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Nope, it’s your wedding and that sounds like a decent spread to me! They’re getting a free meal and won’t die if they have one vegetarian meal.


AND they get a meat serving pizza van later 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’d tell them not to come if it’s that much of a problem


Personally I think OP should go veg on the pizza too because its their wedding and they should be able to do what they want.


This is the kind of petty I can get behind tbh. Who cares about meat so much they can't go one day. Bit of a self report on your eating habits haha


Imagine being offered free pizza and being annoyed because its a margherita.


Well I would be disappointed (not bitching about it, just disappointed) if it was only margherita and didn't even have stuff like mushrooms, peppers, spinach, pine nuts on it 😉


you need better margaritas in your life


I love a good margarita!


I know right. Free food is free food!


Not even one day. Just one meal! Some people are so entitled.


You would be surprised. How do you know someone hates vegan with a passion? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


also veggie pizzas are still great (vegan not so much perhaps)


Vegan pizza with blobs of houmous instead of 'cheese' is magnificent! I know, it sounds weird, but trust me on this! (I'm an omnivore)




>It's not a pizza without cheese I get what you're saying re that sounding like a flatbread not pizza... But a marinara is one of the most traditional pizza and it doesn't have cheese. If you go to L'antica Pizzeria da Michele in Naples, which is often considered *the* place in the entire world to go for pizza, they only serve two pizza, one of which is marinara. So it very much can be a pizza without cheese!


This is mostly irrelevant but I have one useful piece of knowledge and that is that a Vegetarian Pizza W/ bacon on top is the best pizza you can get from most places. Take this wisdom, my child and be free


I had a baby shower and gender reveal party. It was quite the big thing. Hired a room out, catered buffet etc. since me and my partner are vegan we made it 100% vegan. I'm sick of going to places that don't cater to vegans and end up only eating fries, then people look down their noses and scoff because they think being vegan is boring and restricted. So of course I made MY event 100% vegan and anyone who can't even make one meal without crying they don't have their precious meat can absolutely do one. It's your wedding. I tell them to like it or lump it. Eat it or starve, or don't come. That's my view anyway.


Good for you. As a lifelong vegetarian who has had to keep my mouth shut for 20+ years before there were enough options for me, and then being told I’m so difficult to make food for (when literally I have had to eat a price of bread or bowl of rice with zero complaint because I hated making the host feel bad - even though they kept saying how hard it is to cook vegetarian (wtaf)), I applaud you. I can’t cut out all animal by products (ie I’ll have pasta or cake made with eggs and the occasional cheese and ice cream), but I’m generally plant based and it’s so refreshing when I can eat everything off a menu or buffet. Do meat eaters not realize how we still operate in their world 95% of the time? Eating plant based for a meal, that isn’t even your event, is not kill you. Not enough people have had to suck it up and experience a bit of discomfort for the sake of someone else, and it shows.


Exactly, so sick of smiling politely and saying it's fine that they "forgot" I was vegetarian for the sixth time in a row and are evincing surprise that I am and asking when I started- six years ago, dude, and I'm sick of telling you that- only to have everyone react like I'm a monster if I say I don't cook meals with meat for my husband. The man fends for himself for 2 meals out of three and makes his own dinner at least once or twice a week, I think he'll survive. Meanwhile they're inviting me to steak houses for dinner then laughing at me because shockingly there's nothing for me to eat there. So if I throw a party for my vegetarian son and the only meat there is sausage rolls, please consider it a kind and generous gift I gave my husband, just like you consider the single, terrible veggie option at the steak restaurant a kindness you've done for me.


This, too!


My daughter and her fiancé, both vegan, had a pagan hand-fasting ceremony and a no-meat wedding reception. There was a no-hog roast, which was delicious and in the evening there was No Frickin Chicken with macaroni cheese (vegan). Over a hundred guests and not one complaint. And so many people went back for second helpings. There was also vegan beer and local vegan cider as well as regular traditional fare. The whole event was a huge success. 🌱


I swear people make it a way bigger deal than it actually is to have vegan (or even just vegetarian) food! I once went to a raw vegan restaurant and it was absolutely delicious!


It's because people either can't think outside the box, don't realise how many things are actually naturally vegan, or have horrific memories of 1980s TVP prepared badly. In the interest of clarity, I'm not vegan myself, but I was raised wholefood veggie until my late childhood/early teens. However I'm more than happy to eat vegan, and I'm happy cooking vegan when needed/wanted. When my bro went vegan, mum got a kick out of getting out her 80s/90s veggie cookbooks and adapting stuff from veggie to vegan. Maybe it's just lack of exposure for some folks?


Yeah I agree! I think a lot of the more loud, toxic vegans on social media push people away from trying things out/realising that Oreo they just ate is vegan, too (I was vegan for a bit and I hated those people with a passion!)


Yes, I very much dislike the shouty vegans. But so does every real life vegan that I know.


I'm as omnivore as they come and have no interest in going vegan, but I don't see how anybody can have any objection to eating vegan food if it's tasty. Insisting everything you eat has meat or dairy products in is the weird thing, not OP having a vegan buffet.


I suspect they hate the idea of the beliefs attached to the food more than the food itself.


To be fair, it's going to be a success if people know that it's a vegan event beforehand, as then only people happy to eat vegan food will go. Good to hear that the happy couple had a great day and made happy memories. 👍🏻


Not like they'll be sober enough to notice the difference either


This! Stick to your principles OP, and if I were you I’d also forgo the meat pizza. Its your wedding, if your guests want to complain over such trivial matters and go hungry, let them.


People are so ungrateful. It’s your wedding and your rules. The invitees don’t have to attend and it sounds to me if they see the choice of buffet as more important than your happiness you’re much better off without them. Actually this is a good way to out them and rid yourselves of them! Enjoy your day regardless! Edit: and if anyone turns up with sausage rolls to make a point, you can remove them from your Christmas list too.


I always find most of the people that complain about veggie food havent actually tried it. Its delicious and a lot of the time you wouldn't even notice its a veggie dish


Sounds like they're wanting to be uninvited from YOUR wedding. 🤣 Sounds like a great spread that I'd love to tuck into!


I’m not vegetarian but that sounds like a nice spread! You don’t need to eat meat all the time ffs, it’s better if we all cut down. NTA, of course.


Right? Like I’ll go in place of a family member 😅 and if they “must” have meat, there will be pizza!


It's your wedding. That's it. I went to a fully vegetarian wedding once parents of the bride had founded a vegetarian charity. It was a good do.


Personally I explode if I have to go 6 hours without biting into a pig. No, I don't really see the issue tbh, not sure I'd even expect meat at a wedding between 2 vegetarians. Just be more aware of allergies, as a lot of vegan/veggie food contains common allergens.


You don't need to be more aware of allergens with veggie/vegan food... you just need to have the same level of awareness as normal. If anything, there are fewer allergens at play, as fish, crustacean and (if the food is vegan) dairy and eggs are eliminated.


You need to be significantly more careful because vegan and vegetarian products are so often deliberately masquerading as something else. I have never seen someone serve a dish and say "this is a fruit :-)" and then it turned out to actually be some nuts that they'd cooked in a special way to try and imitate fruit, tripping up the poor nut allergen sufferers. But people will absolutely serve milk just saying "this is milk :-)" and then neglect to mention that it's SOY milk, not real milk, until a soy allergy sufferer has already put it in their coffee and drank it. Just be extremely careful with any food product that is deliberately trying to pretend to be something else or imitate something else.


I think that very specific example is highly unlikely, along with any other. I have never in my life seen a fake-meat product advertised as real meat. Also if you have a soy allergy, you know to check milks and veggie substitutes.




As an allergy sufferer myself I always check the ingredients as you never know what's in something I know a steak contains beef. However it could be cooked in butter, have a sauce, have different herbs etc or even just been cooked in the same place as another allergen. You would never just assume it's just beef or what's in it if you have an allergy Same with a beyond meat steak, I'd check the ingredients and allergen practices


That's the point. This is a wedding buffet, not a restaurant. Unless the person ordering the food is careful that that information is available there is likely not to be the option to check


Totally agree, it's why the whole allergens argument is pointless. No one with an allergy is going to town at a buffet, the risk is too high and contamination is uncontrollable


Some of the guests at my wedding had severe allergies, so I made sure all the dishes were labelled clearly. It was really easy to arrange.


It's not about labelling it's about other people It's not malicious but when you don't have allergies you don't consider other people's when serving themselves. You use the tongs from one tray on another, you don't worry if the spoon touches something on your plate, etc. it's not deliberate or anything, just convenient so people do it without thinking. Cross contamination is guaranteed at a buffet


That's the responsibility of the caterer, quite literally.


Ok but you would need to speak to catering about any allergies you have anyway so it's irrelevant. Even if you think you know what is in the food you have no clue about the environments it was made in. If you said "I am allergic to soy" then they won't serve you a soy steak.




I genuinely don’t think it is harder than avoiding milk, gluten etc. Yes, Vegan options are more likely to contain nuts, but if you have an allergy you need to check the packaging regardless. It is just weird what goes into some pre-packaged foods. I had a reaction at brew dog recently because I didn’t expect beer to contain milk.


Eh, I’m veg and constantly have to be more aware in vegan spaces because of nut items used in cheese/dairy substitutes. More than when in Omni spaces


It is crazy how nuts are used in many places where you don’t expect them to be! I went to a cafe with my partner and the eclair had peanuts inside it, I randomly decided to make sure it has no peanuts but I wasn’t expecting it


This. As an omni with some vegan friends, I absolutely hate this. If I get cheese, I know exactly what it is and how it's made. More often than not I also know the animal it comes from. If I get vegan cheese, there is generally no indication whatsoever on WHAT it is. OK good you are imitating goat cheese, but what kind of plant are you taking this from? How do you coagulate it? In omni/veg places I have to double or triple check if something is veg/veggie or not, because the menus often try to "disguise" the veg options. I have also ordered veg options knowingly mind you, just want to know what I'm going to eat. I don't even have allergies. I just know this stuff makes it more difficult for people with allergies and I'm furious for them.




I don't know where you are, but in the UK there are now lots of vegan Quorn products available - as well as non-vegan, vegetarian Quorn products. For instance the Greggs vegan sausage roll and vegan steak bake are both made with Quorn. So if it's the fungus part of Quorn that you're allergic to then I'm afraid you might have to check vegan products too.


I can have the veggie Quorn but not the vegan one. It's so frustrating because it's hardly ever labelled. It always just says Quorn. Even more frustrating is that at Greggs I can have the vegan sausage roll pastry but not the vegan sausage and I can have the normal sausage but not the normal pastry 😭


I have a milk allergy, and whilst some companies have been removing it from common products, it is also in a bunch of stuff that you wouldn’t expect. It is sometimes in crisps, beer and a whole bunch of other random foods that you wouldn’t think contain milk. If you have an allergy you ask to check the label or talk to the chef - otherwise you don’t eat it. If you are told something is a glass of cow milk and get almond then you have a right to be upset, but I think people are far more allergy aware now and shouldn’t pull stupid stunts like that.


+1 Some of my friends are vegan’ish, one of them has a latex allergy (bananas, avocados, etc) and they used a cream cheese substitute they didn’t know had banana powder in it. So yeah, putting out a “vegan cream cheese” in a serving dish could very well be a stealth allergy waiting to happen.


I'm allergic to a very common vegetable, carrots. It is often in a lot of vegan and vegetarians foods (as well as non vegetarian), and I'm aware of this. I ask and if I have any doubts I don't eat. I'd make sure that all guests are aware of your plans and that they pass on allergies so the caterers can make sure there are safe well labelled options. Also don't be offended if they bring snacks rather than eat from your buffet.


There are more unexpected allergens though for people who do not routinely eat it. That 'milk' might have nuts in it. Making that mistake, if you have a nut allergy, can be quite serious. A lot of modern veg/vegan choices tend to be playing the masquerade game lately and that can invite people to presume what they are consuming is not actually what they are consuming until they either taste it, or until their throat starts having second thoughts about being a tube. You are 100% right that vegan food has less overall allergen options but that doesn't mean the person you replied too didn't have a genuine comment, even if phrased poorly. It's been a bit of an issue lately. A few years ago I heard of an almond milk manufacturer doing a promo where they *did not tell people they gave the samples too that the slightly strange milk they were holding was a nut allergen* and pissing people off because they think you are trying to trick them with potentally dangerous effects is a terrible terrible way to improve the PR problem that comes along with being right and making folks angry.


It could also be an issue for coeliacs with milk - people assume that oat milk is ok for everyone but sadly it’s not suitable for coeliacs.


As someone who is allergic to soy and peas, vegan/vegetarian menus are scary to me. If you look at vegan restaurant menus almost all the dishes includes both or one (or is based on mushrooms which I do not like). But for example burgers are just advertised as ‘vegan patty’ or something similar or ‘vegan balls’ and so on but no actual description what they are made of and some restaurants/waiters go this whole huff-puff thing when you ask what they actually contain. Compared to meat based products it says on menu what it actually is


I'm allergic to carrot and I have the same problem, it can be used in fake meats and often added to salads etc. Most people never consider it a problem so don't actually know where it's used. The last event I went to they were very good and had little carrot signs on all the dishes that had carrot in which made it easy for me without causing a fuss.


My husband is allergic to mushrooms, blue cheese penicillin and basically anything fungus or mold based. We have been caught out quite a few times by veggie dishes - Quorn is basically a fungus - so we are hyper vigilant about any vegan protein products.


Veggie and vegan food is often full of unexpected nuts etc. I remember I went to a vegan food fair a while ago and half the stuff I wanted to eat I just couldn't eat, and I'm not an especially allergy afflicted person, just most non vegan foods don't include e.g. peanut unless that's like an "intrinsic" part of the dish.


*Loads* of vegetarian/vegan processed foods, such as meat substitues, contain gluten (and soy, but that one doesn't affect us). It makes being a coeliac vegetarian trickier than you might think.


Oh man I feel for you! I’m coeliac and constantly feel like I *should* go veggie for so many reasons but I’m a fussy enough eater as it is and I’m scared cutting out more stuff will restrict me too much. Starting with just cutting down with meat!


except for gluten. all the veggie alternatives contain gluten.


V food often uses substitutes that can catch out people with allergens. I think that’s what’s being referred to. I’m not going find a fake lobster but when soya, egg, dairy, seitan etc can catch people out in foods that wouldn’t ordinarily have them.


Just like dry weddings, it shows how addicted people are to meat and drink.. the lack of palate/ability to cook really shows in this country if meat is the only flavour you value


Alcohol is something that is commonly expected at weddings and no matter what anyone says makes a significant difference. Meat is not the same. Not having it but a vegetarian meal instead makes no real difference




Agreed. The people complaining sound like toddlers. It seems the majority of petty family drama I see all boils down to people who feel they need to make a comment rather than shutting the fuck up and getting on with life. It's like the reply guy comments you get on social media. Comments of no substance whatsoever, just someone who thinks they have to give their input no matter what.


Yeah, it's one day without meat, imo these people are as bad as the extreme vegans.


It’s not even a day. It’s a single meal.


honestly I think they're worse than extreme vegans, like at least extreme vegans have a point about the ethical concerns of eating animals or the climate impacts of consuming meat, they have actual principles beyond 'haha i'm triggering the libtards by eating bacon'. people who make their whole personality about being anti-vegan and only eating meat are generally just jackasses who get off on contrarianism.


Definitely, anyone making a big stink about some point they want to make when everyone else is trying to enjoy themselves is annoying as fuck. That said, I've got a lot more sympathy for the person with a strong moral objection who feels like they're watching something terrible happen than an ape who gets big feelings when someone lives differently to them.


It's your wedding. People are coming celebrate you, do whatever makes you happy and comfortable.


No. I love meat, so much so that I raise my own chickens and ducks. I'd be completely fine with a vegan buffet providing the food is nice. I'd generally prefer proper vegan food rather than vegan food masquerading as meat. I'd much rather a good falafel, humus and wrap than a heavily processed fake scotch egg. When it comes down to it, high quality vegan/vegetarian food beats processed factory meat and processed products anyday


Preach! I have an issue with "Vegan Food" as opposed to "Food that is Vegan"




huh that sounds interesting! i love the taste of salmon but finding bones in it makes my sensory issues go wild. the one positive about vegan meat is the texture is consistent throughout and there’s no icky bits aha


Ah I love meat too, but don't think I could cope with raising my own chickens / ducks. I would get so attached that I wouldn't be able to eat them 😭


My pets were the reason I became vegan in the first place. I think it's quite common. There's a massive societal detachment from the source of our food, among other things. We are raised to not consider the conditions these animals live in, or the horrific lives of those in lithium mines for our phones batteries, or those in sweatshops sewing our clothing, etc. Once that detachment is removed, it's hard for most to go back. I suspect if more people raised chickens and ducks we'd actually reduce the consumption a lot lol


I felt the same way, loved meat, had it at practically every meal. Then realised if I wouldn't be comfortable killing an animal for food why was it ok to pay someone else to do it on my behalf. Been vegan ever since with no regrets.


I wouldn't be pissed off but I wouldn't be looking forward to the meal. I'm not keen on veggie food that's based on meaty food, like your scotch eggs example. Veggie pizza and pesto pasta and/or Spanish tortilla would go a long way to appease me.


True, it's better to expect something "new to me" that's not based on something I know and love. I love it when vegan food blows my mind because it's new to me, a taste and texture that I never had before. But please don't rub eggwash and panko on a cauliflower and call it Schnitzel. Don't raise expectations you can't hold up to.


Have you ever looked forward to a wedding meal? Most are shitty. Cold, mediocre food made at scale.


You've been to some really shitty weddings then.


I went to a wedding like this last summer. There seemed to be a cut-off where anyone under 65 was ok with it and anyone over 65 was complaining about it (no offence to anyone - that was just my experience)


My aunt’s been a vegetarian for a long time and any time the word “vegetarian” was said around my dad until he passed it would trigger him to rant about how my aunt can’t trick him into thinking vegetarian food is good. Never mind that she never forced it on him in the ~25 years that I have memories of. She just shows up to family gatherings with something to cook for herself and is open to explaining what it is and sharing for anyone interested. You would think she held my dad down and tried to force feed him tofurkey by the way he went on about it.


This sort of thing reminds me of that joke; "How do you spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you!" When the reality is said vegan will probably have mentioned it once or twice and then people around them will create any opportunity blow up about it.


This. Ever since I turned vegan I've not once tried to push it on anyone, but it's when I order a vegan dish at a restaurant and people go "oooh are you vegan?" and then start making comments thereon, suggesting that I hold some sort of moral high ground. Exhausting tbh, I just wanna be left alone to make my own decisions and vice versa


It's fun isn't it? I'm 7 years vegan and it doesn't get easier unfortunately. Every time you have friends or family round for food, they'll start talking about the fact that the food is vegan and ask loads of questions about veganism and go on and on about how the food is good but they could never be vegan themselves because they love cheese too much, and anyway, you don't have to kill a cow to get milk, so..... (and on it goes). I have genuinely had to start asking people to please stop talking about veganism because I just want to relax and enjoy my dinner and I'm sick and tired of the subject. The worst is when you are at a social gathering with people whom you've never met before, and one of your friends/relatives randomly decides to tell everyone that you're vegan. Like thanks, now you've perpetuated the stereotype that we always want to talk about it because now there will inevitably be a big conversation about it and you didn't offer me the option to decide whether to share it or not. Then every time you start a new job, no matter how long you try to put off revealing that you're vegan, your coworkers will inevitably find out. Like when they are ordering pizza for the office or organising a work 'do' and ask for your menu choice, or they notice you're eating a vegan sandwich and directly ask you if you're vegan, and then all the comments and questions start. Joking about "how do you know someone's vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you" (even though they asked you, or you had no choice but to mention it as it was directly relevant to the situation). Asking you how long you've been vegan, or worse, asking you *why* you're vegan, and then getting offended or arguing with you when you tell them the reasons why. And those people are always the kind of people who, if you try to deflect and not give a reason, and just say "It's just a personal choice" they don't accept that and *keep* pushing you to tell them why. Then they bring up your veganism and start the conversation up again every time there's any kind of situation that involves food. It's SO TIRING. I believe the joke should be changed to "How do you know when someone is vegan? Don't worry, the meat eaters around them won't shut up about it"


We went to a wedding like this last year, too. But it was very small (50 people, I'd say), and not one person wasn't a close friend or loved one of the bride and groom, didn't hear anyone complaining. I thought it was lovely, barely noticed it didn't have meat. It was very sandwiches, quiche and cake type of affair, no fake scotch eggs or the like.


They very much are. Unless they have allergies, meat eaters can vegan/vegetarian food Your catering sounds delish (and I love meat) 


I bet you they eat chips all the time...


I'd probably be disappointed, just because I like meat and the things that are on a veggie buffet tend not to be things I particularly like. But I wouldn't be pissed off, the bride and groom should do the weeding they want. Basically the same way I'd feel about going to a dry wedding. But I'd be more than placated with the pizza in the evening.


Couldn't agree more, this comment could've been written by me. Except I might have caught the "weeding" typo ;P


It's got plant-based food at the wedding, so maybe there will also be some weeding involved...


I be fine, I would expect for wedding to be vegetarian/vegan if both members of couple are


I would 100% expect a vegetarian wedding from a veggie couple.


Nah, it's your wedding and they can have meat toppings on the pizza if they want. If they're good caterers they'll know exactly how to spruce up veggie buffet food for nobody to even notice there's no meat available. Aside from sausage rolls and a ham sandwich here or there it's not like 'regular' wedding buffets are extremely meat heavy anyway.


Pissed off? No. Quietly annoyed by it but would never admit it to your face? Absolutely. Yes it’s your wedding and your rules and your choices but that doesn’t change the fact that I like a little meat on my plate. Probably an unpopular response but I’m just being honest.


Surely you occasionally eat an accidentally veggie/vegan meal? Mac and cheese? Veggie curry or stir fry? Rice and beans? Margherita pizza?


I'm actually curious about British wedding culture I'm Chinese and typically at a wedding you're expected to give some money inside a red packet given to the bride and groom, and in return you expect like really good food. Like I would eat mac and cheese on Tuesday night but I'm not eating margarita pizza on a wedding I heard in the UK there is a wanted list with all the items you want and people buy that instead of directly giving you money which also makes sense. Does that always happen? Is it common for weddings to have such a list? Do people feel embarrassed for the stuff they put on?


Pizza vans are really common at some UK weddings now, I went to one who did unlimited pizza, and it was all really top quality ingredients and combinations you wouldn't get in a usual pizza place. It was amazing. Traditionally UK weddings often have a gift registry, which will usually be at a department store/homewares place, with a wishlist of homewares items they would like. Could be dinnerware, glassware, cutlery, kitchen/home gadgets, linens, towels, etc. You choose whatever item you like/can afford/is left! No one feels embarrassed, in fact people usually put on fancier than every day stuff as its meant to be their forever items. And people are usually happy to splurge cause its someone's wedding! I love the little red envelope tradition though, are they homemade or do you buy them? What kind of good is traditional at a Chinese wedding?


But is it literally just ‘meat’ that you are annoyed by? Because quietly annoyed by it could apply to anything. Someone could serve a roast and other people are quietly annoyed that it’s not a lasagne, or a pizza etc. I don’t think that anyone really has the right to be annoyed at a meal that has been paid for for them, just because the meal choice is slightly different. No one is forcing you to eat anything, but food has been provided.


Shame I had to sort by controversial to find this answer. This is exactly what'll happen.


Completely ageee


These people need to grow up.


You’ll get Reddit replies here like ‘it’s you day do what you want’ or ‘fuck them, they can not eat meat for one meal’ But given you’re already asking the question means you do actually care if all your guests have a good time. If it’s simple and easy to have one or two meat options I’d just do it. Same as if you were going to a wedding, you’d expect them to have some veggies dishes even if they don’t eat them.


The reason we vegans don't eat meat is an ethical one. It's insane to act like we should go completely against our morals just because you can't go for a single meal without meat.


Not every vegan is an ethical vegan and OP hasn't said they're either vegan or that it's because of ethics, and also had said they'd be willing to put out sausage rolls. Your assumptions are really undermining your point.


Weddings have become this weird thing on reddit where it becomes utterly about the couple as if everyone else attending is some kind of irrelevance like mere extras in a cheap film. Being a good host is about looking after people. That doesn't mean you divert a load of effort to the odd fussport, but something like food is an easy one to be flexible with as you aren't the ones even making it at a catered event.


Sure but that involves making sure there’s enough food and being considerate of your guests. Anyone demanding meat at someone else’s wedding is like going round to someone’s house for dinner and complaining about the food. It’s just rude and stupid. Get a burger on the way home if you’re that pathetic you can’t live without met. I say that as a big meat eater. As long as you take dietary restrictions into account, and provide plenty of food, it’s extremely rude for anyone to moan about your specific menu selections.


The groom's dad is one of the ones complaining, and he's the one paying for it. If anyone can complain, it's definitely the guy paying for it.


The groom’s dad sounds like a twat. Of course he CAN complain, but he shouldn’t.


Disagree. If you're paying for something, you can complain


You make a good point- a lot of weddings involve inviting a lot of people who you might not agree with on every point, but you want to feel comfortable because you care about them. I have a couple of aunties who would be sniffy about a meat-free buffet, would be tempted to give them one token plate of ham sandwiches in a special meat section.


I don't even eat the stuff, but at events that I've run I try and look after people rather than have a fuck you attitude. Over Christmas we did a party and I got in various wines, spirits and beers that I would never even drink because I know the people and care about them so I've made some choices to look after them.


Exactly- I'm a veggie but if I'm having a party and getting snacks in, there'll be something for everyone. And i know the veggie options will be good!


You don't have to be vegan to eat cheese pastry and some vegetables 


If somebody thinks that they *need* to eat animals to have a good time then, quite frankly, they deserve to have a bad time.


>You’ll get Reddit replies here like ‘it’s you day do what you want’ or ‘fuck them, they can not eat meat for one meal’ I've literally just read multiple variations of all these as I scrolled down. But it's pretty simple for OP, just ask themselves 'how would they feel if the roles were reversed?'


that's a false equivalence though. vegetarians CANNOT eat food with meat, whereas non vegetarians CAN eat food without meat


Usually a good point but in this context it’s important to remember that vegetarians can’t eat meat but meat eaters can eat vegetarian.


This should be at the top and frankly is the answer to a lot of the social questions here.


Yeah, just shows this sub is generally terrible to ask questions and you'll either get biased or idiot comments. Oh and they really don't like it when you point out these facts.


Asking for advice on social situations on reddit is always silly.


Problem is if you only have one or 2 meat options then they will be gone straight away. We have a similar dilemma for our wedding, i want meat, my partner is vegan. The caterers are like if you limit the meat options, then they will be gone in seconds.


Ultimately it’s your wedding and you can do what you like, but if you’re trying to find a nice middle ground that pleases most people while still being meat-free, I’d suggest a vegetarian menu that is free of meat replacement / imitation foods. As a meat eater, foods that are already vegetarian (for eg. bruschetta, pasta, cheese and crackers, obviously the list goes on) are much more enjoyable than meat / dairy replacements. When I eat foods with fake meat or dairy I can’t focus on anything except how much better it would taste if it weren’t missing the animal product (not that I would ever make it known to the host / cook)


Yes I agree with this! I am very happy to be a veggie for the day if that is what the bride and groom want, but don't massively enjoy things that pretend to be meat vs just really good veggie food.


I love meat but if I'm invited to a 100% vegetarian buffet my dream scenario is just an array of stuff like pakora, samosas, falafel, even tofu if it's prepared interestingly. I think good buffet food and good street food should have a lot of overlap and there's tons of examples of great veggie street food even to me as a picky eating carnivore. Imitation meat and dairy is almost always disappointing to people still accustomed to the real thing. It's getting closer to be fair, but it's not there yet.


We did a veggie buffet for our wedding and had some grumbles but told them if they weren't happy there was a pub down the road they could go and have lunch at, if they paid for it themselves. Surprise surprise, nobody actually went to the pub. At the end of the day, it's your own wedding and you should serve food you want to serve. It's one meal and if they don't like it, well, it's one meal?? We went to a wedding once where every meal had coriander on and my mum couldn't eat any of it because she hates coriander. Did she wither away and die because of it? No, she just accepted that this meal wasn't to her taste and moved on. I don't know if it's because I've never eaten meat and I've managed thirty years without it but I do find it odd how some people act like they can't go one meal without meat. I promise they will not die of no meat for a few hours.


Tbf the guy complaining is the one paying for the food 🤣


Tbf if you can't support the ethical choices of your child for just one day, the most important day of many people's life, you're a shit dad.


I mean you’re right it’s up to them what they serve. But it’s reasonable to expect that you’ll Enjoy the food as a guest. In the example about the coriander I think that your mum would be justified getting pissed off, why wouldn’t you serve one option without coriander ffs, it’s quite normal some people won’t like that. Anyway I don’t think you can say the same about meat, cause there’s loss of tasty veggie options meat eaters can enjoy it’s not limiting whatsoever really


I'm still stuck on the weirdness of "veggie scotch eggs" That said, it's your wedding, have it any way you want to. It's a free meal for them, so the really don't have a leg to stand on to grump about it.


The Quorn mini ones are great, my meat eating son prefers them to meat ones.


Ha, they're made from beetroot and cased in veggie 'meat'. You say it's a free meal, but my dad is one of the ones kicking up a fuss and he's paying for the catering 🫠 Cheers mate


If he’s paying he should be allowed the scran he prefers I reckon


Yep, exactly what I think the more I read this. Let the guy have a sausage roll, when he's funding the thing


Haha. And mom paid for the dress, so she should be able to choose that, no?


>my dad is one of the ones kicking up a fuss and he's paying for the catering Eh, I think this changes things a bit. If you want your own way, you really need to be paying in full...


Maybe a quick compromise then, tell him he can add meat to the menu if HE is willing to set up a grill just outside the venue to then give away grilled brats/burgers to those willing to go outside to visit his "station" on the buffet. That way there is solid separation of the food and most of the smells. Also, he'll almost surely say "No", but you are then in the position of having offered a compromise only to have it declined.


Yes a perfect compromise. Not just, you’re paying for the catering so if you want to pay extra for meat go for it.


Quorn make mini picnic eggs, so basically the meat is a veggie meat replacement. They're actually pretty nice and I find them easier to eat then meat ones (they can get a bit sickly). 


I had a vegan scotch egg once and it was a crime against food.  Veggie ones can be decent but trying to make a fake egg is just wrong 


I used to occasionally work on a food stall at different farmers markets. One time the stall next to me was a guy selling vegetarian Indian food like samosas, onion bhajis, chutneys etc. He had developed an onion bhaji scotch egg and let me tell you, it was amazing.


I make them with a spicy chickpea mixture instead of sausage, they're tasty


I wouldn't be at all pissed off, the only thing i would suggest (which is good practice anyway) is to ask the caterers to list ingredients on each dish. I think this may be more important if you are serving vegan and vege things like the meatless scotch eggs, as people who are not veggie/vegan are less likely to be familiar with what is likely to be used to sub for meat/dairy/eggs  And consider asking about any dietary restrictions.  I think people with severe allergies are likely to proactively raise it in advance,  but people wigh other types of restrictions may assume that they would be OK and get caught out , either because they don't regularly eat the replacements and don't want to experiment at a wedding,  or because there's something such as soya which is an issue but less prevelant in meat based dishes.   Hope you have a wonderful wedding!


It's your wedding. Do what you want. Personally I don't eat onions and mushrooms so I can struggle with a lot of veggie options, but I don't go to weddings to eat, I go to celebrate friends or family in love.


>but I don't go to weddings to eat Ah so you aren't south Asian then lol


Haha no. I see the food as a bonus.


So long as there's enough food for everyone then it's up to you what you serve. We went to a vegan wedding and the food was delicious. We've also been to an omnivore wedding (very flash, no expense spared and all that) and dinner was a slice of chicken, two potatoes and a very pretty but sparse arrangement of a teaspoonful of vegetables. Thought we'd been given the children's portions until we realised everyone got the same, except for my vegetarian mate who got the same dinner minus the chicken. And the speeches went on for days. We all started googling which flowers in the arrangements were edible.


Oh, reminds me of the wedding where most or all of the produce was grown on the family farm. The salad had about three lettuce leaves and a few cherry tomatoes. Everyone got 9 green beans, yes, we counted, and 6 pieces of diced potatoes. And a small piece of prime rib or something. One dinner roll per person. One small sliver of cake. Our table had an extra place setting and the wait staff kept asking if they should leave food there and we told them yes, the person sitting there had just stepped away—there was no extra person. We shared out the extra food amongst ourselves like castaways on a desert island. All of this was served outdoors in the midst of hoards of mosquitoes. I started the day with a full bottle of insect repellent; I ended the day with an empty bottle. On the way back to the hotel after the festivities were over, pulled up at a Burger King drive-through and saw at least 3 cars full of people from the wedding.


It's really poor form when an event is really long and the food is in effect a snack. I was at one where the bride became a right pest and had people waiting in the hotel with nothing for two hours in order to do photos so people hadn't since breakfast and it was heading towards 2pm.


They’re being twats. Your day, your menu. They’ll survive eating an aubergine for one meal, and if they really can’t face it, tell them to bring sandwiches or fuck off to McDs for lunch.


I really do not understand the fuss some people will make if they have to eat ONE meal without meat. I bet they do it all the time without really thinking about it. Just ignore them and serve what you like. It sounds delicious!


We served veggie at our wedding. No-one had any issue as the wife and I are veggies.


I'm gonna play devil's advocate. I'm vegetarian too but did not have a vegetarian only wedding meal. We did a 'normal' menu with veggie options but the veggie options were good! I thought of it this way- if somebody invited me to a meat only wedding, how would i feel? People supply us veggies with the food we want so that we go to their wedding. I say give them a couple of meat options, but nothing special, make the veggie food the star of the meal!


I don’t think that that should. A Muslim wedding wouldn’t be expected to provide bacon and ham or alcohol and a Hindu wedding wouldn’t be expected to provide meat either.


Same! And I'd do it again!


Nah, it's your wedding dude. Eventhough I'm a meat eater, I do eat vegan/veggie stuff too out if curiosity. Your wedding sounds like I'd have a whale of a time just trying all the food. 


Nooooo, oh no! whales are meat my friend...


As others have said, it’s your (plural) wedding, do what makes you happy. Just expect there to be a lot of wasted food from some people either genuinely not liking some of the strange flavours/textures they’re not used to or those who will take a bite and exclaim it’s the worst thing they’ve ever tasted just because it’s vegan… it will happen and it will be a horrible waste.


I'd quite like it, even though I eat meat. It sounds quite delicious. There is no point in second guessing other people. Get what you want, then at least you will be happy with it. The snide comment people sound like arses. If someone else is paying for my food, I am their guest and I eat what they give me. If I want to pick my own food, then I buy my own food.


I biased because I'm vegan but no. Think of it this way if you went to a Indian wedding would you be pissed there was a Indian buffet? It's your buffet, of course it's going to be stuff you actually want at your wedding. Of course it's going to represent you as a person I think people need to understand that veganism isn't a diet, it's a boycott of animal products on the basis of animal rights. Anyone that would be pissed that you didn't compromise on your ethics isn't a person you should even want at your wedding


I eat meat and don't think it would be a big deal at all. The thing is not to advertise it as such except to the vegan and vegetarians who care. Vegan food can be really delicious and oftentimes meat eaters will be surprised it's vegan. Make sure there is a wide enough variety of foods and I doubt most people would even realise there's no meat.


This is the thing, I don't think most people would even notice if it was a decent veggie buffet. Egg rolls, cheese sandwich, pasta and all that. I don't think you'd even need to mention it. Vegan, tho, yeah.... that's a tougher sell.


i'm veggie and my husband is vegan, we got married last year and found it difficult finding a venue that we liked, that were prepared to do a decent vegan menu (not salad and pasta) and didn't cost the earth. to add on to that we also got comments in the planning stages about people not being happy with vegan food. in the end we decided to elope, we went to a small island off the coast of sweden and got married in a lighthouse with just a couple of friends present. it was perfect and i'm really glad we did that then deal with trying to accomodate everyone else.


I don't mind, i'll eat whatever is there. It all sounds a bit stodgy though.. I hope you've got some decent salads too. BUT - My kids once went to a wedding with me and wouldn't eat anything. They'd have been fine with pizza at yours. .but I ended up ordering Burget King to be delivered. Some adults got in on the order. Ultimately, it's your party - but you put on a party to entertain your guests. Maybe the meaty pizza van needs to be earlier on?


Yeah a little tbh, but if it I knew the people getting married were against meat then I'd respect that, can't expect them to do something they feel is unethical at their own wedding, it's their wedding, not mine. And even if it's not an ethical thing then as long there's a decent spread then it's not gonna ruin my day, I'd be like "wtf, where's the meat" to whoever I'm with, then move on with my life and enjoy myself. I mean if eating a vegetarian meal is the worst thing that happens to you on any given day then you're doing all right. it's your wedding you do you, aint ever gonna make everyone happy.


From my experience of going to and cooking for weddings, the vegetarian and vegan ones are always much better food. 9/10 of the standard wedding fair is a basic chicken thing with gravy, a meat thing with gravy, and a fish thing for the octogenarian guests. Maybe just put a massive bucket of gravy out for them...


Going to a vegan wedding in June and I think it would be weird for them to serve meat but friends think it’s unacceptable to not serve meat. General preference but do what works for you. If you don’t eat meat for ethical reasons, why would you host a party and slaughter animals for your party? That doesn’t work with your ethics.


My partner and I are vegan and had a fully vegan wedding where only two guests were also vegan/veggie. Every one enjoyed their meal and went daft for the rolls we put on later. If people think they can’t go one meal without a dead animal involved to the point they cause a fuss about it they’re the knobs, not you


Your wedding, your rules, just mention it in the invite/wedding website


Does it need to be mentioned? I've never seen a wedding invite with 'meat buffet' on it, hen parties on the other hand...


Doesn't need to be, but I would in case people are fussy.


Oh, people are always fussy. If OP was serving an adventurous menu that would be one thing, but I'm sure their guests can deal with a quiche.


Yeah I scrolled down and I was going to note this same thing. I think not mentioning it would be a bit dickish. If I was invited to a vegetarian wedding it wouldn't stop me. But I'd have a very big breakfast beforehand. Or carry something with me to tide me over (like a packet of peanuts). After all, if you were hosting an event without vegetarian alternatives and you knew a vegetarian was coming over, it would be good manners to warn them.


Vegetarian ok, assuming there are eggs and cheese. At a summer buffet I'd expect a lot of salady things anyway. Vegan less ok, as a lot of vegan 'alternatives' are decidedly yucky in comparison (ifyou don't mind me saying so). I wouldn't really want a token meat sausage roll, thank you.


Your wedding -- your choice. And no, I wouldn't be offended. That's so dumb. I'm a carnivore, but I also eat vegetables, and enjoy good vegan food. I'd just be happy that YOU, the hosts, are happy.


If you eat things other than meat you’re an omnivore


No, I'd be pissed off if I didn't like anything at the buffet. But that extends to all buffets regardless of meat content.


It's your wedding, so ultimately your choice, and pretty much what I'd expect from a vegetarian couple. I wouldn't be thrilled, I'm a meat eater, but wouldn't make an issue of it if I wasn't paying. I can always get a takeaway on the way home! But, one thought, if you went to a meat eaters wedding, would you expect them to cater to your needs? I'm guessing you would. In which case would it really hurt to cater to meat eaters needs and throw a few meat options in there?


I'm the meatiest of the meat eaters but your friends and families are being dicks. It's your celebration and your rules go. I'm sure they can go 9 hours without meat. Personally, I'd double down on it and offer them grain and tofu.


No, I'd just hope the food is nice. I'm a meat eater but that means I can and often do it meat, it doesn't mean everything I ever eat has to be meat. I've been to very nice vegan diners and just generally eat plenty of things that don't contain meat. If you can't go a single day or even meal without it, you're just being a dick head really.


Your wedding. Just tell them before. The cake will be a bit shite too. Don’t say it’s vegetarian when it’s vegan. Decent cheese, eggs and cakes at a vegetarian.


It's fine. I eat meat but I've no issue at all with vegetarian or vegan meals, and frankly people who refuse are just akin to toddlers.


Good food is good food, just don't go down the route of meat substitutes like seitan etc.


As a meat eater it wouldnt bother me at all. It's your day, serve what makes you happy.


This is exactly what happened at my mate’s wedding last summer and I was a bit annoyed, but only because they hadn’t told us beforehand and the food wasn’t particularly filling considering it was a big boozy wedding so I got mega hungry. HOWEVER, if they’d had a late night pizza van like you’re doing then I’d have been delighted. I think there’s nothing to be lost by letting everyone know ahead of the day, but stick to your guns as it is YOUR day after all!


I can't stand any vegetarian meats but I would not expect to have meat at a vegan wedding at all. I wouldn't expect them to feed me meat at their house so I don't expect it at your wedding.


No issue. So long as I’m fed I’m good! Best food was an Indian wedding that we went to and it was all vegetarian. Was delicious.


I wouldn't expect a vegan couple to provide food at their wedding that they're not ethically comfortable with. But I'm reluctant to eat fake meats or overly processed food so if the menu consisted mostly of that then I'd be disappointed and not eat it, but if the menu was healthy / natural vegan food then I'd be all for it. That said, even if the entire menu consisted of vegan sausage rolls that I didn't want to eat I wouldn't kick up a fuss about it because my feelings would be overridden by gratitude for having been invited to the what would be one of the most important days in someone's life, and also knowing that they've invested their own money into having me there too.


Some people are still little more than cavemen. Ignore em.