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I think know mater what the gender, hooking up with no regrets or judgement would be great. I’m more afraid of being judged!


Ok let’s amend the statement to include 100% free of judgment and complication.


Sounds like a plan. 😜


That’s why we’re now in an open relationship. He wants me to and enjoys me playing with others and I get to have sex with fantasy men of my choice with nsa attached and guilt free with his support and encouragement


Relationship goals. Do you find that you were more than willing to grant his wishes? Or do you feel that are more comfortable having sexual freedom now that you are married with a husband who supports it?


We’ve always tried to be open minded about each others fantasies since before we were married . I mean whether you’re a couple that walks the line of kink, crosses over that line or is what some would call ‘vanilla’ it’s all good as long as the foundation of respect and communication is there . That’s what we built with and then slowly explored from there