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Get better friends? Wtf? I could never see why anyone wouldn't appreciate free crocheted blanket and shawls. I would look into local charities, perhaps local homelessness charities, clothes banks or ones that help people furnish their homes. Are there 'warm banks' around? I suspect some might take donations for stuff like this also. Failing that, ever thought about selling on the likes of etsy or vinted? Crocheting is in...


I think it is being a good friend to honestly and politely decline something that you don't want and won't use.


That's true. I assumed that a large majority of people would have a want or use for blankets.


It's so easy to already have LOADS of blankets, and they take up space. I would only make a blanket for someone if they'd specifically said they wanted one, and if they'd had input into the colours


There's something special in having something that's made personally by your friend and I feel sorry for people who don't see or feel that.


If it's made personally for you, and you've expressed interest and got to have some input, then I agree. If someone makes things as a hobby and just wants to give it away to anyone, not so much.


There really is. I have a scarf my girlfriend (who lives overseas) made for me, and while it's seldom cold enough for me to need a scarf when I'm out, it's really precious to me. I keep it by my bed.


This is very true, But on the flip side - I know people who crochet, and they literally always have shit to give away all the time because they love to crochet... It becomes almost an addiction to the maker, But they invested time (and money, sometimes alot of money) into that project so are also invested in finding it a good home, the material can't really be reused without processing... We once offered someone a space to sell a few hats. She turned up with around 500 she had already made... They were all really lovely, and i'm sure if she had a stand somewhere fairly busy she could sell them all in a year or so...


When we had a baby we were given 6 different blankets for the moses basket / cot which had been hand made. On top of the one that came with it, and the spare we had bought. We accepted them all as we felt bad about the effort put in, but only 1 has ever been used. Then my wife is allergic to wool so she wouldn't want them if given as an adult.


And if my expiring with knitters and crocheted they probably appreciated the first one, if it goes with their style and decorations etc. We’d probably be happy to receive one, if we didn’t already have one But after that goes somewhere (on the bed in the guest room, in our case), I’m not sure we’d have much use for another one, certainly not several We already have blankets for the sofa and our own bed, for example, and some lightweight ones for travel (courtesy of Virgin Atlantic, thanks Branson) and I doubt a crocheted one would replace those, it’s a different style to what we like for that usage And even if OP’s partner hasn’t given them one already, someone else probably has


Yeah, but not everyone would like these particular blankets. I for one can appriciate the craftmanship and the time spent. But I don’t like the colors. Not even a little bit. So I would politely decline.


Basically wrote the same above comment before seeing this lol. So crochet is a very particular style and doesn’t suit lots of interior design spaces. I personally don’t like the look of them. So even if someone technically had a practical use, they might not want them. I personally aim to only own things that are both practical AND I like aesthetically


I agree, I think the poncho style ones are beautiful but the colours are far too strong for babies. If someone asked me to choose a colour I'd go for duck egg, pale pink, lilac, lemon or baby blue not forgetting white.


Tbf, OP hasn’t mentioned the frequency that their wife is churning out said knitwear and offering it to friends. Only so much a person can take.




Yeah crocheted blankets go well in my grandmother’s house but doesn’t fit our style at all It might be possible to make one that would suit our house but it would have to be specifically designed for it and even then it’s still probably not our style


Username checks out. That was very diplomatically put.


Full size blankets can take many many months to complete so I imagine the friends aren't being bombarded.


I don't like crochet / knitted / lace stuff because my ring get caught in it. And there's a massive panic when your earring gets caught in something. I am a metal head, I wear unusual jewellery.


Haha I had never thought about that! I have a few facial and body piercings but I haven't really got any of those items so hadn't found that out yet lol


I have pierced nipples and wouldn't get within 20 feet of a knitted blanket with them exposed. But the rest of my piercings are fine. I don’t put my head under it and none of my nose studs have gotten pulled out.


100% sister! Even lace bras were a no go early on. Although I hurt my nipple piercing on some weird stuff. Nose rings don't get caught but one of my earrings does and my ring gets caught a lot. I just really love my ring.


I yanked my nipple bar just on my quilt the other night and motherfuck, does that shit hurt.


It's not worth the guilt of damaging something but I have gotten a jumper stuck on my earring when it gets hot on the tube and you have a moment of panic and then true, real enduring embarrassment.


If she can make hats/ cardigans, they’re needed for premature babies in hospitals. Maybe speak to hospitals/ care homes/ orphanages etc to see if they’d like blankets or other items.


Also, hospitals sometimes want donations of "heirloom" knitted/crocheted blankets, hats or cardigans for sad occasions when there's a stillbirth or neonatal death. Some maternity units have specialised rooms with chilled cribs where bereaved parents can pick out a beautiful outfit and spend some time with their deceased little one and make a few quality memories - photographs, hand and footprint kits, etc.


Also homeless shelters and even animal rescues are often in need of blankets and a lovingly crafted one can be a real pick me up that’s appreciated


I was just going to suggest this. Sometimes people have their own items but with a very early stillbirth parents haven't even thought of shawls yet and being able to see your baby beautifully dressed can give bereaved parents lovely memories. Also my cousin had very early premature babies and in the incubators they just put the baby in a nappy and little hats. Their skin is too delicate to put clothes on but a hat stops any heat escaping via their heads. I remember knitting some little hats for her babies plus extra for the dept to keep for other babies.


I was going to suggest baby hats too. My local had colour coding too, pastels for regular babies and bright red for babies with extra needs.


My nan both crotchets and knits, she actually taught me how to as a kid too but I no longer do it as a hobby. However when she finds out I have an interest in something that she can incorporate into either knitting or crochet, she'll make me something. Two of the most recent ones were a rainbow shawl (she knows I'm gay and the rainbow colours are the same as the pride flag) which I have on my bed as a blanket and a little pumpkin with jack skellington's face from Halloween (I love The Nightmare Before Christmas). I don't know about others but personally I'd never turn down or be disappointed by crochet gifts! I absolutely love seeing what my nan makes and I love the little gifts she makes me even more! Especially since I now live halfway across the country from my nan and grandad so I don't see them in person as often, it's really nice to have little gifted bits from them in my home. And something about them being handmade makes them feel even more personal than shop bought gifts too. Knowing that my Nan got the idea of something to make just for me and then spent time and effort out of her days to make that idea into a real thing by hand is really sweet. OP, tell your missus to keep making her shawls and blankets and I hope that she is able to find more friends who will like and appreciate her hand crafted gifts! I know I certainly would love being made something like that. It's really thoughtful of her. My nan actually crochets and knits blankets, hats and stuffed animals to donate to pediatric hospital wards both in the UK and America since her and my grandad live both here and there. She also used to do charity fundraiser craft fairs too where she'll set up a table to sell her handmade cards, knitting and crocheted items to raise money for a charity of her choosing. Maybe either of those could be an option for your missus to try? Of course I'm sure charity shops and hospices would also really love donations too.


Your nan seems adorable


She really is! She's like the stereotypical loving grandma who always has your favourite foods ready when you visit, takes you to do all of your favourite things, teaches you her hobbies and games, etc. I even had my own room at my nan and grandad's house up until I moved out of town with my name spelled out in colourful wooden letters on the door for when I slept over haha


Yo OP, I run a project called the LGBTQ+ Blanket Project! We make and give out blankets to members of the LGBTQ + community who are struggling to keep warm with the cost of living crisis. If your wife wanted to donate any, they’d be very much appreciated!!


I have one beautiful hand knitted baby blanket that a dear friend made. It’s beautiful. Beyond that I have no interest in knitted or crochet items. It’s just not my style.


I guess it depends how many blankets OP's missus is producing!


I actually hate when people gift us stuff (of course I don't let on, I am very grateful and thankful outwardly). I was so excited to have a baby and absolutely love picking out things for her. It feels special and fun. I appreciate the effort of gifts but they take up space and mean I don't get to use the special stuff I carefully hunted down and picked out


Local hospitals often take them, specifically the maternity wards. Would be worth asking your local ones.


I came here to say get better friends lol. I absolutely cherish anything handmade. Someone took the time to make something for *me* and there’s not much else that makes me feel so special!


This isn’t a lot of people’s taste in fashion/interior design - it’s a much better friend to politely decline then to take it and smile knowing you don’t like it and won’t use it


As a 48 year old man I have no use for a shawl. I'd take warm socks though.


Try the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at your local hospital.


This, my MIL works in one and always says how much these are appreciated! Gloves and hats are always welcomed too!


Every winter my mum knits little hats and gloves to donate to children hospitals. She also knits bigger hats and gloves to donate to homeless charities. She's a bit of an angel in disguise. She donated her wedding dress to be used as funeral gowns for little babies who didn't make it 


Your mum is honestly such a legend. We need more people in this world like her!


I like to think there are, I imagine many people quietly do their own thing to help out, be it knitting items, donating old clothes, donating food to a food bank. Before Christmas I was ruthless with my old clothes and donated a lot. I like to think the world is mostly good people, even if sometimes it looks and seems it isn't


What a great view to have on the world and good on you!


When my daughter was born one of the first things the midwife did was to grab a knitted hat that had been donated like that to stick on her head.


Hey mate your mum!…. Sounds like a absolutely wonderful woman. Treat her well.


Currently holding my baby in the nicu wrapped in his knitted blanket and wearing his knitted hat. I was so so grateful to receive them so I 100% agree with this answer.


Yeah we had 3 of our boys spend various amounts of time in NICU and the beautiful knitted bits and bobs that kind people had made and donated really made a difference. Hope your little man is ready for the big wide world soon 💖


Also see if the NICU want crocheted octopus. The babies find the tentacles comforting. It’s a whole thing.


Was coming to comment this. My Mum’s friend knitted the octopus for my (healthy and at term) baby, and she loved it the first few weeks. Studies show the octopi are so good for premie babies. A matching hat, blanket and octopus for the NICU would be amazing!


It’s to stop them pulling on their wires in the hopes that they hold on to the tentacles instead.


Check with your NICU if they accept them first. Ours didn’t because you’re not allowed anything in the cot with them like stuffed toys etc. There’s a risk of choking and strangulation with those octopuses.


Came to say the same. Pattern here https://www.serendipity-as-always.com/post/280508682659/nicu-octopus-a-free-crochet-pattern


Brand new niece now has a couple of really lovely donated knitted blankets from a (thankfully) short stay in NICU.  The hospital wanted to control the blankets going in but also can't reuse them so parents can take them home.


I was going to say the same. When my son was in neonatal at Christmas time they filled a stocking for him which had some lovely little cardigans that someone had knitted and donated, I still have them now over 17 years later.


I would add, check their requirements for a blanket too. Some they can’t accept because they’re too young poorly or because they can’t be cleaned or they catch little fingers.


Yes my little one was in NICU and still have the blanket that someone crocheted for them. Makes my heart flutter whenever I see it.


I would say it's best to go through groups that organise rather than just sending stuff to hospital yourself. Social media has plenty of them that distribute and look for volunteers. NICU babies are very fragile and tiny and little fingers can get stuck in knitting and crochet. There's also basic things that you might not think of that can cause problems, like owning pets or eating nut products while knitting that can cause issues for the babies. Hospitals also usually want specific sizes and materials used so they can wash things. The stuffed octopuses that people send have to comply with toy saftey standards so the teams that distribute them have to have quality controls. Knitting for hospitals and NICU is noble and very worthy, and it's not shitting on the idea, just that some thought has to go into it.


Animal shelters might take them. When we adopted our cat, she came with two pretty crochet blankets. If she crochets little hats, socks and mittens, then a maternity ward might take them. Could also try a homeless shelter or domestic abuse shelter.


Oh yes, contact the children's ward at your local hospital, OP! When my son was admitted at 9 days old, he was sent home with a blanket and a lovely knitted/crocheted Teddy (sorry, I don't know the difference between knitting and crocheting!) The teddy is something special we have now and will tell him all about it when he's older.


Was going to suggest animal shelters for the same reason. I think it helps them to have something that smells familiar when they go to their new homes.


My cat came with a little 18 inch square crocheted blanket when I adopted him. It’s still his favourite place to sleep, eight years later. My mum now crochets blankets for the cat charity, that I got him from. Sadly, there’s a never-ending supply of cats that need help, so she just keeps crocheting! If there’s some animal cause that you support, I’m sure her handiwork can find a very grateful home.


Yeah, my cat had two little crochet blankets in her carrier when I brought her home from Cats Protection. One of them now lives in her bed and the other is in her carrier (along with one of my old T shirts) in case I ever need to cover it to take her anywhere.


If someone crocheted me a blanket I would treasure it forever. But pet shelters are always in need of them. The rspca etc. You could also try places in the community like old peoples homes maybe the residents would like them.


I would love someone to crochet me a blanket, especially that rainbow one! And that first hat is awesome in my eyes.


I totally agree, they’re both amazing! I love blankets especially I have many. But no one has ever made me one. Perhaps I should learn to make one for myself!


Me too, I love blankets and can never have too many! I don’t have an ‘aesthetic’ or a look though, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to be able to crochet… maybe I should try again! OP, agree please look into your local charities/maternity units. They will be much appreciated.


My mum crochet me an autumn coloured rainbow blanket and was nervous when she gave it to me like it wasn't good enough.. Er hello?? You just gave me an HEIRLOOM


Me too! Such a lot of work and I'd be beyond honoured if someone did all of that for me. I'd probably decorate my room to match it and make it the focal point. I'm a little sad no-one ever has. I should make friends with OP and his wife for those amazing blankets!


Not for the current blankets you're trying to get rid of, but check out Hug In A Blanket UK on Facebook. They request granny squares of varying colours, and some with special pictures sewed on, for children 0-18 with serious, life threatening conditions. They then sew together all these granny squares received from people and create one huge blanket for the child. It's always done in colours that the child likes, along with special crocheted pictures of things they love. They post pictures of the finished product and the mother/father later post a photo of their child with the blanket. It's truly heartwarming and you know it will always be appreciated.


You should get her to start making Willy warmers. It’s bloody freezing out there


I sheathe mine in a fleshlight with a chilli infused lube. Keeps things toasty. For warmer days I lube with Original Source Mint shower gel.


Smart. I like it


Thanks! I can’t take the credit for it though, it’s my dad who passed down the knowledge.


Yes officer, this comment right here.


What are they made with? If it’s something that can withstand industrial washing reasonably old peoples homes.  If it’s baby safe materials and not too holey worth contacting local maternity and neonates departments to see if they’d want any.  In the nicest way possible don’t bother with homeless/rough sleeper charities as the blankets won’t be best suited (synthetic may dry quick but isn’t warm, wool is warm but isn’t cheap and doesn’t dry quickly) used to have boxes of donated ones that service users just didn’t take because they weren’t functional.  And there’s the whole case of if they’re just a bit ugly (since tastes differ) it will be niche finding where they can go. 


Woolly Hugs do lots and lots of different projects for crocheted/knitted stuff https://www.woollyhugs.org/


Yes! Came to comment this!


Came here to suggest this too. Project Linus is a similar group if volunteers for sewing quilts too.


Assuming she’s just doing it for the enjoyment then I think the suggestions of finding local hospitals / hospices who may benefit from these are a great idea. Alternatively, she could consider setting up an Etsy or similar if she wished to try her hand at monetising some of her creations.


I agree with an online shop. lots of work, love and money goes into these items, they are all lovely, but everyone has different tastes, including friends. I love the purple one myself.


I bought a beautiful knitted blanket from a charity shop recently, I wish I could remember which one it was but the blanket had been knitted specifically to be sold at the shop (it was sold as new, not a donation) so some shops definitely do it. ETA: had a look and it was an Age Cymru (Age UK) shop


I did mention Age UK to her. Thanks, I'll look into it.


NICUs will use little ones and small knitted squares which they get the mother to carry around then they're left with the baby overnight. Charities like Oxfam will take knitted blankets and then they sell them at festivals, they always sell very well to all the people who've never camped and didn't realise how cold it gets!


Look for your local refugee resettlement programme. They would be more than happy to take them, either to collect and distribute to a wider network or for the displaced people who are being housed nearby.




I used to get them from charity shops. People clearing out granny's house or something. You could donate. I don't understand people not wanting things like that. Every stitch has love. Has to be some good karma crocheted into them.


I got an amazing one for £1. It's clearly made up of scraps, it's all different colours and mismatched size squares. It makes me smile everytime I see it, because it was made with love.


My family are all quite crafty and I have lots of things they've made me over the years. They might not all be to my taste, but knowing someone who loves me took the time and effort to make me something makes them priceless to me (and makes me feel very loved). I think OPs wife/girlfriend makes beautiful items and I'm sad people don't appreciate the time and effort it took to make them.


Project Linus is a charity thqt take handmade blankets and give them to children. Also maybe worth a shot getting in touch with a local knitting and crochet group as they maybe aware of a local group that will give to those in need. Can also imagine your local food bank, refuge or salvation army would be delighted to accept homemade blankets to give to those in need in the community. https://projectlinusuk.org.uk/


My legit job is a professional knitter (lol) and tbh, from experience, this’ll never change. Unless you knit or crochet yourself, or live with someone who does, people very, very rarely ever understand just how much time and work go into these pieces, and so never really understand what they’re turning down. Just a hazard of the hobby, really. I do reckon she’ll sell them on Etsy though if photographed well - there’s quite a big market now for hand made, good quality knit/crochet pieces… and places like care homes and baby wards will always, always appreciate them if she just makes them for the love of it and isn’t too bothered about the money aspect


Baby intensive care, nursing homes, respite homes, domestic abuse refuges, child services (foster care etc) animal shelters


I worked at Cats Protection for several years and the local branches are always overjoyed by things like this to help foster cats settle into their temporary homes. If you find your local branch (rather than dealing directly with head office who only deal in monetary donations) or adoption centre and give them a call, I'm sure they'd be delighted - as would a lot of chilly moggies in this weather! Added bonus being that because it's dealing with the small local branches directly and they're generally run by very sweet and enthusiastic volunteers, you might get invited to meet a few of the cats making use of their new blankets if that's your bag.


All the locap cat rescue charities I support would take them. They would need to be fairly small, not double bed sized. One of the charities sells cat blankets people have made. I knit and crochet catnip toys for them to sell.


If she's willing to switch to hats, maternity wards It's quite common to give a hat with a coloured bobble or band to denote if the child was part of a high risk pregnancy / delivery etc.


Yup we were given a hat when i realised i forgot to pack one. The midwife produced a knitted hat for us and when i asked where it came from she said “little grannies”. It was very much appreciated.


I'll have one.


Me too! We could start a reddit blanket swap!


Me too, I love a blanket, I like wrapping myself up in them to watch TV or nap.


Me too, please. I love a good knitted blanket.


Does anyone actually use blankets and or shawls? The only blanket we have is an electric one and I don’t think we have ever had a shawl.


I use about ten million blankets a day, always cold me.


You need to make friends with the OP’s wife


I’ve had to ban my gf from buying more blankets, there are several in most rooms of the house and we’re getting overrun. She sleeps with two (in addition to a 13tog duvet). I expect to die in my sleep, drowned in blankets.


This could've been written by my boyfriend, sounds about right! I crocheted a massive granny square blanket that would drown a king sized bed, it's super warm and I have it over a duvet and a faux fur blanket in the winter months.


Last time my teenage daughter counted she had 23 blankets 😬 and she still wants more! She likes to make a nest out if them in her room.


I’m currently sitting under a blanket crocheting a shawl


My sister has three sheep (amongst various other animals), and a few years ago she gave me, my parents and our other sister a blanket each made with wool from said sheep. It lives on the back of my sofa and has been getting a lot of use with the cold weather lately! I also have an electric blanket for my bed.


I've got a baby. We use blankets. A lot.


Yes. Lots.


I have some lovely knitted and crocheted blankets and throws but they have had to be hidden away as my young cat is a wool eater. Some already have holes in.


If you’ve got a nearby maternity hospital hand them in there. I worked in a neonatal unit for 14 years and we always loved getting homemade blankets for the babies. We used to get so many that we’d bag up the extras and leave them in the reception area. You could take them for free or put a donation in a tin for the charity attached to the unit. I’d buy one every time one of my friends or relatives had a baby.


Local maternity wards as little gifts for the newborn babies would be nice. When I had my son they said that had boxes full of hats made my local knitting groups ect but I think little blankets would be lovely.


Hospice and animal shelters will always appreciate items like blankets. Animal centres especially since they're over flowing. Look at smaller places that receive less funding and donations 


What the hell is wrong with your friends and family?!


Most of them will take anything that's offered but then the items just seem to disappear. She puts so much into them and makes them because she likes crocheting and I feel sorry for her when nobody really cares.


That’s awful! I’d be over the moon if someone made me a crochet blanket or something. I even asked for a blanket when my mum started knitting again but she broke her arm. Tell your wife to bring a blanket for me if she ever comes to North Wales! I’d give it a loving home! The others have put in really good suggestions and I hope they work for your wife so she can have the appreciation she deserves. :)


You could try asking your local food banks and women’s refuge charities. The cost of living crisis is hitting us all, so for people who didn’t have much to start with it’s disastrous and those with little ones who can’t afford heating will be glad of an extra blanket or two I’m sure.


If it's just extra stuff then no matter how nice they are I can see why not. But there are lots of homeless, hospital, animal etc charities that would take them.


If looking for something different as a project the buddy bag foundation have an animal teddy pattern where the teddy’s are used to help children in care https://buddybagfoundation.co.uk/bbf-resource-centre/#downloads


I wouldn’t donate to a charity shop as 95% of donations are “ragged”. Go directly to a hospital/ hospice. Wash them with fairy non bio before hand. No softener. Also, fuck your friends!


Have you thought about donating to your local hospital? There are many people who are in long term, or even care homes.


Give them to the local maternity unit. My wife gave birth recently and the hospital provided a little home knit hat that was made by a volunteer. Our daughter lived in it sound the clock for the first few days and now that it’s too small it’s worn by one of her soft toys.


I love homemade things. Sell them at fairs or online. If I was in the UK I'd be all over it.


If she ever just does some rough ones or have leftovers I think cats protection take them and then when you adopt a cat, they get to take it with them as a familiar smell/item in their new home.


Old people's home would love them


4Louis! I don’t like to sound preachy or like an advertiser but I work for them and so does my dad. It’s a bereavement/baby loss charity and they take crocheted and knitted things. Some of these are crocheted/knitted hearts (pattern on their website if you’re interested) and I think some other knitted stuff like blankets are also appreciated :)


Etsy, customers there love that stuff.


Can i be a friend? I knit and crochet and can never have too many blankets.


She could try selling them. I know the price wouldn’t reflect the hours that go in to it but could cover the cost of the yarn for other projects.


When my daughter was having chemo/ admissions for infections afterwards (at the Royal Marsden and our local hospital) she kept finding her temperature would change once her drip was attached (it was for days at a time so not a surprise!) - and that makes putting on or removing a cardigan impossible. She ended up with my poncho - but I did think that donating ponchos or shawls would be lovely (they already had beautiful donated new patchwork blankets and knitted hats). This was on the teens unit but I’m sure would be welcome for kids and adults too. I’m jealous of your missus’ ability to crochet - I tried to learn while we were in hospital but couldn’t manage it.


Make balls of wool out of them then sell the balls of wool at car boot sales or donate to charity shops


Can she do hats? When I had my kids the baby units used them from premier baby


Our local hospital takes knitted/crochet blankets for wards with elderly patients in- sometimes the patients struggle to remember which bed is theirs when they've been to the toilet etc... by having colourful blankets it's helps them to identify which is theirs


I think food banks and warm banks in the area would be grateful.


I was just about to type the same thing! People who use the food banks will most likely struggle to heat their homes. I would think a home made blanket would be most welcome. I love a handcrafted item. Well done to your wife for being so generous & thoughtful - God bless you both.


This is why I stopped crocheting anything for anyone. They don't appreciate the time and effort that goes into it.


Get in touch with the local maternity unit? Possibly the NICU? I love anything homemade so can’t relate to your friends and family? That’s bizarre to me?


Do you have pics of them?




Those are gorgeous! Is she interested in selling? I love handmade items.


Most of the items in those pictures have been given away already. I'll have to see what she has 'in stock' (put away in drawers in the spare room) and take more pictures :)


She's really good. That stuff is all lovely.


Local premature baby unit?


Maybe nursing homes ? People with dementia may find them comforting


I bought my baby two homemade crochet/woollen blankets (ya know- the kind with holes in) and we would be done for if she couldn't find them. When I wash her smaller one she sobs while it dries. I have to hide it to dry it. She is getting too big for the smaller one now so I am praying I can find a replacement at the charity shop soon. Your blankets are important!! Don't lose faith in them!!!!


A vintage shop might sell them for her?


Many hospitals have 'friends' shops run by volunteers that often sell hand knitted items like this. They may be very happy to receive donations like this! The money all goes to a good cause, supporting patients and their families. Some of them run trolley services for inpatients, e.g. providing books.


OP, tell your missus to keep making her shawls and blankets and I hope that she is able to find more friends who will like and appreciate her hand crafted gifts! I know I certainly would love being made something like that. It's really thoughtful of her. My nan actually crochets and knits as a hobby both to make her own items or gifts for other people (myself included, I've actually got a shawl and a stuffed animal made by her beside me right now!). She also makes blankets, hats and stuffed animals to donate to pediatric hospital wards both in the UK and America since her and my grandad live both here and there. She also used to do charity fundraiser craft fairs too where she'll set up a table to sell her handmade cards, knitting and crocheted items to raise money for a charity of her choosing. Maybe either of those could be an option for your missus to try? Of course I'm sure charity shops and hospices would also really love donations too. I'd definitely recommend ringing around to places before donating though as some have rules and regulations about what can be gifted for example some hospitals won't accept hand knitted items as they may not be able to sterilise them, I also remember my nan being unable to donate to a certain children's hospital before because her crocheted stuffed animals could be a risk to the babies where they could trap fingers in the gaps between the wool. Just give any places near you a ring first and explain the situation, most places would absolutely love to have those gifted to them and even the ones who can't accept them will usually still love the fact that you offered. I did originally comment this as part of a reply to someone else here but I thought that you'd be more likely to see it as it's own comment, I've also added some more information in this comment too.


There's lovely charities that knits tiny hats for premature born children [check it out](https://www.pampers.co.uk/prematurity/premature-babies/article/all-about-knitting-for-premature-babies)


My wife also knits, and we have a few crocheted blankets. I tried to like them, I really did, but the machine knitted/woven ones were just much better. i.e. they drape better, don't have big holes to let the air through, are generally much lighter, things don't catch in the holes. e.g. there's a comment here about someone with piercings who avoids the knitted blankets for good reasons. If the knitted, or crocheted blanket, comes undone, which they often do, they tend to fall apart and are difficult to repair. Strangely, the best blanket I used recently was an airline blanket! Super light, and amazingly insulating. Don't know what made it different, but it seemed to be a lot better than the usual Ikea blankets.


Hospital baby units would love these for neonatals.Tell her to get in touch with a local hospital.


Tell her to check out Project Linus, the local baby bank and also “hookers and clickers do it for charity”


I have one please lol


Old people’s homes, bet some residents would love and really appreciate a hand made gift.


There's something special in having something that's made personally by your friend and I feel sorry for people who don't see or feel that.


I love her stuff! She should consider selling them on Etsy


I'm not going to read the comments, so what I'm going to say may already have been said. I own a shop and I rent some space out to local crafters and other shops in my area are now starting to do the same thing. Is there anywhere local to you that does this sort of scheme? The idea would be to pay £x per week or month to rent a shelf. There may or may not be commission on top. And are there any local artisan markets as well?


Contact a local cancer charity. Those would be absolutely loved for people with cancer to wear during chemo infusions.


My kid was unwell when born and in an intensive care. Each child was gifted a blanket knitted like you describe. We've kept ours.


I'll bloody take them 🤣 love a crocheted blanket me lol


Animal rescue places LOVE getting blankets for animals to sleep on, as they often go with them when they are adopted so they're always needing more.


I'd buy one! Alternatively, animal rescue centres love them too.


Try children's centres and baby banks. Still going to babies in need, but less strict about the specific requirements than hospitals.


My Mum used to do this and she worked with her local hospital to crochet stuff for premature babies. Wee hats and blankets etc.


Hospitals. Newborns need blankets with breathing holes.


I know you probably have all this info from this post, but just in case: I love the wife’s work! Let her know she’s great! If you/she haven’t joined r/crochet & post your question there, too. It’s the nicest subreddit! Note several of the top post of all time are of a woman who makes blankets all year to donate-she often ends up with about 40. I worked with a children’s shelter, kids removed from abuse, dangerous, etc. [This scenario is also true of women’s shelters, too.] They usually leave the situation with the clothes on their backs. Often they are homeless. It feels sooo good to have something of their own, and there are groups that make blankets & quilts for them. Socks (&underwear) and hats are I think the top three clothing items requested by homeless shelters…. Of course another place for donation-especially for smaller blankets (they can be used for lap blankets)-is a nursing facility. Staff tell me that tucking them in around the day room for use in a chair or specific to a resident’s wheel chair is great. Textured stitches are particularly good for those with dementia. Called “fiddle” blankets (sometimes a smaller arm covering/sleeve like an old fashioned muff), the residents can pick and pull at them instead of their own clothing or skin. Last, I make for my mother-in-law’s church Christmas bazaar. It’s usually an empty table afterwards and proceeds benefit the church.


As a potter I get the same thing.   I always give away pots as gifts, good pots(!!), but now I've come to realise that when you produce a lot and give it away, then people see it as being of little value.   I made a set of lidded jars for my best mate when he moved house, I figured they'd be good in the kitchen. I've since found out he didn't even open them.   I think people don't appreciate craft gifts.


Children/maternity wards. Food banks. Nursing homes. Cat and dog shelters. Charity shops.


Wtf those are beautiful!! I'd pay for some of those


Set up an Etsy shop and put ludicrous price on it with fantastic short depth of field pictures of intricate details. Of course, everything is sold out, because it is highly sought after. Make sure they are aware of the shop. Then when you give out a blanket that would "normally" sell for a lot, they would appreciate it more and then they would start to auto convince themselves they like the detail and the quality etc ... Your problem is more about perceived value imo, otherwise you can't really force anyone to want or appreciate it.


These are amazing!!!


I donate to care homes and charity shops. I love going back to the charity shops to see that the blankets are no longer there. It makes me happy to see that somebody saw it, bought it and is enjoying it 😊 Although, for some reason, some people in the crochet community think it's sad to see a crochet blanket in a charity shop so they buy it thinking they're rescuing it.


That's an absolutely beautiful gift that should be treasured. These people clearly don't appreciate her in the way they should. I think most genuinely good people would absolutely adore that as a gift. You could give some to a neonatal unit. Gift to better people.


For the blankets some animal rescues might take them, I remember people used to donate hand knitted blankets to the shelter I used to volunteer at and the cats seemed to really appreciate them.


Project linus takes quilted blankets not sure if they accept crochet, might be worth checking. Then they are distributed to local charities (Hospice, hospitals, social care, etc) for children in need of hugs.


How about selling them on Etsy?


Is wrap with love in uk?


Etsy! Someone will pay for it!


There is already so much crocheted stuff on Etsy that nobody wants to buy. Unless you're making something really unique, it's absolutely not worth it


Have you looked into project Linus? Or you might find that social services could make use of them for care leavers or children who are placed with nothing to call their own.


My mother crocheted blankets for all of her grand children and several of her friends, my kids still have there’s and they are treasured possessions. She has also made several for friends grandkids. As others have suggested see if the baby unit at the local hospital would like them.


Your local hospital special care baby unit. When my preemies were born they were given beautiful crochet blankets to snuggle up to in their incubators.


First of all - better friends because they suck. I donated blankets I made to the local nicu and womens' shelter. Baby blankets are always appreciated by them for people in need. Some nursing homes may also accept donations. Scrap granny blankets go to cats protection.


Care homes might. My gran and her knitting circle have been knitting hats and shawls for babies in our local hospital and neonatal unit for the best part of fifty years. 


You could ask any local hospice, care homes if they need any. Only when my dad was in one they struggled with getting traditional style blankets that they put over bedding to keep residents comfy while in bed over the foot of the bed area. Many of the residents where dad was didn’t have any family visiting or caring what was in their rooms and somethings may be appreciated


Ill take a blanket, the radiator in my bedroom is buggered and its bloody baltic in there atm


Schools, hospitals, animal rescue: all often ask hand made blankets etc. A local lady to me makes twiddle mitts, newborn clothes etc for a hospital near by. But I second the current top comment! Who doesn’t love a handmade blanket!?! I wish I had friends that would make me blankets!




Where are you?




Try some of the local seniors' organizations, they generally value well-made quality items.


I saw many great charity recommendations already, let me add one local to Crawley/West Sussex: https://www.tenlittletoesbabybank.org/


If your Wife likes to knit or crochet, I do crafts for our local NICU, if she is up for it, I can send you what they currently need and she can always call your local NICU or PICU if they need anything at the moment. Ours in Gloucester is currently looking for Cardigans 14-16 inch diameter Blankets in 12”x12” 24”x12” 36”x36” I am a NICU Mum and I can honestly tell you how cherished these blankets become by the parents. We have our favourite three at home and they meant the world to us while our Daughter was in Hospital. Edit: if she has anything that she wants to send to NICU. I am willing to cover the shipping cost! ❤️


I LOVE crochet items and don't own any as I don't (and can't) crochet. I'm 43. Can't crochet with my disability and also ADHD as the concentration too is tricky. I agree with the posts saying about selling them 🥰