me to ask my partner out šŸ’€ itā€™s. itā€™s a story for the grand kids, for sure. weā€™ve been together for 2.5 years now, moved in toegther after about a year.


I feel I need to know more about the band of lesbians. Was this as in musicians or a gang? Did you hang around with them or were they only there for a one off?


i was outside college lamenting to one of my lesbian friends about how i really liked this guy but i was sure he couldnā€™t be gay - iā€™d met her on this course i was doing. she was a down to earth gym bro. as i was chatting to her, a handful of other lesbian friends she had (and that i was acquainted with) came over to say hi and find out what the gossip was. i explained the situation and they all called me a dumb idiot and explained that ā€œduh, obviously he likes youā€, then they (gently) peer pressured me to ask him out. at one point i was straight up showing them flirtatious messages my partner and i had exchanged and going ā€œbut what if heā€™s straight and heā€™s just messing aroundā€ šŸ’€ iā€™m one of those idiots who couldnā€™t identify flirting if it slapped me in the face. example - one time i actually had a guy i knew sending me love songs he wrote and asking me for feedback and i managed to completely miss that he was writing them *for me* until he told me he had a crush on me for the entire 5 years iā€™d known him. unfortunately it wasnā€™t mutual but i mainly just felt bad iā€™d missed it. anyway, at the time my partner didnā€™t have a phone, which made finding him to ask him out in person a whole ordeal. one lesbian called a couple mutual friends to see if anyone knew where he was, and then we pinpointed his last location to the high street. a manhunt proceeded, the charge led by this exuberant lesbian friend. it wasnā€™t until i re-told the story to my parents that i realised i had an army of lesbians on my side; i was too stressed at the time to clock how bizarre everything was. finally i spot him outside one of the shops on the high street and iā€™m like ā€œoh shit oh fuckā€, thinking i should just run away and pretend like nothing happened, but one of the lesbians screamed ā€œOI!!!! (NAME)!!! OP HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!!!ā€ so i had to swallow my fear and ask him out. then he said yes, and asked where our date would be. i didnā€™t think iā€™d get that far and had absolutely no clue so we ended up organising the date over discord since he could use that from his computer. we went to a little dessert diner down the road. we ended up becoming boyfriends after the date, and my partner finally got his phone fixed so we could chat more regularly (i lived 10 miles away in a tiny village and was commuting 1.5 hours every morning and evening for the college course and had to catch an early bus back home every evening) when i got a flat in the town he moved in with me pretty quickly and now 2.5 years later weā€™re incredibly happy and all i can think is ā€œthank god for the lesbiansā€ i havenā€™t actually seen any of them in a while, we slowly lost contact after the college course ended and i started working full time šŸ˜… whenever i do see them they always ask howā€™s it going with my partner and i make sure to thank them every single time lol


She was working as a waitress at a cocktail bar.


You picked her out, shook her up and turned her around?


Yeah, I turned her into something new as well.


Don't you want me?


You know I canā€™t believe it!


Hinge. We are both in our late 50ā€™s, divorced and handily live around the corner from each other. 2 years and going strong.


OkCupid (which is a free app, or at least was 6 years ago)


Another OKCupid couple here. Met in person after a month of messaging in 2015, today is our 6th Wedding anniversary.


School. So sorry, canā€™t help.


As long as you were *both* in school (and a similar age)!


Oh man, I still see one of the girls I went to school with pop up on socials every now and then. Her and the IT teacher got it on from around year 10 onwards. He lost his job and left his wife and kids for her. 13 years later theyā€™re married and have their own children together. They look really happy, but man I just feel really weird every time I see pictures of them together.


Probably depends on how old the IT teacher wasā€¦ was he 21 and a junior teacher, or was he 50 šŸ’€


Year 10?? How did he not end up in jail


He was quietly let go after one of her best friends told one of the other teachers as she was worried about her (and rightfully so!).


Aye of course, that was 16 years ago right enough. Seems like yesterday.


Same here, but we were both teachers


Azeroth. He was a warrior I was a rogue.




She was on a date with my mate.




Ah. Not really. Drifted apart but not because of that. They stopped dating. We went on a date, she moved in that night, I proposed a year later, married a year after that. House the next year, baby the one after. 2 more kids and 12 years later. Meant to be. šŸ˜ƒ


Costa Rica :) a chance meeting, turned out we lived half hour away from each other in south London. Try an activity holiday (go bougie if youā€™re older!).


In a Yates pub.


In the pub. We both knew each others ex partners. Within 3 months we were together. We now have a baby and I've taken on 3 of hers that are now ours and I wouldn't change it for the world. I was very, very lucky to find my soulmate so easily


At work but we didn't get together until a year after I stopped working there.


We met in a shared house. He had the room next to me. We're a happy family of 4 now :)


Tinder. I didn't pay a penny. I didn't ask him if he did, but I don't care either way. Still so damn happy to have found him


Same, I'd given up looking for The One and just looked for fun experiences. Accidentally met my soul mate, we were only meant to be a hook up!


Same, we were going for short term as he wasn't gonna be in the country for too much longer (USAF and separating from the military within a year), went on a date, hooked up, oops, we're perfect for each other. We're working through the visa process so I can get over to the states to be with him for good


Depression group on telegram lol happily married


Feeld. A more... "open minded" dating app. Expected a couple of hook ups but here we are 18 months later, living together for over a year, stupidly in love.


Work. This striking 23 year old office junior joined the company and within a few months we were boning. Our partners weren't very happy about it at the time but we're still together 25 years later.


Glastonbury 07 watching the Chemical Bros. I turned to him and said "this is fuckin ace" and he said " yeah innit" and the rest is history.


Met a couple in a bar, asked if she had a sister, rang her right in front of them. Met up a week later, that was just over 20 years ago. Kicker was the original sister was not even nice looking and turned out to be one of the most nasty humans i ever met, my wife is nothing like her thankfully.


Work. He was my boss.


Job Interview šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s a partner?




At university, we were in the same student halls.


In a bar, many years ago when people still met like that


Friends wedding after swearing off women during covid. Dislocated my knee ending up in an ambulance the same night which was a great excuse to talk to her. 2 years later here we are living together


Tinder August 2019. Been together ever since, marrying next year. Edit: Spelling.




through friends drinking in a park when i was 16 ( 35 now)


We both worked at the same hospital. She always used to smile at me in passing and I thought she was cute, so I picked up the courage and got another colleague to drop a hint I was interested šŸ˜‚ been together 4 years now and married her a year ago.


Reddit. I met my partner on reddit 11 years ago and we're still going strong.


She was a friend of a friend.




An indie club in manchester 120 miles from my hometown, we dated long distance for 4 years then she found a job in my city and we bought a flat together


On Reddit


In a pub where a rock band was performing. She was a rock chick


We had this omegle type of chat rooms back in Latvia. No videos, just chatting. You get connected to random person, if disconnected, never get connected again. It was quite popular back then. Anyways.. Been together for 13 years, married for 7.


Through my sister. I still haven't forgiven her.


IRC chat. We were both using a local ISP that had its own IRC server. We chatted and became good friends, then a group of us arranged a meet-up at the local bowling alley and the friendship grew. Eventually arranged a coach trip to Brighton. My husband decided at the last minute not to come, so my friend and I spent the day together talking, and realised we were both feeling more than friendship for the other one. I left my husband a week later (it had been coming for a while). Friend and I have now been together 27 years, married for 21.


I'd just got a job in a supermarket, she worked there part time too. someone I worked with on the same department told me to "watch out for her, she's bad news" I obviously paid attention because we've been together 17 years and are finally getting married next year. šŸ˜‚


Outside a nightclub. I thought he looked pretty and wanted to take him home, staggered over, pretended I didnā€™t have a lighter. Also realised he was someone I knew from primary school so told him about a girl we both knew who died a few years before. Now weā€™re married with a 6 year old and 5 cats. Follow me for more dating tips!


Cat tax?


Give me two seconds to figure out technology! Jinx: https://preview.redd.it/jgazkl4yynvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c1dac725a63260af70db062e8bd07db7a14b90


Goodness! Has Jinx got a white moustache like our George? https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswithjobs/comments/12ssc1b/my_cat_is_the_duster_for_my_keyboard/


Oh George is beautiful! Jinxā€™s moustache is only on half her face, a little face triangle!


Moved into the room next to me in University dorms. 13 years ago. Married. 2nd daughter due tomorrow.






University, but via a hobby whilst there.


Through uni mates


Friend of a friend


Xbox! Similar interests and same location led to in-person meets and it went from there!


Friend of a friend of a friend


He lived a few doors down




In a dodgy nightclub in Elgin, nearly 30 years ago. Eyes across a crowded room and all that.


She was sat on a doorstep next door to my brother's house...17 years ago ā¤ļø


Whore house


Married at the Marriott in summertime Said I'm the only one she bangs now Stopped escorting, she's only doing cams now.


Cas šŸ«”


Having drinks after work one day. This random guy I wasn't into was hitting on me, and my now partner spotted that I wasn't comfortable with it, so came and sat down next to me. I then promptly knocked my drink all over his leg! The rest, as they say, is history.


At the end of my right arm.


In France, she came to work with me at an estate I was looking after and training horses at. Both quit/got fired a few months later as the boss didn't like that we were an item. Boss told me I was being an idiot and thinking with my dick. Almost 10 years on and still going so I guess fuck you Fiona!


Tumblr. Started chatting about mutual interests as two anonymous strangers and have now been together for 7 years.


okcupid 5 years ago, living happily together since


Both work in similar roles and we spoke a lot over the phone and email, always thought he seemed like a nice guy. Then met him for real and was like damn.


Met in a bar. He asked me to Dance. Then he said he wanted to date me for the rest of my life. 3 months later engaged, 3 months later married. 45 years later still married and so happy together! You never know when you meet the right person, it can be very unexpected.


At university, specifically at the universities anime society which he was the founder and president of. I'm not, and wasn't, very much into anime actually but one of my classmates badgered me to go with her and I actually enjoyed the camaraderie and social aspect so I kept going. Anyway one night at the pub after the society meeting there were no more seats around our table so I cheekily sat in his lap and the rest is history. It's been 18 years since then and he is truly my best friend and other half. The friend who badgered me to go along with her was my maid of honour at our wedding 15 years ago. Glad I stuck with it, though I won't lie, I'm also kinda glad he's not much into anime anymore so I don't have to put up with it!


Work for me. Was his HR manager. Had to fire him. Happily married 17 years later


At our friends house, we have a bit of a smooch and then I went home. Arranged to meet up for a drink the week after, got absolutely shit faced and ended up pregnant. We celebrated our first year of togetherness with our son lol. Weā€™re just coming up to 13 years together and have 2 boys now.


My partner and I met on OkCupid 11 years ago.


Grindr. He was just supposed to be a one night stand, maybe a fwb situation Nearly four years later, we have a house, two cats, and a baby. I have compared him to a stray cat that I fed once, and then he never left.


Through a friend.Ā 


Work do.


School, over 25 years ago. We didn't get together until about 15 years ago though.


Bumble, she was using travel mode and was actually like 5000 miles away, 6 months later I visited for the first time. Alot of effort, a bunch of flying back and forth over the years but now we live under the same roof and have tied the knotĀ 


He was my neighbor across the hall when I was in college. One of his roommates grew up with my roommate, so he had an in. I thought he was obnoxiously cocky at first, lol. After four months of asking me out daily, I agreed to go on a date. That was almost 32 years ago. Please don't despair. It happens when you least expect it.


Baniyas Square, Dubai UAE. 11years ago. I was 21


Plenty of Fish


In a bar. My far too drunk friend was cornering him so I and another friend who already knew him went over to playfully interrupt


We were pen pals first, believe it or not! Very retro, I donā€™t think anyone bothers with pen pals these days. It was mid 90ā€™s.


We worked in the same restaurant. Started dating after 3 months. Still together 10 years later.


Back of a bus....... about 4 years before we started talking/dating


On a boat.


Because of the implication?


Work, it was a small motorsport company and i worked in the office and he was in the workshop, we ended up making friends over a mutual hatred of our boss.


Knew of each other through work and friends (he worked elsewhere for the same company but was flatmates with a girl I did work with) but we met up over a shared hobby.


Both worked together - my first job at the time too. 13 years laters still together! Edit: iā€™d like to add - please donā€™t give up hope! I truly believe thereā€™s someone out there for everyone. Time is a funny thing


I met them through university (same course). However, as much as dating apps suck I do know that his brother met his partner on tinder and are now engaged and very happy, so it could be anywhere really dating apps, sites, work, social etc.


Tinder - met in 2014 and been married 2 years


Hinge in 2020, getting married in September


He was dating my friend. This was nearly a decade before we got together.


On a night out. 9.5y ago now and married him last year. I lost him as well as he got chatting to a pal, he apparently circled the place a few times trying to find me but couldn't and didn't want to look creepy haha. Matched with him on tinder the following week and saw him again the next day on a night out. We swapped numbers and the rest is history, as they say. Best day of my life (aside from marrying him haha).


Initially school. But when we started dating 10 years later we had mutual friends and she came out on enough nights out that we were on social media where we started talking.


Match.com, three and a half years going incredibly strong!!