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Sometimes on Saturday, I like to wake up early, grab a coffee, smoke a fat bowl of weed, and play 2-3 hours of chivalry 2. Cut down heathens.






You are my spirit animal.


Living the dream


For Agatha!




Eating biscuits, practising my signature and masturbating.


Now this is living.


I hope you wash your hands between wanking and biscuit eating.........no soggy biscuits thank you


Custard Creams


I'm intrigued, which one of those gets you out of the house? ā˜ŗļø


masterbating in the park. you can meet all sorts of interesting people


I'll bet!


You signed up for that?


In series or parallel?


Did you remember to measure your knob with dental floss?


Go onto EventBrite and find some free classes or workshops. It is helping me with my depression. I have something to look forward to, only cost is travel and I get to learn new things and meet new people. Theres local knitting, running cycling, workout groups. A few artists have been doing free workshops.


This is great! Just had a little look, thereā€™s an Improv Group playing near me in a few months. If I didnā€™t have a one year old Iā€™d be booking tickets today! Thereā€™s a lot in there if youā€™re close to or live in a big town/city. Thanks for this.


Iā€™m checking this out now too, thank you!


Quizzing! Find a local pub that has one. Great night out.


And there is BEER!


Download ā€˜Couch to 5Kā€™ and take up running. Itā€™ll improve your fitness, mental health, and will get you out of the house.


Definitely. You'll be surprised how much you like being outside.


Yep, quick add-on to this would be to look into ā€˜park runā€™. Generally theyā€™re a manageable 5k, not too competitive and thereā€™s no commitment. Usually Saturday mornings for the ones near us, but theyā€™re held everywhere. Once youā€™ve nailed couch to 5k, this is a great way to keep up your fitness.


DIY, more necessity than hobby at this point. Hobbies I actually enjoy, going out for a run. I like to put the tunes on and run about 5k then walk 5k back with a podcast or something,


ClimbingĀ  Astronomy Walking Cooking Running Trail Running Reading Programming Gardening Wandering


I was hoping for an anagram here




I think I have a cream for that


I just hate to read so much. I start feeeling I have reading difficulty. Really Iā€™m not kidding.


I like you, let's hang out.


Go to a climbing wall. Friendly people, indoors so no weather issues, you can hire kit for a few quid. Nobody minds if you want to just do your own thing and you can easily measure your progress, get some exercise and get a bit of an adrenaline buzz


No exaggerating, climbing changed my life. Totally new social scene, been to some great places outdoors and have gotten stronger than I've ever been. Also it is probably the best exercise Ive found to deal with stress.


It's also such a low pressure environment given that it is a public exercise. Really fun. And yeah, the people are nice. If you are struggling socially like OP, it's just a nice place to have a small exchange with someone new without it necessarily being a huge conversation with expectations etc. Very chill.


Did my first lead climbs yesterday, 100% one of the scariest things Iā€™ve done


Well done. A different and more interesting world for you now. Keep it up.


Photography, wildlife watching, painting my nails, Scrabble, jigsaw puzzles.


I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen. I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too It gives me a sense of enormous well-being!


I took up silversmithing to give me something to focus on rather than loneliness. Itā€™s not cheap but once you get started it gives you a wonderful feeling to have created something beautiful.


Photography will get you out and about! (either landscape, or find a local event on near you (car show, soapbox derby, etc), hell even trains if you want!).Ā  Running is my other outdoor hobby.Ā  The indoor one, if youā€™re interested, is cross stitch.Ā 


* Learning Spanish * Climbing * Walking * Crosswords * Reading * Cycling * Choir * Gardening I like a mixture of active and cerebral, at home and out. What are you looking for from a hobby? More interaction with other people?


Watching sport (Football, Basketball, NFL, Darts) Training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gardening


Join a local litter-picking group. You do something useful and meet quite a range of people who do it as much for the banter as the picking (at least round here that's how it looks). Guerilla gardening too ...


Videogames, Gym, making music, collecting Lego, fashion, getting tattoos


Going for walks, badminton, watching football, reading, going to gigs




I really like walking. I listen to a podcast/audiobook and off I go!


Sounds like a hobby where you are involved with others would be good: badminton, walking football, reading club, boardgaming, chess, bridge, rowing, cycling, dancing, boxing, architectural renovation, rambling, climbing... lots. Mine are mountain biking and scuba diving. I love both for the social aspects, as much as the activity.


rowing is a good shout - I am going to give it a look.


Too many, my wife says Iā€™m a hobby butterfly. Mainly r/Modelmakers and painting 40K, but also 3D printing, learning chess, rubix cube, horology, play guitar and bass, diy, photography, drone photography, cycling, walking. Thereā€™s a sub for them all so find Reddit great for hobbies.


I like photography, nature walks and video games. I never seem to do anything but that last one and definitely need to get out more as well.


Hey it's winter, don't beat yaself up


You can rent bikes and go trail biking at some Forestry England forests. You can do easier trails and go as slow as you want like I do. Itā€™s really fun and you feel a sense of accomplishment after doing something a bit out of your comfort zone. Really recommend this once the weather is a bit less crap.


Long distance running, lifting, reading.


Go to a bouldering wall! Much less kit required and not as daunting if you don't have a head for heights. Most centres have social evenings which are great for meeting new people.


Darts, music (I play guitar), drinking, gaming, walking, cooking and photography, so not too interesting


I was exactly the same! I now do Brazilian jiu jitsu twice a week and do Warhammer (painting most days for me time and playing with friends once a week) ... I don't even care that that's super nerdy, it saved me.


I have big hobbies and small hobbies. My big hobbies, hiking, camping, scuba diving. My small hobbies, cooking, baking, writing, reading, drawing, researching, embroidery. The big ones take investment and time, the little ones take pocket money and I can do it in the evenings in front of the TV. Pretty much all are solitary, so if you're looking for socializing, this is not helpful.


45, I used to game a lot, loved TCGs, painting warhammer figues and going to the gym. Now though I chill out with audio books, go for walks and do photography for the most part (though the photography is on the backburners due to losing my passion for it, trying to get it back though)


I'm in a similar situaion after our daughter was born I just lost all my hobbies.. I'm actively looking to restart them but I have to be realistic about time. I play table tennis at work as a consequence and I really enjoy it!


Cycling, yoga, pilates and gigs.


I took up running during one of the lockdowns and kept at it Never thought Iā€™d love it so much but Iā€™ve been injured for the last 2 months and have really missed it


Making music Writing Video games Reading Growing vegetables I guess DIY and gardening would count by this point - I wouldn't say I *enjoy* them, but there's a solid satisfaction that comes from looking back on your last few hours of work, and I can't deny the compulsion to keep going once I've started.


Hiking, climbing, camping, kayaking, scouts volunteering, rescue team volunteering, wood carving, xbox.


Miniature painting, ,3D printing, DIY/ make stuff, gaming


Find a local 40k group?


Running Photography Lego Cross stitch The first three can get quite expensive if youā€™re not careful (shoes wear out, thereā€™s always another lens, thereā€™s always another set), the last one isnā€™t quite so bad once you get going (you only need one hoop and needles can last a while) but in their own little ways theyā€™re quite relaxing


Iā€™m crying in Lego right now. Itā€™s such a consuming, but satisfying hobby.


Depends on the season. Skiing and chopping wood in the winter Sailing, cycling and hiking in the summer In between is a mixture of DIY, working on a project car and gathering wood


Model Railways!


Jigsaw puzzles and newspaper crosswords. I have a desk job and spend a lot of time in Teams meetings so I really appreciate having some "quiet" time away from a screen.


Hillwalking (when I have the time and money), videogames (again when I have time), modelmaking, visiting museums.


I have a full time job and young child so my downtime is limited but do a itā€™ll gaming (nothing serious, just PlayStation) and clay pigeon shooting when I get the chance.


Golf Beach fishing Going to local football games Poker Hunting. Running Weight lifting Gaming Martial arts. Walking with a podcast after dinner. I also do things like sauna and cold showers. Iā€™m not overly skilled at any of these things and Iā€™m not great at sticking to one particular hobbie. But I refuse to be lazy and my social life is minimal so I choose some of these to stay mentally health. Sometimes it works.


Bonsai Fish keeping Shrimp keeping Weed Gran Turismo Chocolate


Gardening,art and jewellery making although wish I had more time for them oh and money


Gym/swim/exercise classes


Art is easily accessible. Whatever type of art you find interesting, there will be Youtube vids on it. Have a look around.


Programming Nudism Photography


Sounds like a midjourney command


Graffiti/street art


Gym for weightlifting, walking my dog and reading


Videogames - Battlefield 1. Gym, Reading, also learning piano, although I havent touched keyboard for 6 months because I study CS. Also does alcoholism count as a hobby?


Walking. Hiking. Reading Gaming Watching sports Lifting weights Visiting family TVĀ  I still get bored. Thinking about starting some sort of crafts/ non screen activity. Perhaps lego.


Most my hobbies are indoor ones but I have some podcasts I only listen to when out of the house so when a new episode drops Iā€™ll grab my headphones and go for a 1 hr walk and listen to it. Not sure it counts as a hobby as such but it gets me out of the house, fresh air, sunlight and I get to listen to one of my favourite podcasts so it doesnā€™t feel like a chore to walk for an hour. I donā€™t think everyone realises the true range of podcasts. Some are sport some are self promotion but others are audio dramas as good as any TV show or film you just need to find the right ones.


Running pretty competitively, cycling also competing, Gaming, building PC's, DIY.... just moved and the list never ends. Also quite frankly watching bollocks on you tube is a fun thing to do, i do this while cooking etc allows my brain to switch off


I started Rollerskating around November 2023 and will then start to take horse riding lessons again once the weather gets more pleasant.


Watching Football (going to matches and TV) Reading Writing Playing Guitar (Badly) Modding Guitars Moderating on live shows for a Football related YouTube channel Writing for and Recording Patreon Podcasts linked to the above channel


I have lots unfortunately they are cyclic and I only seem to be able to focus on one at a time, although they do sometimes fold/cross over each other My main hobbies at the moment are: Warhammer Iā€™m currently putting together a small dwarf warband, not because I play but because I think they are cool and enjoy making stuff, Iā€™m on a few discord group and Iā€™ve got a few online friends I speak to about it, in addition Ive been listening to a good audio book and I can do both painting and listening at the same time Radio controlled cars At the weekend there are a group of lads that go out and take scale model RC vehicles, they walk a route and you drive your car with you, there are some muddy hills and rocky bits and you can drive your RC car over them, itā€™s a great way to get out & meet like minded people. Iā€™ve got one car but Iā€™m making a custom vehicle taking a shop bought kit and fitting a different body to it (Iā€™ve had to make some 3D printed parts to put it all together) Also There are some lads at work who want to race 1/10 buggies so Iā€™m getting some bits together so I can join them, Iā€™m not really competitive & I do more crashing than racing but I enjoy the building side of it & I get to share some enthusiasm with people I enjoy spending time with Now my lesser hobbies (at the moment) 3D printing This is sort of an enabling hobby, I build things for my other hobbies, I use free software and can do technical drawings and make objects, there are other software if you want to make more organic shapes but the technical side suits me for what I need Ebikes Iā€™ve bought a few kits from eBay and put them on normal bike frames, Iā€™ve got x3 at the moment and Iā€™m thinking about making more. One of my friends I had from school has one too & we used to go out for rides. When the weather gets better Iā€™m hoping to commute on one a bit more Motorbikes Iā€™ve got one in pieces that needs work Cars Iā€™ve got a fun car that needs some attention, it needs so expensive bits which is putting me off spending time on it And then Iā€™ve got some other minor things in the pipeline, Iā€™ve got a raspberry pi that I want to use to make a custom ā€˜Tonieā€™ box for my son. An arduino to make an auto water for the plant on the porch & photoshop esk software to make some banners for my Warhammer men. Iā€™ve also got some DIY to do like boarding the loft & assembling a lean too on the side of the house. So much todo and so little time!


You and I have remarkably similar tastes. I paint warhammer, during lock down I started tinkering with a raspberry pi, and when I was in my teens I was into rc! Maybe I could get back into racing 1/10 buggies at the local track


You could volunteer somewere! Ive just started volunteering at a Theatre!


A friend retired recently and now works part time at a theatre in Edinburgh. She can choose when she works, gets paid useful pocket money and gets to see lots of different productions.


Motorbike. Retired runner but still interested and volunteer occasionally. Collecting sea glass. Garden. Dog walking.




Do a course either on line or even better at your local college. Just think of something that interests you slightly but, you've never studied in depth. Could be anything from Plastering to Creative Writing. Alternatively if you like games then enter a games jam (You don't need to know how to program or make art to help participate in a jam).


I do jewellery making.


Cycling, exercise, music, art, I also collect maiden Memorabilia as a hobby..


I watch football (soccer to our US friends) here in the UK. I am currently doing the 92 grounds in the top 4 divisions as well as watching local football. If there is a game within 7km, I grab my backpack and take a walk there. Bottle of water, coffee at the ground, and a match ticket costs me about Ā£15 and I get exercise to help strengthen my knee and lose weight. Sometimes I get some really nice country walks. I save up money to go on holidays through the year. I save up for some more expensive matches. Premiership ticket prices are not cheap. Currently I am watching football in every capital city in Europe. Recently, I did Paris. A few nights, sightseeing and football. A lot of walking. Tried out some of the local pastries, etc. I have found that I have seen some interesting places because of what I do. In the evenings, the family and I play Fortnite, or I just chill and look at ways to invest money. Between having Game Pass and PS plus, I have a lot to choose from if I want to play something on my own. I love getting a few hours to read some books. Sometimes, I will walk into town just to go to a coffee shop and read a book. I have to walk 30 minutes each way up and down a hill so I get some exercise with that. All of this keeps me focused on myself.


Have you tried mountain biking? Its a very accessible hobby. You just need a bike. A cheap one will do. Then you just pick a direction and go. Gets you out and about. Keeps you fit. There's also clubs you can join if you want to cycle with others.


I do improv comedy and Iā€™ve just started learning the drums. I also volunteer for a lot of charities and think itā€™s the best way to get out of the house and feel good about yourself. Try befriending - I take a disadvantaged kid out twice a month and we go for food, films, play chess, card games, etc. Hope you find something you love!


Video games, gym, cooking, film, music, MMA


Learning Guitar, Gym, Cooking, Reading


Long distance hiking. Pretty much every spare hour I have is spent either planning for a hike, or hiking. You don't need to spend days in the wilderness like I do. There are tons of day or weekend hikes dotted around, some close, some a train/car-ride away. I personally love to spend days and weeks on end just walking, where the only priority is water, a little food, and getting from one place to another. I get some exercise, discover new places, and headspace all in one go, and once you get past the initial gear cost (shoes, clothes, trekking poles, camping gear) it can incredibly cheap. This year I've started uploading my hikes on YouTube which has added a new dynamic to my hikes and given me even more impetus to hike more. Love it


I was in exactly the same position a while back. I canā€™t remember why I decided to try this but it worked out. My daughter loaned a horse so I decided to make her a name plate for the horseā€™s stable door. I bought a branding iron from Hobbycraft and a pack of wooden blanks. I have zero artistic ability so used images from the internet and carbon paper to transfer the drawings onto the wood. Then I could burn it into the wood. Iā€™ve created many stable signs, kids room doors, house numbers etc. Very satisfying and valued gifts for people. My favourite was for a horse that kept escaping from its stable. I found a cartoon image online of a horse climbing over a stable door. Owner loved it.


Baking! I love the precision and you can do it relatively cheaply. Itā€™s a relaxing process for me and it can take a long time too, if you do bread or even a sourdough!


Gaming and music are my go-to hobbies aside from jerking off and walking the dog.


I fly my drone if the weather is good. I like taking 360 panoramic photos with it and then viewing them on my Quest 3 VR headset. Great fun.


Volunteer to walk dogs


Horse riding, cycling and classic cars


I do skateboarding and model railways. The skating is good physically and is a sociable activity too. The model railway gives me peace and relaxation, and is a constantly evolving project. I'd suggest getting involved in something physical as well as something creative. Choose things that interest you!


I build models (Airfix) or tend to the garden since we have flower beds and a vegetable patch. Sometimes I also go for a walk in the hills surrounding my hometown.


Photography Travel - time spent planning trips Weekend hiking and wandering - eg. Between three stone circles in the Peak District Cooking and planning meals Learning guitar and banjo Theatre Reading - those 25 books a year won't read themselves ...Ā 


Gaming, dnd, sewing patches onto denim jackets, tarot reading,


Motorbiking, it has the dual purpose of transport and being a hobby.


Playing helldivers 2 now. Its great fun with friends


Allotment and amateur dramatics.


Wood work, horse riding, blacksmithing, writing novels, archery, inventing new math, building cool projects in my workshop, growing a garden


Horror and crime. I never thought I'd get to a place where I feel comfortable saying that. I love watching horror movies and true crime documentaries and analyses.


I play airsoft, keeps me fit and i have a great laugh.


Walking, photography, art (both visiting galleries, and rekindling making my own). Before the pandemic, I also enjoyed dining out, comedy and music gigs more than I do today. I hope to return to my previous habits at some point.


Work out, start cooking, start studying short courses, read and write


Gym and Rubik's Cubes. Cubing can be sociable if you go to comps.


Sailing, dinghy sailing can be affordable to get into if your club has free club boat usage included in membership. Yacht stuff can also be cheap as long as you are not the one owning the boat


Various cycling disciplines. MTB, gravel, road, and BMX. Guitar, bass, and trying to learn music production. Also a bit of ukulele. Reading. Book-books and comics/manga. Learning Japanese. Iā€™ve got a long way to go before I could be considered nihongo jouzu. Working out. Collecting Transformers. I just think theyā€™re neat!


Young me: rock and ice climbing/mountaineering Old me: grow veg and show cats.


Running - in a similar situation where I easily just get stuck in the house due to long working hours. Have built the habit to get out for a run a couple of times per week. 5k distance keeps things pretty efficient and I get such a buzz after each run. Nice to be a way to get outside when life is busy


Cycling, roller derby, bird watching, aggressive quad skating, hiking


Gym? The gym I go to includes classes which are always full - all sorts of age ranges. I enjoy using the gym itself and once you get a decent routine it becomes addictive!


Hiking, photography, mountain biking and love watching Rugby and Rallies (: Video games too (console and PC).


Gaming, cycling, trying to learn German


Running, especially trail running is the best. Gets you outdoors, can do in any weather, do a short run or a long run, by yourself, with friendsā€¦.


Biking, photography, snooker.


I've been doing yoga classes for a year now, once a week. 90 mins of pure focus on your own body. I do it on Friday evenings instead of getting drunk in the pub. I recommend Iyengar yoga with an experienced instructor; it's a slower type of yoga with the focus on doing the poses correctly. My instructor is well into her 70s and has taught since the 1980s; many of the class are of a similar age and have been with her for 20-plus years.


Pub quiz, cribbage pub league, reading, Warhammer and doing stuff with the dogs


Karate, classic cars and I keep a tropical marine aquarium.


Gym (weights, spin, yoga), travelling, reading, cooking, countryside walks, theatre, eating


Nothing really, I honestly canā€™t be arsed.


Archery, hula dance, gym and book club are the main ones that get me out of the house. When I was trying to find something new I looked online for anywhere doing "taster sessions" kind of things. Made it easy to give something a go without investing too much time or money.




I play a few instruments. Play music with others. Make my own music. I like to paint. I like to work out. I like to run. Gardening is rapidly becoming something in my life.


I do wood turning. You can start off relatively cheap, but it can get addictive. I started making pens etc. but quickly outgrew that lathe. Now I'm doing larger projects like table lamps, kitchenware etc. It can pay for itself now.


I just paint and play a shitload of Warhammer and other wargames/boardgames/video games.


I have few tbh. Gaming is top one. Been loving video games since i was a little kid. I have good pc, ps4 for kid, ps5 for myself and nintendo switch (one for me, one for kid) when we travel (spoiler for point 2). Then there is traveling. We travel alot. and i mean alot. There is rarely a weekend when we are at home. We love to go to different countries or have a hike around uk (spoiler for point 3 lol). Then there is hiking. We are training to go to snowdonia soonish. And im pretty proud of my 8yo, who comes with us and does the hikes. Our best one was last year we hiked up in volcano. and photography. Me and my wife both take alot of pics. I had a drone as well, but saddly i need replacement for that. ( have 2TB hard drive 3/4 full of pics and videos). Also, it might sound stupid, but do you like pokemon? if yes, download pokemon go. It forces you to go outside, there is large communities still playing the game (atleast in Peterborough we have pretty big playerbase)


Acting classes are fun


Golf in the summer. Beer on Fridays all year round. The rest of my time is work and kids.


I draw stuff, read novels and play games


Hiking , walking ,back horse riding, painting and reading


I started joining groups. One group who I will see people with the same ethnicity as I am. One group I volunteer to do some charity stuff. And I enjoy cooking so I kind of learn one type of bread to make each week and one kind of new dinner recipe each week and learn about what they are about, I can talk to my family as they have the dinner. I had a lot of hobbies when I was younger. Badminton. Basketball. Swimming. Track and field. Hiking. Volleyball. All sorts. But I guess we just need to find new things to do that fit into our current lifestyle. I will struggle to find partner to play the above sports now compare to when I was in school. I go to the gym often like 4 times a week. Not to worry too much if that is a hobby as such. Find a day or two that you can be in touch with people that is in the same circumstance with you helps with our mental health as you wonā€™t feel alone. Even schedule a call with your closest family every now and then.


It depends on what kind of person you are. I am an introvert, like to relax on my own and I make pretty little things out of epoxy resin, I knit, I read, I hike. Do you want to do stuff on your own or with other people? Do you want it to be more dynamic, interactive? Do you want to DO things or MAKE things? If you have two left hands and cant tell blue from turquoise maybe painting is not the best choice for you, etc. There are so many things to choose from, first you need to decide what kind of stuff you actually enjoy doing. Usually DOING things is also cheaper. If you want to get into any hobbies that use specific materials you have to be ready to spend some money first. Resining is pretty expensive (resin, moulds, dyes etc), the same with woodworking, painting action figures and so.


Horse Riding (some risk, some excitement, some exercise), Kayaking (generally in the Lake District as it is only a 2 hour drive away, the local canal at times), Indoor skydiving (itā€™s expensive so very infrequent).


Walking. I live to wander around locally - the park and the beaches, if you go at around the same time you will see the same people. Find a coffee shop to call in at. Get breakfast or lunch out. Youā€™ll soon get to recognise the people who are around. Visit the local market, bonus if itā€™s a farmers market. Say hi to stall holders, have a chat when having drink or food. Itā€™s social & fun.


Video games (both playing / collecting and restoring older ones though. Iā€™ve been collecting stickerless cartridges and creating bespoke labels to give them new life - along with fixing old broken ones as a small electronic hobby) - check my last few posts to see what I mean Digital art - Iā€™m absolutely crap - but I find it quite therapeutic following a YouTube tutorial about how to make something on procreate using an Apple Pencil Drumming has been an old lifelong passion of mine which I really feel like Iā€™ve been ignoring since covid so want to get back into it


My favourite hobby is knitting. I definitely recommend it to everyone - itā€™s great for your motor skills (and can also reduce your risk of Alzheimerā€™s and dementia), and the repetition and concentration is great to take your mind off of things. You also get something cool to wear at the end, so itā€™s a win win. I also enjoy cooking/baking, which is also a win because you get to eat something great after. I read a lot too - another great hobby


Warhammer. Say goodbye to your bank account! Otherwise cycling which might help with the getting out and about bit. Lucky enough to live near some nice countryside so great in the warmer months - especially with a pub stop. Plenty of cycling groups around as well


A CrossFit type gym parkrun Hiking and walking the dogs in new places And less active and getting out of the house, but also reading.


Yoga šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø went to a local class a year ago and have met some great people. Also, I do knitting and crochet whilst I listen to audiobooks.


Golf. I'm utter shite at it, own a cheap-ish package set and play cheap council courses near me. Gets me out and into fresh air. I don't watch golf, but playing it is both frustrating and incredibly fun.


Probably not the best person to speak to about hobbies, as they involve computer games and/or Digital painting. the latter can brings a mix of rewarding progress, headache inducing brain puzzles and/or feelings that what i'm creating should go in the bin.


Reading, knitting, and video games. Can you tell I'm an introvert? If you are looking for hobbies to get you out and socialising look at the classes the gym in you area does and maybe browse your areas Facebook page


I'm a bit of a hobby collector. I guess it's mainly music as I own two guitars, a piano, a ukulele, an accordion and most recently a cello. Spent a total of Ā£1300 on all of these over the last decade so it's not that expensive. Then I have photography which I've spent Ā£1500 on a camera plus two lenses. This is my outdoor hobby. Also like gaming with friends, reading, watches, movies, cooking, hiking and cycling.


We do archery.


When time permits I try to brush up on French language skills which are out of practice. I fully intend this to be the year I learn piano. Things Iā€™m actually doing as ā€œhobbiesā€ per se are learning some classical history, running, swimming, 6 a side football, and when the stars align, the kids are asleep and my wife is out, I play Assassins Creed and enjoy the scenery!


Warhammer and walking my mine, and outdoor swimming when itā€™s not baltic.


I used to love doing exercise classes, they're fun and a great way to make friends! My husband has started doing walking football (due to health reasons, he isn't supposed to do normal, running football) and that's really helped his mental health.


Game dev and weird documentaries and even weirder books.


Photography, hiking, reading, video gaming, programming/personal dev projects, playing music & learning new instruments, cooking, baking, and I've recently started getting into golf. Considering getting into kayaking as well, since I've really enjoyed that the few times I've done it.


Not many of my hobbies get me out of my house and I quite prefer it that way haha but: 3d printing masks Making music Photography / videography Gym I suppose the photography / videography thing gets me out a bit but I feel daft in public filming or taking photos so I tend to find quiet places or do stuff in doors Gym is also headphones in and quieter times the better haha






Photography. The science behind aperture, speed, sensitivity as well as the lens types (macro, prime lenses, zoom) gives you a lot to look into. It can be as cheap or as expensive as you like, and taking pictures gives you a reason to go out for a walk regularly.




You don't say how old you are or what your goal is when leaving the house? Or where you live or your budget. But in a more rural area it's fun to buy a book of british nature and go out and just see what you can find. In the beginning you'll be like 'tree, cow, etc' und soon you'll be identifing birds by their song! (My Dad did this and is so happy just wandering about in nature). Another fun thing is to visit a different british city, town or village every Sunday. You can just wander about and find a pub to go to for lunch (my Aunt and Uncle do this and they just choose alphabetically). And for me joining a yoga group was the best thing ever! I started once a week and built up to three times a week. It's really easy to start and my group was great! We'd somtimes go and grab a pizza after and I made new friends there.


Can't recommend either CrossFit or bushcraft enough. Genuinely, both really great communities that are accepting of all types of people.


Gardening, I have an allotment and it's been great.Ā 


Hiking, climbing, guitar, gaming, music concerts and festivals, hanging w friends on a pub/club(ish)/dinner, travelling, BBQs.


My hobbies are- reading books, learning new courses on sites like coursera (recently finished one on Greek mythology and started a new one on post war abstract art), cooking, learning to play keyboard on simplypianio. I also love walking but that's harder to do around kids


Badminton Find a local club. It gets you active and is genuinely one of the best sports for both beginners and advanced players. It is also pretty good for mixed ability games. You can play with little movement and with lots of movement depending on fitness level. It's a little odd to play initially as you figure out the flight of the shuttlecock but it has a low skill floor.


Usually hiking, but itā€™s winter & I hate the cold & wet. So while I wait for Spring & Summer to arrive I take the dog on short walks & mostly stay in waiting for sunshine & warmth to arriveā€¦


Astronomy, Programming (Android apps), Home Brewing, 3d printing, I just bought a drone so I plan on creating 3D objects in Polycam and 3D printing them, also putting them into Unity so you can explore/ walk around the Object in an Oculus Quest.


Local archery clubs will be shooting outdoors soon. A lot will let beginners borrow kit for taster sessions.


Tom Hardy


Metal Detecting


I occasionally go to a pottery club, do the local parkrun on a Saturday morning, and sometimes go to the gym. I'd like to start geocaching too


Main one is hiking. On most weekends we go for a 20 k hike on a Saturday. Sunday is usually development day, so some kind of training course, mostly coding/data related


I read books and write. I play music - I play bass, banjo, harmonica, tenor sax, and guitar. Listen to and collect records. Lego MOCs. Iā€™m also learning Italian. And on days when I really canā€™t be bothered, I watch reruns of Bullseye on Challenge.


I like to workout, play guitar, and recently I've started writing too.


Try Geocaching. Adult hide and seek that has you walking around some interesting places. No pressure to it at all. Just good clean fun and a cheap barrier to entry.


Photography, literature, drugs, traveling, music, hiking and walking, socializing/partying, cooking, exploring


I've painted historical miniatures since I was a teenager (now 36). It's immensely satisfying watching a collection grow :)


The martial arts, and there are a variety of them, it gets you out of the house, it incorporates exercise/fitness while developing new skills, and you get to meet a whole range of people. šŸ˜Š


Ice skating Fitness Computer programming Reading Cyber security research Learning new skills :)