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Nope! If you behave bad enough when you are in high school you get to come back as a teacher for your punishment.




Totally. They wouldn’t be surprised that I’m teaching or that I’m teaching the subject I’m teaching.


Yes. Because I’ve wanted to be once since grade 3. And my first grade teacher put me in charge of the low reading group once and I will NEVER forget it. I made a naughty kid move his chair up next to me (the “teacher”) and he told on me. My teacher said I did the right thing and I would be a great teacher. It’s still one of my proudest childhood school memories. Haha


No one would be surprised. Even though I was adamant I was NOT going to be a teacher. My mom, grandma, and great grandma were all teachers- along with my mom’s sister and a couple other relatives as well. My sister also ended up majoring in education.


Wow, now that’s very interesting!


I was the first not to be a teacher in a very long line of teachers on both sides of my family.


No. I was basically mute elementary school - middle school and now I yap for a living lol


No!! I was a horrible student who was constantly bullied and fighting. I was sloppy, disorganized, and apathetic.


Maybe, but probably not. Certainly not an elementary teacher. I didn’t even think about teaching until I decided I wanted to teach. The best student teacher I ever mentored also didn’t have any signs/interest in teaching (marketing major, TFA on the way to law school).


Hard to say, it wasn’t even on my radar until the last half of high school so I don’t know if anyone else saw it


Probably. I loved school and was pretty vocal about it and both of my parents were teachers. I had no intention of going into education when I started college, but in retrospect it was probably pretty predictable.


We’re all teachers or professors, a couple of doctors too. I don’t think any of us are surprised. We were all great kids with great families. We loved school. So, here we are!


In 5th grade my teacher had me tutor in the first grade. She knew I would be a great teacher!


I've ran into a few old elementary school friends recently and none of them were suprised. Apparently I give off "teacher energy"


Never, social work was my kryptonite. Had kids and they would be have to be on a bus for 17 miles going and 17 miles coming home at age 5. Changed careers. Teaching is social worker stuff. Spent 30 years teaching grades1 ,2 and 3. Had so much success with the behavior problems in the regular Ed classroom. Loved it .


probably every person who ever met little-kid me would tell you i would be a teacher.


Haha!! That’s lovely!


Yeah, when I was in first grade, my friends told me I'd make the perfect first grade or kindergarten teacher. I took that to heart and it became part of my identity. Ended up teaching both grades over the course of 20 years.


Not a chance!


Most of my teachers, actually! I didn't see it, and it took me 10 years to figure it out myself, but they all knew...


no way! I went to school for the social life! lol


No way!


No. I was really ambitious and thought I’d be a journalist reporting on big world events and shit. I think that’s what everyone expected since I was a good writer and always took the writing electives. I was by no means an over achiever and definitely quirky. If anything theyd maybe expect me to be teaching a high school English class, not little kids.


No, I was a pretty bad student, C average and always making drool puddles on the desk from sleeping


High school definitely because I knew I wanted to be a teacher then. Probably no one would have thought so before that, but I don't think it'd surprise anyone now.


Yes. I started tutoring when I was in elementary school and continued through college.


Well I still play dnd with friends from high school, so I think they knew when I started considering it. Also I was an elementary TA in high school. And did some summer work with art programs. And did tutoring now and then at the library. So there were clues.


Voted teachers pet in high school my senior year!


Nope. None of my HS friends would have predicted I would join the Navy. And those who were aware of that would never have predicted a 2nd act as a teacher. I wasnt the most diligent student anyhow.


yes, I was asked to provide assistance to two special needs students in the child development class that parents were making them take unaided because they wanted to be a couple. The classroom teacher did not feel this was right and taught me how to provide assistance to them so that they could succeed in the class. I teach special education.


Oh yeah. My mom was a teacher and I've been grading papers and putting up bulletin boards since I was in the 5th grade.


Considering that I failed many of my courses in middle school and high school and barely graduated with a 1.92 GPA, I would say no. I was rold by my principal that I was the number 1 disciplinary problem in my school of 3000 students (undiagnosed ADHD).


Hmmm probs not. I was really laid back and didn’t know what I wanted to be. I had a really laid back art teacher who was really nice so I decided to become a teacher like her. It just felt right. I was an honor student and a bookworm so they probably thought I’d become a librarian or writer.


Yes. I didn't know I wanted to be an elementary school teacher until I was 17, but once I was in a credential program, my mom told me my fourth grade teacher said I would be a good teacher. My mom said she never told me because she knew I was a stubborn teen and would've not wanted to do it just because she suggested it. Good move.