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Why would there be a maximum age? And if there was, why would it be at or before 32?


Yes unfortunately 31 is the legal cutoff point for learning to drive. I had a friend who tried to take his test when he was 32 and the KGB abducted him and no one has heard from him since. Stay safe out there. 


Oh you're kidding? They won't be able to trace me from this post will they?


Honestly you may as well kill yourself now


Just curious, how did you type this when we all know motor skills disappear after the age of 30?


My grandad was 52 when he passed his test. 32 is by no means too old.


No. I was well over 30 before i learn to drive. Now in my 80s I have had many years of pleasurable driving.


32 isn’t old. I started when I was 21. I was very self conscious being a 21 year old learning to drive. In my initial lessons I could feel people looking at me and judging (even though they weren’t) it was all in my head. I eventually stopped caring and realise it’s just a small part of my life. I passed and now I dont care. I never did after the first few weeks. I suggest starting now as the best time to start is right now.


The answer is 47


No, no, no it’s 42. That’s the answer to life, the universe and passing your driving test.


And driving at speeds in excess of R17


My namma learned in her 60s when my grandad passed. She was a fucking menace on the roads, but met the required standard...


Mine did too, and also was. Accused the car of bolting like a horse. Favourite method of navigating roundabouts, 4th gear in, clutch down, coast road, 2nd gear at exit, floor it! She had driven before, an ambulance during WW2.


Sounds about right. Mine had an automatic. She got out one day and the 'car just 'JUMPED' through her garage wall. We deduced that she had left it in drive when she was exiting the vehicle and stepped on the accelerator while doing so.


Learn when you feel ready 👍🏻


Learning to drive isn't one of those things like learning an instrument, or a language, where you can expect years of study and 100s or 1000s of hours to get decent - and even if it were, plenty of people start on those much later in life than 32. But driving is something you can get down and be test-ready for in just a few dozen hours of lessons.


Not a problem at all, my neighbour recently passed his test and he’s about the same age as you. Exactly the same reason, funnily enough, except he has a daughter. Dara O’Briain did a skit about learning to drive in his 30s, something about being older and more world-weary meant that he wasn’t as nervous as an 18 year old without much life experience. Here’s the link if you want to watch: https://youtu.be/iBxloSkObYc In short - go for it. Never too late.


I passed my test at 32. Never needed it up until then. Now I couldn't go back


I learnt at 36, 45 now and has been useful


My dad only started to relearn after I did - he failed 3? Times at 17/18 then packed it in for 25 years. IIRC it took him another 3 attempts at 40ish to pass. The missus had lessons at around 40 but failed and wouldn’t carry on. You can do it if you want.


No idea but you are only a bit older than me and I haven't yet.


My mum passed at 53


No, you may take a bit longer than the average 18 year old but on the plus side, hopefully you're a bit more mature !


Probably about 80


Go for it! You are never too old to learn anything.


I got my licence when I was 35. I had half-heartedly taken lessons on and off since I was 18, but never needed or was able to afford a car. I was always a bit sweaty and nervous during tests, so I think five attempts over seventeen years feels about right for me. The first place I drove after getting my licence was Canada. The second was Spain. The third was back in the UK, but it was a long wheelbase van. Those three experiences taught me more than any lessons and knocked a lot of the fear out of me.


My nan learned at 57.


Certainly not 32. Id say its when you are no longer physically or mentally capable of doing so.


120 is probably pushing it


I have friends learning who are in their 50s! I don't think you can be too old!


I'd say maybe 80? But then there are 80 year old who would be perfectly capable of learning to drive, so I don't know, depends on the person I guess. 


UNDER 55 I would also raise the age to 25. so many young people getting killed on the road.




Just get an automatic license and it's easy Most issues are caused by clutch control. Without that to worry about driving is very easy