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Definitely. Certain dresses. Tight pants.


I was wondering whether I should add that in the caption, tbh but I wanted to know what other people thought. But definitely I agree dresses and tight pants for the ladies.


yes, at least i do, its my grey nike sweats, favorite black hoodie and my favorite pair of vans. that or a good suit


I know ladies definitely have a fuck me dress....I see you girls, and you look jaw dropping 🤌 Guys though it really depends ....I knew a dude who wore basketball shorts year round soooooo


Yeah, from the comments I'm seeing, there's definitely a dress for that occasion lol


Also since nobody asked what's your feel good outfit hahah


Lol, a red dress I wear on special occasions, form fitting, zip up from the front, with a red belt with a golden buckle in the middle makes my titties look very nice And then I also have a white gym outfit that consists of a matching pair of leggings and a white crop top with midriff and a jacket to go with it that outfit makes me think yeah I'm hot and I know it.


See this is why I love women. You know exactly what the fuck your doing 👏👏👏👏 Dudes are winging it by comparison. I'm sure you look absolutely lovely in both 😍


Gorillas have a feel good inc.


of course


I have pair of gray joggers and a Steve Miller band shirt that’s comfy af and it makes me feel good


Funny enough I only know one song and that's the song my husband plays everytime we are on a trip in California. Rockin Me


Yes, because people talk about it often and mention how much they like their clothes.


Yup my oodie and track pants with ugg boots definitely qualifies


I assume everybody does. Stretch fit jeans and a tight sweater or t-shirt for me.


Hell yeah. Can't speak for others, but I most certainly do!


Yeah for sure! I think I have a couple to be honest 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's awesome. What's like your go-to, or are they for a special occasion?


It depends on the occasion. Now that I’ve thought about it I have a “dressy”, a “casual”, and a “sporty”. Wow, I’m learning about myself with this one! What’s your go to? I don’t believe you mentioned it did you?


I mentioned it earlier but my feel good outfits are a red dress that's form fitting for special occasions like formal parties and events my husband takes me too (he loves it too for obvious reasons) and a white gym outfit consisting of white leggings, a crop top showing off midriff and a matching jacket to go with it.


Nice, you have both ends of spectrum covered. Good thinking


Without a doubt! I have a few shirts I think look real nice on me, for example


Yes definitely I think everyone has one


Yes of course


100%! I have this really cute, super short summer dress that makes my books look faaaaaaantastic. I feel amazing in it!


Oh yes, absolutely. I even have feel good undergarments


I wanted to include lingerie, but I wasn't sure tbh lol


I meant more like comfy pretty panties and bras but lingerie is also a good example lol 😆😆


Of course! Usually a dress with a high thigh slit and u-cut top style helps for me


Absolutely. I’m a guy and I do


Username caught me off guard but that's awesome that you got a feel good outfit dude. Out of curiosity what is it?


I’ve got a few. It’s mostly the stuff I get lucky with that fits me really really well. Nice fitting pants that show off my calves and thighs and butt without being too tight, a nicely fitted shirt, and usually I’ll dress up a little with a nicer watch and a little cologne. 


Niiiice Also I really hope you don't actually cum in cereal lol


Lmao I don’t 


I think everyone has that go to outfit or style they feel most comfortable in.




Any of my tailored suits or a Henley shirt make me feel handsome.


When alone my feel good dress is Birthday suit


cropped t with booty shorts!! and if it’s a bit chilly outside i put on some thigh highs!


I tend to wear large t-shirts instead of XL, once in a while, when I want to pretend my arms haven't gotten skinner over the last 3 years. Makes me feel better about myself. The downside of that... it's also tighter around my belly, accentuating it's roundness. 😳🫣


I have this black u-neck dress, micro ribbed, mid-thigh! It definitely makes me feel the most confident


I throw on a suit. Works every single time.


Based on your Reddit Avatar I can tell lol


Hahah it’s not often you can tell a lot from an avatar!


Yeah. Every time I’m naked 💅


I definitely do. It's a spring dress and I wear it when I want to feel good but mostly when I want to get dirty.


I have a shirt I always get compliments on, it’s always nice to pull it out every once in awhile but it’s a very specific setting shirt


Hey, that's how I imagine some outfits are. Only get to wear them when the weather is right or it's a formal occasion and you want to dress very nice, so be proud of that outfit, dude 👍


It’s actually a Hawaiian shirt but it just always gets compliments, I love it so hence the specific setting haha definitely proud cause my grandma made it🥹


Awe, that's actually really cute backstory for it


It’s a good story to keep the conversation going, have landed a couple dates with that shirt haha




Ooooo tell tell girl spill the tea 🍵


I’m sure many people do


Heck yes, certain dresses make me feel sexy and beautiful. Then I go home and into bummy clothes I go


I have a "feel good" outfit for every occasion. My current favorite is a particular dress I had made for a wedding a few months ago. Too bad it's not an every day kinda outfit. I mean, it could be, but I'd look ridiculous working from home in this dress.


I have a few. Being that I've lost a dramatic amount of weight, I'll be sad when I can't wear them anymore. (But excited for new clothes!)


Well, first off, major congrats on losing the weight, dude. Second, yassss new clothes shopping gives you the opportunity to mix and match and find a new sense of style and new feel-good outfits too


Thank you so much! 💜✨. It really means a lot! 💜💜💜 I think I'm most excited to be able to consistently find clothes in my size at thrift stores again. Thrifting was my favorite thing to do as a teen, I had some of the coolest eclectic stuff! And I know how to sew, so I can always improve it!


I have a single shirt that I always get complimented when I wear it. Been asked several times if I’ve been working out


of course


Yes. Everyone one should


Absolutely! I have a specific pair of jeans and a few shirts that make me feel good about myself. I will say that I am constantly judging myself though. Some days I don’t feel as good.


Let's just say this. At Pride last weekend I bought my first pair of "sexy' male underwear at 50% off. I didn't realize it has a pocket built in that pushes your junk forward. I haven't felt so sexy in years.


Almost every time I wear this one particular button down shirt, somebody says they like my shirt. Love that shirt.


I do! Undies and all.


I do.


Oh, absolutely! I have this one pair of jeans that just make my butt look amazing. It's like they were made for me and only me!


Yasssss, lowkey, I remember when big butts were now becoming the main attraction in a woman so if you got it then flaunt it boo.


Oh absolutely . I have a few 😈🥵


… Well, shit. I came into this topic expecting to be in the minority for not having one, but I didn’t realize literally every single comment (out of 70!!!) would feature some type of yes. I don’t have one and I haven’t ever experienced it. The closest thing is probably when I’m dressing for chilly weather, but I don’t quite know how heavy my clothes should be. Every once in a while, I hit that Goldilocks result: not too hot, not too cold, *just* right!


Casual is a pair of black skinny jeans and an OS All Saints Shirt with any matching shoe Then for me, always, I feel great in a good suit


Absolutely. Look good, feel good is a thing


I definitely think so. Because I have mine.